The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Because of the unfair patch, this game is no longer fun.

I have played this game for over 3000 hours, and currently, I am dissatisfied with the balance patches from the Dead by Daylight team. A game is supposed to offer a simpler sense of accomplishment compared to the real world. However, recent updates have imposed an unfair balance system, heavily favoring the survivors. Killers are now forced to kill all survivors and hook each survivor more than 9 times for a killer rank reward. On the other hand, survivors can rank up with just a few rescues and a couple of generators, even without escaping. As a player who enjoys both roles, I find this frustrating. Survivors can feel monotonous, and killers find it overly challenging, often being treated as fools for attempting it. I have great affection for this game, but until these issues are addressed, I have decided not to play it for the time being. I have already uninstalled the game due to the stress it has caused me, and I will refrain from playing it.

Unreasonable Perk System

Killers can be broadly categorized into generator regression, tracking, and anti-survivor perks. Some killers have inherently meaningless perks, while killers only have 4 perks to compete with. Survivors, on the other hand, have a total of 16 perks to use (as there are 4 survivors each having 4 perks), creating a counterproductive structure against the powerful perks of the four killer characters.

Unreasonable Game Structure for Killers (Hooks, Add-ons)

Currently, the repair speed of generators is too fast, and the killers are strongest when there are few or no generators left to repair. This is because survivor movement is limited. However, recent patches have addressed hook-related issues and nerfed powerful killer add-ons. On the contrary, survivors have been given significant buffs through unusual hook placements and powerful survivor perks (e.g., Jill Valentine's technique, Ada Wong's technique, and Gabriel Solis's technique).

Excessive Cheating by Users

Survivor perks are also powerful, but many Chinese users, among others, use cheat engines. Alternative solutions need to be provided. Cheats include pre-knowing the killer's perk or killer type, teleportation cheats, subtly increasing movement speed cheats. There are also cheats that reveal survivors' positions to killer users and subtly increase their movement speed. While efforts are being made by the game developers, urgent and thorough resolution of this issue is needed.

Diversification of Survivors and Increase in Item Quantity

Although the emphasis has been on killers, there are also issues with survivors. There are over 30 survivors in Dead by Daylight, but there is currently no need to level up all of them. On the other hand, killers have diverse abilities, providing a reason to level them up. There is no reason for survivors to increase their prestige levels. Moreover, the variety of items is too limited, and the few items available are all too powerful. The types of items need to be increased, and the efficiency of items and survivor perks should be exaggerated and halved.

Matchmaking System

Since the introduction of MMR, the balance issues have not been adequately resolved. If balancing patches are difficult, at least revamp the MMR matchmaking system! If there are multiple losses, adjust the balance or provide rewards unconditionally. I don't understand why we should play the game while feeling stressed.


From the beginning, this game has an asymmetrical structure. Naturally, killers should be overwhelmingly strong, but that is not the case at all. Survivors should have a lower escape rate to be considered normal. Isn't this game's genre horror? There is no thrill at all. Survivors find it boring, and killers find it stressful. Moreover, the rank evaluation system is too harsh on killers. It's bizarre that survivors can rank up even if they don't escape.


  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Many of my friends who started playing this game because of me have already declared that they will no longer play this game.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    I agree with you about killer pips system, kill = pips, this also the reason tunneling issue become a big problem and to solve this issue they give survivor 10s Endurance-Haste after being unhooked.

    Old DBD, killer can gain pips by doing thing like hit survivor a lot of times , use their power, kick gen or destroy pallet, slowing the game, hook survivor multiple times. Not all about killing survivor.

    All blame to new matchmaking system.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Actually, that's just an example, but Jill Valentine's mines recently received a buff. The killer's generator check perk also has kicks, and when used, the killer faces an unavoidable time delay. Survivors are guaranteed this for too long a time, and if 4 survivors decide to hold this perk, they are safely guaranteed 4 time delays.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Lol lol lol lol, Home Alone is a good metaphor, if that's the case, I hope developer can make the character design prettier and the map prettier. It's like a deer running around in a forest where an elf is going to come out, and a beautiful figure man and woman running around in a landscape with an emerald sea, and it's like nice, handsome murderers chasing after him. HA HA

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    But I'm not, I don't care much about rankings, etc, but it's kind of irritating when I have a really good game against a good team, 3k and no pip because my chases were short and survivors healed regularly.

    If survivors play badly, I'll +2. They played badly or just didn't know the basics, so I get recognition.

    I'm playing way better against a good team, more action, more struggle, more points. My ranking should be based more on MY gameplay, not matchmaking.

