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Do you think tunnelling is fair?



  • Member Posts: 96

    No it's not fair, and is GGEz for the killer

  • Member Posts: 96

    It's only fair that the most efficient strategy for the killer is also the most ????

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    yeah. it's by mistakes being made.

    like a bubba catching 3 survivors out of position in the first 2 minutes of the game.

    or the killer losing a survivor in chase, allowing them all to reset

    Myers is the only one, I dont see how Nemesis getting weaker in end game? Nemesis's power is designed to "feel" hes getting stronger in late game for how his M2 work: short range, takes 3 hits to down -> to longer range, break pallet, takes 2 hits to down (when there is no vaccin left). Zombies are also patrol between Gens, the less Gens, the shorter path they patrol, the shorter time for them to complete a lap between Gens.

    I didn't say they get weaker, I said their power level changes.

    trapper and hag also have a varied power level depending on if things are set up or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    this thread was about tunneling, not camping. there's kind of, almost, a decent analogue between a killer camping a hooked survivor and a survivor waiting out threats to finish a gen (there are some objections I'd make to that comparison as well, though to a lesser degree than comparing to tunneling)

    i guess I failed to consider option c: just expected me to know you were talking about something else entirely

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Is it fair... yes

    Is it fun... no

    4V1... chasing one leaves 3 to do Gens

    3V1... chasing one leaves 2 to do Gens

    It's not mechanic based it's gameplay based... what mechanics make tunneling a thing... what can BHVR do with those mechanics to make Tunneling worse

  • Member Posts: 48

    Tunneling is a legal dirty tactic that is fair against BM-survivors.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    This isn´t about 1v1. The 3 survivors can also turn the game around. Also see message above.

  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 685
  • Member Posts: 1,724
    edited August 2023

    but they're not the same thing. they may be closely related, but however closely we are related i am not my younger sister, and just as this account is run by me and not her, this thread is about one of those two things and not the other.

    your "option D" really doesn't have anything to do with your original post. like, it's actually a fair and salient point, but there's no correlation between that idea and your original post, which was about how survivors wanting to make sure a mostly repaired gen doesn't regress too much is like a killer deciding one person only gets boldness BP this match (the whole point of the list of options was in regards to the intent behind your original post)

    also "i reckon this is what some other people might say in various different scenarios" isn't really an argument, which is what the rest of your post boils down to ("i reckon some people defend survivors playing the game, how horrible", "i reckon survivors would get upset in one scenario i invented in my head but not another", etc)

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Yeah I think tunneling right at the start of the game should be punished more. Sometimes it is when killer chooses to tunnel wrong survivor but it should not be easiest stragedy to win. But sometimes killer has to tunnel first survivor when gens fly so game can't just force killer to hook others. Some basekit mechanic to slow down tunneling could be fine if gens speed also get slowed down or survivors get another objective.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh issue is there is no way to add a mechanic to stop tunneling in some situations but not others. It'll always be a bit of an issue

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    The MOBA/Shooter was simply examples of the known problem across games, and their particular implementations at fixing said problem. Learning of the problem and analyzing solutions allows for finding out an effective solution for your particular problem. Also I didn't offer a 'ludicrously effective anti-tunnel system', I offered a fair approach. The Killer out and about on the map is unaffected, so only the turbo tunneler or camper would be hurt by this 10s 'invis'. Survivors have to group up to heal, so maybe run A Nurse's Calling or Deathbound, or if they group on gens, Discordance. Then after the hook on the rescuer a BBQ could show you the aura of all/most players, and allow you to seek out the person on hook prior. If the Killer hooked this new Survivor before 10s after unhook even ended, I think the Killer didn't need any more help in killing the Survs. Working towards a 12 hook game ensures unskilled Killers get equivalent results, and get matched with equally unskilled Survivors. Hens showcased that Skilled M1 Killers can get more than a 90% winrate without even using power while intentionally not camping/tunneling/slugging.

