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Why i play skull merchant



  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Why I played SM. To unlock her two achievements, then mothball the terribly designed character. Got them done in the first two trials.

    Don't know that I'd say it was worth 9k shards, but eh. May eventually do some tome entries requiring that mess.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 936

    It's not fun versing a Kris Jenner who plays in a 3-gen playstyle.

    If you think its "relaxing" then play against bots instead of ruining other players experiences.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ugh I had a response to this but I realized its going in circles and when people start misusing the term strawman as some kind of argument winning buzzword it gets old quick, so rather than reply directly I'll sum up with the same argument I've always held to with anything like this because it doesn't matter what the gameplay is the argument is always the same. To the topic at hand 3-Gen SM...

    • Does 3-gen SM need fixing? yes it's pretty obvious that its mechanically broken and drags the game out for longer than intended.
    • Will playing 3-gen SM upset some players because they don't like it? Yes its obvious some people will get upset over it.
    • The fact that some people get upset over it means that nobody should ever play it? No, because guess what your grumpy opinion doesn't get to dictate how others have fun in a game. If we let that kind of thinking take precedence then people wouldn't be able to do anything in game.
    • Should players at least try not to make other players upset in game? Sure but given the subjective nature of offence anything in game may upset your opponent, all you can do is focus on your own fun and play within the confines of the rules and not engage in post or out of game toxicity. Name calling, taunting, abuse etc.
    • Do player's playing in a way I don't like make them jerks? Inherently no, judging the character of a person over a single instance of online gaming mechanics is a very petty, assumptive and childish way to behave.
    • Can I accept that online gaming involves interaction with many strangers with varying experience, motivation and concepts of what's fun? You have to accept that, you are randomly playing with strangers from all walks of life. You can't expect to apply the same standards of game etiquette to that setting that you would find in a more intimate friends setting or even a face to face gaming group with strangers.
    • Do I need to realize its only a game and if I die/lose its not the end of the world? You should start that way and stop when you can't maintain that mindset anymore.

    With this set of ideas established I go back to the comment that started all this discussion, that the "OP doesn't need to justify why they play or enjoy 3-Gen SM to this community," they are allowed to enjoy it while it's a thing.

    Last bit of food for thought, if you are going around calling people who play in a way you don't like jerks or other names, it just may be you whom is the real jerk.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    " Should players at least try not to make other players upset in game? "

    It is fairly obvious that not a single person out there likes to play against a 3genning skull merchant, there is not much subjective difference about that... Yeah sure we don't know" how he holds his 3gen" but what is it most likely? He is kicking gens, following survivors for short distances, maybe make them drop pallets nearby and then straight back to the generators... I don't think many, if any people enjoy going against something like that.

    "Do player's playing in a way I don't like make them jerks?"

    Yeah, once again rather subjective what people like or don't like, but then again if it something that basically nobody likes, like caitlyn 3 Gen ner over here, then yeah you might be a jerk, same if you slug 4 people and bleed them out for no reason. You obviously know that those people will dislike the playstyle and dislike you for playing it and you cannot even say you didn't know because basically everyone agrees that's it is annoying and miserable to against. Also nobody's personality is just being a jerk but playing skull merchant and 3 genning is a jerk move and makes you a jerk in that certain situation...

    I mean you can play the way you want but if you play like a jerk you cannot really complain about being called out for it... You knew nobody likes the playstyle and they will have a miserable time, it is what it is...

    Also it is not about dieing or living it is about the amount of time wasted and the only way to not waste 20-60 minutes in a boring 3 Gen game is by dying early, whichsny people won't do out of spite but yeah the most reasonable thing is to just go afk or DC so they can have their chill win or the game against bots, anything else is most of the time just a useless struggle against an inevitable outcome...

    So once again why not play against bots? You don't ruin people's days, you don't need to justify yourself, you don't get called out for this and your game does not change, since you have the same gameplay of kicking gens...

