Hex: Huntress Lullaby targeted nerf?!

- "Hex: Huntress Lullaby activating no longer causes The Doctor and The Pig's skill checks to be silent
This is not a great direction.
These were some of the only uses of an extremely niche, under-used perk. These were fun places where it was suddenly useful and could shine, and instead of reworking the perk, you target only two Killers with an exception? And this is a HEX perk to boot, meaning anyone can remove it from the match entirely! It's supposed to be powerful.
This isn't a good precedent to set, and very annoying to keep track of.
This has been here since 2020 that change?
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am i mistaken? i'm fairly sure i've both used it and been subject to Hex: HL on Doc.
but i am getting old. XD either way, no sir, i don't like. *yells at cloud*
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I'm pretty sure this is about HL working on Snapping Out of It and Pig Cage skillchecks which were used to be affected by skillcheck perks like Unnerving, but were changed to not years ago.
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It was a bug.
The perk does need a buff but that’s not how it should be buffed. Perks and killer powers should stay separate.
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terrible idea and boring to boot. when a player identifies a cool synergy between their power and a perk, reward that exploration and ingenuity.
not every killer is nurse.
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surely it can't be as boring as going against pigs and doctors using this so i think we'll all be okay!!!
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someone had trouble with doc ones so it had to get axed.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
Lullaby needs a buff? yes , because as HEX is just mediocre for the most part because the perk barely does nothing at 3 stacks.
Lullaby affecting those specific interaction was healthy for the game? No , was annoying and abusable on some nasty builds with doctor and pig , totally ok with that.
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My idea's always been flip the tokens and give it Thrill of the Hunt rules. Start with 5/silent skill checks and lose tokens for any other totems cleansed (while losing it entriely of the Hex is cleansed per usual).
Gives it early game power and offers a way for newer players to counter it (in order to avoid the issues that got OG Ruin reworked)
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This was a bug fix, the perk specifically states that Repairing and Healing skill checks are affected - Doctors madness is neither of those things, same with Pigs boxes. There was a bug introduced that caused it to work on those two things which was fixed in this update.
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Well, my feedback is that's lame and boring. :P HL is by no means a top tier perk. it needs all the utility it can get.
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Why is it okay for ppl to complain about certain survivor perks affecting “M1” killers but it’s not okay to do so for perks that enhance killer powers?
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So because a indirect bug caused huntress lullaby to actually be viable as a hex- you decide to fix it instead of just changing the description?
not like yall have done this before with noed….which is completely more powerful and unearned
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I would imagine the idea is to fix the bug, monitor the perk now that it's usage/success isn't inflated by the effects of the bug, review and buff accordingly. Seems a sensible approach to me.
A more interesting question I feel is how you would buff it?
Is it good to have it hyper tied to a unfun playstyle for pig/doctor? Probably not...
As a skillcheck related perk it's hard to gauge value, as low MMR will get brutalised, and high MMR may see little to no effect.
It's a hex perk tied to skillchecks, so you could get literally nothing from the hex if it's cleansed...
So to make it more generally useful you hit other issues.
Buffing the reduction on the timer is not really an option as human reaction times become pretty much moot after a point.
Buffing the regression effect again disproportionately affects low MMR vs. high MMR.
You don't want to overload its description, so do you swap out additional regression for something else? If so, what?
Post edited by UndeddJester on0 -
It's stupid to have that perk OK only for 2 killers - especially considering it was a bug.
I would much rather see it buffed overall. One possibility is to remove tokens from it - and make it have 5-token effect all the time. Like the skillcheck is still possible to hit AND it's hex so it having strong effect is fine (because there's a risk it can literally be destroyed in like first 20s of the match).