"B-but you need to stay injured for MFT value!"

NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

What if this perk was actually high risk high reward? after being healed to healthy once (or twice), this perk is disabled for the remainder of the trial.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    really? you want to nerf MFT but not perks from killers? you only play killer i gather.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I think I'm at the point where I'm so tired of MFT, in and out the game, that any nerf to it sounds like a good idea lol.

  • antag0nisticw0mble
    antag0nisticw0mble Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2023

    Actually been playing for a couple years now. I know GOJ is a crap shoot on both sides. But look at autohaven another example of how crap the layouts are. Unsafe pallet into unsafe pallet into open striaght wall loop with a window in the middle and a hole in a short section just for a pallet.

    Killers break the door on main at the gas station that loop becomes pointless too. You go in the garage you're trapped. You use the pallet inside the store you're trapped.

    More and more maps are headed that direction. Do you want to even talk about shelter woods or coldwind farm?

    And you're also talking like I play swf all day. I play solo 90% of the time. I'm lucky if I can find a damn pallet a random hasn't wasted. GOJ might be strong in some cases but if it's a killer that has range like nemesis, huntress or xeno you're screwed because of the vault bug.

  • Ok then make nowhere to hide only work at the generator you kick. Now killers can't abuse it with high mobility killers like nurse, demo, blight, xeno, freddy or onryo

  • antag0nisticw0mble
    antag0nisticw0mble Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2023

    Killers can stack pwyf, and noed so hows that different?

    Also pwyf stacks with bloodlust and gives you 15% at max stacks. Add that to bloodlust and a 115 killer becomes a 145.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    not autohaven but on coldwind maps i'd say killers never need bloodlust anymore. and gas haven main has one of its garage doors auto-broken now. and definitely no, breaking the door next to the window doesn't kill the loop, you can easily entity-block that window against m1s.

    shelter is a good map now the main "building" is really strong, imo at least. i don't get sad spawning in it as survivor anymore. but i'm gonna add, the new map is a bit weaker. BL is a bit much on it as well.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "Players should get one speed boost that takes the larger of the two bonuses. That goes for killer and survivor."

    Highlighted the important bit that invalidates your comment. Your welcome.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2023

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Did... did they expect a different response? Maybe some hesitation or push back?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    mft by itself also is a problem not just the stacking. shorter speed burst sounds interesting, getting caught in the open especially against stbfl would be death. although the perk's problem mostly is the infinite availability for such a strong effect so a possible nerf imo should address that.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    Picking on my grammar, sentence structure, spelling or capitalization is not really helpful nor does it make you the better person. You understood my comment and went this route... tsk tsk... Okay you're the better person and the best here...

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited September 2023

    No, that part was just me being annoying cause why not? Who even capitalizes stuff online unless their phone does it for them?

    But the actual argument is still there and you just decided to ignore it... gonna assume because you have to.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    im not ignoring anything. the premise of nerfing a strong perk from survivors but not from killers is not okay. there should always be a balance to things. they way things are now with DBD killers are just getting stronger and stronger and survivors are just getting slower and slower.

    im not a pro player and im not even godly survivor i can say i at least play decently but even i can feel the gap just widening between killers and survivors.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    the premise of nerfing a strong perk from survivors but not from killers is not okay.

    Why? Let's ignore everything else and just focus on this premise of yours for now.

    To nerf a strong survivor nerf, you also must nerf a strong killer perk. That is what you are saying. I wanna challenge that.

    Little sidenote... Is the reverse also true?

    Back on track. Let's assume we are on a perfect balance. Nothing is too strong or too weak. Just perfection.

    Then, we get an update that makes just one change, and that change makes one survivor perk insanely overpowered. Just borderline game breaking. Nothing else is affected.

    So following your premise, what do we do to address this situation? Do we just pick a random killer perk that by definition is perfectly balanced and nerf it aswell?

    Or do we go against your premise and only nerf the survivor perk? Which would show your premise is wrong?

    Or a third option I didn't think of? (Reverting the update would be the same as nerfing the perk. Just gonna make that clear. And you gotta address it in 1 update)

    That is the challenge I give you.

    After you answer this. I'll address the rest of your comment.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    what you said is sound but you also have to consider the state of the game and what the nerf or buff entails.

    like with what you said if a perk was created, and it was game breaking then why would devs even put it in if it meant that players either killer or survivor would not find this fun.

    is it too much to ask that if one thing is nerfed shouldn't there be at least some semblance of balance? im not as tunnel visioned as you try and make me out to be.

    so nerfing a perk from survivors should also mean nerfing a perk thats on killer isnt really what my statement/premise was about. from the recent patches/updates it has always been the survivors that get the short end of the stick.

    so i guess for you my opinion does not matter as all you want to do is reject or invalidate my comment of wanting at least balance.

