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Ultimate Weapon is not OP.



  • Member Posts: 556

    MFT is only good with pro players, I don't even like to use this perk because I don't feel any difference, it is strong with hope, but I don't even stay alive until the generators are completed, since the Ultimate Weapon works with any killer in any level, if the surv is not good at looping

  • Member Posts: 291


    Compare it to other perks, say "I'm All Ears" from Ghostface. That only triggers if a survivor fast vaults and then it only shows the aura of one survivor. Oh, and it has a CD of 40 seconds so it already triggers less often then Ultimate Weapon.

    The CD needs to be in the 60 to 90 second range at least with how strong it is.

  • Member Posts: 73

    It astounds me survivors are whining about a niche perk. damn you need to learn to counter a perk damn how harsh,, waint you cant 4 stack meta perks ohh the horror..

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Meanwhile, I’m very often seeing 2-3 Made for This per game, because it’s made all the other primary chase perks obsolete at higher MMR, and the only other useful chase perks at higher MMR are the ones that synergies with Made for This.

    And Windows of Opportunity is also disproportionally over picked in my games, and I’m seeing it way more often than any other survivor information perk.

    And I’m still seeing a lot of killers that would rather use aura perks than Ultimate Weapon, because they would rather have 5-9 seconds of continuous survivor detection, than have single points of detection that alert the survivors that they have been revealed.

  • Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2023

    This is the Nowhere To Hide dilema again, if you want to be steath go all the way with it and equip perks to hide yourself. These perks are healty for the game, they incentivize the killers to start new chases instead of camping because he can't find anyone. It also punishes those who refuse to advance in their objective and lengthen the games unnecessarily.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    i play both sides and they are not wrong it is truly a major case of skill issue

  • Member Posts: 685

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are saying but when nurse blinks she can still see what's going on around her and change the direction she's facing in mid blink. This means she can see you dodge or juke the first blink while she's in the middle of it and set up to immediately use the second blink to go to where you dodged to.

  • Member Posts: 556

    You understood right, that's what I wanted to know, the problem is that I see some nurses do this even through walls, I believe it's because the user has an expensive headset and can be guided by the noise of footsteps and crows

    But the subject here is about the ultimate weapon, and really this type of perk is very strong on killers like the nurse, I personally think that aura and information reading perks should follow the same rule: when the killer uses the power these perks deactivated, using the "There is nowhere to hide" perk gives the nurse the ability to find survs all over the map, which is kind of strange for a killer who is strong and can traverse the entire map very quickly, now in a clown she it is only useful to see if there are survs near an almost finished generator

    But of course this is my opinion, I know there will be a lot of killers saying they need these perks against pro players and swf, but in general against these players they are useless in practice because their focus is on chasing, the problem is that against less experienced survs, one of them being eliminated by the killer is already a guaranteed victory for him, that's what I think is wrong with these perks and the game itself

  • Member Posts: 556

    I think the game favors main killer more than main surv in practice, what happens is that the game doesn't favor all killers at high level, example: at low level you can use any killer that is almost certain to win, at high levels you can train a Nurse, a spirit, a Blight, a Wesker maybe, that you still have conditions to win, and even with weak killers you can do about 2 kills, since the camping and tunnel and even slug are still strong, despite of not being as oppressive as they used to be

    to be honest UW is not as OP as I said, but it can still hinder less experienced players, in the same way that "nowhere to hide" and lethal pursue" do

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    i dont camp tunnel or any of that stuff it does not make you better nor does it make you cool it makes you lazy and looked down on.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Made For This has made all the other primary chase perks obsolete at higher MMR. If you really want perks to be nerfed whenever they make other perks obsolete, then you should care about Made For This. Otherwise, you're just making up a double standard.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Bringing up double standards isn't a whataboutism.

    If you want to complain that perks should be nerfed if they make other perks obsolete, then your standard should work for both sides of the game. Made for This has greatly overshadowed every other primary chase perk in the game, at higher MMR.

  • Applicant Posts: 19

    If the counter to a perk is another perk, then chances are that perk might be busted.

    Afterall, going by your logic, old CoH wasn't OP, since all Killers had to do was use Shattered Hope

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Probably one of those people going"actually if you bring Empathy you can let go of the gen before your teammate goes down and Eruption won't hit you".

    MfT and UW being strong at the same time is cause BHVR wants to push the meta in this direction. It's not a coincidence MfT is not getting addressed yet and UW is a perk that starts chases, because the want a chase focused meta. The only way to counter UW maybe currently is to not go down to deny killer pressure. How do you not go down? You bring MfT. UW being stronger just reinforces the need for MfT to stay strong.

