We're going on 5 months that MFT is still unchanged



  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Who cares about endurance ? The problem of MFT is the PERMANENT 3% speed boost

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Explain the context behind plague, ghostface , oni , bubba etc "not caring about mft"

    And the context behind wraith, myers , nemesis , sadako etc not being "as affected" by mft?

    Are we seriously including killers like plague where the only time she counters mft is when survivors give her the red puke for 30 seconds?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Sure thing. As I mentioned, Plague has her Corrupt Purge, and I decided against putting her in "contextual" because that is guaranteed to happen and happen more than once. Like I said in the category description, those killers are going to notice a survivor has MFT, but they have tools to deal with it.

    Ghostface has stealth and an instadown. If they heal to avoid the stealth, he Marks. If they stay injured to avoid the Mark, he ambushes them. It's not passive, you have to do well to leverage it, but it completely bypasses MFT.

    Oni is pretty self explanatory. Staying injured for MFT gives him blood orbs, which in turn makes him deadly and fast enough that he doesn't care about 3% Haste.

    Bubba only really notices MFT if they round a corner in time, which can happen but isn't guaranteed. Otherwise he speeds up and mows through them.

    Then for the others- Wraith with uncloak addons can speed up and smack them fast enough to counter the speed boost (though he does lose distance without those addons), Myers has stealth builds, hyper chase builds, and Tombstone Piece, Nemesis doesn't care if you get to a loop faster because he shuts down both pallets and windows, Sadako is a stealth and macro killer so staying injured against her is a death sentence.

    And yes, we are seriously including killers that realistically have the tools to counter MFT and aren't rendered any weaker than default M1 chasing outside of those tools. That is in fact the answer to the question you asked me, and I'll remind you that I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you didn't literally mean killers becoming unviable against MFT.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    This just applies to Hold W Killer players. But you know, most killers have a power.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I'd say Knight is pretty unaffected.

    His Guards aren't really meant to hit people consistently, and MFT doesn't really change the time wasting nature of his Guards.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I erred on the side of caution since I'm not that well versed in him, but I could see that being true for sure.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    ....why are you M1 chasing with Trapper?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're supposed to chase in a web and try to catch them in Traps.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    So why are you blaming MFT for something that isn't it's fault?

    You are already in the worst case scenario. If the Survivors did not have MFT, the outcome would not change.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
    edited October 2023

    MFT is doing nothing in your scenario though.

    Literally nothing, talk about being dishonest. Is Trapper bad? Yes. Does MFT make him significantly worse? No. Is it somehow MFT's fault that Trapper is bad? No. If we nerf MFT does that make Trapper better? No.

    Explain how I, and others, have very little issues with MFT?

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Preface - assuming we remove MfT's endurance (which I think should be done), should we remove or adjust the 3%? I'd be fine with a hard swap MfT and Dark Theory (DT going to 3% and MfT going to 2%.

    My stance was video comparisons/loop differentials to change my opinion on the 3% portion, and this is a perfect poor example for a couple of reasons.

    First, there should be Killer and Survivor visuals. During the Hope section (5:45) the Killer enters and exits chase, so the Killer is intentionally (or unknowingly without enough skill to recognize) sabotaging the integrity of the chase/video. Even if it were a tall structure where you can't look over, the Killer can still hide redstain or mindgame in other ways*. But the main issue here is the Killer (friend) shown in the video is intentionally or unknowingly sabotaging the integrity of the video, so we don't know if in the original comparison (0:45) he was running the tiles wide without Killer perspective also. He could have just asked the friend to run both as Survivor also, so that way if the video maker ran 3/5 pallet rotations without and with MfT as Survivor, then when as Killer, he ran 2/3 or 5/9 rotations, they could know someone is running tiles looser or tighter. At the same time, if it were the same, then we could see the side-by-side, even if it weren't edited in that way (open another window and play the Survivor and Killer sections simultaneously).

    Secondly, there should be more than 1 tile showcased. This is 1 filler pallet on 1 map. At the very least show LT walls (which to be fair, have different lengths on different realms), Longwall Jungle Gyms, Shortwall Jungle Gyms, and Shack. I don't feel like that is too much to ask for. Similarly if someone were to come up saying "Bamboozle is OP, Delete pls" it should show which tiles are shut down as a result.

