Unaliving on first hook should be bannable
Rather than make it bannable just remove it.
- Make it so you can't attempt to Kobe if it would put you into struggle phase and remove the struggle skill checks (or just the miss 2 skill checks to die part).
- Make DCing similar to Overwatch where you can rejoin and don't get the penalty until a set time and after that time everyone else who DCs doesn't get the penalty. And cancel the game if someone DCs within the first minute.
- Rework Skull Merchant and make holding games hostage more punishable/less possible.
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Adepts usually in my case... please don't make those even more painful 😅
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Perhaps not bannable. I do agree with OP on the whole. But it's impossible to tell apart hook suicides with genuine attempts to either kobe when you won't get unhooked or dies to let last surv get hatch.
Remove the progress loss for kobe attempts and decrease the base self unhook chance to like 0.5%. It does 2 things, it prevents the soft DCing which let's be honest make up like 90% of hook suicides, and makes self unhook build a viable build to run instead of a 10 IQ stupid suicide gamble. And perhaps allow hook suicides if there is only 1 other survivor left so ppl aren't forced to hide longer to get hatch.
It's such a win win. Plus it makes facecamping less effective which would make life a bit better for survs in solo q.
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People will do it once. And learn pretty quickly that it's a dumb idea. Even the loading screen tips tell you it's a last resort
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Sandbagging, AFKing and working with killer would simply lead to them being banned, so no loss there
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You have played dbd right? Every match is ranked and if you do badly you'll lose pips. Personally idgaf about rank anymore but a lot of players do.
Someone who ragequits early, totally throws the game, and survivors will 95% of the time lose. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a player to at least play the game they loaded into. If they didn't want to play, they shouldn't have loaded up in the first place. It's why DC band are a thing in the first place. In a 4 v 1 a single surv makes a hug difference. If they want to ruin other players experiences then perhaps they should play killer instead.
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Even if the devs just completely removed hookicides, players would just find another way to get out of a game. You can't force someone to play a game. If they want to get out without a penalty, they'll find a way. For example, if hookicides were removed or a reportable offense, players would likely just throw themselves at the killer.
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That's not how RNG works.
You have 4% chance to unhook yourself,and 3 tries.
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He rounded... The probability of at least 1 success after 3 attempts at 4% per attempt is 11.5265%
1 - (1 - 0.04)^3 = 0.115264
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It just not possible to hold players in game if they don't wanna play?
They will run to killer. They will sneak around and not do gens. They will drop every pallet in map.
Sometimes letting people leave is better.
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You can't round RNG.
The 4% of 3 chances is 4% that you try 3 times.
If you have a 10% drop chance of an item killing an NPC,that doesn't mean you get an item at the 10th try.
RNG isn't calculations,it's RNG...
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You can still calculate probability. For your example of a 10% chance 10 times for example...
65.13215599% is the probability. You don't multiply 10 times 10 to get 100%
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No matter what the devs do, they cant just force someone to play out a game. Especially when Skull Merchant and Wesker exist.
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Just give people 3 attempts to self unhook but don't have it deplete the meter or just outright remove self unhook attempts without the use of perks. Either way it ties into the luck mechanic so both should be looked at again at some point.
Realistically though - If people aren't suiciding on hook they're just going to run to the killer or afk and purposely let the killer double hook them or even just hold shift while slugged.
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It can be annoying but if someone doesn't want to play a match, forcing them to stay in it isn't going to work and I think it could harm the game long term.
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if you remove hook kobes, they will need to rework luck perks and slipperymeat. Also if someone really doesnt want to play they will just afk so it seems counterintuitive to remove them
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I had many MANY games that I freed myself and escape
Or when everybody escaped because 1 person managed to do it
Its part of the gameplay and it's exciting
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Some people live for a game
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Yes, and 4% chance over three tries is ~11.5%. That's exactly why I said what I said.
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I only try my 4% when I see the auras of my team are not even trying to get closer to me to unhook me before I reach 2nd phase or if it’s a wraith because it was already hard to play against him before SC got gutted and it’s impossible now.
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Definitely think luck offerings and related perks should be reworked anyway
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Wrong. Pip means nothing and has meant nothing for a while now (since patch 5.2). Ur rank only reflects how much BP you’ll get on the 13th every month. So ur wrong
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Had players try to kobe, when i came running from the other end of the map, in an attempt to unhook themselves right before i reached them. That isn´t a nice move towards the person that wants to help. Sometimes i even wait, let them finish their kobe attempts and watch how they fail + enter struggle phase.
The least i could do.
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Question: what exactly is the goal? Do you think any of the players you keep in a match that way will have any kind of positive impact on the other players' match experience? Seriously, what's the point?
Where's the difference between someone trying to 4% and someone not being able to do that and tabbing out? (Or, if they then add auto-penalties for afk-ing, from just tabbing a gen and failing every single skill check? Or just running into the killer all the time?)
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It's something ppl want to earn. And tbh the BP is a more tangible reward than most ranked modes. Players grind out pips in dbd like ranks in overwatch or whatever gamr.
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Honest question.
Would you continue to play, if you´d encounter someone who suicides on the first hook, every single match you play? Turning every match into a 3vs1 at 4-5 gens?
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It doesnt matter. It simply is not competitive. The devs even change the name “Ranks” to “Grades” (in patch 5.2) to precisely avoid the sort of confusion u are in rn.
btw OW is a hero shooter, and DBD is an assym. They hardly can be compared.
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Improve survivor experience and it won't be a issue at all. Encourage survivor to not hooksuicide. Current dbd favors killers too much at expense of soloq experience
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It's not every match. It wasn't even like that before the DC bans.
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Semantics. Point is ppl shouldn't be ragequitting like toddlers having a tantrumn. Messes up the game experience for everyone else killer and survivor.
