Pig feedback/ideas

jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


  • She should be a bit faster in the ambush
  • The roar animation should be shorter, before her ambush
  • A version of ambush, while you aren‘t crouching
  • When you crouched for some time you get a farer range with ambush


I think skill check perks should work on her like huntress lullaby. Then the scream resets the box search could be removed.

New ability added

You could go in a locker (be undetectable in it) and ambush out of it. I think it would be a cool addition to her kit.


I think the timer is too long, almost everytime everybody gets his trap off before the timer has reached even half of his time.

Post edited by jonifire on


  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649


    Disagree with some of them.

    Pig might seem weak in some instances, but with enough experience, the traps become a lethal weapon that destroys survivors.

    They should not be buffed in any way. They are the reason for Pig's consistent high kill rate

    Now to Amanda herself.

    The problem with her stealth is how slow she moves. This combined with huge maps makes stealth very unappealing. Right now the best option is to use the John's medical file because it elevates her to 100%. Making her stealth maybe a bit faster would be good and not problematic in any way in my opinion. It helps with chasing and getting a first hit.

    The roar if that's what you mean, is fine in length. It is connected to the charge up of the ambush. A great idea is to put the ambush on the attack itself and not the charge up. This makes survivors a bit more oblivious to when the attack is gonna start and therefore will make them want to leave the loop a little less often.

    The ambush should always be connected to being crouched. Everything else would be very inaccurate to her lore and her appearance in the movies. (including Saw x, which I was finally able to see!!!) I do t think she needs more stuff added to her kit, which is already pretty full.

    I dont like adding a synergy with perks like huntress lullaby to the jigsaw boxes. Again, the traps are very lethal in the right hands. Making it even harder for beginner players is not the way to go. In addition to that, there are a lot of addons that would destroy survivors for missing one or two skill checks. Not a good idea.

    Now to your opinion on the timer. IN NO WAY SHOULD THE TIMER BE INCREASED! This would make her a extremely lethal for all the WRONG reasons. The reverse bear trap is the strongest slowdown in dbd period. Nothing comes close. Understanding box Rng and how to harass survivors effectively makes head pop not as uncommon as you think. With the correct Rng (1-3-4-4) I get a head pop almost every time. The time is already very limited if you have 4 searches. Making it longer would mean almost certain death for the unlucky ones getting these traps. Reverse bear traps should NEVER give you kills for free. They should however enable kills if you as the pig work for it and harass survivors.

    I would even recommend a nerf to the reverse bear traps that will make them a lot weaker but in a fair way.

    Survivors are no longer able to die while searching a jigsaw box.

    This seems small, but would have a huge impact to the kill pressure of the reverse bear trap. There are several addons that make searching a box difficult for people that have problems with skill checks. There are also addons (gears) that make searching a box take a lot longer. With some combinations (double gears) (crate of gears + tempered timer) and a little interruption on a survivor having a 4 - search trap will GUARANTEE that this survivor dies. I'm not joking. I played her enough to know. Making it that a survivor cannot die of they are working on a jigsaw box (timer runs out but you won't die if your working on it) will make this problem less extreme. The survivor should however immediately die if the timer runs out and the search doesn't lead to the trap coming off.

    Im neutral to the idea of the ambush being longer the longer you crouch. At most tiles, Amanda goes into her stealth, charges the ambush and attacks. This would mean that there is effectively no longer distance. It is already way better to stealth up to a survivor, uncrouch and hit them with m1 for Stbfl stacks. I don't think this would improve her performance that much, but it would also not make her weaker.

    Same with ambush out of a locker. It would never be something you use in a match due to the time lost. Pig already struggles with huge maps. Incentivising her to stay in one spot to surprise a survivor will make her lose a ton of time, making it not worth it at all. Again, it would not nerf her, but it would not really buff her either. Same thing with dredge, who can enter lockers to surprise survivors. Its never useful.

    What should she get to make her more effektive?

    Faster crouch movement speed base

    Faster ambuch charge up base.

    Faster ambush dash speed.

    Longer ambush dash speed.

    (Maybe) the roar on the ambush not the charge up.

    That's all. It will improve her chase a lot and not make her too oppressive in regard to her slowdown.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    I forgot to mention some things I personally would add.

    Reverse bear trap:

    If a reverse bear trap is placed after a the gates are powered, this trap will remain inactive UNTIL the exit gates are touched. Touching an exit gate will activate all remaining reverse bear traps placed on survivors.