    *I tried to find a video example but I couldn't for the life of me, so enjoy a mediocre paint drawing of the generic pallet tile in its place. (Which could be compared as a tall wall version of the loop showcased at the timestamps listed above.)

    I will say any Stealth Killer 'countered' by MfT is simply playing Stealth Killers wrong. Doc I will 100% agree with you however.

    I love MfT because it means those foolish Survivors can't escape my Mark as Ghosty with Sprint Burst (or get instagibbed due to stealth while injured). I find similar reasons every time I play most Killers. "Thank goodness they didn't bring X perk" when I find out they have MfT, but mostly its SB.

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2023

    If you're a killer and complaining about survivor perks you're just really bad at the game. I mean there's a guy that got a 300 win streak on myers. I'm sick of reading the "I suck but it because of this perk" post. You're bad at the game, it just that simple. Keep losing.

    Post edited by th3syst3m on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    First of all, no.

    I almost exclusively play Killers who aren't high-tier. I have zero issue countering MFT because I do not 5head chase someone at an absurdly strong structure for 10 minutes. It seems these days the moment anything requires some strategy, people lose their minds.

    Also, I believe I was one of the first people to point out that CoH completely destroyed any macro gameplay. Most people misunderstood why it was powerful. Not that it provided a boon to healing (no pun intended) but that it allowed you to Self-Heal.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Doc basically needs faster Detonation and Range against MFT.

    Also, yeah, your point on Stealth Killers is spot on.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    With that attitude, I'm not surprised.

    You've already decided the match is a loss. It's tilting you, I'd advise you to try to address that first and see how you do.

    I PROMISE you are not running into that good team often.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think Doc is so dated, that being permanently Exhausted in T3 (while also kicking Survivors back down to T2 off Hook) wouldn't be too far of a basekit change. Survivors can use their Exhaustion perk before they reach T3, or a Doc can tactically utilize the Blast to cap their T3 and start chase.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Yeah that's the issue I'm starting to see.

    Lots of Killers just have outdated powers and BHVR is clearly unable to keep up.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Do I need to pull out my stats?

    We really gonna go down the, "You have a different view than me so you're an X main" thing? Really?

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    No, I don't run into stacked teams that often, but that's more of an issue with the matchmaking than being an excuse for an overpowered perk. Games were significantly more difficult at old rank 1 in my opinion. I can go entire days without losing on killer and the game will still feed me baby dwights with ~100 hours. It doesn't mean it's any less broken when you finally hit survivors with thousands of hours who know how to run every tile or lobbies with multiple P100s running full meta perks

    The only justification for it is that the power creep for killers has also been very high as well. I think ultimate weapon is utterly busted too and having a perk that is basically "find every survivor for free map-wide unless they are running 1 perk out of 130+" is horrid game design and a sign that they are running out of ideas for perks

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I mean, it proves that Myers has the capacity to do that.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    This is getting very frustrating, BHVR. Some of us like playing the underdogs such as ghostie, Myers, pig, and such. Playing the weaker killers is already frustrating with how much you have to keep track all while dealing with toxic survivors and bully squads. At least you could hold your own as a weak m1 killer, but now every freaking person is running around going faster when injured and making loops and windows when they wouldn't have prior. You have single handedly turned a challenging yet rewarding experience of playing the underdogs into a completely frustrating and unsatisfying ordeal. Bully squads and toxic survivors are having an absolute field day stomping on the weaker m1 killers. Enough is enough. This has been one of the most entertaining pvp games I've played in awhile, and MFT has made me just want to walk away.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Crow, Rat, Vial erfortless speed gain, I am not defending MFT, but the probably best killer in the game gets erfotlessly everything.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    The video is insufficient proof as I laid out, because the Killer is doing something wrong. The full details are unknown, but they didn't enter chase, even over the low wall easily possible in the Hope example, so they intentionally or accidentally falsified information. If I came out with a video saying 'We'll Make It is OP, you heal in 4s' you would reasonably be suspicious. If after the fact, and I never mentioned it, that you found out the Survivor unhooked had Resurgence as well, then the validity of my claim would come into question, either because I told my friend to bring the perk (intentionally falsified), or they just like the perk and didn't realize they didn't swap builds before loading in (accidentally falsified).

