Obvious intentional hook suicide should be bannable.

Just got out of a match, where someone tried to hook suicide immediately, i unhooked them before they could, they got pissed and proceeded to sabotage the entire game, went around and dropped a bunch of pallets, would block people from picking up slugged survivors, and would in general lead the killer around to us on purpose.
If you want out of the match, play it out, don't punish the rest of us.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Literally don't unhook someone who's trying to get out of the game, it's really that easy, cuz if they don't want to play that match, they won't anyway
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Following that logic, then the DC penalty should be reduced or removed entirely in order to "encourage" players to DC instead of suiciding.
@topic, you can't force people to play a game they aren't enjoying. I empathize with the plight, but it's a simple fact of life that people aren't gonna keep playing the game when it's miserable for them. You can punish them via DC penalties and you could even make hook suicides permanently bannable like I've heard people want; people will still AFK, they'll still sandbag, they'll still give up, they'll still not try to win. It doesn't matter what you punish. All you can do is work around that fact instead of trying to change it.
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If i'm going to lose either way, i'm not letting them out that easy.
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So it's about a perceived personal slight?
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DC penalties can go from 15 seconds to 10 hours or more , which is dumb
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I played with Nemmy on RPD and after a bit of game BIll wanted to get out. He just gave up and did not run anymore. I tried to get him to run but nothing. So I placed him on a hook. As I made my way ahead few corners later I got an unhook prompt. I decided to return to chase whoever showed up only to find him standing under the hook alone. He hit 4% ! Nobody else was around.
Having no other choice I hooked him again and he left quickly.
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People will never DC and give the bot when it means they have a penalty.
They can't remove the penalty, or people will just DC with no concern.
If people opting out of the match is happening, the answer isn't punish them for doing it. Instead, there needs to be a look into why is it happening? Gen rush increased, therefore tunneling and camping increased, and that has lead to more people opting out as soon as it looks like they are going to get camped or tunneled.
Sure, some of it is just people upset they are first down but most of the opt outs I've seen in matches come from a killer starting to tunnel or sitting on the hook. People are over it. If you want to ban people for the opt out, you'd have to start banning people for the cause (tunneling and camping) and that turns into a whole rabbit hole.
Someone opts out, you have two choices. Play out the match and hope the killer isn't a complete turd and realizes someone opted out. When I'm on killer, I will let 1 or 2 people go for certain when a teammate drops like that.
Other option, walk to the killer, get hooked, opt out as well and start a new match.
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The reason it happens is simple enough. It's a massive sense of entitlement, and no matter what changes are made to the game, you can't fix that. They know the game, they know how it works, the good and the bad. They know all this before they ever hit a lobby, yet still make the choice to do so - it's just they want all the good and none of the bad. Doesn't work that way: you get what you get and then you move on. The answer isn't to destroy the game for everyone else because they're inconvenienced, it's to stop playing the game they're clearly not enjoying at this point.
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This almost 100%. It's not entirely entitlement, but pretty close. I have intentionally DC'd a few times, maybe 3-4 in total, and it's taken a lot to make me do so...so I get it when it's just entirely too frustrating. However, in my experience as a pretty considerate killer, the reality is almost all of the DCs or hook suicides are simply because things aren't going how they want.
- They got downed first or early.
- They tried a clever trick and it failed.
- They can tell it'll be a loss and they don't want to play it out.
- Their teammates are potatoes.
- They got unlucky with the server gifting me with a hit I probably should not have gotten.
None of which are valid reasons to just bail IMO, and comprise the vast majority of reasons people bail early in my games, and I'd say that happens in between a third to a half of my games.
Many players are going to play in ways that are incredibly frustrating, and often with the intention of making the opposition angry rather than just winning. Welcome to the internet. You better grow some thicker skin, advocate for changes in the game, and/or find another game. But screwing your team that isn't as bothered by it as you ain't the answer. Like what was said, by now you should know what you are in for and if you are DCing so much the penalties are a problem, this probably isn't the place for you.
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Saving someone who doesn't want to be in the game for whatever reason, should be bannable. Props to the few survivors who understand.
You can't force anyone to stay in a game or to take the DC penalty.
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I forgot to mention another reason people will opt out at first down and I've yet to see anyone else include it.
They encounter a drone and don't want to spend an hour in a 3 gen lock down.
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They should make better tutorials for new people that expressly WARNS them that doing this is not recommended. New players do it the most and you know what..you can't really blame them. The option is there so why not?