    I put a lot of though into this and I believe it will help her out a lot. It will make her power work in end game without making it unhealthy in my opinion. End game pig should be a thing.

    Sound design.

    Give her a menu and chase theme based on "hello zeb".

    Hire Shawnee Smith to record ONE voiceline and make Amanda say: "game over" when a survivor dies to a reverse bear trap.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The lore is never a good reason to keep things that are bad design, and I think the dash while standing would be a nice element to her kit.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The bear traps are supposed to be game delay, just like pinhead box or Sadako tape, generally speaking. They are not supposed to kill you normally, but for some reason some are overturned and therefore offer too much lethality.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    No it wouldn't be.

    First: Pig is not badly designed.

    Second: this game is based around icons of horror. If the character from the franchise you enjoy doesn't fit in gameplay, the character will not be liked.

    If Myers would have a rifle to shoot survivors, it wouldn't be Myers.

    The Pig in the movies ambushes their test subjects when they least expect it out of the shadows. She doesn't just run at them when they know she's there.

    Crouch into dash if fine.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Some are overtuned?

    You mean addons or Rng?

    Because both can have huge impact on lethality.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I wanted to add two more things:

    • When the trap is inactive, after searching a box the trap activates
    • Also I would want that the places where boxes are located are less obvious (so that her addon rule number two would be better)
  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 237

    They should make Pig ambush attack like Chucky power, this will improve her gamepaly A LOT! Also, survivors should never remove traps in the first try, just in the second, third, or fourth trial because now they have 5 box to search instead of 4, so Pigs cannot sit afk in one box anymore.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The playability is still more important than the lore in the sense that a character that does not feel good to play cannot be saved by the great lore and how accurate it is. However a character the feels good to play can be loved by players who love the character as well as those who just play him because he is nice to play.

    I didn't necessarily say she is badly designed, her addon design is for sure because they mostly revolve around the bear traps which is the most boring part of her kit since you cannot really do a skill full play with them, unlike the the dash.

    Great so when you use the dash around a small object when already in chase the survivors suddenly don't know you are there anymore? See that's the point where I think to be accurate towards the lore is not that important.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I meant not only specifically pig, I also find Sadako condom Ed somewhat overturned, when we look at how consistently the Morris are when we looking at Otz playing her, however I will admit that it might as well be because people are not playing against her properly.

    As for Pig I find it ridiculous that like 70+% of her addons are only for the bear traps and not for the dash, which together with her crouch is basically the only thing that sets her apart from an m1 killer with build in slowdown... Some of her addons just make the bear traps way to lethal and i would find it the best thing to just keep them as slowdown and not necessarily as a really lethal tool.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    The bear traps are what sets her apart. That's her main focus.

    She's the saw killer. Otherwise she could very well be any other stealth killer that surprises you.

    The traps should be lethal. Otherwise there is no pressure. Also... The addons aren't even the worst part. If you get the correct Rng, you can get head pops very consistently. However, you as the killer has to work for it and use strategy and map awareness to harass effectively.

    The traps are what makes her unique. She's the only killer that you can passively die to. And that's great. Not every killer has to focus on mechanical skill.

    The game needs to have variety in killer design to have something for everyone.

  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 237

    100% agreed, i'm a main Pig P100. traps should never be removed in the first trial

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The traps are the most boring part of her power, because aside from getting a down or putting them on you are not really doing something with them, you don't need to be skillfully to get value out of them, the killer does not really play differently if they have traps or not, only if you want to get rid of someone with a trap, and even then the gameplay does not really change compared to a normal chase unless you crouch follow.

    See that's where I think it is terrible design, why would the main focus of a playable character be a thing that allows very little interaction instead of a mechanic you can learn and master to get some crazy hits? That's just awfully Boring...

    So you think it is great design if someone just dies because you brought addons and they are on a large map and got unlucky with RNG? Like why even? You did not do anything special to achieve that, the guy won't be like oh I got totally outplayed, you just get a passive kill for doing nothing, that's just the most boring stuff ever, if you make great plays you will eventually get rewarded for them, but just getting a free kill without doing anything for it just because you brought addons and got lucky is just stupid.

    Nobody says Pig is supposed to be as demanding as Hillbilly or Blight and require that amount of skill to use her power, but there are such cool things you could pull off or were able to in the past, if you look at some of Scorpionz old videos of what great plays were possible, that's something I would like to have back, a dash that is usable and allows for skill expression.

