I don't like playing against the Xenomorph

So unfun to play against and there's barely any counterplay. I'd rather face 10 blights than one Alien. At least I felt like I could have played better than this cheese ball killer.
I won’t buy this chapter until they fix this overpowered killer.
It is funny that they nerfed circle of healing (so not heals), they nerfed prove thyself (so no gen pressure), they nerfed decisive strike (so tunneling down is less punishing), they nerfed Med kits (so no self heal if your teammates are busy or dying), but they allow this killer to have so much power that even the treat of using his power is enough to make survivors stuck in a loop waiting for their imminent death.
great job devs! Keep going with this terrible work!
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Brother in christ, you can literally deny his power and force him to turn into an m1 killer!
You just gotta place a turret near a loop near your gen and drag him there. How hard is that?
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Do you think that we were born yesterday?
this killer can destroy any torrent with his tail attack, and he has addons to reduce the torrents effectiveness. Not only mention that you can’t place torrents mid chase, so if you are pushed to an area away from torrents, you are basically dead. Also, there is a limit of placement for those torrents, if there is one across the map, you will have to carry this until another area of interest (you lose a lot of time due to the negative status gained). Also, if you get hit while carrying the torrent, it explodes. Also, many players have been exploiting the oppressive power of alien to tunnel down and camp at 5-4 gens. Because it is easy to to that, they eliminate a player from the game and guarantee a win because, guess what, the slowdown of this killer requires a heavy and coordinated team work to have a small chance to survive.
stop trying to hide the problem by gaslighting other people’s experiences in the game.
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Preach brother these Alien enjoyers on damage control so it doesn't get Nerfed
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The Legacy of Survivors trying to maintain the same meta Killers for years continues.
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Learn to get good.
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Well yes the turrets should have plenty of limitations and restrictions since it can make the killer with no power. Yes the killer can destroy them but it requires insane reflexes cuz you only have like 1 second window before it kicks you out of your power. Which is why a lot of survivors have to use their brains to put the turrets in tricky spots but they don’t wanna do that. They just wanna see gens go brrrrr and take their easy win.
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Yeah, whilst BHVR did an incredible job visually on the Alien chapter, the killers itself is very, very overtuned.
Out of the 20+ I’ve gone against, I’ve escaped two or three (maximum). The tail power is far too OP and those hit boxes are utterly ridiculous. Alien needs a nerf, asap.
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People REALLY like going only against the same 3 killers every match.
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Is that the reason the pick rate for killers is incredibly diverse right now? Are you stuck in DBD 3 years ago?
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Diverse on low ranks. Not so diverse on the higher mmr.
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lol kicking gens is holding the game hostage lol welp he lost all crediblity in my book. he says it at 630
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does it need nerfs idk maybe it does maybe it doesnt its not up to me.
id love to hear how you support kicking gens to be seen as holding the game hostage =P
ill be waitting with baitted breath.
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GWas funny that you pulled the low/red ranks card but I'll bite. ot stats on that bud?
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So all killers should be judged in relation to the strength of Demo?
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No recent stats i´m afraid. Since the last ones released in that regard are exactly 1 year old.
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I played a game v bots last night on autohaven to get some practice with the tail on console. I got turret hit 12 times in the match, 5 of those were before I could even use my power. The bots got there turret placements spot on. Place your turrets in good positions and keep the xeno from being constantly in runner mode.
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I mean, killer is supposed to be the power role. You can't expect to play the same play style against every killer. Learn to adapt. I've seen plenty of survivors juke the tail attack.
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Using the tail for destroying the turret is very hard, most of the times the turret remove your power before you can use the tail.
I'm not too good playing survivor and I managed to place the turret in good spots just dont put the turrets in middle of nowhere, put it in middle of jungle gyms and near safe loops. Of course sometimes you can't reach a turret before the alien can use the tail two times downing you, but all the killers need win-win scenarios sometimes to actually achieve their objective of hooking survivors, you know, in fact the reason why the weakest m1 killers of the game are so weak is because they almost never have that scenarios and rely too much in mind games and bloodlust to catch any experienced survivor.
Maybe the only thing I woulf nerf in the xeno is increasing a bit its recovery time after failing a tail attack, but not to the point it was in the PTB which was too much imo.
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Survivors: "I don't want to play against the same killers every game."
Also survivors: "I hate playing against this new killer because they are actually strong and I have to use my brain."
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Ah yes. The typical this killer is so ######### to go against thread that happens for every newly released killer.
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You need to practice! Look at Sadako nerf people were screaming about it being a buff and such a buff they refused to play against her. First week all we heard is how OP she is. Now people have practice the game a bit and understood that Sadako is still weak. Alien is B-tier perhaps and people scream as she was S-tier.
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MFW people compare a map under a map where the killer has free movement to traverse to having to portals you have to go around and place and cyou choose to go into a portal you've committed to going to that location.
They both use tunnels the same way Huntress and Trickster are both "ranged" killers.
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Gotta love getting hit over pallets even when you slammed it right as tail strike went off. Plus the xeno's anti turret add-ons make placing them pointless
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Xeno is far more balanced than Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Wesker or Artist.
I dont get how people cant counterplay this little dog, its so easy. My opponents lose their power every single time when I prepared my chase-route before I get chased.
