What's the best way to play slug?

The flame of revolution always begins with a spark.
In connection with the upcoming update, I am trying to adapt by completely abandoning the hooks. Test games seemed very encouraging.
I haven't felt this happy playing this game in years. Worries about many things completely disappeared. Lanterns, sabotage and most perks for survivors and killers. I don't care anymore.
You're always on the chase. The same chase that survivors dream of. After all, this is the most fun part of the game.
I already have some experience in this matter. But I want to get better at the slug game. If you have anything to add to improve your slug game. I'll be happy to listen to you. I believe that together we can create the ultimate slug tactic.
On Doctor I recommend Coulrophobia instead of Ultimate Weapon and Restraint instead of Iri King. The information you get with this combo is superior to what you have and you also make it much harder for the survivors to heal and pick up their team mates.
For Bubba you can always use double iris plus Infectious Fright. If you play good enough that is pretty nasty.
Myers can work with Tuft of Hair, Knockout and Infectious Fright. But that is more of a gamble.
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Slugging is kinda bad idea , especially when MfT is super meta.
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Remember - always go for the original slug, not the unslugger! :P
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Play bligth or nurse they're the best at it. For build use deerstalker, knockout, infectious fright or ultimate weapon and forced hesitation which slow downs nearby survivors when you down someone.
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Thank you. I'll try, but it's more a question of comfort. I need information for control. The Ultimate Weapon is versatile for many reasons for me. Search and protection. Although the knockout is good, the additional blindness add-on wouldn't hurt.
Restraint is no better than the King, since the King has all the Doctor's illnesses built into him.
I would rather change the King to Calm, giving up Distressing for Clownphobia. 40 meters is still, in my opinion, more desirable. I envy Wesker's standard 40-meter terror.
For those who want to play with the Doctor's terror.
Standard terror 32 meters
Distressing 40 meters
Monitor & Abuse 24/ 40 meters
Calm brown plus/ minus 4 meters
Calm yellow plus/ minus 6 meters
Calm purple plus/ minus 8 meters
Standard terror + Calm brown 28/ 36 meters
Standard terror+ Calm yellow 26/ 38 meters
Standard terror+ Calm purple 24/ 40 meters
Standard terror+ Calm brown+ yellow 22/ 42 meters
Standard terror+ Calm brown+ purple 20/ 44 meters
Standard terror+ Calm yellow+ purple 18/ 46 meters
Distressing+ Calm brown 36/ 44 meters
Distressing+ Calm yellow 34/ 46 meters
Distressing+ Calm purple 32/ 48 meters
Distressing+ Calm brown+ yellow 30/ 50 meters
Distressing+ Calm brown+ purple 28/ 52 meters
Distressing+ Calm yellow+ purple 26/ 54 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm brown 20/ 28 meters 36/ 44 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm yellow 18/ 30 meters 34/ 46 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm purple 16/ 32 meters 32/ 48 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm brown+ yellow 14/ 34 meters 30/ 50 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm brown+ purple 12/ 36 meters 28/ 52 meters
Monitor & Abuse+ Calm yellow+ purple 10/ 38 meters 26/ 54 meters
Distressing+ Monitor & Abuse 32/ 48 meters
Distressing+ Monitor & Abuse+ Calm brown 28/ 36 meters 44/ 52 meters
Distressing+ Monitor & Abuse+ Calm yellow 26/ 38 meters 42/ 54 meters
Distressing+ Monitor & Abuse+ Calm purple 24/ 40 meters 40/ 56 meters
Distressing+ M&A+ Calm brown+ yellow 22/ 42 meters 38/ 58 meters
Distressing+ M&A+ Calm brown + purple 20/ 44 meters 36/ 60 meters
Distressing+ M&A+ Calm yellow+ purple 18/ 46 meters 34/ 62 meters
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Not all of them run with the meta. Here's an example for you.
My friend who took my advice.
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I wouldn't honestly.
You lose by any metric other than making people miserable.
Also, doing this in response to facecamping being removed is rather childish imo
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Strange, I was under the impression that the killer's objective is to kill.
Also responses happen to every buff and nerf - people seek alternative approaches, and the meta changes.
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It's childish to throw a temper tantrum and attempt to circumvent normal gameplay in order to "punish" other players because you're unhappy.
Is slugging a normal part of gameplay? Yes. Is bleeding out 4 Survivors? No.
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Or y'all can play the game normally?
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And people wonder why we're asking about basekit unbreakable when people like this exist
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Just to be clear, once all four survivors are revealed to be slugs, I will definitely hang them on a hook. I have no plans to gloatfully kill them within 4 minutes. Just avoid punishment from the future system.
You yourself must understand that real Campers will not care about this system. Campers will find ways to minimize or completely ignore the system. You have already been told a lot about this in other topics. Most of the victims will be ordinary killers. Those for whom the survivors care.
Here are a few trouble spots. Basement, some main buildings, hot generators, survivors on nearby hooks, The Game, Raccoon City and Midwich Elementary School. The murderers there will have to play to their detriment in order not to be punished.
This is not childish, I’m just trying to adapt to the situation. At the moment, I see this as the best option. I'm not doing this to spite the survivors. Just win and not be punished.