    If you don't want to learn mechanical skill sure just don't use it and play as an m1 killer with lethal game delay, but I don't see a reason not to give her more strength in her chase. Especially if it still allows counterplay, because this kind of killer specific chase mechanics is what makes the game great.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If you have a set amount of maximum searches what does it matter if they get removed first or not? The total amount of searches needed does not change?

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I don‘t know what I do wrong, but head pops aren‘t that easy to get. You make it sound like a common thing.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited December 2023

    As a fellow (though relatively new) Pig Main, I agree with this assessment whole heartedly.

    While learning the Pig as my first character, I watched a sizable number of hours of videos from several different Pig mains, and that, combined with my own play and application of what I've learned sees the exact same thing.

    Pig's headtrap lethality is what keeps her numbers up, and its her chase where she is weakest.

    My changes would have been: -

    • Crouching movement speed +5% (3.60 -> 3.8 m/s)
    • Ambush charges +33% faster (0.75 -> 0.5s).
    • Ambush scream starts after 70% charge (0.35s).
    • Ambush lunge time +20% (2.0 -> 2.5s)
    • Progress on Jigsaw boxes is not lost on interruption.

    I don't think she needs both ambush move speed and duration, especially if we're charging faster and with less warning. I also would like to keep the ability to mind game with the charge where I can cancel the roar for a bait.

    All these chase buffs though must warrant a nerf to her RBTs, as they are the most potent part of her kit, and while it should be a threat, it shouldn't be the main thing making Amanda viable.

    Progress not being lost (or at least degrading) is a double edged sword... it drastically reduces the potency of RBTs, as screams, the Deep wound add-ons, etc, etc no longer create problems for survivors. There is an amount of how much of the Pig's uniqueness from RBTs are we willing to lose to improve her chase. Your change is less severe, and I like it, I'm not sure if all the buffs to chase would be balanced out enough by this nerf to make the RBTs fair?

    Of course my proposal needs tweaks to John's Medical File and Workshop Grease. I'd be worried about the power of these if these changes were made. A 4.2m/s stealth Pig with 0.25s ambush charge just might he a little much xD

    Last Will is probably fine.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I agree with everything except of nerving the traps. The scream factor should only go if other skill check perks would interact with her box.

    I don‘t think that she would be to good with those changes, but a bit more of a threat.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927

    Aye, I'm a little unsure on that myself, which is why I've never made a thread about it...

    Pig is an odd one cause her kill rate is high in low MMR, but really struggles without playing super dirty in high MMR...

    With all these buffs she can of course play super dirty still... and also will be even better in low MMR... so it doesn't feel right to ask purely for buffs...

    Hopefully better players than me have a good solution, the no kill while interacting with a trap nerf might be good from @radiantHero23... though that last desperate nervous search would be a sad loss...

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    I think this is by far the best nerf, if any has to happen. I agree, that it would be sad, but increasing the timer is bad and nerfing the addons would not help due to the (not so) rare occurring (1-3-4-4) Rng being the true problem of the traps lethality.

    Changing the Rng would probably lead to a lot of other problems. I like the Rng that exists right now.

    If this would be the nerf, the traps could in addition to finishing gens be activated by a survivor touching the exit gate lever, reanimating end game pig back from the grave of old playstyles.

    These are however all smaller changes. Our lady is greatly designed and should not be changed too much. 🐽

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Also disagree.

    As I said, the traps are lethal enough. Nothing more needed.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Great suggestions. I still think that the better way to nerf the traps without making a headpop impossible, is to make survivors not being able to die while working on a box.

    Making survivors not lose box progress makes interrupting as a Pig impossible. Harassing survivors should stay a thing.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    First: hello fellow Boop enthusiast. Welcome to the p100 pig club.

    Second :???

    Traps should never come off first trial?

    Do you mean first search?

    The trap coming off first search is literally the best Rng the pig can get. It makes traps extremely lethal.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    It is easy, if you know what you have to do.

    I literally get a head pop at least every third game. Sometimes even two.