    It isn't a problem exclusive to Bubba, as other Instadown Killers (Billy/Ghosty/Myers/Iri Photo card Trickster/etc.) and permanently injured Killers (Legion/Plague/Engineer's Fang Pinhead/etc.) can equally benefit from facecamping. The issue is core to the game, not a one-off problem for a singular Killer. While the facecamping issue will eventually be resolved, that doesn't help the here and now, and it also doesn't help proxy camping the only entrance at a chokepoint like RPD, H-shaped maps, and more. To be fair the proxy camping is more a map design flaw than a core gameplay loop flaw. Also a Bubba can screw up a facecamp and still hard tunnel off-hook, so they aren't mutually exclusive unless you want to consider each millisecond instead of each match. They are often linked, as most tunneling includes some level of camping.

    In order for gen-regression perks to work, you simply need to bring the newly nerfed Jolt with 2% regression in a 24m radius only when a Survivor goes down from a Deep-Wound timer bleedout /s. It doesn't matter if people bring something if it is unplayably bad. Do people want to have everything, yes, both sides bring 4 chase or 4 gen slowdown perks then complain about the lack of the variety in their kit. The problem is anti-tunnel is so ineffective, and fails to stack effectively.

    Anti-tunnel needs to be more effective than general chase perks, so that people won't just bring a general chase perk instead. If I got 11s from DS when tunneled, or 15s from my Resilience from a barely squeezed out extra vault, Resilience is strictly superior. If OTR could work with the basekit BT being procced, it would be fine. If DS could actually make a Killer think twice about picking up, it would be fine. Sadly neither of those cases are true.

    I just hatch escaped from a Wesker match on RPD where he had the full on facecamp build (Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out, Pain Res surprisingly, and the tunnel infection add-on.) and hard tunneled off hook. That wasn't a playable match, and I would have died if I didn't get lucky with the Hatch spawn. I then got a Knight match where the Killer tried to camp and tunnel, but he brought a rounded build, seemed to not understand the guard hook mechanics, and 3 people gate escaped as a result.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 60

    Just add anticamping system that it was told few months ago and antitunelling as well

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    It wouldn't stop the current dominant strategy of what I call 'toggle-tunneling', or Hooking Surv A/B/A/B/A/B/C/D. It would only stop the worst extremes of tunneling immediately off hook or A/A/A/B/C/D.

    12 hooks is something most Killers can reasonably do, if they have the skill. It should be aspirational to improve and get better. Even then it is only skill relative to your opposition. So how exactly is it difficult to down a baby Feng in chase?

    You say hand-holding relative to Survivors, as if Killers didn't have their hand held far more with 10% kick and hit CD becoming basekit, 5s off of each upper Bloodlust tier, and 10s per gen (increasing % gen regression at the same time). Killer keeps getting easier over time, thus weaker Killers think they are good when they aren't. The weaker Killers get to an MMR they don't belong in, then have to resort to camping/tunneling to win more matches. Since the design flaw exists, the weaker Killers are stuck in that negative feedback loop being 'forced' to tunnel in order to win matches that they aren't supposed to otherwise with skill against skill. Most of my matches are too easy now, and I intentionally go for 12 hooks to counterbalance that.

    Killers and Survivors should choose appropriate perks. I don't think 4 gen slowdown should ever be more effective than Intel/Lethality/Slowdown/Flex. Similarly for Survivor with 4 of one category compared to Chase/Altruistic/Anti-Extreme/Flex. The problem is if over the course of the match, DS only gave 11s of value when it actually worked, why would I ever use that when Botany gives me 5.33s per heal, or Resilience could give me an extra vault per chase? Most times Survivor is likely to heal at least once or twice a match, and take numerous vaults, yet the hyper-specific no CA anti-tunnel doesn't give enough value to outpace the other choices.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Is that really comparable? A regressing gen can go back to zero, taking all progress with it. Survivors wont get a hookstate back, so the killer progress is permanent. For survivors its only with finished gens.

    If you want compare the unfinished gen, then you should compare it to hit and run, because a survvior can completly heal from that.

    But noone is expecting killers to do that, are they?

  • Member Posts: 183

    Yeah, except Killers have a choice to not camp or turn back around the instant they hear the unhook, despite efficiency. Survivors do not have that freedom when working on gens.

