Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Pigs timer when chasing you in stealth should be paused.

Member Posts: 649
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

EDIT: Apparently this explanation of the predicament was still not clear enough so I will reword all of this completely.

Key: TRB = Trap Removal Box

The main issue is: the PIG chasing you in stealth with an active trap on your head does not delay the timer and this SHOULD be paused, this is a design flaw.

With an experienced killer you are most likely dead due to this. Once a trap activates as soon as you've had it placed on your head since you've been left on the hook (and in soloQ this will happen OFTEN), not only do you have the TRB to rush towards, you now have a pig chasing you in stealth with your trap timer still not paused. You can run to any of the 4 out of 5 boxes on the map, all it takes is the killer to know your direction usually and they can almost guess which TRB you are going to run towards, they lose line of sight? No problem at all because they can hear a pinging sound from your active trap AND they can see the aura of the TRB and with certain addons your TRB timer can take anywhere from 16-19 seconds, this is more than enough time for the pig to catch up to you and most likely hook you a second time (practically for free).

The Pigs addons are NOT the issue, her trap timers are NOT the issue, your TRB being interrupted by screaming is NOT the issue, the slow speed in general of TRB's are NOT the issue. These following **paragraph** were possible ideas by me to remove the oppressiveness of how oppressive it is when being chased by the pig with no trap timer delay IF the dev's did not want to pause the trap timers while she chases you in stealth.

"The Paragraph" = Either reduce the time it takes to interact with the trap removal machine, increase the time for traps in general, remove the ability for screaming to affect trap removal interactions, remove the ability for traps to stay active when a killer is in your radius/following in stealth, or increase the trap removal process by 5x the speed if a killer is within distance of you and walking towards you to ensure the trap is removed before they grab/melee you.

Post edited by MoNosEmpire on

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  • Member Posts: 649

    The only issue here is trap timers and being stalked with no repercussions or counter play. Nothing else matters.

  • Member Posts: 723

    I do think that from what you said what I stand the most with is your complain about her being able to follow you in stealth when you have a trap and it stays on. It does not make sense at all gameplaywise (boring, there is nothing to be done against that and it’s a secured death if paired with deadlock and other passive slowdowns) nor in actual lore of Saw. Saw traps are meant to give a chance of survival to those who are tested, so you are not suppose to make sure somebody dies like she can do in the game if played like that.

    I really hope and wish she will get changed to buff her chase potential and remove her ‘me puts trap me follows this person crouched until head blows up” gameplay style.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Her following you in stealth is exactly my issue, that's what gives you 0 chance to escape and guarantees the kill. I also think the pig needs a buff, especially to her lunge attack since it takes too long in general, it's a surprise attack not an audio check attack.

  • Member Posts: 649

    There's a clear difference between a "tough time" and "guaranteed death". There is zero counter play and that's the issue here.

  • Member Posts: 359

    Trap timers pause when you are being chased. this is an edge case.

  • Member Posts: 723

    The power is literally called "Jigsaw baptism" and she is supposed to be following his legacy and it's Jigsaw's traps still. Let's not be obtuse on purpose, please. The timer should for sure stop whenever she is crouching in a certain radious from a trapped survivor, or even regress it if it's for an extended amount of time. Remember that you can guarantee a kill if you use the Iri addon to start the trial with all helmets on, use Lethal Pursuer and you just pair passive slowdowns to make sure the helmet will pop before all gens can be done.

    It's sad that such an interesting and actual slowdown for survivors in a power gets dragged down because of lame and boring playstyles. Changes for her have been announced for 2024 so I really hope they try to push her power to be useful in chase and weaken the lethality of the traps for afking pressing W behind a survivor while being crouched.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Exactly. It's crazy how bad it is in comparison to Chucky's for instance. Hope they push her power to be useful in chase and then they can make her traps weaker and be just gimmicky instead of "me follows survivor with trap in their head me gets guaranteed kill". I don't remember the last time I have not seen a Pig getting 1 if not 2 kills just by using deadlock and NWO because it's a 2K guaranteed thanks to passive slowdown, trap killing the survivor guaranteed and then just camping in end game because what else is there to be done. Just boring to play as and against and needs to be looked into.

  • Member Posts: 237

    I have some bad news for you, Pig is getting buffed in the march updated :D

  • Member Posts: 547

    All we know that she's getting tweaked. That may be a nerf too, as that is tradition.

  • Member Posts: 1,166

    She's in 2024 roadmap, they are gonna nerf her, just wait and relax

  • Member Posts: 649

    Trickster got buffed too and nerfed so, maybe they still will ^^

  • Member Posts: 649

    Tunnelling is not the issue, its trap timers. They're too short and if disrupted 2x (even by screaming) then you're usually as good as dead since the killer camps the last 2 boxes usually when chasing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2023

    If the killer is in stealth they do in fact NOT pause the timer.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2023

    Her movement speed if she is running or in stealth is irrelevant when she already knows where you are going because she can see your trap timer, it's obvious that you're going to the box to attempt to untrap yourself else you wouldn't be in that general area in the first place.

