We don’t like this rework for Sadako…

Good Morning or Evening or etc.
So, me and a lot of rest sadako mains… Very much dislike this rework. And I’m here to maybe get attention to get sadako back to her normal self once more…
We hate this rework. I’m just going straight to the point. Why is Sadako required to have a cooldown? Why? We loved her ability to use her mobility freely. Also, it looked like y’all tried to fix slugging, but it didn’t work… Slugging is even STRONGER for her. Hooks are worthless. Absolutely worthless
With this rework, Iridescent tape honestly feels necessary… Why was Reiko’s watch nerfed? We never ask for this… NEVER, the only add-on that needed tweaking was RING DRAWING! To be honest, I liked some ideas. But the execution was horrible to be honest. Good ideas that weren’t executed well…
I beg… Please honestly take this to consideration. Because this honestly will decide if you actually do listen to the community or not to us Sadako mains… Or well, the community in general. Do you really care? A bunch of people posted things in the forums about Sadako. And it honestly felt like we got the billy treatment and got COMPLETELY IGNORED!!!
Only time will tell for this one… till next time -Steve
Well said.
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Yep, devs completely neglected the most important parts of the feedback from the people who actually loves and plays her.
This is a sad day for what used to be my favorite thing about this game. Sadako now has zero skill expression. She will absolutely demolish newer players and struggle even more in chase. One of the worst changes in dbd history, no doubt.
RIP Sadako <3
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Also to add onto to this. We’re going to be required to run a Iridescent tape meta to make her feel “normal” again. What is this crap!
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Please revert the changes!!!
Last chance!!!
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Im so sad right now.
We did so much work on the feedback.
All for nothing.
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Peanits quote:
"Something else that we need to consider are the players who already enjoy these Killers the way they are." "While they might not be the strongest in high end matches, there is still a large crowd who enjoy them as is. That raises the question, is it worth reworking a Killer that many people already love to play just to make the people who don't play them happy?"
BHVR 's response is obviously: "Yes"
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Yep. Perfectly said Jhei!
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Really disappointing that absolutely none of the vital feedback actual Sadako players gave BHVR about the PTB was taken into account for this “rework.” The rework removes so much of what we all loved about her kit. Smooth teleportation, using teleports for tracking, using flickering mindgames in chase, all of these things are dead now. And even worse is that it’s harder to understand how to play her, and it doesn’t make any sense thematically with her source material. The live version of Sadako isn’t the strongest, but we like her. You’ve gone too far and have alienated the players who love her.
And you didn’t even fix the condemned slugging everyone hates so much… why would you ever hook someone if tapes are destroyed on hit? The hooks spread condemn was the ONLY thing we universally liked about the rework.
Please reconsider this rework. I know that a lot of work and effort was put into it, and it would feel bad to just delete that effort, but nobody is happy with the changes. I will probably no longer play Sadako. What I loved about her is gone, and her skill expression is non-existent. Global condemn is the problem with the rework; you’re trying to balance around that mechanic, but it just doesn’t work. You’re not just making her more confusing for new players (you get 3/4 of a stack per teleport? Huh?), you’re nerfing her across the board and alienating her current players.
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There is no reason to demanifest besides to teleport now, considering you can't use it to mindgame, there's no bloodlust and no window blocking. You don't move faster or anything, you still have a lullaby, and people are encouraged to drop every pallet on the map because you can't be stunned and have to be manifested to actually chase, but you have to break pallets or they have infinites. There's literally no point to demanifestation anymore.
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Perfectly said. Yeah live sadako if fun. And when we play her. We feel like we’re actually sadako. All of our efforts deleted. I actually can’t believe it…
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Extremely disappointed. I think everyone on both sides are really upset about these changes. Wrong direction to go.
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I'm a fan of this rework overall, to be honest. Condemned actually feels like a mechanic worth worrying about now, and Sadako players with good map awareness will be able to get kills with it more consistently. You can't just completely ignore it. It might be a bit easier to actually put the tapes back when you grab one, but you'll need to do it more often AND getting caught with a Tape is potentially lethal.