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we seen the dc penalty remove a few times in recent history....4 DC's the second they hear the nurse or someone disconnect immediately when they get a killer they don't like. I'm not trying to have a terrible bot teammate every other game just to make some quitter life more easier. If you remove the DC penalty people will quit way more often. Making it more convenient to dc is not the answer.
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I'd imagine if you start permabanning people for doing it on a regular basis it'll end real quick too.
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Because if they DC at least i get a bot that will play the game and i know they took a punishment from queuing again.
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I'm sorry but that sounds like the most spiteful and insufferable thing I have heard over a game. If someone has to leave or wants to, they shouldn't be down a pair of hands to work on gens because of it.
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I think you have my opinion backwards. I think the person that wants out should DC, so at least we get a bot who will play the game. But people don't want to take the penalty, so they kill themselves on hook instead. Denying the team at least a bot that will play. I propose that they ban people for doing this. Ultimately i think the mechanic should go away entirely, but in general, they should ban for things like trolling (they do already with video evidence) helping the killer, afking, etc. That way, when someone wants out, they have 2 choices, DC, take the penalty, the team gets some bots, and everyone is happy, or they afk, troll, otherwise cause a problem, and get banned from the game so they can't do that anymore, and everyone is happy.
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Name any other team based multiplayer game, where this kind of behavior is acceptable. Because i can name you half a dozen, that not only don't tolerate it, but significantly punish it.
- DotA2: You get 1 free leave a WEEK, then you start getting penalties, 1st game is a warning, 2nd game you get put into LOW PRIORITY queue, which makes your matchmaking take 3-4x longer, and in order to get out you have to WIN X number of games depending on your penalty, and you also are forced to play with other people in Low priority, meaning you play with all the douchebags
- Overwatch: XP penalties of 75% (progression) and banning from matches (similar to DBD)
- LoL: Scaling bans going from 1 day, 3 day, 1 week etc. if you do it too often
- Rainbow 6 Siege: XP penalty of 50%, 24 hour ban, 72 hour ban, banning from the ENTIRE SEASON (2 months)
- CS:GO: scaling time 30 minutes to 2 hours to 24 hours to 7 DAYS
The other kicker about these games, is matches can last FAR LONGER than a match of DBD. A typical match of DBD lasts about 8-10 minutes. Meaning, if you are having a bad time, at most you'll have a bad time for 8 minutes. These games have SIGNIFICANTLY more punishing systems despite longer games. Games of DotA, LoL and CS:GO can last an hour or more. Games of rainbow 6 will last 30 minutes to an hour, and overwatch can last 15-20 minutes.
And now here is the part where you will say "but DBD is a party game". Even if that argument is true, which i don't think it is, killing yourself on hook, is ruining the party too. So i think you should be punished anyway.
Now is the next part where you will say "but DBD doesn't have a ranked mode", yeah it doesn't, but guess what, many of those games i mentioned, also have penalties for leaving games in casual matches as well. And if you are queuing up, you are agreeing to play a match. If you don't want to see certain killers, or perks, or you want to do something specific, that is what custom games are for. Invite some of your friends over, and play by your own rules. When you queue for matchmaking, you deal with it.
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Yeah none of those games are anything similar to what DBD is. Not to mention when I was a kid, there was no such thing as a leaver penalty. People just left games when they were no longer enjoying it. and no one cared. Some of the best games ever created in the FPS genre (CoD modern warfare), had no leaver penalty.
Companies would rather prevent you from leaving games when you are no longer having fun. Rather than take the time to figure out why a large number of their players feel the need to leave. Leaver penalties are a bandaid fix for a larger problem, which is the company is failing at delivering good match making.
You wouldn't need leaver penalties if matches were perceived as being more fair, or if there was just random match making.
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I wouldn't say "not letting them out that easy" and taking it as spiteful is having it backwards. I just think the penalty should go away so that way people that don't want to be jerks but don't wanna play in a match they are hating can have an out.
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You mention cod like you one person can't be worth more than 6 and there are typically 12+ players in the game.
Being one person down in dbd, even if that leaver is bad the game is over other than baby killers.
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Just pointing out that some of the best competitive games to have ever existed, didn't have leaver penalties. They are not by any means required, it's a crutch for bad match making. If someone isn't having fun they are going to give up whether it means D/Cing, afking, or dying on hook. Preventing them from leaving solved nothing and in the current iteration of the game, can actually hurt the survivors.
While the bots aren't usually as good as having a normal teammate, they are certainly better than someone dying on first hook.