    You say fixed but I'm starting to see it almost every time I play against pig.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    I agree that an otherwise mediocore killer should not get a pass on unhealthy mechanics to "make up for it".

    Given e.g. Face the Darkness it becomes quite impossible to remove traps quite easily. Especially when paired with Thrill of the Hunt. Nearly no effort on Piggy's part required to get headpops. (It's incredibly boring to play that way, imo, but it's not like I can keep people from doing it.)

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    Depends on your Rng.

    It's very short if certain Rng and addons are in play. It's not a problem at all if these are not.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I wouldn't call it RNG when killers know its very oppressive and its always either scream interrupt perks or severe interaction cooldown perks (because they know it's practically a free kill). That's always expected regardless of killer unless they're a newbie.

  • Member Posts: 649

    These two perks have been an issue for me when it comes to pig too.

  • Member Posts: 4,655


    The searches of the traps are regulated via a random number generator, Rng for short.

    How much searches you have to do is literally Rng. The Pig has no control about that. She can however use it to her advantage.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    They are not even that good. Nerf the screaming. Won't stop me from getting head pops on a regular basis.

    Understanding Rng and survivor movement is key to the strategic skill cieling of pig.

    In the last few days, I wanted to improve my map awareness because I felt, that I crutches on Bbq a little too hard.

    Yesterday I played 5 rounds of Pig with Stbfl only. I got 2 4ks, 2 3ks and one 2k. Overall, I got 7 head pops.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2023

    Brother I have been playing games since 2005, I know what RNG means. I am not talking about the box RNG I am talking about killers disrupting the box animation. It's you talking about RNG and all sorts of other stuff and going away from the main point of the post lol.

    And its not the screaming that's the issue, its the interrupt from the screaming when the trap removal speed is heavily increased.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Face the Darkness does make searching the boxes harder, but its not impossible when you look at the numbers.

    Base search time: 12s

    Longest base search time possible with add-ons: 16.68s (Both gear add-ons decrease the speed by 39% total.)

    Missed skill check: -10% progress and a 1.5s pause on progress = 3.17s added to search time

    So, if Face the Darkness makes you scream every 25s as long as you don't miss too many skill checks and time your search well, you do have plenty of time to search the box before getting kicked off. My best advice is to wait to search until immediately after you scream, this will give you the most time possible and means you can miss 2 skill checks before you scream again as this takes about 23s max.

    These numbers obviously change based on the add-ons. If you run Crate of gears with Razor Wires (makes skill checks harder (25%)+injures survivor), search time is 15s and gives you 1 more chance for a skill check (3 total), however you only have a little under half a second of wiggle room to start the search.

    Yes Impossible Box Pig is a pain and not fun to deal with, and other perks can also make this much more challenging. Fortunately, the name of this play style is misleading and it is NOT impossible, you just have to be cautious and take your time even when you want to rush.

    And obviously there are some tweaks that can be made that could make Pig a little more bearable in general without rendering her traps useless like:

    • Search Progress doesn't reset it just de-pleats slowly.
    • Trap timers stop when within a specific distance of the Pig not when in chase.
    • Survivors cannot die to the trap while in the act of searching a box, or the timer has a significant slowdown during search.
  • Member Posts: 218

    There are 5 boxes in the map, not 1; the Pig either has to guess the box you're approaching (and if she guesses right, it's frustrating I know, but it's literally just a luck factor) or she has to constantly keep you in her sights, aka follow you fairly constantly, aka tunnel you, and if she does that you would have gotten out of the game relatively quickly even if it was a different character (probably even faster if it was someone higher in the tier list). Her crouching speed absolutely does matter, because following you while crouching is her only way to actively follow you without pausing the trap timer. If she's not fast enough to crouch-chase you like that, she can't hard tunnel you in any way that is different from that of any other killer.

    Every killer can always expect survivors to be in specific areas (survivors are usually nearby gens, survivors with a trap are usually nearby boxes) so really, all of these Pig players targeting you relentlessly seem to me a problem of tunneling more than something strictly related to traps. And the character virtually having nothing in chase (crouch/ambush powers have very low and slow stats) + some badly designed add-ons that incentivize attacking those wearing traps (that need to be changed) is what probably causes a lot of Pigs to resort to tunneling, more than traps themselves existing.

    It would be a problem if she could physically bodyblock and safely prevent you from getting the trap off (she could in the past and she can't anymore, and that's what I meant when I said it was fixed by adding the 5th box) or if she could let the timer keep going while keeping you busy in a chase (and that's not the case).

