Flashlights need to be killswitched right now

This literally makes the game unplayable for killer, every survivor can hide in the locker and not get hit, or if they do they just have self care equipped. Flashlights need to be turned off
There's a new locker glitch that allows survivors to be invincible, it's completely gamebreaking, and I'm hoping the devs will patch it soon. Can people be banned for this?
Post edited by Rizzo on13 -
It falls under exploits, so it is reportable. Whether or not they will actually ban anyone for it is a different story.
So far, I've had 4 people abuse it and I'm 100% fed up with it. The next person that does it is getting some quality time with Bubba.
I really hope this gets fixed soon because it seems that more and more people are aware of this.
Edit: So far I've camped 10 people to death, that used or tried to use this exploit.
Post edited by Rizzo on32 -
I don't think they can or should ban people for something that is a break on the devs side. It isn't like they've done something to their game client to get an advantage.
It's like the Blast Mine bug where you go out of body sometimes. Invisible and able to unhook and open gates. I didn't plan for it to happen but it was funny as hell.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Yeah I've given up playing for the day. Trying to play as killer is pointless right now, and playing survivor isn't much better given that my teammates would rather spend the majority of the match phasing into objects.
It needs patched ASAP, and if they can't fix it quickly then kill-switch flashlights until it is fixed.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
People who take advantage of bugs can be reported for exploits.
Post edited by Rizzo on23 -
Do you have any idea how dumb that is? Do you actually think that the majority of Devs and Publishers come to the consensus that using severe exploits is a bannable offense despite a potential revenue loss from some customers as some sort of joke?
Post edited by Rizzo on10 -
But banning them is different story.
At least i never saw anyone banned for that.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I think back when there was bug for wall hacks BHVR said something about exploits being bannable but idk if there was actually any consequences (like always lol)
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
People have been getting banned for it 💃🏻
I'd argue it's time to kill switch flashlights but at least people are being banned
Post edited by Rizzo on11 -
Teaming with killer is also against rules and bannable and yet, non of my reports made them banned.
Except cheating, i don't think they are actually banning people.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
Saw a streamer be held hostage in a game for almost an hour over this. The survivors brought a Dead Dawg offering as well. If this isn’t bannable then I don’t even know what to say.
This needs to be dealt with within hours because it’s legitimately making the game impossible to play.
Post edited by Rizzo on13 -
This is the first I've heard of this glitch. Makes me wonder about my game last night with a slugging killer. I jumped in the locker mid chase to force him to grab me as the game was dragging with being slugged, picked up, repeat. He stood outside the locker the whole time I was in it, and I thought we were having a stand off. Was it some sort of glitch?
Edit: I've looked it up, nothing to do with the glitch. It was just a stand off.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Signal boost to this post. It's a really horrible exploit and it seems like a worrying number of Survivors are using it. Until this is fixed I'm not playing and I'd encourage everyone else to do the same, Killer is tough enough without invincible Survivors and I don't want to risk getting tunnelled out as Survivor because I'm the only one who can be targeted.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Has this even been acknowledged by BHVR? I see nothing on their social media.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
BHVR is closed on the weekends. I assume action will be taken come Monday.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Only if said exploit is officially recognised and announced as such.
Otherwise, you can't be banned for stumbling upon a bug or glitch.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
The locker exploit has become so out of controll, it's in quite literally everyone of my killer game's. Unless I'm playing pyramid head or artist, then there's nothing I can actually do. Is there any plans for this to be fixed anytime soon? Playing killer is just boring with the amount of people who exploit this bug.
Edit: For the people defending this exploit, I suggest you rethink your position and stop abusing this bug yourselves lol
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
Surely that'd be a bad idea? You don't want more players to be aware of this glitch because BHVR paraded it around on social media.
Side note, I have no idea what this is actually referring to lol
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I've just had to look it up on youtube, and it's reproduced fairly easily, but through a very specific action. So realistically most people doing this aren't actually just stumbling upon it as I suggested above. But I'm not sure how much difference that makes as far as policy is concerned.
I'd say the only think BHVR could do to fix it right now is to killswitch Flashlights, completely.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
I saw it on a killer game played next to me.
Took 5 minutes to figure out how to make use of it.
OFC they won't ban people for using it, too many will troll with it all weekend.
They need to ban people for using it, short ban.
Its really annoying, and completely ruins the match.
Post edited by Rizzo on10 -
I understand your frustration but I kinda feel posting about it is a bad idea because doing so encourages more players to look it up and try it.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Yeah was going to ask, what is this even? But then again when you bring attention to it bhvr has to fix it faster...
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
The survivors doing it aren't "stumbling" into lockers repeatedly... you gaslighters are the worst. "oh gee golly the devs haven't said you're not supposed to be unkillable, so who can know if it's a bug or features uWu"
Post edited by Rizzo on20 -
Maybe read my next post? And leave the attitude at home.