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2023

    "not a single person out there likes to play against" , "basically everyone agrees that's it is annoying and miserable to against." Amazing how your view reflects the views of everybody. Absolutism usually makes for weak arguments because it's based solely on feeling and opinionated perspective.

    So once again why not play against bots? I've answered this already, bot games don't provide any of the bonuses that online games do. A legit strategy against bots is just as legit against humans, even a potentially annoying strat can be legit if within the confines of the game rules.

    Rationalize the abuse of other players over game mechanics all you want. No matter how moral you feel in your need to police in game behaviour. It doesn't change the fact that neither the OP, or anyone else, owe you, or this community, an explanation for how they choose to legitimately play the game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2023

    The forum is where people come to complain it's a biased sample.

    BHVR will change it eventually till then, play it out and stop whining and attacking other players out of spite.

    Calling people can out can also be called having a temper tantrum over a game, stop trying to rationalize being nasty to others over a game.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,037

    I hope you enjoy the new skull merchant

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 936

    Good ridance Chess Merchant.

    You will not be missed. 😊

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sure plenty of folks have complained, but does that justify what the poster I'm replying to is advocating which is attacking people and calling them names outside of game over using a poorly designed mechanic.

    The mechanics of SM are no longer even the point of the discussion.

    Think carefully about what you are throwing you hat in the ring in support of here, its basically a self righteous pro-toxicity argument which is nothing more than a tantrum over a game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I've answered these points so you can either reread everything I've already written or just agree to disagree on what constitutes bad behaviour.

    I personally think bad behaviour in real life tops bad behaviour in game. Neither are good but one is worse than the other.

    Ask yourself what kind of person am I that I equate, or even confuse, one with the other?

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    For players like you SM getting these changes.

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49

    There are bot matches now. You can play against bots. I mean if you play Skull Merchant, you're going to anyway. This just skips one step in the process!

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    From a legal or moral standpoint the Internet is not different than the real world, there is not much of a difference if you insult someone here or there, there is still people on both sides, annoy them and there is going to be a similar response, you will get called out for or called names, that's just what it is, and if you induced this anger then it is kind of fair, isn't it?

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    if people cared legion wouldnt be nerfed nor deathslinger

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 193

    When’s the sequel to this post, “Why I stopped Playing Skull Merchant,” gonna drop?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "From a legal or moral standpoint the Internet is not different than the real world," sure but using a strong mechanic in a game that is within the confines of the ruleset is neither illegal or immoral, so this argument is nonsense.

    "you will get called out for or called names, that's just what it is" Sure but two wrongs don't make a right, stop trying to say they do that's part of the problem, don't be part of the problem.

    "if you induced this anger then it is kind of fair, isn't it?" Your inability to control your anger at others over a game is not the fault of others. Take some responsibility for your emotional state and grow up a little.

    It's a game meaning in the grand scheme of things its completely unimportant.

    If you can't separate the game world from the real world and control your anger about it then you shouldn't play with others till you can, because guess what... some people are gonna play in a way you don't like and that's ok, no matter how much you don't like it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You stated bad behaviour in the real world would top the one on the internet, I just disagreed with it, basically because it is the same in the sense I said.

    When one wrong is only the consequence of the other one I don't think the following one is not that bad, because it only happened as a reaction.

    Sure piss off other people as much as you want, but if they get angry about it they are basically children, makes total sense.

    That will just maybe make you play with different people who agree with your mindset and rules more, because custom games are a thing and you can just decide to not play against something you don't like then. Same as when people just dced against skull merchant, which is fair.

    But luckily the ptb removed her ability to play this abomination of a playstyle. I just hope this thing goes through.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,019

    As this discussion has gotten heated and argumentative, as well as posted (and overall discussed) prior to the PTB, I will go ahead and close this here.

    People may play how they choose to - within the Game Rules - , but remember that prolonging games and refusing to progress it for a long period of time can find a player(s) being in violation of our rules regarding Greifing for holding the game hostage.

This discussion has been closed.