Please remove the mmr link on killer

I want to be able to learn to play Nurse and Blight but because I have 1 killer with a high mmr I will never touch Nurse or Blight because their mmr isn't at their lowest integer but placed in an average spot. I play Onryo and Myers the most and win more than 80% of my matches so my mmr is quite high but they both have different playstyles that are nowhere near to being close to Nurse and Blight. Me not being able to learn how to play them is because I am too good at a different style of killer than them?
Removing the link would lead to worse matches overall - as you're not a new player, so you have a better understanding and knowledge of the game than a new player does.
Your MMR on other killers is not the same as on your main one, if you pick up a new character, but it will be more than that of a totally new player - which is completely fair, as you have map knowledge and game knowledge.
At the end of the day, the worst that can happen is that you lose a few matches whilst learning to play the new killer and that's not the end of the world and does not affect the MMR on your main killer. You can also hop into a custom match and practice against bots if you would prefer to learn the killer mechanics without playing against real survivors.
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Losing a few matches? I would lose 90% of my matches if I play as Nurse or Blight because I wouldn't be able to play a match long enough to learn their power. The bot custom matches don't help either. No killer plays remotely like Nurse for their to have her linked to other killers and Blight only has Oni being similar and the upcoming chapter killer. That is too little to justify being good at Trapper to be as good with Nurse.
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How about giving us the ability to lock our own killers so that challenges don't appear for them? That way I can no longer have any reason to play Nurse, Blight or a few other killers I don't touch.
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I promise you those killers are not as hard as you think except on their absolute worst maps. It took me like 3 tries to get nurse adept, and about 4 with blight.
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Huh, that make sense on why my wraith games been easy after dumping x amount of hrs on Clown.
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Its ridiculous that you get punished by being good by going into troll squads.
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Guess I will play Nurse like I play Myers by Mandy's explanation. Slower than survivors and an inconsistent power but hey I have map knowledge and game knowledge, not like I need to know how her power feels to get a Blink attack to connect on a consistent basis.
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You could literally go into bot matches for 45 min to get a major grasp on her blink range. If you play more than 5 matches of nurse and still can't grasp the range or hit a survivor I don't know what to tell you. I lost my first game on nurse and then didn't lose again before I dropped her, to be fair only for 20 games during prime dh meta.
Blight is more beginner friendly but spending 2 min rushing around each map with shredded notes to get a feel for collision would greatly help your cause.
As mandy said the the mmr isn't the same as your main, just not baby mmr so you could literally stomp survivors without blinking on nurse.
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At the end of the day, the worst that can happen is that you lose a few matches whilst learning to play the new killer...
its not a few matches, its many matches. You are forced to play SO MANY MATCHES against others while learning new Killers.
Which is why I never play Nurse, its not worth getting into.
Honestly OP has a point, and you guys should consider a special rule for Killers such as Nurse to alleviate this issue.