That's why we have DC penalties, and why we ahould have some way to prevent/punish ppl who work around it by deliberately dying on hook. Games are supposed to be played not given up at the first slight inconvenience.
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But what, IF it was every single match?
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it would be really tedious to have to afk and wait for the killer to pay attention to you and kill you and if they're run at the killer the killer can choose to slug them all this will make most players rather actually play the game cuz it'll actually end faster in a lot of cases than trying to do this at every little inconvenience like entitled Survivors do.
removing hook kobes will definitely help with giving up situations but it's not perfect cuz then you remember things exist in the game that no one wants to play against like skull merchant or condemned sadako slugging you over and over or it's a losing match or teammates not doing anything these things make me hesitant to accept the removal of the mecanic.
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Stepping in with a reminder to keep the discussion civil, please, and remember the admission or endorsement of Unsportsmanlike Conduct (i.e. DCing) is against the rules. Thank you.
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I'll go as far as saying that DBD shouldn't have DC penalty if the game isn't in a ranked mode.
DBD should make a ranked mode and then add DC penalty there and remove it on casual playing.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
then people would go afk or point the hook and spam loud action until killer hooks them again. hook suicide is part of the game and it should stay.
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It’s really hard to prove that someone intentional sandbags and sometimes that they’re working with the killer, though. A teammate could fail skill checks on a gen but how do you know they’re sandbagging vs distracted? You don’t. The devs don’t really punish sandbagging unless it’s extremely obvious—and even then, it’s super rare to see accountability. I understand why, though. A lot of players suck at the game. They might unintentionally sabotage and to punish them for that would really drive them away from the game. Making the game too oppressive for average/casual players would kill it, a la the dev’s other game, Death Garden.
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It’s not a binding contract lol, no one’s forced to play the game
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which is why there is a disconnect button.
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I'm thinking more of afk ing, either way there's no excuse for players to be quitting out of games 30 seconds in. Sandbagging is in all honesty pretty rare and I doubt you'd see that many players doing it if devs removed the ability to kill oneself on hook.
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I empathize. There are always people who will act in their interest at the consequence of others. There are always people who feel that the system has done them harm and nothing is owed to it.
Not the best solution available, but I think the current answer is the community cup. Closest thing to "ranked" matches. There regs make the game a lot more balanced and help mitigate the savage rng we find in regular play. A lot of the rifts in the player base stem from groups approaching the game from different levels of intensity. I say, let those throwing a temper tantrum play in a typical soloq match. If you take the game more seriously, start making a team, play with them and other teams, and I feel confident, you will spend more time dealing with like minded gamers.
Not trying to be too preachy. Hope this approach may ease some suffering
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No, I don't want to stay in a match I'm not enjoying.
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The thing is, with the new BOTs in place, a player who regequit DCs or whatever is hurting their team less then as if they hook suicide. A player who DCs will be replaced by a bot, who at least tries to do gens and is unmindgameable, a player who hook-suicides just turns the game into a 3va and a definite loss.
But as a killer main I am still a bit salty that I get no easy cop out and just have to stare at a wall when the survivors are all bullies :)
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No worries. I'll tell the devs to give Adepts for 3ks from now on. Win - Win
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Ive been against playing SWF for a long time, but now Im seeing a really good pull for it. Players like @dy86 are really plentiful in soloQ. Bots have been interesting, and can still make a difference. But not when they are completely circumvented.
@EQWashu , Im curious if this circumvention is considered part of your 'DCing' endorsement/admission. Literally right here in fine print. We're so curious!
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Sensory Overload when playing against The Doctor (especially when he is using that Iridescent Queen addon.) Of course, as you are even asking, I'm wasting my time giving that as an answer because someone who does not experience the pain of sensory overload cannot comprehend what it's like.
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Why would you force yourself to play a game if you have a disability that physically prevents you from being able to do so?
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The Doctor is a single killer out of.. like what 32 now?
That's like asking why someone with coulrophobia would ever consider playing Dead by Daylight. You don't run into The Clown that often, but if someone has Coulrophobia, they might need to quit that match, and whatever way they decide to do so should be respected.
Or there are those that just can't handle vomit. When they see the killer is Plague, they have to leave. Again, she's a single killer out of many.
What it boils down to is, everyone has a reason for not wanting to play against certain killers, and the legitimacy of our reasons or our choice to play the game the rest of the time is our choice not yours.
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A little empathy can go a long way :) Just because of one killer is a problem for someone with sensory overload doesn't mean they should skip the whole game, they aren't forcing themselves, they just have to avoid one killer.
Plenty of folks avoid the Plague because if they hear vomiting it will induce it on them.
Also idk if I posted this already but sometimes people want to leave due to cheaters, or kiting a killer for 5 minutes to see zero generators done, I've had people say "welp, my teammates are doing nothing that whole time, I'm not down for this" so they leave on hook.
There are many reasons people leave, these are just some, and justifiable.
As for me I do my best and when I'm out I'm out! Onto next, no big deal. It's just a game. Also doesn't bother me if someone leaves via hook, I don't take this game that seriously, there will be more matches.
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I'd make the argument that we currently only have ranked queue. MMR affecting matchmaking and no option to turn it off means every match is ranked, and there is no casual gamemode. Not saying it is good or bad, just that that is what we currently have. When I come across baby Survs/memelords I have to kill them otherwise I'm punished with worse matches afterward.
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Either way, you already have an option ingame to avoid that killer: the Disconnect button. You incur a penalty for not playing out the game, and your team gets a subpar bot, but it's better than being down a man. Why do you feel like your disability entitles you to the right to throw for your team in a 1/32 chance (it's actually higher, considering the doctor is fairly popular?