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If all your team is setting up turrets, it is pretty easy to loop the killer :
- set turrets in order for them to be behind the killer when you will loop the tile
- when chased, go to the loop with the turret
- when the turret starts firing, the killer will have to turn around to destroy it -> hold W and change tile, you can also pre-drop the pallet if needed to gain more time
- repeat
The most important thing to do is to set all the turrets availalbe, without turrets the killer is extremely strong but turrets are a really good counter to Alien.
Also you can dodge the tail hits at pallet and windows as you would dodge Nemesis' tentacle or Wesker's power.
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Spirit Wesker and Artist are all balanced though? Xeno is obviously balanced too.
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Careful. Only Killers allowed to be miserable and complain and uninstall. Otherwise, when Survivor are miserable they just need to "adapt."
Killer hypocrisy at its finest.
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*rolls eyes*
The killer has been out for 4 days. Everyone is still learning how to play as and against the Alien. Just give it some time.
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I actually had quite a bit of fun my first few games against The Xenomorph, enjoyed dodging the tail whip and playing around with turret placement. It could just be my love of the Alien franchise is blinding me a little though, I’m sure I’ll be cursing this killer within a week or so. 😂
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Me: Doing gens and setting up turrets while running in advance when they beep and looping the killer when they appear despite them being "unloopable"
My teammates: In the basement opening chests and when the killer finds them they run to dead zones so they can kill themselves on hook
It is not Xeno's fault most survivors are potatoes.
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Im sorry but the arguments this guy makes are pretty bad, I hope someone else can tackle the critism against Xenomorph because this guy overdramatizes way too much and when he tries to address counter arguments he ends up countering his own arguments
The only thing i can sort of agree, is that Xeno shouldn't be able deny his counter with its tail.
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I think the main thing theyll change is the tail attack, like scottjund said its like old slinger
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Careful they might bring up stuff relevant years ago like it was WW2.
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I don't find the killer itself problematic (aside from a few issues but nothing crazy) as the way people have been playing him. Majority of my games against him have been just simple tunnel, let them get unhooked and stay on top of them gameplay which is just not the way I wanna play dbd
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he is not strong just really annoying, if you do not have turret near, he just presses power into windows/pallet, if misses just blocks with his body and you die anyway. IMO they should make his crawler mode hitbox smaller.
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And Blight is stronger than Xeno what is your point?
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So you don't have a point then?
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When I see survivors do everything they can to not touch a gen or engage in any sort of counterplay I can't take these claims seriously.
I have no trouble against Xeno at all.
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The turrets are incredibly helpful so much so that I'm scared to work on a gen without having one near me. There's like a misunderstanding on how the turrets work I feel like, the second you hear rapid beeping just run there's no maybe on whether or not the Xeno is coming out of the tunnel near your gen if you hear it, it's coming and you need to leave ASAP.
If you run early enough there's a chance you can deny Xeno killer instinct on you and even if you don't you will have made so much distance it becomes a losing proposition for it to chase you, I absolutely think Sprint Burst is the strongest perk you can run against a Xeno. If you actually heed the warning of the turret and make distance then you make Xeno's life very hard. The other thing is I don't see people repair the turrets very often. If a Xeno isn't destroying them then you need to punish that mistake and take the the time to repair them also once a gen is done bring the turret it with you near the next closest gen they are very valuable and if you complete a gen and then just have turret in an area where nobody has any reason to be you're basically handicapping yourself by giving yourself under 4 turrets to work with.
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1v1? Me xeno?
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This is the moment DBD turned into CoD.
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From what I've seen, they'll juke the tail and then they get hit right after because Alien isn't penalized for missing or even slightly nerfed while entering Crawler mode.
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Honestly, even with over 1k hours in survivor alone, I wont be playing anymore until Xeno is changed. She is still in almost every game, and her kit is overloaded with killer instinct, move speed buffs, cross map travel, insane tail range, little to no penalty on missed tails hits, and anti loop with hitting tails through objects. With all that, all survivors have are the turrets, and they are completely useless.
I looped a Xeno through 4 sprays of fire before she lost crawler mode. That is completely ridiculous. If a killer totally stacked with features only has 1 counterplay and its near useless, that is wrong. SWF is the literal only way to win against a xeno, she is a solo q destroyer. So as solo q players stop playing and its only SWF's, which the game was already getting that way before this dlc, so killers are just gonna complain its all SWF's. BHVR is cultivating a game where without a full squad, games are so one sided, it's not even funny.
Survs have to play full squads to even play this game anymore, and that also takes the fun out for many killers. I do not understand why the devs keep pushing more and more that way. There is literally ZERO reason to not play as a SWF in tis game.
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I came up with a small strategy whenever I go against him.
-Plan your running route: usualy on the other side of the Station
-Place torrent on your running route: Place it a bit far from the station
-As soon as you hear the beeping noise flash at a rapid pace, book it!
It's 2x easier if you use Sprint Burst, which I now keep in my main perk build.
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The Xenomorph is definitely a tough killer. A group of us spent a few hours running customs against the Xenomorph. We were able to get 1 survivor out haha. Still haven't figured out the secret yet.
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While I do think there needs to some slight nerfs to Xeno, I've been having more luck focusing more on setting up flame turrets and actually trying to use them in better locations. It sucks that it's pretty strict on where you can put them which severely limits where you can position them though and I'd like to see this made better again.
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There's no secret.
The killer is overtuned as hell.
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Eh not really.