    I dont use any trap related addons. Only John's medical file and combat straps.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649
    edited December 2023

    Now I feel insulted. I have 2k hours on pig. I mastered the moondashes and created a list on all invisible ambush hitboxes on any loop in dbd. I analyzed EVERY mechanical part of the pigs ambush and dare I say perfected that part of her power. The pigs ambush never got nerfed. It works as always. I know that. I use it. I can do all the tricks you mentioned. I DO THEM ACTIVLY IN MY MATCHES.

    Now I have a question for you. Have you ever seen saw? John, Hoffmann or Amanda never interact with test subject directly. Saw is imemented perfectly in dbd. The traps have no interaction between killer and survivor because that's the hole point. The survivor has to overcome a struggle on their own.

    If you don't like how the pig works, she's not for you. That's fine. I don't like blight, Nurse, or Wesker. We all have different taste of gameplay.

    Pig feels very immersive and truthful to the movies. I think we should appreciate that and recall, what this game is about.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    In the third Movie amanda gave the survivors unfair games that they couldn‘t win so it would be fine buffing traps interrupting them usw story wise

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    You misunderstood.

    I said, that she is adapted very well in dbd.

    In saw, Amanda rigges the bathroom game in saw1, the school game in saw3 and detective Kerry's game also in saw3.

    What can you do in dbd? You can interrupt survivors while searching boxes. Therefore rigging their test. This is wonderful but subtle adaption of the source material.

    However, the gameplay should not become horrible. After over 2k hours of playing Amanda and witnessing the change to her rng the last time, I have to say, that the traps are in the best state they have ever been. Maybe they are even a bit too strong. She is already performing dangerously well against weaker survivors just because of the traps. Making them stronger in any form, especially in regard to punishing weaker survivors is NOT the way to go.

    The only thing she needs are number changes to increase her chase potential.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    I only don‘t want nerves for her. If she gets buffed she doesn‘t need nerves at the same time.

    For perks working with boxes especially with huntress lullaby it wouldn‘t be that bad, it‘s a boon, which can be distroyed.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You used to be able to use dash to get on top of certain loops for example from the coal tower on the jungle gym next to it, but with some invisible walls added you cannot do that anymore, with survivors getting better there is just not the same potential anymore to pull this stuff off... It is not that the power got directly made worse but just Indirectly.

    I saw one of them and found it a trash movie, doesn't change that I like the gameplay of the dash.

    So if it was lore accurate, why exactly can you harass the survivors while doing the bear traps? Which is what many if not most players do and you are not hindered in any way or form, other than the timer not running during chase, which can easily be avoided.

    I don't really if that is the point, but the idea that in a game you basically beat someone with 0 interaction that is just stupid, there is no gameplay involved, no skillfully thing you did to be proud of, dying just because of rng and being unlucky should never be a thing. Just because it is a certain way in a movie does not mean it will work in a game the same way.

    Like I said before I like her ambush and the possibilities of it to use it around tiles, however I want the main focus to be the ambush dash because that is something you have control over, it is gameplay, the trap is not really... And in a game the main focus should be the gameplay and not something else, otherwise you might be more in favor of a interactive movie or just a movie.

    I think we can still discuss about changes, just because the killer is lore accurate does not mean he is in best state for the gameplay this game offers, for me the game is all about the chase, the killer could be as lore accurate is possible, if the gameplay is not fun I could not care less... To focus on lore accuracy but not gameplay would be a terrible choice for anyone that does not play a character just to role play.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    You don't see the whole picture.

    Pig is a special cookie. If you only buff her chase potential, she could literally become too opressive due to her build in slowdown. I'm not joking. The slowdown is already too much to handle for a lot of weaker survivors and also some higher skilled soloq teams. That's why the slowdown and her chase have to be balanced accordingly to one aspect getting stronger. Right now, she's balanced due to steong slowdown and weak chase. It works.

    Huntress lullaby is a noob stomper perk. It's really bad but that's why the devs don't buff it. It's a really mean perk for newer players and these shouldn't be punished harder than experienced players. Buffing it to have synergy with pig (Was a thing once and got removed) would ONLY punish newer or casual players. This is a bad idea.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    But the job for those things you said should do the mmr.

    The traps aren‘t too strong I only died once against it and that was the first time playing against her, where I was scared of her face.

    Huntress lullaby shouldn’t be buffed only added to the boxes and most people distroy it fast except on Larry. Also when new players play against huntress lullaby they search for the reason why the skill checks are like they were. After you know what did that, it‘s no longer strong, they just search and find it.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    You dont get it.