    They probably had this planned all along that's why MfT has not been addressed so far.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Look, it's not the perk that's broken, the characters that benefit the most are and sure there are killers in that category like Wesker with his 40m terror radius that is fun to play against but the rest are just... Dreadful

  • Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2023

    As survivor you can pick 4 perks.

    There are 112 Killer perks, and you say one perk is that strong that you should allways equip a talent thats almost useless when killers are not running that perk?

    Sounds pretty strong to me.

    As only killer player im not saying that it is OP but it is the strongest informationperk we have atm. And i really hope that it will stay because now Surivors have to choose if thy play Distortion or Calm spirit. If they use both, they block allready 2 perks

    I mean its like Nowhere to hide, just stronger.

    • Its based on your Terrorradius, so for most killers 32m instead of 24m (nowhere to hide)
    • It stays on for 30sec instead of only 5sec
    • Its easier to activate
    • its faster to activate

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    I literally don't care if people in lockers aren't repairing generators. If I'm searching for survivors, and find zero survivors, then I've wasted all the time I've spent looking for survivors, and I would have been better off camping or holding a 3-gen, instead of wasting time trying to find survivors that are excessively hiding. And there's zero point of almost every killer aura perk in the game, because lockers and distortion hard counters most of them.

    The result is that if Ultimate weapon gets nerfed, then killers are better off just running slowdown, and proxy camping instead of wasting time looking for a new target. And if a killer is patrolling generators, kicks the generator and doesn't see anyone, then the best action is to immediately go back to patrolling generators.

    Doctor's secondary survivor reveal is much better than Ultimate Weapon, because zero things in the game block it. And static blast helps unlock Doctor's secondary survivor reveal.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited September 2023

    Ultimate Weapon would be OP if it was the old DBD where Stealth was the common playstyle.

    However this isn’t the case anymore. Looping clearly is.

    Ultimate Weapon also resolves stall situations where two remaining Survivors just hide for the whole game waiting for the other Survivor to get caught so they can get hatch.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    killer perk op: omg nerf blindness op

    survivor perk op: yes survivors shouldn't get one decent perk. it's just 3% anyway killers should get good

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    I didn't say any of that. I'm saying that perks like current Ultimate weapon are necessary, if BHVR wants to encourage killers to leave a hooked survivor, or to leave a 3 gen.

    And I didn't say anything about countering Ultimate weapon. The whole point of my argument is it shouldn't have 100% counters. The whole point of many of my arguments is that survivors excessively hiding is the biggest problem in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Reduce time of effect to 10-15 seconds, then go on cooldown for 30 seconds. Blindness duration remains at 30 seconds. All Blindness effects should be long because otherwise it does nothing.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Then what are perks supposed to do? Everything is a counter to something else.

    Terminus is a counter to Adrenaline.

    Sloppy is a counter to healing speed perks/medkits.

    Inner Healing/Renewal are counters to Sloppy.

    Counterforce is a counter to Hex perks.

    Iron Maiden is a counter to lockers and locker perks.

    Lightborn is a counter to flashlights and flashlight/blinding perks.

    Fact is there are a lot of things that can cause survivor to scream, and the more such mechanics are added to the game, the more valuable Calm Spirit becomes. You have Doctor, Pain Res, Jolt, Infectious Fright, and now Ultimate Weapon, all viable and common causes of screaming. Not to mention Make Your Choice and Dragon's Grip, which killers won't expect to be circumvented this way.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Killers need reliable counters to survivors that want to excessively hide.

    If a killer hooks a survivor, and finds someone else with Ultimate weapon, they are incentivized to chase that person to keep up tempo. And if the killer doesn’t find someone else near the hooked survivor, they are incentivized to patrol the map, because they actually have a decent chance of finding someone else, even if those survivors are hiding.

    And it incentivizes killers to leave a 3 gen because they might actually be able to find someone to chase. Half of the 3 gen problem involves survivors that pre leave generators when their visual terror radius lights up, and are long gone by the time the killer gets there. Unless the killer has a tracking perk that helps them out, it’s not worth it for the killer to search the area for the survivor, and the killer is better off kicking the generator and going back to patrolling the generators.

    The main problem is there are so many line of sight breakers in the game now, that manually searching for survivors that are excessively hiding, is a waste of time unless a tracking perk reveals their location. This isn’t a case of “ultimate weapon makes it so I don’t waste time searching an area where survivors aren’t in”, because I’m not going to waste time searching an area, if I don’t know if anyone is there, if I could be camping or holding a 3 gen instead.