    Killers can still win by spreading hooks, Survivors can't work on a gen for 30% progress and go to the next one and repeat the process til 5 gens are done unless they want to lose. You simply stay on one gen as long as you can until it's done and then move to the next.

    So no, your "tunneling gens" argument holds no water and if people really believe that it does, they are deluding themselves to validate their strategy. Tunnel all you want, but Killers comparing simply doing gens efficiently to tunneling to kill efficiently is reaching.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited August 2023

    Unhealthy yes.

    Unfair no.

    As long as both sides can do it, it will be fair for both sides.

    If you want to stop killers from focusing quick kills you also need to do something about survivors focusing quick gens.

    Both are unhealthy, but neither are unfair due to the other also existing.

  • Member Posts: 618

    What you call 'toggle-tunnelling' isn't tunnelling. You took something you're not fond of and called it 'also-tunnelling' to make it sound bad. A lot of things in this game are possible if you're skilled enough, but that isn't an argument - it's basically a roundabout way of saying git gud. It doesn't really contribute much, and certainly doesn't take into account the overall average skill of people playing this game. 80-second gens were demonstrably too low, for a start. And Bloodlust? Really? BL is a band-aid fix for poor map design. It's not hand-holding to give Killers the possibility of catching a Survivor if they play well. Without it, that possibility would not even exist in the majority of chases.

    But I see what's happening now, you're confusing actual attempts at balancing with hand-holding. What Killers mostly want is balanced perks and reasonable gen time, what Survivors seem to want is hard restrictions on basic mechanics and to lobotomise their opposition's autonomy. We were having a nice little conversation, but I'll be honest: my attention span went for a little walk the moment you pulled the, "I'm so good that my matches are super easy and I have to handicap myself" shtick. Nothing good ever comes from a conversation after someone's basically appealed to their own authority to strengthen their argument, so we'll leave it there I think.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited August 2023


    A gen cant be regressed once its complete, the same way a chase time can't be extended once the survivor is hooked/dead. Both make the "checkpoint" of progression take longer.

    It's a little different for both sides in the details since its an asym game, but both are easily comparable as they have equivalents on either side.

    But trying to compare a locked in completion amount (hook state) to an incomplete one (an unfinished gen) is not the way to do it.

    A hook state or kill is a completed gen. Which the killer also can't do anything about.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    'Toggle-tunneling' most certainly is tunneling if the Surv never had a chance to touch a gen, and still had DS/OTR available without intentionally banking it. The Survivor had no chance to complete a Conspicuous Action post-hook. That's tunneling by the games perk logic, and by anyone who can be in that position. Even then, that doesn't stop a Killer from downing Surv B across the map while Surv A is still on hook, then walking back and waiting at Surv A's hook for them to be unhooked and target them again. Many Killers like Onryo/Demo/Freddy can just TP back and instantly tunnel someone post-hook anyways.

    I disagree with 80s gens being too low. I was able to win consistently with Clown of all Killers, but to be fair I was using the old Pop/Tinker wombo combo. You say people can't use the "I'm so good" argument, while you are using the "bad Killers are too bad without camp/tunnel" mirror argument yourself. Besides, there is a world of difference of appeal to one's own authority, and having one's experience. You can't know other people's position or experience without talking to them. I never claimed to have any authority, I merely know my own experience. I was bad, and now I think I'm less bad. I improved over time and I know other people can do the same. We don't remove Legion's Deep Wound because some Survivors don't understand the mend mechanic and fall into the Dying state. We expect people to learn the mechanics and play with them in mind.

    As far as 'Bloodlust is a band-aid fix for poor map design', that is my exact argument for anti-tunnel perks. Anti-tunnel perks are a band-aid fix for poor gameplay design. Survivors just don't have a basekit version that doesn't deny other things. Bamboozle doesn't disable breaking pallets, so why does OTR not work with basekit BT?

  • Member Posts: 8,863

    That's quite a book, but overall I agree. People tend to use that basekit BT to bodyblock, and then killers are left with the same thought they had BEFORE basekit BT. "Why should I chase the healthy survivor who is now even FURTHER away from me rather than the injured survivor." People also have a tendency of going out of their way to FIND the killer to get value out of their perks like OTR.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Could always place a dark halo around hooked survivors.