    If this is how the community is for DBD then so be it.

    here it is I AM WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT... let's go and nerf MFT heck lets remove all speed boost perks from survivors and maintain the speed boost perks for killers.. i can just imagine all the fun that survivor mains will have.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    the premise of nerfing a strong perk from survivors but not from killers is not okay - not on a literal sense where once you have a survivor perk nerfed you SHOULD nerf a Killer perk.

    I lean more towards balance so what you said here:

    "Then, we get an update that makes just one change, and that change makes one survivor perk insanely overpowered. Just borderline game breaking. Nothing else is affected."

    is not okay for me as well. why even bother putting out that update if its not going to be fun on both sides.

    my reason for saying the "why nerf survivor and not nerf killer" is that these past few patches have been nothing but nerfs for survivors. and even when survivors catch a break like the vault distance for fast vauits - not only did they take it back but even nerfed it to the point that fast vaults feel the same as medium vaults.

    i dont know what i did or say for you to invalidate my opinion but if this is how the community on DBD is then i guess my opinion as a player does not matter.

    I AM WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT. and any of my opinions should be deleted and removed as the opinion that matters here is yours and no one elses.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Please just answer what I asked. It's just a hypothetical. It doesn't bite.

    All it does, in this case, is show that you don't need to talk about "dogs" when someone mentions "cats". Besides whatever they may have in common.

    Also, xeno literally got nerfed in this very patch.

    Also this "Reviewed the Remote Flame Turret placement logic to allow for more flexibility when deploying them" is a direct buff to survivors

    Adrenaline got fixed...

    And you say "Nothing but nerfs for survivors"?

    All this tells me is that you don't argue in good faith

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    All this tells me is that you don't argue in good faith - There's a difference in having a good argument versus putting someones opinion down.

    the xeno patch isnt a nerf but more a balance patch. if they adjusted the range to be shorter for its tailwhip or even improved the slowdown effect from the turrets then thats when its a nerf.

    even with this its still a fair balance. "Decrease the Tail Attack cooldown movement speed from 2 to 1.2 m/s when missing or when it is obstructed"

    "The Adrenaline Perk now correctly gives a bonus health state after self-unhooking" isnt this a fix and not a buff? because it SHOULD be giving that health bonus in the first place.

    and the way you argue is condescending i get it you may be more educated than I am but that should not give you the right to invalidate my opinion. or compare me to a DOG.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Your opinion is getting dismissed because its not an opinion... its just pure survivor bias.

    MFT is beyond busted , this is undeniable, the perk needs to be nerfed as soon as yesterday.

    It doesn't mean that in order to nerf MFT, you have to gut a killer perk for the game to be "balanced" , the busted thing gets fixed and the game is balanced.


    Also survivors are getting nerfed recently because for the longest of times survivors have been in an overpowered state... all the way from sub 1s healing, to DH for distance, to COH infinite self fast heals, guaranteed locker saves, BNP's insta repairing a gen, flashlights insta blinding (Funny story involving the actual DBD game director on this one.) etc etc.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    okay.. thank you for letting me know that my opinion does not matter.

    i guess im just playing the game wrong because i never experienced the overpowered state that you are talking about and my opinion on balance is biased because i main survivors.

    it does not matter that i play the game for fun (i dont really care if i die every single game) but my opinion does not matter as long as you are happy my opinion does not matter in the least.

    Thank you for your opinion and i accept it wholeheartedly that i am wrong and you are right.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    never put your opinion down. I said nerfing killer perks is not relevant to the conversation about nerfing mft. it's an entirely different subject that you have no reason to bring into the conversation. unless you do have some reason that would link these subjects, but you gave none.

    which is equivalent to someone having a conversation about how to take care of a cat, what they eat, what kind of bed is ideal and all that... and someone comes in saying "you also must talk about how to take care of a dog". which is what I tried to get accross before.

    they decreased their movement speed when xeno miss the tail attack. it's a nerf. literally a nerf. you can say it made it balanced, but it was a nerf.

    adrenaline was indeed a fix. which is also something that isn't a nerf. when your argument is "everything is nerfs" I do not need to only point to buffs to show that you are wrong.