    First to the ambush. Invisible walls also punish Billy and Demo. Pig is just another one. This is not a Pig problem. It's a map problem. Survivors getting better means, that you have to get better. Incoming: the moondash. I can outplay a ton of tiles with it. My personal favorite being the busted car park on garden of joy.

    Now to the traps. What can you do in dbd? You can harass players searching boxes and interrupt them. This is Amanda rigging their test for her personal agenda. This is subtle but wonderful adaption of the source material and probably why John Kramer will never get added to dbd without giving survivors God mode while removing traps.

    You never kill survivors outright passively. Only some addons can do that on some maps. But that's more of an map problem. I want to stress that I absolutely dislike the idea of a survivor just dying passively without any work from the killers side.

    Luckily this is not the case with pig. As OP has mentioned, the traps come off almost always on their own. This is intended I feel like. The traps should only become extremely lethal if the pig player interrupts and harasses survivors effectively. This is how I get my head pops on a dayly basis. I monitor the map, pin point the Rng and plan out the survivors path of searching all whole chasing someone else at the same time. Then when the time is right, I go to the correct place at the correct time and harass that survivor. Some perks can make this a lot easier. Bbq is the best for this, so you don't have to remember survivor movement that much. But in the last weeks I felt that I grew too reliant in it and played with Stbfl only. I won a majority of my matches. Not against weak survivors I like to add.

    The traps are the strategic part of her kit, that can be lethal if USED correctly. The ambush is the mechanical part of her power that is supposed to help her apply those traps. Its still extremely good at a lot of loops if the player know the structures and how to use it effectively. I know almost all loops and how to use the ambush at them. Again, I played her enough.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    It‘s dumb that you should memorize all structures just to play someone. It should give you an advantage, but it shouldn‘t be the reason for playing well. It‘s like with xeno where you have to know invisible walls it‘s just dumb.

    For huntress lullaby you have to get 3-5 hooks before it‘s even strong. While you did that most people also know that you got that perk. Then they would try to distroy it/ should try to find it. Also if you want it not to get distroyed you have to protect it and huntress lullaby would make the traps more difficult not impossible. If survivors just decide not to distroy it they have to live with that. It‘s not like you just get kills for nothing.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    What do you mean with moon dash, if it is like a moon walk then that‘s not possible on console.

    I can only dash forward.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    But that's how it is. It's a skill cieling. Knowing all that gives you an advantage. It makes your chases last a lot less. There are killers that are a lot harder to even get into. Singularity, Pinhead and Nurse come to mind. With a bit of a stretch, you could even mention blight.

    If a character is super strong from the get go, there would be no reason to learn. That would be boring. At least for me. Look at chucky. Right now I'm learning how to do a clean 180 flick with him. You dont need it, but it helps a lot against better survivors.

    Let me break it to you. Huntress lullaby is a super weak perk that can't be buffed. It's based on survivors missing skill checks. Even at 5 stacks with silent skill checks, the Perk is still awful. I have tons of matches, where I use it and survivors just ignore it, because they dont have any problems with skill checks at all. It can't be buffed because it's genuinely evil against lesser skilled survivors. Punishing new players without making the Perk good against stronger players is awful.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I don‘t want to buff huntress lullaby, I only want it to interact with boxes.

    For the ability in my opinion it is almost everytime not worth to sneak on to survivors and then ambush. And in most loops just stay on one side of the pallet and if they need they can valt back on the other side.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    It basicly works very similar. You hug an object very tightly and move your camera so that it looks for the survivor as if you move to the one side, but in the middle of the ambush you adjust your camera and start "moonwalking" mid ambush. Due to the survivor thinking that you will ambush in one direction, they will run in one direction. Therefore, if you time it correctly, they will literally run into you, resulting in a hit. This is hard because of invisible ambush hitboxes, but again, if you use it perfectly, it's really strong and can guarantee hits on most survivors. I'd even had comp survivors, real tournament players, go up against my pig and I downed them using this "tech". Using the moondash is the highest mechanical skill you can get out of pig and it is very satisfying to pull off.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean only if they don't just leave the loop, because it is the most basic easiest thing to do against pigs ambush... That's somewhat similar to Billy, sure he can curve you, but only if you let him and don't just predropp/run towards the next tile.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    No. It is always the best to stealth up to survivors, stand up and hit them for stbfl stacks. Your usage of the ambush relys on the survivor dropping the pallet. Most better survivors will either pre drop the pallet or just simply run away when you as the pig start crouching. This is the problematic part i hope they will adress in the upcoming changes. A survivor can simply run away if you start crouching and you will statisticly never hit them because the ambush isnt long enough, For that reason, im always running john medical file and combat straps. This will punish survivors running away because you can uncrouch very fast and hit them while they are in the open.

