The Onryō has been ruined

OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280
edited January 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Edit 3: N.b. this thread is outdated and not reflective of my current game views.

Myself and many Onryō players out there wrote, at length, the issues with her rework that was showcased on the Nicolas Cage PTB.

I -- as I'm sure a lot of others are -- am absolutely devastated to see that in today's Developer Update none of the major concerns about the rework have been addressed.

I'm not going to write out my in-depth thoughts again as I did in my PTB feedback thread because frankly it feels like wasted effort. I would link you to my PTB feedback thread if you're not familiar with my views but unfortunately that section of the forums vanished after the PTB ended.

I hated playing her on the PTB. She felt slow, clunky, and too at the mercy of the survivors' actions. Nothing in the Developer Update rectifies this. Sorry this isn't very constructive, but I'm incredibly, incredibly disappointed by this.

Edit: Rephrasing.

Edit 2: Why has this been moved to the MYM forum? What is going on?

Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on