The post-PTB tweaks are even better, the cooldown reduction is great, 15 seconds felt a bit clunky so I can imagine 10 will be alright. TVs not being disabled for ages when you TP to them is amazing too.
The only thing I agree with is some of the addon changes, Reiko's Watch getting nerfed seems really unnecessary.
Apart from some of the addons, I really don't get the negative feedback towards the rework. The tweaks solved a lot of the big issues with it.
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The changes going through when everybody reported negatively on them in the PTB forums is genuinely puzzling. I do understand it would feel bad to suddenly scrap all the effort that went into the rework, but something as hated and honestly unhealthy for the game shouldn't get in. I think these changes are going to Freddy-fy her - make her a weak, boring character, completely inaccurate to the movie version, that stomps new lobbies and gets stomped by everybody else. A really sad update
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What? This rework is nothing like the scale of Freddy's was. Freddy essentially got a new power entirely.
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I compared her to the Freddy change because the power feels more boring (demanifest mindgames discouraged, mindless global Condemn teleports) and inaccurate and different to the movie version (having Cursed Tapes now shields you from teleport condemn while they're the one thing that curses you in the movie, and also now she can condemn people who don't interact with her and her tapes at all)
I never mentioned the scale of the rework for this comparison, just the fun and the accuracy to the source material
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This. A lot of people dislike the rework because of this! Also, the reason why we hate it so much is her mobility is kind of just butchered. Same with Hit and run. Some add-ons literally feel required to run! It’s honestly ridiculous…
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Yes, these change completely remove all the aspects of what made Onryo a fun and unique killer that stood out from the rest of the killer roster. Playing the PTB as Onryo was simply not fun and I only did it so I could provide as much objective feedback to the devs and BHVR as possible in the hope that they would address these core issues. Unfortunately that effort seems to have been wasted.
"Global condemn is the problem with the rework; you're trying to balance around that mechanic, but it just doesn't work."
100% this. Because they are keeping in the gobal condemn on Projection, all these changes that no one wants have to stay it; for example, the 10 second cooldown on teleporting, or the way tapes work now and why they have to be easy to remove. They need to just remove the global condemn and the affiliated changes and start over.
Also as EvilTwin mentioned above. "Sadako now has zero skill expression. She will absolutely demolish newer players and struggle even more in chase." Her changes make her simply less interesting and sometime boring to play compared to how Onryo used to be. The PTB changes also make her much harder against new players while at the same time making it even harder for Onryo to go against skilled players. This is a horrible balancing decision that will only hurt Onryo and the games killer roster diversity.
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I wouldn't personally say she's more boring. Demanifest mindgames are basically the same, considering that most of them involve immediately remanifesting.
The whole "mindless global teleports" thing is why Tapes now protect you from teleport Condemned, if she starts repeatedly teleporting then Survivors can pick up Tapes as a counterplay to it.
Having a Cursed Tape puts you at risk for getting a massive chunk of Condemned, as well as having to get a new one (which gives even more Condemned). While it shields you from the teleport Condemned, there's a big downside to getting caught with a Tape now. They can give the most Condemned out of any part of her power, so your criticism doesn't really make sense imo.
Also she could always Condemn people who never interacted with her Tapes, you literally just had to be near a TV. In fact, you'd hardly end up interacting with a Tape at all during the course of a game, maybe like once or twice per match unless she had MYC or something.
The rework encourages interacting with her power a lot more, which I think will make her a lot more interesting overall.
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No. Mindgames with her are not the same. Survivors can literally hold W and spam strong windows vaults. There is kind of like 0 reason to do mindgames. It’s going to be a boring PWYF sadako meta! Also that “risk” is almost gone immediately since you can put the tape into any Tv
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Yes! Thank you for understanding all of this! Yes yes yes! We need more people like you who actually understand this!!!
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I will say that I'm very glad to see that they changed the cooldown on projection (though 10 seconds is still too much) and lowered the cooldowns for TVs (SUPER happy about these durations).
Not really happy about anything else though. 2 stacks per hit with no hook incentive is crazy. I'm just going to slug anyone who has a tape now. Would have much preferred that they listen to the feedback we gave on the PTB instead of incentivizing slugging even more when most of the feedback indicated that moving away from this sort of thing would have been well-received.