    Lore wise it makes sense as the entity wants to absorb the survivors and doesn't want the killer near to interfere with that absorbing.

    Inside the halo, no actions can take place (healing, attacking, anything) except for un-hooking.

    Have the halo exist for a few seconds after the un-hook and camping and tunneling are slowed dramatically.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
  • Member Posts: 3,145
    edited August 2023

    I would think full on "tunneling gens" would be detrimental to the surv team, no? Like "I'm gonna do these gens while my team is all dying" wouldn't be particularly effective. Though some people actually operate that way, to be sure, and I hate teammates that do that.

    Early in games, survs don't really have other objectives. Now sometimes gens go at a rate where the killer can't manage it for reasons largely beyond their control (map balance, garbage RNG), but that is usually a game design issue.

    As for the topic, "fair" is a subjective term, and as far as the game goes, it doesn't violate the rules of the game, even if it does violate the spirit of the game.

    But man, is tunneling lame. To me, it says one (or or all) of three things about the player:

    1. They care waaay too much about "winning" in a game where competition was never really supposed to be the point
    2. That they don't feel they are good enough to win any other way, and probably really suck at meta gameplay
    3. The have absolutely no regard for the other players

    To be clear, I always define tunneling as tunneling from the beginning of the game, as a general strategy to be used in every match.

    Situational tunneling late in games that are slipping away is generally kosher in my book, and should be expected (like camping after the gens are all done).

    What should not be expected is that the first time the killer finds you your game is essentially over.

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2023
  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I agree that tunneling isn't unfair. It's a perfectly valid strategy, and yeah it sucks to be on the receiving end but it is what it is. That said...

    Generators are not sentient, and don't have feelings. In no way is tunneling comparable to survivors doing a generator at 90% instead of starting a fresh one. Tunneling someone off hook ruins their experience, and sucks the fun out of the game for that player.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Is it fun? Hell No

    Is it fair? Absolutely

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Every survivor is 100% always a target and it's on the individual to avoid the killer's attention as much as possible.

    If anyone wants to engage the killer because chase is more "fun", they shouldn't expect any leeway if failing to escape that chase is the result. Failure to win a chase only makes you the weak link.

  • Member Posts: 937

    If their goal is to retain customers, and I know quite a lot of them that quit, got burnt out fast due to tunneling.

    So if they want to keep those customers and make money then maybe consider fixing it.

    It's not my money so it's no skin off my back, but everything comes down to that to companies, money. Every single friend I've tried to bring into the game takes off and doesn't come back because of it.

    People I've met along the way are all gone because they got tired of their matches being so short. :(

  • Member Posts: 498

    Anyone that still defends tunneling is either misguided or just being edgy.

    "Its unfun" is a perfectly good reason to remove tunneling imo, my friends are all also getting burnt out because of the constant tunneling and camping too. Its gotten to the point where they beg me to get tunneled instead so they can actually play the game since they're not good enough to stay off the hook for longer than 10 seconds.

    In essence it is a skill issue, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't get changed, any strategy that prevents someone from playing should be either super hard to pull off or super uncommon/reserved for competitive games.

    The fact that any noob can pick up Wesker and successfully tunnel every game is a problem. That being said, killers do need to be rewarded or buffed elsewhere, it just sucks that their meta playstyles are both unhealthy.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I think that rather than outright removing the playstyle, it would be better to disincentivise it as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 498

    Well I don't think it'd be possible to truly remove it. 😜

    Its tricky though because you want to design it in a way where it's impossible to weaponize against the killer.

    One idea I was toying around with in my head was cranking up the basekit BT to 30 seconds of 15% haste, vault-speed, and endurance, as well as show the auras of pallets and vaults like WoO. But have it disable in EGC and remove collision from the survivor.

    The idea is to make the survivor so cumbersome to chase that it's a guaranteed loss even against less experienced players. But there is no way for it to prevent the killer from applying pressure to other survivors.

    The only issue is that this would severely affect competitive play since they play for hookstates, but they can adapt tbh.

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