    Stealth and Instadown are separate, but sometimes overlap (like Ghosty). For this I am only considering unmarked Ghosty, or Pig. A key aspect to stealth is approaching from odd angles, or paths that you normally don't look at while working a gen. People, on average, look towards the center of the map, as it is the most likely approach vector. Successful stealth requires taking extra time to approach from the outside of the map (in general). The shorter chase/hit time is typically net positive compared to the response time to run away if approaching from the center. You only need 1 player to be unaware to be successful, as you can force hook trades in the worst of cases. Even if only half of players were unaware, you get to roll the dice 4 times, so that means if it was only as low as 50% (and I would say it is closer to the 75-90% range from extensive Ghosty gameplay), you would only have 6.25% of matches that are 'unwinnable' in terms of stealth alone. Bad maps are a roll of the dice as well, and you have to take the good with the bad.

    Perks/add-ons to counter MfT aren't only countering MfT, unlike Calm Spirit being essentially only to counter Ultimate Weapon. Survivors can utilize the Exhaustion mechanic, so often they bring 1 or more Exhaustion perks. Bringing an anti-Exhaustion perk is typically countering or limiting 4 Survivor perks at once, if not more. The odds of multi-exhaustion is low though, just as the odds of no exhaustion are, so we'll average it out to 1 per Surv. 1 perk per Surv being countered by 1 perk for Killer is the perfect counter level, and if you can get it on an add-on, sometimes that's even better.

    No Killer is required to bring an anti-Exhaustion perk in general. Perks are best used to accentuate strengths, or shore up weaknesses. This can be a Killer strength/weakness or a personal player strength/weakness. I typically don't have issues with MfT (or any Exhaustion perk for that matter), so I don't bring anti-Exhaustion perks. I do bring intel perks to build on my strengths, both of Killer, and personal playstyle. I get tilted if I run into god windows, so Bamboozle is a comfort pick for me. It mitigates the strength of those god windows, but more importantly, it shores up a personal weakness of getting annoyed and misplaying as a result. Do I recommend Bamboozle on every build for every player? No, most certainly not, but I am 'addicted' to using it to prevent those worst of experiences.

    Most Killers should be able to get a hit with power, then at the longest down them with Bloodlust 2. I don't recommend Bloodlusting every circumstance, but I do recommend attempting mindgames at pallets instead of instakicking them. The player will improve and understand what mindgames will work and what won't, and will eventually get them down.

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 252

    Or it proves that MMR, as known by virtually everyone, is pretty bad. Do we have a name for this Myers player though? Is he just running Tombstone every game?

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2023

    We are going 5 years and Blight and Nurse are still broken.

    Those pesky survivor sided devs man, the nerve!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Still, it proves that either people who say, "Survivors are so OP, MFT is OP, I only get God Survivors etc etc" are not telling the truth if a Myers can manage that.

    I'm not sure who it is. I'm not super surprised if Clown can get a similar length win streak though.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Try to think of something else.

    Calling me a Survivor main is like calling Blight mid.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Bruh, killer is supposed to get kills, kinda hard to do if you're a baby trapper who got paired with a top 500 player because matchmaking, bloodlust helps the baby trapper actually stay interested in the game

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 252

    Well sure. Most people tend to exaggerate how bad their losses really are because they take them very personally. Because of how many different elements are in the game, it's easier to find reasons to blame anyone but yourself.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Yes, it's why when you break past that mentality, you really start to improve.

    Both in-game and in life.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Whataboutism? That's original.

    I never called you a survivor main, I just said you're dishonest when it comes to MFT. You would literally have to be completely clueless (i.e brand new), disingenuous, or playing one of like 4 killers that's not terribly affected by it, to pretend that MFT isn't the problem that people are making it out to be.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Your literal first comment is about me never playing Killer lol.

    "You never play killer"

    The next things you say are calling me bad lmao

    "You play against trash survivors"

    "Your game sense is so lackluster that you think survivors being able to do 10+ loops around a filler and be able to greed against a BL2 killer is entirely normal"

    I think I've got 14K Kills and 1.1K escapes with 5500 hours on my main with maybe 500 elsewhere. I've played against several comp teams with tournament wins and I've participated in Tofu's scrims + the Community Cups. 