The fact that her chase is absolutely atrocious now doesn't really help her move away from slugging either, since she's now incentivized to really pressure what downs she is able to get. The PTB-version of her makes it so that demanifest mindgames are dead and Reiko's Watch is dead, so she's going to be slug all the way to the Major League.
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Spamming strong vaults is going to be pretty situational. Against Wraith it's only really useful for forcing him to decloak to vault a strong window. I think it's worth it in exchange for her stealth being better.
I don't see how holding W is the rework's fault either, that's always been a thing you can do lol.
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I don't really see how it encourages slugging considering the Tape gets destroyed on hit. There's not really any advantage to slugging when you down someone with a Tape. The only thing it will really encourage is hit and running healthy Survivors with a Tape.
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Not really. It isn’t situational… jus go to a shack and spam vaults. Or loop shack whilst she is demanifested…
Also what I mean about holding W is that it’s even stronger now since he can’t have entity blockers to help her…
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Wraith has a speedboost after cloak that makes that not a big issue, sadako does not, there is not a reason to not spam good vaults against her, do if she tries to mindgame you as a survivor have the upper hand as long as there is a window thats not incredibly unsafe.
And what stealth are you on about she literally has a lullaby that warns you she is near, better stealth where? I know if she leaves me or keeps chasing me stealthy the visual TR will tell me that info, so that "buff" to stealth id non existant.
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If someone's spam vaulting a window they're not making any distance, I don't see how you can hold W AND take advantage of the lack of entity blockers, they're quite mutually exclusive.
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I mean the speedboost is generally irrelevant if a Survivor is spamming vaults in your face. Why would you spam vaults from far away?
And yeah the lullaby is still a thing but it's a lot less obvious than "DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN" playing the second she gets within 12m of you.
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What do you mean? If you down them that's 2 hits = 4 stacks. If you teleported just twice before they got the tape that's 5 stacks. All you have to do is slug them and hit them once for the condemn mori. You don't get to do that if you hook them and destroy the tape. I strongly recommend against ever hooking with this new version.
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The Tape immediately gets destroyed on the first hit. They only get 2 stacks.
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Oh, that's right, sorry.
So all you need to do then is (assuming you get 20 seconds out of chase before or after the down) teleport twice before and twice after for 4 stacks+2 from chase = 6, then they're still just 1 stack away. It does require another set of teleports but you still have pretty much no reason to hook them and would actually lose pressure doing so.
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This. Right here. Perfect!
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How do you figure that hooks are worthless now after the new update they released today?
They removed the thing where you could down a survivor holding a tape and repeatedly condemn them every time they get picked up. They most likely still will nerf the Well Drawing so that it doesn't give condemned on healing someone from dying.
I can't think of a good reason not to hook survivors on Sadako now.
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I'm going to still play her if only not to provide their stat charts with accurate information, but I'm not going to enjoy Sadako as much.
This coming from a chase-heavy Sadako main, no condemned slugging.
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Because hooking breaks tape. And you want to hit survivors with tapes to get more condemn. So you’re gonna have to heavy slug. And I asked other sadako mains and they agreed.
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i love that! That’s why I made this. Get attention to this rework majority of actual sadako mains don’t like. And maybe make BHVR consider undo it. It might not happen. But I’m trying!
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What stings the most is that chase Sadako isn’t worth doing anymore. They removed a fun strategy that was already pretty weak by nerfing Reiko’s Watch and dropping chase when demanifested. Just a failure all around.
I might make my own post about why global condemn is the wrong way to take the character.
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i don’t think i want to main her anymore like seriously she just feels like they sucked out all the things that made her fun to play. she’s more balanced and this is great but was it really worth butchering what made her interesting to play? she feels a lot less strategic and it feels like a lot of the control you had has been taken away. (and no im not talking about condemned builds im glad they’re gone) now the only reason i would play her now is because of her visuals and audio. so many bizarre and just questionable changes. anyways i cant wait for the next sadako changes in 2025! im so hyped!!
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How is it worth worrying about? Grab a tape and you're immune to her teleportation Condemns. So you get 2 stacks the first time she hits you, that's nothing when you think about the number of stacks having the tape prevented in the meantime.