    A big part of the camping problem, in general, is that it’s not worth leaving a hooked survivor, to search for survivors that are excessively hiding, unless a tracking perk reveals their location.

  • Member Posts: 2,084

    It being OP maybe is debatable, but it is absolutely no fun and extremely frustrating to play against, especially considering there's no viable counter other than losing s perk slot for calm spirit. It's an unhealthy kind of perk that doesn't belong in the game.

    For what it's worth, I'm a killer main, and even I can see how much of a problem this perk can be.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    If you can only think of those situation where UW is good then your imagination is lacking.

    It's a great gen slowdown tool while also being a chase perk and an information denier for solo survivor.

    Watch some youtube videos where people pair it with Dead Man Switch and tell me it's not multipurpose.

  • Doctor can be countered by lockers.

    Aura perks can be countered by lockers.

    Ultimate weapon cannot be countered by lockers.

    How is a perk with absolutely 0 counter not OP?

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    If the killer finds someone with Ultimate weapon immediately after hooking a survivor, then they have a new target to chase, which means they aren't camping, and they aren't tunneling. They're literally chasing someone new, which is what killers are supposed to do.

    People keep complaining when killers aren't chasing new targets, but they're also super against killers getting any tools that might help them chase a new target.

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    Yes, I realize a survivor could be close to the hook. That survivor can run away from the hook. They aren't required to loop the killer near a hook.

    And I can 3 gen perfectly well without Ultimate weapon. It's literally just kick gen and continue patrolling. Survivors are pre-leaving the generators so early, and for so long, that the generators aren't getting repaired, regardless of whether or not they are screaming because of a perk.

    And no one needs to devote two perk slots to get value out of Nowhere to hide, because the aura reading lasts long enough basekit. And BBQ is a useless perk, because it's too easily dodged, and it reveals people that are so far away that they'll be long gone before you get there.

    And dead man's switch is garbage unless you're Artist, and launching a crow from across the map. The most likely scenario on everyone else is I interrupt someone, chase after them, and the gen gets blocked when I'm chasing the only person that was repairing it, so who cares if it's blocked? And dead man's switch only triggers after a hook, so it doesn't even work in an extended 3-gen, as it requires the killer to actually get hooks.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I think UW is definitely an extremely unfair perk. Especially if we have a killer that's tunneling and especially with killers that literally just stand right in front of a survivor that's hooked. And then they run. I forget the name of the perk wear your exposed and you literally can't save another person. There's no hiding from them. All they have to do is open a locker and figure out where you are. I think it's ridiculous that they lessened iron will and being able to self-hill. And they give all the really great perks to the killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    Ultimate Weapon is definitely a tad overpowered. Being able to find anyone anywhere at any point is already powercreeping any tracking perk that's ever been released, and then on top of that it provides Blindness and interrupts actions, which is particularly relevant for healing under Hemorrhage, for gens with Dead Man Switch, for blessing or cleansing totems, or even for trying to get your RBT off or putting your tape away.

    Locating anyone around hooks makes camping much more effective, knowing when to camp and how hard to camp, being able to chase would-be unhookers away before they even get close enough for a potential trade, pressuring people off gens around the hook without needing to worry about someone getting the unhook for that. Securing stage transitions made easy. An unhooked survivor also cannot hide from you, free for the tunnel out. You can more effectively protect a 3-gen setup because you can check from afar whether someone is on any of your gens, as well as snuff out reset locations, which is crucial. The Dead Man Switch synergy is also particularly nasty on a gen cluster setup, for obvious reasons. Slugging becomes more potent because not only can you quickly and reliably find your next targets, but survivors will also be blind, having a harder time finding any slugs. The endgame that is already fairly heavily skewed in the killer's favour basically becomes unwinnable with UW in play. Highly problematic Hexes such as Devour and Pentimento will be nigh uncleansable. Pig can reliably find and prevent people with RBTs from removing them. Sadako can reliably find Condemned survivors or ones close to Condemnation trying to bring a tape away. Stealth is integral to being able to compete against Nurse, Blight, Spirit and Oni, so good luck with that.

    I'm a big fan of tracking perks in general and hate looking for survivors, and I would welcome the introduction of UW if it weren't for the fact that it encourages and supports some of the already more problematic elements of killer gameplay. An adjustment to the active duration (15 seconds) and/or cooldown (60 seconds) is reasonably in order, although alternatively I would like to see changes such as disabling the perk around the hook (i. e. it doesn't activate on anyone as long as the hooked survivor is within the killer's terror radius) and making recently-unhooked survivors exempt from it, nerfing its propensity to camping and tunnelling playstyles.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Happens all the time and we just go back to running and running and running kind of like forrest..

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