    Pig is one of the best users of stbfl. It has amazing synergy with her whole slowdown mechanic and helps out in chase drastically. She can also preserve stacks using the ambush. The pig is mostly an m1 killer. the ambush is a secondary ability that has to be used carefully and thoughtful. You cant just mindlessly crouch and hope that it will give you value at most tiles. You will be dissapointed if you anticipate that happening. Its considered one of the worst chasing powers for a reason. It can be situationally strong, but those situations are not that common.

    Huntress lullaby synergy with the pig got removed because it punished new players exponentionally more than more experienced players. It was a healthy change and should not be reverted. New players should not suffer from something that more experienced players have no problem with at all.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649
    edited December 2023

    Thas why i use johns medical file and combat straps every game. If they leave, they give me a free hit due to em uncrouching this fast. I force them to play my game. I weaponized the running away.

    Pig still cant do anything against pre dropping. Thats why many players suggest that she should be able to break pallets with the ambush. Im not against that.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So they never interact with the test subject directly during the trial is lore accurate, but basically chasing them with the head trap on is only rigging the trial? If that's not directly interacting then what exactly is???

    Sure the walls also effect other killers but it is still a problem for pig in the sense that it limits cool stuff you can do on her, I did not say anything more than that.

    Isn't the moon dash simply going backwards a wall by using left or right? Yeah sure, not really too hard and if the survivors know what they are doing and watching you closely or just leave the loop even that won't help you much.

    I like how you contradict yourself within two sentences "you never", "only if"... If you use an absolute there are no exceptions, you might wanna use basically or almost or what not... The issue is that it is possible to happen but should, what was exactly my point, now some of the big maps have decreased in size but if you think about it if you bring yourself to a big map and then also use the addons you have quite a big chance to get a head pop without doing anything for it. As said before it is not the majority of cases, but it should not be like that to begin with, besides basically everyone playing her never using the dash and only bringing the head pop addons, because it works so well.

    Your phrasing is a bit off on that last part... You don't use the traps correctly, it is impossible to use them incorrectly unless you don't use them at all, all you can do is put them on, however what you can do is play around them, which is not only super annoying to go against but can also leave the survivor with 0 counterplay, if the killer sits behind them crouched the timer won't stop, but they also cannot do the trap minigame because you will hit them otherwise, great gameplay indeed.

    The dash is mediocre anti loop, it gets a bit better with the addons but basically still fully countered if the survivor just leaves the loop, and since most maps have a lot of connected tiles you cannot even bluff the roar and chase normally to get them into a dead zone.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Unless there are connected tiles, which is more often than not the case, if you pre drop and position yourself properly there is very little you can do to still get the hit, if you sit right next to the pallet being able to be forced to vault it constantly sure you can something, but good survivors tend to not be in that situstion

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    That's why the ambush isn't good. If it where able to be used in every loop, the pig would be a very good chase killer. But then you need to balance the slowdown. The traps are the main part of her power. Therefore she's weaker in chase and is supposed to be more stealthy to get hits.

    I'm not saying that the ambush is this impressive chasing tool that only some are able to use. It's a power that certainly has its skill cieling, but is very situational. In the situations it can be used though, it can outshine even other more chase oriented killers.

    The Pig is most of the time an m1 killer.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    You still dont get it.

    Only Amanda and Hoffmann rigged their trials. Therefore Amanda is fine how she is to interact with survivors. If the killer where John, it would not make sense fie him to interact with survivors during the test. It happens often in the movies, that the jigsaw killer is directly present during a game, but only to see if the rules are followed. They do interact with the test subjects. An example would be John shocking Gordon and Adam in saw 1. But rigging is limited to Amanda and Hoffmann. Or course they can interact with survivors.

    Now to the traps. Did I not say that I would nerf the traps? Making a survivor unable to die while searching the box is a huge nerf to the pigs head pop potential. I'm all for nerfing the problematic addons as well. I dont use them. I get my head pops without them. Why? Because I understand the Rng and how to play around it.