How many Weskers per day do you want to see? Is this really better than the variety of slug killers?
I'm always ready to hear your advice on how to play normally and not be punished. In this regard, I am broad-minded. I’m ready to at least try any tactics and strategies. I don't discriminate. I use a lot of tactics. Both acceptable in the eyes of survivors and not. I even have a friend who is the main Skull Merchant :)
Thanks for the answer. I'm glad that at least two people gave me advice.
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I have a lot of fun playing Killer and there's no certain strategy I follow from the get-go. I don't load into the game with a "I'm going to make sure everyone is slugged" mindset. If survivors make mistakes and find themselves in that position, not my fault. I perform okay no matter the strategy and if I got enough bloodpoints, I won.
I'm open to discuss certain strategies and when they're most useful too. But taking screenshots of multiple matches where you made sure everyone had a miserable time and experience (nobody got enough bloodpoints including the killer, everyone pipped down, a lot of players DCed, still at 5 gens with everyone on ground, refusing to hook people) and flaunting these screenshots as if they're a throphy is giving weird vibes.
Maybe it's time to take a break?🤔
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Where is 'normal gameplay' defined?
Also what makes you assume that players playing a game within their confines do it to 'punish' their fellow gamers? It's possible that some people are projecting their childish nature in this matter, but I'm not convinced it's those who are trying to adapt to an upcoming change.
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Play how you want in order to win, so long as you are not cheating, exploiting, or breaking the rules.
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a player that goes into a match with the mindset of "I'm going to try and slug all 4 people and make this miserable for them" then it may be time they look for a new game.
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This is why we get things like anti camping mechanics added to the game. If slugging becomes the meta, expect an anti slugging mechanic to soon follow. Killers do this to themselves and it sucks because the killer players who don't play like this are the ones who really suffer.
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Soul guard, made for this and exponential will be meta. Let goooo lol 😆
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But isn't your build the basis of your strategy? Make the build slow down, end game or make chases easier. Possibly a mixed build. Without this, we will be no better than the bots who happily run around and hit indiscriminately.
I see we have different perceptions regarding what winning as a killer is. I'm an old-school killer who plays for kills, not blood points. I have everything pumped up and there is no special need to earn blood points. Above you can see how pumped I am.
Let's look at the screenshots.
The killer receives enough blood points. Doctor 28470. Oni 29300. Deathslinger 27967. Skull Merchant 28400 and 27951. As you can see, when playing the slug, you can get a sufficient number of points.
DC. Oni. He only rained when he realized they couldn't win. It was a close match. The survivors had every chance to start all the generators.
As for my friend. He plays as the Skull Merchant, which is notorious. Therefore, survivors may sabotage their games prematurely in fear of 40-minute games. But where the survivors are competitive, he gets enough blood points.
For what? I'm having fun for the first time in several years. I feel inspired as if I went back 3-4 years ago. I can even conclude that the whole problem is in the hooks. They always made both sides unhappy. It was better without them. I felt relieved. Eternal pursuit. What more could you ask for?
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Knockout and sloppy are great perks that help build the momentum. Knockout ensures that anyone not in a swf has to actually search for teammates with sloppy providing additional time to get more injuries.
I find the best strat to inspire fear and misplays is to target the survivor going for the pickup to make a trade similar to hooks. If you can mentally time the recovery rate for the slug then it allows you to leave and apply pressure to force others of gens before returning to out position the survivor doing the pickup. This also allows the killer to actively use deadzones and bait survivors into the open.
While its not 100%, most survivor start to make really bad altruism mistakes after being downed multiple times or left slugged by teammates for to long. They become very hesitant about engaging in Chase and willingness to risk themselves to pick up a teammate.
I do find that the time survivors spend searching and in recovery provides much more of a time minimum than hooks do. Survivors cant generally bum rush someone thats just been downed and the killer no longer sinks unnecessary time into picking up and carrying their target.
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Normal gameplay is generally considered things that aren't discouraged by the Devs or mechanics. The Devs spent months on a basekit UB system, which didn't work out, but clearly they're opposed to that type of gameplay.
There's zero reason to slug 4 people til bleedout EXCEPT to be toxic.
Likewise, they flat out state that they are doing this in response to the upcoming patch with the anti-facecamping feature.
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If you don’t mind changing your style, I personally think tunneling out single person first and slugging 3 people is more powerful.
Whatever killer you play, slugging 4 people at the same time is pretty risky.
Infectious Nurse/Blight can be exceptional for that but others can be more punishing against Unbreakable.
Also, Hag is pretty scary killer with Knockout.
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So how do you explain the existence of perks like Knock Out, Infectious Fright, or the brand new Forced Hesitation? Also what about Twins and Oni? Did they program these on accident?
Not that I find the bleeding out part really relevant. One can always hook them once all four is down.
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As a few comments have gotten out of hand, I'm going to lock it here. I understand that slugging, camping, and tunneling are heated topics, but please remember to keep comments, and differences in opinion, civil and respectful.
And a reminder as well that these are not reportable if experienced in a match, as stated in the Game Rules.