    And the fact that I have to handicap my chase build in order to get a chase emblem really gets on my nerves.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Still don't know why depip is a thing, I'm getting 3-4k majority of games and I still depip, I'm not understanding how it works and I don't care at this point, I think only way is to 3 hook everyone, zero camp/tunnel but it just doesn't work against good teams

    just forget ranks and don't try to win so hard it's not worth it, play fun builds

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    I understand what you mean. To explain further here, I'm not just talking about those perks. Heart sounds, hooks, and communication-related patches that appear in the survivors' UI indirectly gave a lot of buff effects to the survivors. Other perks also received many buffs. That's just an example of a recent case.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Yes, some people don't seem to see a big topic. Some people only find fault with non-critical information. But it's okay. Some objections or others I wanted to hear what they thought, too.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Yeah but you could bit tune down the camping then you should at least safety pip when getting 3-4K and usually +1 pip. Tunneling is fine actually good way to pip if you after that share hooks. Only problem is if survivors give up.

    So best is not to tunnel until you need to. You need 9 hooks to get iri devout and lot of chases to get iri chaser. Malicilous is tricky and you need to be lucky and hope survivors don't heal. Easy killers to do these are legion and wraith. But best are blight, nurse, spirit and wesker being the strongest killers.

    But the truth is just play how you want and don't care about ranks/grades they just add salt to the wounds if you don't succeed. To get +2 pips you need perfect game and that all can be lost in next game if you depip. It's not worth all the effort.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Be real here, what realistic purpose does blast mine serve?

    All it really does is delay the gen kick by 3 seconds while giving the killer an eye pain induced migraine.

    Im not saying its a good perk, but a game mechanic that possibly causes real life pain to another player shouldn't be in the game.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2023

    I understand your opinion on the pip system. I don't just focus on scores but sometimes I play for fun but I'm talking about an unfair system and survivors are bored and killers are very tired. If you are satisfied with the matching system now, please keep me posted. And tell me it's not unfair. I'll admit it if you play both contents seriously and make it to the final ranking equally easily.

    This game can be played by both killers and survivors. I enjoy survivors, too. But when you're a survivor, you're not nervous at all. I'm actually yawning. There is a perk to overcome the situation of not knowing each other's situation, such as BOND and empathy. There is a privilege called REASHURANCE to prevent camping and a privilege called OFF THE RECORD to prevent tunneling. Now this perk will reduce the influence and reason to buy survivors to get that perk. The game will become entrenched and fewer people will play killers. No, they wouldn't even want to start. Will the survivors be satisfied? I enjoy both contents. But the situation is too serious now.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Now you're only focusing on that part, but that's not the important topic I'm talking about.

  • WussLeeTTV
    WussLeeTTV Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 9

    So this entire post seems to be that this person has absolutely forgotten what the game was before. Sure there are problems it is impossible to get the balance right in an asymetrical game let alone one that is a live service game that constantly changes. These complaints seem like burn out more than anything. as someone who played from day 1 of this game then quit for several years only to come back and realize how much effort was put in to smoothing the game and making it more fun i can say that this game absolutely has gotten balance right over time just never in the short term.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Is that why only Nurse Spirit Blight comes out? And what do you think of more serious camping tunneling? Almost killers camp tunnel at a morbid level. There is a line here. The development team has already provided perk to prevent them. Until then, it was the right line. I wonder why they introduce an incidental system when they gave perk to overcome it. It crossed the line.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    This seems like an opinion that only knows from a survivor's perspective.

    Just to give an example, when there is a scratch left but it is dangerous to kick the generator.

    Imagine what a loss of 3 seconds can do.

    And it can happen often.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675
  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2023

    I agree with you. And I think I expressed a slightly exaggerated opinion. The reason I thought so... As an example, I played a killer with a new ID. I played Killer about three times, and from the first game, I encountered players with unbalanced game times. Of course, it was a really easy game compared to my original time, but I just thought that if a new killer user who started playing the game had this matching system, it wouldn't be worth trying.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I'm sorry, I was unclear. I only play killer, so I'm saying matchmaking throws me a team that plays badly because they're just inexperienced, I get +2 for winning. I'm not playing badly, just doing the basics.

    I'm complaining that a 3k with massive points, interactions, tons of awesomeness should be worth more than an easy 4k is. I don't want to pip up because my opponents don't understand the game yet, I want to pip up based on what I do when I'm against a good team.

    But no, I play badly as well, no pipping there. :)

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,821
    edited October 2023

    Visual absolutely is a buff considering you see it before you would hear it...ESPECIALLY with killers like Sadako. There's a reason everyone enables it - including those without hearing issues.

    It's also specifically to be a survivor buff, not for accessibility. If it was truly for accessibility, then Visual audio would be implemented for both sides such as a visual audio reference for generator repair noises, footsteps, and other audio cues.

  • hakuna119
    hakuna119 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    need more killers like you lmao i love funny fun killers

  • hakuna119
    hakuna119 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    i use blastmine because its funny lmao and your already staring at a computer screen so real life damage is already happening if getting blinded on the computer screen is a problem then yes should take a break.

  • iymo
    iymo Member Posts: 19

    Watch Steam Community now Most killer users are stressed. Matching alone has a long survivor matching time and a very short killer matching time.

    I played my sub ID just in case. If you do a killer, an ID with a low playtime has to wait a very long time, but it's quickly caught. It's an ID that played less than four hours, but the average playtime of the opponent's survivor is 800 hours. This is a worrying situation.

    The bottom line is that there are very few killer users.