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My current pre-patch build is Iri Tape+VCR and Deadmans/Jolt/Gearhead with the fourth perk filling whatever niche I felt like (mostly fearmonger and blood echo to counter MFT now) with the idea survivors needed to hold tapes or else risk Deadman's activating if they think I teleported near them after a hook.
I think most can see why that build won't work anymore. That said, I'm still going to find some way to make a fun build but it's going to be extremely difficult to do without running more than one or two meta perks just to keep up in chase now. Weird that Iri Tape is still going to be a go-to just for buying time.
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No, downing the survivor breaks the tape now.
The new patch notes say that if you down a survivor holding a tape, they get 2 stacks of condemned and the tape breaks.
Since the tape breaks when they get downed, there's no reason not to hook them now.
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Not downing them, just hitting them.
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You got ignored by BHVR Kappa
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I'd also like to raise another point: Most killers will soon have a better stealth potential than Sadako when Trail of Torment's buff goes live. I've already cooked up combinations with using blindness perks/addons in the PTB with it and patrolling my effected gen. Anyone without a lullaby will be able to out-stealth Sadako more efficiently with it, which is kinda messed up.
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Chief I wish I was on BHVR's bankroll to post on the forums, that'd be great.
I don't "only post to defend BHVR" either. There is a lot I have to criticise them for. I just don't think this rework is that bad, honestly. It might need a couple of tweaks in the future but people are acting like the character is completely ruined, which I don't think is true.
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Being immune to condemned from teleports because you have a tape is dumb.
The new "downside" to holding a tape isn't much of a downside at all.
If the person playing Sadako teleports just 3 times before finding you and hitting you with a tape, you're still at less condemned than if you had not had one.
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Teleporting gives 3/4ths of a stack.
If they have a tape, they are immune to condemned from teleports.
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It depends on your perspective of Sadako as a killer.
Sadako cultivated a following of players who enjoyed her for her unusual playstyle of being more about strategy and macro play, since she's so awful in chase. People who viewed condemned kills as her true win condition and what set her apart from other killers, particularly Dredge and Freddy.
This new version makes playing her like that much much harder to do. Condemned has become little more than a weak passive slowdown, something akin to Pig's beartraps. This was likely BHVR's intention for her all along.
The problem is that Sadako is god awful in chase. Like really, really bad. In contention for one of the worst chase killers in the entire game. The rework did nothing to fix that, it just gave her a useless gimmick of being immune to pallet stuns while demanifested, but survivors have no reason to drop pallets while you're demanifested.
Even compared to other M1 killers she's bad. Freddy's snares are legitimately better than anything Sadako can do, and that's just sad. Her condemned slowdown is not good enough to make up for how bad she is at chasing.
She also has a lullaby for some reason. If they removed the lullaby she would actually be a pretty solid hit-and-run ambush killer. However I do think that for the majority of the survivor playerbase, Sadako would be very difficult to deal with if not for the lullaby. She'd be almost like a better version of Wraith, since demanifesting doesn't slow her down at all.
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Sometimes it's absolutely worth it - after all, there's 5 people in a Sadako match, and only one of them is playing Sadako. The condemned play-style is undoubtedly exhausting to play against and needed to go.
That said, this all sucks really bad. Genuinely think if they just got rid of the whole "tape goes in any TV" thing we'd actually be sort of ok.
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"Survivor who are hit while carrying a tape will now gain 2 stacks of condemn." It is no longer down. it is hit.
it is not that simple. if you don't hook people, then you risk having to down people more times then 3 times because you all-in on condemn killing the survivor. hooking now is more of a safety net. hooking means they will die in 3 hooks. slugging means that you are all-in on condemn killing them and if it fails, then you get no kills.
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Yeah someone corrected me on that already, my mistake. But the point is that there is no reason not to hook someone now.
The fact it's destroyed on a hit makes that even more true. If it were destroyed on a down, then an argument could be made that not hooking them is still a good idea because of Off The Record. But since it's on a hit... yeah I really can't think of any reason not to hook a survivor given the opportunity.