The Onryō has been ruined

Edit 3: N.b. this thread is outdated and not reflective of my current game views.
Myself and many Onryō players out there wrote, at length, the issues with her rework that was showcased on the Nicolas Cage PTB.
I -- as I'm sure a lot of others are -- am absolutely devastated to see that in today's Developer Update none of the major concerns about the rework have been addressed.
I'm not going to write out my in-depth thoughts again as I did in my PTB feedback thread because frankly it feels like wasted effort. I would link you to my PTB feedback thread if you're not familiar with my views but unfortunately that section of the forums vanished after the PTB ended.
I hated playing her on the PTB. She felt slow, clunky, and too at the mercy of the survivors' actions. Nothing in the Developer Update rectifies this. Sorry this isn't very constructive, but I'm incredibly, incredibly disappointed by this.
Edit: Rephrasing.
Edit 2: Why has this been moved to the MYM forum? What is going on?
"I hated playing her on the PTB. She felt slow, clunky, and too at the mercy of the survivors' actions. Nothing in the Developer Update rectifies this."
They reduced the overall TP cooldown and the time Survivors can disable TVs for, alongside reducing the cooldown for TPing to your own TVs MASSIVELY.
Also how are the tweaks a nerf to Cursed Tapes? Getting +2 Stacks AND having to pick up another Tape to get more Condemned if you're hit is a massive buff.
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Yup cant forget them gutting hag and making her power the most laughably counterable thing in the game lol. And they're sticking with the concept of "ONLY PLAY KILLERS HOW WE WANT YOU TO PLAY THEM!!!!" by gutting all of her add ons that encouraged any play style beyond basekit lmao no more chase mind games or even condemned pressure just...blindness lol
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Being hooked while carrying a tape will no longer inflict other Survivors with Condemned. The tape will still be destroyed.
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Yeah, and the buff that came with it pretty signficantly outweighs that.
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I still play Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Spirit, Nurse. I have suffered many many nerfs and I usually walk away feeling they made sense for the era they were made in. Maybe not initially but they are still heavily in my rotation because they are actually favorites of mine.
Onryo is probably going through the same thing now. And I would not say she is being changed ‘for some reason.’
I did not enjoy her pre-mid patch as there was a lot of cheese built into her strongest playstyles. The most popular Onryo player played with the same two add ons and slugged survivors out as a strategy encouraged by the game/addons.
I would have a hard time empathizing with players defending that. The rework makes a ton of sense in that it no longer isolates single survivors and provides map wide pressure. Survivors would often play whole matches without ever having to touch a tape. It breaks killer players dependency on a handful of addons.
On a few fronts this rework makes sense.
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No it doesn't.
Two stacks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention that it's unrealistic to go around and hit a survivor every time they pick up a Tape to even get the stacks in the first place.
Before, Tapes would apply Condemnation passively. It was guaranteed slowdown if survivors picked up a Tape. Now, it's only going to hinder survivors if you're nearby to hit them. If they can see you're across the map chasing, hooking etc. then they know that they're safe to pick up a Tape.
Also survivors can deposit their Tapes in any TV. It's so easy to remove Condemnation now that it's laughable.
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Do you think this being still a thing even with the 2 condemned stacks on hit would be the sweet spot? I wanna know what you think.
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I did not enjoy her pre-mid patch
Then this thread isn't directed to you.
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It's not just two stacks, there's a lot more potential than that.
It's the 1 stack you get from picking up the Tape, combined with the 2 stacks you get from hitting them. The Tape then gets destroyed, which means they have to get another one, which is another Stack and potentially two extra stacks if you hit them again. You can kind of snowball a Survivor's Condemned now, which is huge.
While they don't provide passive condemned anymore, getting caught with a Tape will end up being really dangerous, so I think people will want to get rid of them quickly.
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No. You can see my thoughts on what changes she should've got here:
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You can kind of snowball a Survivor's Condemned now
Only if the survivors let you. Any decent survivors are not going to let this happen.
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Only if the survivors let you.
So the decent Survivors are going to drop off their tapes ASAP, which will still provide a good amount of slowdown. While it may be easier to drop off the Tapes, Survivors are going to be doing it more often due to Condemned being applied more frequently.
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The mapwide lullaby sounds really cool. With the changes I have seen regarding the fact you need to hit a survivor within 6 seconds of projecting to gain a stack, do you think the current television cooldowns would be too short? I like that there's more room for traversal.
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How do you imagine they'll stop it? They'll have to pick up a tape at some point because Condemned is guaranteed. If they pick up a tape, they are at risk of their Condemned being snowballed.
The only thing they could do is routinely take and cleanse tapes between other actions while Sadako is obviously doing something else, but that itself gives some pretty consistent slowdown that adds up over the course of a match.
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If they pick up a tape, they are at risk of their Condemned being snowballed
Not really. If they're injured and holding a Tape they can just hop in a locker and force the killer to interrupt them rather than hit them.
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You don't get stacks for picking up tapes.
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I mean, sure, but I feel like getting a hook out of them supposedly denying you value from your power is... not exactly a downside.
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Honestly. If i could. I would deliberately 3 gen myself so my team could pick tvs and switch tapes on one side of the map to prevent her from fully condemning us. She doesnt have the best 3 gen potential anyways as a simple m1 killer.
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You don't passively gain Condemnation anymore while holding a Tape but you do still gain +1 stack for retrieving the Tape in the first place.Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on0 -
That's an oversight that should be fixed, honestly. (At least I hope it's an oversight lol)
You immediately get 1 Stack when picking up a Tape.
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Weak stance. I attempted to give you some feedback. Guess OP is suffering and can’t think. So distraught.
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No one plays Sadako tho, everyone complained about her being trapper tier, people use her for the "slug fest" build... and now suddenly you all miss old sadako ? relax let's see how it goes on live server
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EXACTLY! All these people who don't even play her trying to chime in on how games as her go its so weird
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Uhhhhhhh, I don't think this is the right feedback section.
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I definitely didn't put it in here so I have no idea what is going on.
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Mods probably tried to move it to DBD's Feedback section but accidentally picked the wrong forum.
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No. On the PTB you no longer got a stack for taking a tape. And nothing in the DEV notes suggested they are changing this.
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Huh, that's really weird if that's the case. It's not in the Patch Notes or Dev Update or anything. They should bring that back if it was intentionally removed.
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The notes didn't mention anything about all the add-on nerfs either. It's definitely an intentional change. It's probably because they think that because people will need to take tapes more often, it'd be too powerful if they got a stack each time.
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I was under the impression that was a bug on the PTB because it wasn't mentioned in the original Developer Update.
If this is an intentional feature then that's even worse.
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This new Sector sounds weird.
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Yeah sorry about this. I have no idea what happened. It was in the Dead by Daylight forums one minute and then it just turned up here...