    I compared killer perks to dogs and survivors perks to cats. just the first topic a and topic b that kinda overlap with each other that came up. never compared you to either of these animals.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2023

    okay. thank you for pointing out those things. and i was wrong for bringing up killer perks should be nerfed as well.

    there was no real point in these as it was justt pointed out to me that survivors are and have been overpowered for the longest of time where they can insta gen and do 1 sec heals.

    i am at fault for playing the game without knowing that these are things that i can do with the perks available.

    i will try to learn all these things so that i can do insta gens and 1 sec heals every time as well. If i had only known that this was possible i would not have talked about balance and nerfing as survivors are already overpowered and killers are in an unfair state.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    can you chill and not play victim(???) for a second we are discussing a game noone is attacking you. did you bring anything of value to the discussion i couldn't read all that. you just assumed i was a killer main and that was why i wanted a survivor perk nerfed. that's not an opinion, and no i play both sides but no killer perk is more free and annoying than mft, if you think anything else or some other perk needs adjustments/nerfs you can create a whole post regarding that. balancing isn't like hey this needs nerfs but we need to nerf the other side as a payment.

  • Mr_pig2099
    Mr_pig2099 Member Posts: 26

    i agree and apologize for this thread becoming other than the topic. will not bring anything else to the table unless it is anything of value.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,887

    Since when is playing with one health state not a risk? It’s risky even if you’re facing a bad killer.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    One healthstate stops being risky once being injured grants you permanent buffs to basekit abilities + carrying a medkit allows you to 99 a heal, so you get your benefits without the downside.

    Not to mention, killers getting screwed over for using their powers...

    Plague's vomit? directly buffs survivors.

    Legion? Again power buffs survivors.

    Chainsaw killers? Might aswell stay injured if you're getting 1 hit'd anyway and you're harder to catch while injured...

    Ghostface? Again if you're going to be oneshotted might aswell remain injured.

    etc etc.


    A fair fix for MFT+Resi would be a 30-45s window where the perk effects are active, after that you have to heal up to get them back, you get the chase benefits but you aren't permanentely buffed.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    yes, but this perk currently does NOT make you have to stay injured. you can freely heal, after the first hit in your next chase mft value is ready to be gotten.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,673
    edited September 2023

    Wait, what? I mean, I can see that being a problem on Blight (maybe?) or Nurse but the other killers you mentioned gain very little from it. And Nurse and Blight have their own issues. I'll assume you combine it with Lethal Pursuer to give you 7 seconds of aura vision.

    Freddy has to channel his power for 3 seconds and you would also need to look at the gen you want to teleport to and start looking around after the teleport (about 1.5 seconds). So you'd have about 2.5 seconds of aura vision once you're there. Which would only tell you that there are survivors nearby, which you would know anyway because of scratch marks. And this assumes that you always have the teleport ready and use it to get to a gen that survivors are working on, which would mean thar you already where they are. So I fail to see how that would be good or even strong.

    For Demo, the math is even worse (even with pre set portals). So again, not good.

    Sadako might get some value out of it but that would presume that the TV she wants to teleport to isn't turned off and even then she only has about 3.5 seconds of aura vision left when she arrives (at best).

    And for the price of 2 perks, I don't see how that would be problematic. It's so minor, that they could nerf it but I don't see any reason why they should.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    hiya random person idk. i would like to point out hook grabs were removed without any balance buff for killer or nerf for survivors.

    and ya i know bla bla camping. but if they removed windows from the game and didn't replace them would that not be a nerf?

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863

    Being injured is no big deal. All people do is heal to 99% to gain all the benefit of MFT them tap to 100% if they are in danger of being hit.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,984

    Are you complaining about a mechanic that is in the game because map design for killer is still objectively unfair?

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    It's getting changed. Just wait till it happens and complain about it after.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,673

    Your opinion does matter when your opinion is what is asked for. But then you would also need to base it on something, if you want to contribute to an argument. That's not what you did and that's why your opinion is getting dismissed.

    Imagine, if I called for survivor nerfs and said: "In my opinion survivors should only move at 80% of their current movement speed, gens should be blocked for 3 minutes at the start of the trial and windows should permanently block after 1 vault." You would rightfully point out that this is ridiculous and that I would have to make an actual argument and explain how this opinion was formed for it to add anything worthwhile.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,103

    Would be super-bad. This would make matches where the Killer struggles due to a skill difference even worse. Because then players would just stay injured, so there is not even the Slowdown from Healing (and considering that every Killer who can runs Sloppy Butcher nowadays, this would also mean that at least one Perk-Slot is wasted).

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    So, one of the arguments for years to about dead hard was that 'being injured isn't risk'.

    While I'm glad to hear that attitude might actually be changing, it really feels that whether being injured is 'risky' just depends on whether it involves nerfing the most hated flavor of the month.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    being injured is risky, but for mft value you don't have to make the choice of whether you want to stay injured or not. you can stay injured and do gens if that's the right thing to do at that moment, or you can heal without any concern of losing perk value. you'll get your value again again and again. why is it so hard to understand for people?