    Let's dispell all your arguments above. I almost exclusively play Killer, have a lot of time in it and I'm at least above average.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    To be fair here, you don't need Tombstone Piece specifically to counter MFT as Myers. Pretty much any of Myers' actually viable builds, as I mentioned lightly earlier, are going to counter MFT to one degree or another- Vanity Mirror builds counter it via stealth, hyper-chase builds counter it via longer lunges, faster vaulting, and generally powering through loops, Tombstone Piece counters it via being the most busted single addon in the game, and so on. Myers might struggle with a more generic "hair bow and stalk speed" build, but almost anything else that'll work against any decent survivors will work against MFT.

    When it comes to stealth, it's not a case of assuming the killer is a 10k comp player, it's a case of assuming the killer is like, trying? That they have some basic skills to leverage the strengths of the killer they're playing. Taking off angles to fool line of sight, exercising strong map awareness accentuated by info perks, knowing how to mindgame at certain tiles, that kind of thing. Sure, this is hard on a handful of maps, but those are typically outlier scenarios where a stealth killer would struggle anyway, regardless of MFT.

    You don't actually have to dedicate a build to counter one perk. For one thing, anything you'd bring to counter MFT works against other strong survivor picks (EG, if you play a killer that can effectively utilise Blood Echo, that Exhaustion debuff counters all Exhaustion perks, as well as MFT. Iron Will too, for that matter.), but for another only a handful of killers would even need to consider that because almost every killer in the game has some basekit method of catching survivors who have a little distance on them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
    edited October 2023

    Your entire argument has been that since I disagree, I'm either one of three things.

    Completely disingenuous.

    A Survivor main.


    At least own it.

    I don't believe MFT is an issue because of my experience in game. These hypothetical examples of MFT getting you 20% extra distance is what happens in a vacuum. It's not a real-world live example. Now, things can feel bad to play against and not be OP and still need changes, like Boil Over. But that's pretty clearly not the argument you've been making.

    Likewise, that person who tried to say MFT was OP because a perkless, addonless Trapper on Coal Tower got wrecked in a 1v1 by it was also being extremely disingenuous.

    The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Survivors cannot use MFT well. You will not be playing against people that can often and when you do, it's likely that the outcome of that match would've been the same, MFT or no MFT. The perk is much like Hyperfocus. In it's best state, it IS extremely strong. However, that best state requires skill, luck and several other extraneous factors in order to be achieved.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    And you legitimately see no problem in the fact that a singular survivor perk requires an entire *build* to counter it?

    By game design alone, killer perks are supposed to be 4x stronger than survivor perks, meanwhile here you are defending MFT that throws the core game design out the window.

    And are you seriously trying to play off blood echo being a decent perk? By definition *atleast the first chase* is guaranteed MFT value. To get value out of blood echo you need to have people injured while you chase and hook someone else.

    But guess what happens when you're chasing someone? 2 survivors can pop heals on one another and delete potential perk value.

    And let's say that blood echo does proc. Whats my guarantee that the survivor it proc'd on has MFT or an exhaustion perk to begin with? Blood echo is a dead slot for the vast majority of the match.

    Again, an overwhelming majority of killers do not have a way to "catchup" to an mft user to down.

    Sure wraith moves fast in cloak mode, but in order to attack he has to bingbong out of cloak and in that time the survivor drops the pallet or W keys further so he still gets severely impacted by MFT.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    ...Not to be rude, but are you actually reading these posts?

    Because I literally said you don't need to dedicate a build to counter MFT. I then gave two reasons why: Most killers have a basekit way of getting their hits beyond basic M1 looping, and any single perk you want to bring to counter MFT is by design going to counter other survivor perks too. My example for the second reason was Blood Echo, I am not pitching solely Blood Echo as the single counter to MFT. I don't think you need a single perk counter to MFT, that is the point I've been arguing this whole time.

    And yes, most killers have a way of catching up or getting their hit otherwise. I've already gone over that. To counter your example and only your example: Wraith has his movement speed and post-uncloak lunge, in addition to being a stealth killer who can punish injured survivors more harshly than a non-stealth killer.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Uh, no. It hurts sloppy plays because it can't bail you out. For example, you get mindgamed at a loop, you are now even closer to the Killer. You also don't have perks like SB to bail you out of bad positioning.

    That is, once again, taking things in a vacuum. Your teammates may have already dropped that pallet. It may have not spawned in the first place. The Killer could have any number of perks. It could be any number of Killers.

    Instead, you made the scenario as bad as possible for the Killer and as good as possible for the Survivor to try to prove a point.