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Nah there was a penalty in cod modern warfare(assuming you're talkin og mw) but it was a who cares type of penalty(you would get a loss added to w/l record)
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I used to feel the same way. Would rush in and stop people from letting go, would be extremely anti-DC and wish for harsher penalties. That's all gone away and it doesn't phase me anymore. I'm not entitled to someone else's time. If they don't want to spend their (probably limited) time in that game with us, that's their choice. At the end of the day it's just a game, and I've forgotten all about it by the next day as life moves on.
And tbh - when you click Ready on a game, there's usually nothing to indicate that any of the people you are about to play with are unpleasant people. Sometimes they are, and you realise it once you're in there. Not everyone likes to play with unpleasant people. I've had team mates troll and sandbag me. I don't want to play with them.
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It's getting out of control. Every match I'm in it turns into a 3vs1 within minutes because people leave via hook asap.
I rather have a bot! They won't DC anymore because the penalty so they do this instead and then we lose or struggle because it's 3vs1.
Please do something about this hook stuff, DC penalty, or the game being over at 3vs1. I always stay and try my best, why queue up if they just intend to leave at the slightest inconvenience?
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Same when I use to play smite I advocated for 24 hour bans for first DC. But after playing soloQ surivvor, there are things in this game that just aren't fun to deal with.
I literally just played against a Demi that was VPNing and camping every hook with save the best for last. So not only did I get to enjoy 200+ ping, but I also got to play the most mindless game of the day.
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Would you take a bot over no teammate at all?
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Even if you somehow punished people for failing skill checks, what’s to stop them from running into the arms of killers? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a killer turn down a free kill. Not once. Lol.
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If DC penalties are going to remain the way they are, I'd rather get rid of the bots. They're really not helping, and it's better to end the match quickly when it's an obvious loss for Survivors. Exhibit A...
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While most of the games listed have longer matches, they also have basic QoL features such as bans in the Ranked modes. DBD has MMR required, meaning we only have Ranked mode with matchmaking (Customs being the alternative mode), without the Ranked mode QoL features found in those other games. Also many of the games have surrender votes. The games also don't permanently lock a player out of the match on death (forcing a SWF member to alt-tab and watch a video in the meantime for 3-20 minutes), and many of those games are designed with comeback mechanics. Shooters are also unique in that a sufficiently skilled player can literally solo the entire enemy team. If my team has half the gold of the opponents in Dota/League, we can still get lucky on an ambush/teamfight and win. If I have a baby Feng being chased first in DBD, it isn't a matter of if we lose, but when we lose (if the Killer doesn't intentionally hinder themselves to play nice). If she predrops all the pallets, I can't 5 gen run the Killer while managing their bloodlust with those pallets, especially if she is hiding and refusing to touch gens while I'm in chase across the entire map.
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i rather have no teammates than a team full of bots. How many times have we seen someone stand in place for a few seconds as if they giving up just to start playing again? or attempted suicide on hook just to get save and continue to play. Just imagine how many more players will quit if they could just make a snap decision and dc with no penalty.
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The thing I hate most about the bots, is the lack of ability to give the last survivor hatch when slugged. I'll sit for 5 minutes from time to time if it means I'm not crawling around for 4 minutes cause the killer is afraid the hatch escape happens before they can find the last survivor.
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I am a league player of over 10 years now.
If someone is trolling I know for a fact they will get at least suspended if they do it a few times in a month, an entire month(people complaining about 24 hour bans after dcing 10 times LMAO).
There's no leaving, there's no afking and active trolling is rare. You may get extremely tiled players due to the nature of the game that play far worse than nomral but it's rare to run into someone running it down for the past 5+years(both are rare).
League is extremely snowbally, there is no major come back mechanic when played safe just like in dbd. Yes there are shutdowns but it's literally irrelevant if people play around it, sound familiar?
I can tell you that getting zoned off of even my first tower by the enemy top laner + jungler for 10 min straight to completely knock me out of the game with nothing that can be done because my jungler either is a weaker jungler or has to play around bot(bot lane jungle meta) is far worse than OH NO being slugged for 4 min(boo hoo).
In a game that typically lasts 12 min max, there is no reason to dc.
I know all the vets in this game are biased to the past of the party game the doesn't exist whatsoever anymore but it's not viable for the games health to let people(survivors) leave whenever they want.