    Now to the next part. You say that playing around the traps means that you chase them crouched to get easy head pops correct?

    Wrong, this is immensely time innefficient. I already stated how I play around traps above. I memorize where I hook survivors, then predict their route and count the time they needed already. Then I make a guess where they are and what is the final box they will check. Then I push them off. Is there no counterplay at this point anymore? Yes. The survivor lost. But let me ask you something. If their pathing is this easy to predict and I know how much searches they need (something that the survivors can know as well by paying attention), haven't they played badly? They already made their misplay. They made themselves too predictable. I had plenty of survivors that changed up their pathing to confuse me. Another thing a survivor can do is (and this sounds dumb) be good in chase. The pigs chase is very bad. She's an m1 killer with a situational chasing power. I've had plenty of teams that did 2,3 and rarely (map depended) even 4 gens before I got my first down. Playing around traps at this point becomes extremely hard to pull off if not impossible.

    To the ambush. I think I can't convince you of how good the moondash is without video material. Sadly I can't offer you that. The Pigs model, during this move, doesn't change direction. It still looks like you go in the original direction. Positioning is key here. You need to know the max distance of the ambush and the speed difference between you and the survivor. If you position yourself and execute the moondash correctly, you will get the hit 90% of the time if the loop allows it. I can assure you, that loopslike the car park at garden of joy, the car loops on Haddonfield and Badham and even 4 lane walls can be outplayed with this move. I have very consistent results using it. All under assumption, that the survivor doesn't just pre drop the pallet. Then I'm an m1 killer.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Again, I would like this part of her kit getting buffed. You are correct if there are interconnected tiles, the pig struggles. But don't other killers struggle there as well?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't really know which killer that has an even decent chase power is supposed to be outclassed by Pig in the sense that there are loops she can get a hit around but he cannot... But feel free to tell me, maybe Freddy? But is chase is terrible anyway, and I would say Clowns chase is way better than pigs.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    (Maybe) the roar on the ambush not the charge up.

    No, I want to spam my oinks...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ok my man so here you state they never interact with their test subjects directly, even Amanda/the pig not...

    Then here you tell me it is fine, can you for once decide? It is a difference between rigging the thing and interacting with people... If you say it is allowed to interact with, which is apparently not a thing in the movies then how exactly would it be an issue to have a dash that is not from crouching? Your argument was basically they only attacked from an unseen angle, however when you dash at someone at a loop you already know the killer is there, so this is already not the same, which is fine because it is a game and not the movie. But then you cannot bring this up for the standing dash, because if you already know the pig is there, and you can probably even somewhat tell where exactly then why is it that much a problem when she does the dash while standing?

    No I don't necessarily mean that is the only way to get the head pops or interrupt them, but it is one possible way of doing it, while not directly interacting with them, I just tried to go along your point there of no interaction between Amanda and the survivor during the trial. If you just chase them normally and hook them again, maybe even bringing them further away from the boxes they did not search yet the value of interrupting them is not necessarily so high.

    That completely depends on where and how the boxes spawn, the issue is depending on map you cannot really go out of your way to do the boxes in a different order just so to not be predictable, because it would waste so much time you might die from the beartraps... So it is not necessarily on them.

    Yeah she has a bad chase power indeed, which is exactly why I would want to make the dash more usefull and nerf the traps if needed, because the interactive and fun part of playing killer, the chase, should be the main focus.

    I don't need footage of how the moon dash looks like, it is reall not hard to pull off from a mechanical standpoint, getting a hit with it is however, especially if the survivor has line of side, and if the survivor is patient and knows what they are doing then you will sure as hell not get an easy hit on them just because your dash goes in the other direction.

    The point is if the survivor plays the most effective way he will just deny you the usage of your power, which once again goes to show that her chase is awfull. He basically needs to allow you the chance of getting a hit on him for you to be able to do something, and that is once again terrible design.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If you play Knight and Artist or Skull Merchant in a way that you just push survivors off a tile and hope they don't have a connect tile to go to then yes, but I never said this part of a killers kit is not problematic, you should not be able to just leave the tile and basically be safe, I would prefer it if counterplay worked a little bit different than that. Other than that feel free to name other killers that struggle in that sense, because most killers don't really need to zone survivors in that sense, they can just get a hit at that tile.

    Great so we agree that the dash should be stronger, so why not have a longer dash during crouch and a standard dash from standing? What is the problem with that again?