Issue: Naughty Bear skin being clearly pay to win beyond any reasonable doubt

Hello, I wanted to report an issue with the Naughty Bear skin, which is the fact that, currently, it is pay to win beyond any reasonable doubt, for 4 reasons:
- He has no sounds coming by default from Trapper's mouth at all, he is completely silent, especially if standing still with Insidious or Moving with Undetectable; while Trapper has very loud grunts that make his M1 1vs1/chase weaker. This is by far the biggest advantage of all.
- He has no sound when beginning to swing compared to Trapper, and makes a sound only when the swing ends the "lunge part", which gives another advantage in 1v1/chase situations, especially when needing to drop a pallet and the killer is swinging behind a wall. Trapper instead by default makes a sound when swinging.
- His footsteps are incredibly quiet, making any potential Undetectable perks even stronger, and making a small but consistent difference in chase/1v1. Trapper's default footsteps instead are more loud and clear.
- His vault sounds are super quiet, where Trapper's make a more clear louder sound instead. Despite overall being a small advantage in chase, it makes a consistent difference when a killer double vaults a window in chase and you can instead react earlier because you can hear the sound.
For these reasons I ask to reconsider how the Naughty Bear, or Trapper, works in terms of game balancement, especially considering the previously stated will to make, for survivors, all sounds equal in loudness.
Thanks for the attention and for listening, have a nice day and keep up the good work as always ❤️😃!
These things being “pay to win” is quite a stretch… it’s trapper my guy…
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Pay to win a little more KEKW .
Jokes aside, this is so pay to win in 1v1s/chasses, I hope either Naughty gets nerfed, or Trapper made equal.
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Does it matter what killer? Regardless of that, if a skin makes you stronger than default outfit - it IS pay to win.
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I haven't seen him in game yet but isn't Naughty Bear much bigger than trapper ?
I've seen people say you can see him above walls, less noise but more visible sounds like a fair trade off to me (but again I haven't faced him yet so I don't really know the extent of things)
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If it was something like comparable to Sadako, then the difference would surely be a trade-off, but Trapper default is still a tall killer, and even if not as tall as Nemesis, usually that bit of a difference doesn't matter.
It starts to matter when you really are as short as Freddy, then it matters A LOT.
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What sense would it make would this giant teddy bear to have a “heaving breathing through a mask” sound? Or a leathery sound when vaulting?
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I mean sure, but I'm talking about people saying you can see him above walls where you can't normally see Trapper, which would make a difference if that's true.
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Not much, but chases consistency is important, which is why imo the best solution is to buff default Trapper and make him as silent.
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The loops where this matters, compared to all the other 4 advantages together, are very very few:
- In all "gym" loops like t walls and jungle gyms, they're taller than the highest killer in the game always, and there the 4 advantages mentioned matter much more.
- In almost the small loops, in all maps, you can still see both Trapper and Naughty Bear, only in very very few scenarios it matters; in some of those scenarios, Naughty Bear can even look down to become a little shorter and hide his ears/head, like Pig can look down under a window to not be seen passing under some windows when crouched.