Only in this playbase do people actively endorse this absurdly terrible behavior and it's quite sad that I have to witness it commonly. The harshest punishment in this game for an extremely selfish person is alt+tabbing, oh god you have to watch youtube for max 5 min.
Only thing I'll give you is dbd players being bad but that is no malicious in anyway.
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I agree. If people aren't having fun, they aren't having fun. The solution is to take themselves out of the environment where they're not having fun. Like I said; they know the game, how it works, the good and the bad. At this point, they are aware of all of the things others can do to make the game not fun for them, and this includes other people quitting and turning matches into no-contests.
They join games knowing they're likely not going to have fun at this point, then they quit without leaving a bot knowing everyone else won't have fun either now. Entitlement has everything to do with it, because if they truly weren't having fun, they'd just stop. Joining a lobby to experience only the good while taking their ball and going home when the bad happens -- that they're fully aware may happen -- is entitlement. They think they're entitled to none of DBD's bad parts and they think they're entitled to be one of those bad parts for other people if it doesn't go their way.
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League is infamous for handing out false dogpile and other unjustified bans. People more frequently are banned for calling out the person throwing the game/being toxic, than the actual gamethrower/toxic player. I refused to engage with chat in that game because so many false bans were being thrown out. I played League on release (when they sold a physical box in stores) until about S5-6, and it was always possible to make a comeback as long as the player that fell behind wasn't an idiot. I don't know if they changed the game mechanics so irreparably to make comebacks impossible since then however.
As far as jungle camping top lane, you can at least know your team is pulling ahead getting dragons, and if they aren't, then they are tactically planning on using the surrender feature I already mentioned. That isn't far worse than being slugged for 4 minutes, because surrenders hard end the match for everyone. Even if they refuse to surrender, you still have agency (again, unless League got even less playable over the years after I quit, they were heading that direction when I decided I was done).
So again if we want to compare League vs DBD QoL features, we have Champion bans, and a surrender feature in League. DBD has... far fewer false bans. I mean I guess that's something.
Now this one I wasn't present for, and have only heard from word of mouth, but DBD had no DC penalties for the first 3-4(?) years. The game had a much smaller playerbase, yet didn't die off immediately from the lack of a DC penalty. Almost like people only DC against the worst of experiences, otherwise people start to lobby dodge the DCing players.
I do find it funny though if you truly did come from League, you would know nothing anyone can do in this game is truly 'toxic' in comparison to the depths League players could dive. A ten on the scale of toxicity in this game is a two or a three in League.
The main thing with my post, is I was explaining that those games have harsher DC penalties because they have QoL features to make the worst of matches less common, or less painful or annoying. DBD has none of those features, and can have far worse experiences, drawn out for far longer. DBD is the only game I play, where a teammate DCing makes me go "yeah I get it". I don't approve or endorse, but I do understand. The lack of all of these basic features is the why, and the only reason they don't allow free DCs is because they aren't able to fix those problems in a timely manner. (See 'Hostage'* Merchant being untouched.) *In spirit
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Ok lets get started.
League doesn't give out false bans even remotely commonly. I have been warned once for leaving 10 YEARS ago over an email and suspended once for a first time offence for 14 days(deservedly). I have been playing consistently since s3 so I have immense knowledge on everything since then.
Comebacks: Always possible but just like dbd it relates to player skill, teamates and champ scaling. Yes you can make smart plays, but a few early game plays and some scaling will win you the game. Jungle being the most impactful since s2.
Top lane conversation: Did you really just say a top laner who has essentially done nothing for 10 min has agency because of a surrender vote? Is that a real statement? An entire dbd game played out besides Dull merchant games and you somehow gave agency to a league player with the same amount as someone afk in dbd for 10 min.
Champion/false bans: Yes when there are 170 champs in a game you need 10 bans, the game is 10X harder to balance and is much more balanced than dbd. 200 items and that many champs, I used to give riot so much **** but compared to dbd they do an infinitely better job. Again the false bans thing, not a thing simply. Especially nowadays.
Toxicity: I have probably 7K hours in league if I were to guess, peaking gm recently but I have not grinded ranked in many many seasons(pretty much irrelevant anyway because low elo is more toxic). Words hurt me far less than the gestures and cockiness of dbd players. Being a killer main for my first year tilted me far more than league had since 2014. Players have no ego or all the ego in the world in dbd. It's why you might of seen me spout about comp players in dbd because they generally(I have played against probably 8 and watched lilith play against a ton over 1500 hours) have bigger egos than faker(god) in league, which is completely absurd. I can't say I am top .5% of league players atm but I can look down on most dbd players easily. Also any minor chat offence in league gets you suspended, any consistent afk in league gets you suspended and a few games left in league gets you banned(all of those things lead to a ban real quick though).
