Can we admit pallets are a problem?

TheSaltySaloon Member Posts: 45
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

More specifically the absurd amount of them on each map?

here’s some recent footage from myself.

I wasn’t playing terribly, there’s just only so much you can do when survivors have safe pallet next to safe pallet, next to Jungle gym, next to Shack.

It’d be one thing if maps had 10-12 pallets or so. As killer you’re still kicking pallets but at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. And for survivors, it’d force them play smarter and really think and prioritize when and where they wanna drop a pallet.

A competent survivor can run a killer around a decent pallet/loop for god knows how long before he either gives up and break chase, or gives up and eats the stun. Only a handful of killer truly have options for pallets but I ask; “why do I need to stop playing a character I actually like and resonate with just to win?”

forget perk and killer reworks, just go through the maps and legitimately shave down the number of excess and unnecessary pallet placements. This would be a legitimately good fix for BOTH sides. More killers playing and playing killers other then 5 meta and survivors get forced to loop better and more efficiently.

Post edited by Rizzo on