On principle, yes it should be punishable. But principles don't drive policies.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
What is this glitch?
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Dude what? People are using this exploit on purpose. They actively run to a locker mid chase to abuse this. And it isn´t something that happens accidentally.
Devs should work on a quick fix and in the meantime set out a message on the main screen. Warning people about a bannable offensive. If people continue to exploit, then thats on them.
Post edited by Rizzo on11 -
There's a locker bug?
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Not really a way to know if this can be bannable. USUALLY exploits are only bannable when the Devs acknowledge them and write a message ingame that it is bannable. And so far, if I am not mistaken, this only applied to the Bug where Legions Mending-Add Ons were bugged to stack so that it will result in huge mending times because it increased with every Frenzy-Hit.
However, most of the time exploits are related to Perks or Add Ons being bugged and the Devs give the benefit of the doubt. Nobody was banned for Nurse being ridicously fast with certain Add Ons, or when using bugged Bamboozle, bugged Merciless Storm, bugged Wake Up... Even tho many players were exploiting those Bugs and knew exactly what they were doing.
Furthermore, there is a difference between someone trying out the recent Glitch for one time and people doing it frequently.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
for this bug to happen people have to purposely doing something they don't do in a normal gameplay loop.
not to mention that if the bug is triggered accidentally, a person is 100% aware that it's a bug and the choice to exploit it or not is up to them.
anybody who uses locker bug deserves their punishment.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
Just run into match with duo crossplatform players (they were obviously duo and they had this in mind) who just right from the start using flashlight bug to enter lockers to make themselfs untargatable. You can't hit them or open the locker, they are inside the locker and self-care out of there if needed. They run around me and whenever you decided to chase them, they run to locker and hide there.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Yes it is.
Edit: video of that actions + online report additional to the ingame report is needed
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
Okay, but the problem is I don't record or don't have any recording program to use while playing game since that just slows down the performence and such. It's kinda sad the in-game report for cheaters and exploiters don't rly do anything since you don't have evidence and I bet most players don't have as well.
Imagine if we had one day real replay system, if someone gets reported, the match is sended and can be checked if something for real happend... oh well. I quess nothing will happend to them. But thanks for answering.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Yup it's bannable, don't worry if you doesn't record, just report those, devs can " review " the game still tho
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
This glitch is doing my head in. I'm fed up of people cheating and holding games hostage like this. It is annoying for killers but also surv. Like I'm trying to play solo q but we're basically playing a man down because there's often someone abusing this glitch
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
It is bannable but having videos is not usually useful as they go with streamer mode so you can't see their names.
Just be sure to report them ingame. I hope they get permaban althought I don't think so as I'm having this exploiters every game so if they permaban all of them the game will be in trouble in terms of numbers...
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Bugs being bannable feels like it's always been wildly inconsistent
This seems like a situation where this bug would be bannable (you're never going to accidentally do this bug) but we can only guess as BHVR works in mysterious ways
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
This is not a bug that you find "accidentaly". Survivors abusing this bug know what they are doing and their accounts should be banned permanently.
We are not talking about a bug that "just happened".
Report them ingame and also in the Steam profile if you have access to it.
Post edited by Rizzo on10 -
It's mainly dependant on if you're breaking a rule in tandem by using a bug.
For example: Sitting in an area where the killer physically cannot reach you for an extended period of time (like here) would count as holding the game hostage.
I think that's the reasoning they used for the Infinite Mending Legion bug being bannable as well. The mend times were so long that it classed as a hostage situation.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
They absolutely should. Anyone abusing the bug is choosing to break the game. And they should be treated like any other cheater.
Just because an exploit is there, doesn't mean people have the right to use it.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
Surprised they haven't killswitched the perk/item yet
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
They banned people over the Legion mending bug which was when the mending time increasing addons were bugged and kept stacking each time you were hit making the mending time keep going up.
Bugs that can literally keep the game hostage are worthy of getting banned over.
Post edited by Rizzo on8 -
Just had a game of all 4 people exploiting this. I thought it was map specific (haddonfield) but the fact that it is EVERY locker on EVERY map is horrible. Flashlights need to be killswitched
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
I ran in to a full squad running the overcome, self care, bite the bullet, and lucky break build. All with beams. They would all just vanish into lockers lol.
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This might actually be the most game breaking bug this game has had, and that is saying something
10 -
I heard it's caused by the flashbang perk as well
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Every game there's a person doing the infamous exploit.
BHVR's reaction is silence.
Content makers keep putting that exploit in a spotlight, explicitly showing how to do it & doing it themselves.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
It is weekend, BHVR is not working during the weekend.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Agree, even every stream became just people abusing this bug. I don't think we need to play like this another 2 days.
7 -
Wait so what is going on? I have yet to witness this?
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People can walk into lockers and are unhittable or pickable by killers, basically if a swf abuses it, no one can get downed and they can infinitely hold the game hostage