Last paragraph: So a 15 min league game where you die once at 3 min and suffer for 12 more min is somehow less painful because you banned Yasuo? No I expect my teamates to suck it up in league where it's far more mentally detrimental and far harder and far more painful in the worst circumstance. Just like I'll take a 2 or 3 gen chase into a face camp as survivor in dbd.
If I queue top I ban fiora and there is still 5 more hard counter picks for whatever champ I play and then it comes down to pick order and jungle impact and whether or my lead even matters because enemy bot lane got 3 kills and the games over.
The only thing about league that is far less tilting is that they always will and always have had a patch every two weeks. But that doesn't matter when they cater to pro play and post an adc main as league balance designer.
So yeah, I like league and dbd is fun but your idea of league is wrong. There is no room for real toxicity in league, everything you do besides show mastery and emote is bannable but even those things I just mentioned can be muted.
The notion that league and league players are toxic is simply a remnant from 2012 to 2015 that has been literally dismembered at it's core. CS:GO voice chat is toxic but you literally don't have to experience a single bit of toxicity between leagues own parameters and any of the mute buttons.
They can fix the troll/give up issue with dbd. All they have to do is tie blood points per 2 min to every min not chased, hooked or slugged.
AFK for several games? Suspended.
They should just remove giving up on hook or suspend people that do so.
8K BP over a game 10 min game where you didn't get camped, tunneled or slugged? Suspended.
Regardless of what the people on this forum(game) think, implementing this(with probably a few changes) will lead to a healthier overall player base and game. Cutting out part of the domino effect that continues to lower game quality.
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You could just use deliverance instead
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1) why would you unhook someone trying to hook quit? They're obviously not gonna be helpful or thankful after getting forced to play a match they didn't want to play.
2) it will never be bannable to use a feature. 4% is a feature and the skillchecks in struggle are a feature as well. Why would using a feature be bannable?
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False Bans: We'll just chock it up to early League then. I know it was a serious problem continuously up until I quit. I cannot speak to current League, as the game as a whole was bad and only got worse over time in my experience. I have heard from friends that League has only gotten more toxic, despite all the aspects added, almost as though they aren't ever addressing the root of the problem.
Top lane agency: I don't know if I was unclear or you misunderstood. In DBD when being bled out, there is nothing you can do. You have no agency. When you are being camped at Top Lane you can dodge skillshots, return to base to heal and deny a kill, get last hits, farm Jungle creeps, y'know play the game. You have agency. If the Jungler is camping top, the other team is getting an advantage on 2 players, and a disadvantage on 1 opponent, whereas your team is getting an advantage on 4 players, and a disadvantage on 3 opponents. Your team has +4-1 for net +3, and the opposing team gets +2-3 for a net -1. That means your team wins. If they were so bad as to lose a 4v3, then everyone on your team is losing, thus surrender ends the match. The best a bleedout gets for agency is where you die.
DBD 'toxicity': I'm sorry I simply don't understand. 111 2222 LCtrl LCtrl LCtrl RMB RMB WSWSWSWS is toxic and offensive? I can only truly believe that if you are new to the world, and newer still to the internet. Getting tilted over basic inputs is far less than words could ever convey, even when considering what can still be said dancing around filters. Even then emote spam/animation cancelling is still possible in League (last I was aware and what it sounds like from what you said), so in the most favorable case scenario (for your stance) League is tied. Even then, both are simply keystrokes. If words are that easy to ignore, ignore the keystrokes just the same. If these were such vile actions, even those input buttons I typed would have been censored here on the forums.
15 min League match with 1 death: If you only died once in an impossible to win match, that shows far more skill and agency the equivalent in DBD offers. Bottom lane fed so hard no one is willing to play anymore, and you don't have 5+ deaths seems like you did a good job to me. You won the battle in a losing war.
Champion/Killer bans too few in quantity: Yeah that is one of the many reasons I quit (along with near every Champ getting a basekit dash). It is a flaw of League's business model to spam out that many Champions while also neglecting the older ones. One could say DBD has the same problem (spam new neglect old). Personally I think a total ban quantity of 1 per 5 released (round down) is good, but with League that could take too long without pre-selections. Arguably they keep it simpler to avoid longer draft phases, instead of better match quality. Same flaw with DBD, no Killer bans for shorter queues at the cost of match quality.
Anti-afk idea: I'm sorry but how are you going to count if someone was or wasn't C/T/S and not solve the problem of those outright? Heck, that makes Hostage* Merchant games even worse, as you have to speedrun your death to not get banned. Right now a Survivor getting sub 10k BP in 99.99% of matches is a sign the Killer didn't let the Survivor play, not the Survivor purposely didn't participate. Heck, if I am forced to solo 5 gens then the Killer NOEDs me, I get ~7k BP in ~8 minutes, time to get banned for literally doing all the gens! (1250 per gen plus a token amount of chase BP before the exposed down.) Killer bans for Surv and map/realm bans for Killer, as well as a surrender option when bled out for 30s or more would do far more good than this idea. *In spirit
No matter what people 'agreed to', you can't enslave them to play a video game. People will find a way to 'not play', whatever that may be, even if holding M1 on gens and not running. You wouldn't be able to ban that without getting numerous false bans from Stealth Killers (be that basekit, or perk/add-on granted Undetectable/Obliviousness). Treating the bite wounds is good, but treating the same bite wound 20 times means you should find a way to deal with the animal instead.
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It's impossible to police it but deliberately dying on hook early throws games so badly. I don't think it should be reportable but it would be good if they removed the potential for abuse.
Good way to do it would be to remove the penalty for trying to self unhook and decrease the chance to successfully self unhook and/or decrease the number of attempts you're allowed.
Plus it'd make self unhook perks and offerings (aside from deliverance obvs) an actual viable choice instead of actively bad
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1) I want the bloodpoints.
2) it won't
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They don't wanna get penalty time tho? Killing yourself on hook is free and has no penalty.
BHVR just should remove dc penalties, so if they don't want to stay they can dc. And bot will replace them.
2 -
Would you also remove killer DC penalties?
- Yes: Hurra, the game is now unplayable as no survivor could ever win again.
- No: why the hell are we contemplating such an biased exception to the rules?
Dont queue up if you dont wanna deal with the consequences.
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If they don't want the penalties associated with doing a thing they shouldn't be doing, maybe don't do that thing. Killer players are always told they should play for the fun of others, that they should have empathy for the opposing team. Maybe Survivors that leave the game should have some empathy for their own team, suck up the D/C penalty and let a bot join.
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Like i said, survivors have way to leave match when they don't want to stay. They won't dc, there is no reason to do this for them. They are selfish players, you can't expect them to just dc and gift you bot. Penalty times is really long and this makes people stay away from dcs.
But killing yourself on hook is free, no penalty. So people are doing this. They don't care about your fun, if they don't like match they will just leave.
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@you, yeah actually, you CAN. You BAN THEM for afking, trolling, or otherwise not playing the game. It'll end it really really quick.
The DC penalty is there because they don't want people leaving games. And being able to ######### on hook is an out without the punishment. If you don't want to play, you take the penalty. This game is VERY generous, in that you first leave is essentially free, and the second is just a youtube video's length. If you are doing it 3 times a night, then i think you have an entitlement problem.
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what will end real quick? the DCing or the game from the lack of players?
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No, it really won't lol.
You'd ban every bad player, most of Solo Q and all new players with your ideas.
Post edited by Pulsar on3 -
i let them die on hook only it's respectable and understandable. i ain't letting you go against a bubba pig or freddy sit your *** and play it. objectively though, i really don't know what would be the right thing to do as players or game devs. having to play a game you aren't enjoying, in other words, being forced to play a video game doesn't sound right. survivors should either be given chances of seeing what they are about to play against and lobby dodging so they don't have to play against killers/builds they hate, or the suicides should stay as they are.
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Your experience sounds horrid and it's pretty clear the survivor in question was just an entitled, whiney prick, so I get the frustration. The game would be far better without that trash.
The problem arises that the people who disconnect, die on hook or sabotage their fellow survivors will always be there. I've heard some state this will drastically reduce if certain killers were changed, but I doubt that's true because the problem is the mentality, not the killer or whatever. These people kill themselves if they're knocked down early by Trapper!!
We could take away the struggle feature of the second stage. It should be actionable if people take clips of someone clearly killing themselves on hook. People need to report these to get rid of them and BHVR ought to be tough on this.
In the end though, the core problem isn't the balance or the game or anything like that: it's the mentality of the kiddies. No amount of game-changing will alter this sadly. Happens in most multiplayer games and I don't see it stopping.