    Trap timers are absolutely not too short; with some lucky RNG and maybe some strong add-on / perk sinergy they can be deadly (and that has to be the case... If she could never get a kill with a trap ever, why even worry about taking the trap off?) just like a Pig can bring Ultimate Weapon, Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears and only manage to trap 1 or 2 survivors, both of which will end up taking the trap off in 1-2 boxes because of RNG.

    Can I ask how many times have you played against Pig lately and in how many of these matches you died because of a headpop? I play as Pig and I often play against her too; headpops happen on both sides, but they're not too frequent, even when the killer side brings the timer reduction add-ons. I don't mean to discredit your experience and I sincerely believe you've had these frustrating matches, but since the frequency you describe doesn't seem to be as common as to ask for a pig nerf among people in this thread and other online dbd circles, I just wanted to know if it was a couple of matches where unavoidable headpops happened or if the number was much higher.

  • Member Posts: 218

    Also, Pig cannot see your trap timer. She can see when the trap becomes active (which is right after a gen pops, she wouldn't even need the HUD indicator) and when a trap gets removed, but the timer is hidden exactly to prevent that kind of targeting

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2023

    Pig speed does not make a difference when in stealth because your timer is still continuing, she obviously knows your location and where you're going or you wouldn't be in her radius in the first place and she can also see the amount of time before the trap blows up so of course she'll target you at least once and hook you and that is usually more than enough because addons do the rest with how long it takes to attempt to remove the trap.

    "It would be a problem if she could physically bodyblock and safely prevent you from getting the trap off (she could in the past and she can't anymore, and that's what I meant when I said it was fixed by adding the 5th box) or if she could let the timer keep going while keeping you busy in a chase (and that's not the case)."

    • Her version of "body blocking" atm is grabbing you off the trap after counting down the timer just before you finish the trap with extended timer addons
    • She can let the timer continue by following you in stealth while still chasing you. trap timer never pauses on a trap removal machine

    In an ideal match without interruptions and going directly to every single trap box you roughly have around 1/10 - 2/10 of trap removal time left.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I swear if I have to repeat the EXACT SAME THING A 5TH TIME.

  • Member Posts: 218
    edited December 2023

    You say "Pig speed does not make a difference when in stealth because your timer is still continuing" and then follow it with "She can let the timer continue by following you in stealth while still chasing you".

    So, what is it? I say that Pig is not fast enough to chase a survivor while crouching, you say speed is not important and then "she can follow you in stealth". No, she can't. Because of that same speed that is seemingly not important. And the timer continuing is not a problem if she tries chasing you while crouching, because she cannot keep up with you lol. And if she happened to be around the area in which you just arrived - she still needs to get up (and that pauses the timer) to have a chance to keep up in chase.

    "she obviously knows your location"

    ??? How? You keep saying this but you don't explain what you mean with that. Pig players are not omniscient, and if they know your location they've either heard/seen you, they got aura perk value or you failed a skill check. And in any of these cases it's not obvious that a Pig always knows where you are, as you said.

    "Her version of "body blocking" atm is grabbing you off the trap after counting down the timer just before you finish the trap with extended timer addons"

    Again, Pig players don't see the timer for active traps; to count down the timer they'd have to manually focus on counting one trap's timer at a time specifically (and they'd probably play really badly in the meantime, hard to chase and loop while counting like that lol) and they don't know when a trap will be removed / which box will remove it. When you play Pig, even if you bring the meanest box add-ons, you might see one or two traps get off after one or two box searches and you can't do anything about it. There's no way for Pig to know when a trap will go off / be removed.

    No need for the caps lock - you have repeated some factually wrong things, such as claiming that the Pig player can see the trap timer and automatically know your location at all times. Of course I'm going to ask for clarifications, as a lot of the things you say make it seem as you don't know how her kit works. I'm also repeating a lot of my points ad nauseam by the way

    Post edited by tuttoinunavolta on
  • Member Posts: 218

    By the way I'd be down for stuff like screams only slightly regressing box search progress instead of resetting it entirely (and as I said before, changing the add-ons that encourage Pig to attack survivors with traps as that's unhealthy for both sides), obviously alongside the long needed Ambush and stealth buffs. But I believe everything gimmicky and unfair that can happen with her traps (constant scream reset) in the current version of DBD happens because of game contents outside the Pig's power itself, which I don't think deserves a nerf itself as it's perfectly tuned in its current state.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Amanda's main arc in the films is that she's an addict who traded drugs for obsessing over John. She does not actually care about his legacy and fundamentally did not understand the purpose of his tests which is displayed by the fact that every single test she personally setup was impossible to survive. This is even something John figured out about her and on his deathbed essentially placed her in another test without her knowing to see if she could actually stop cheating. She fails and gets shot as a result of not changing her ways and robbing others of their chance to learn from the tests.

    She gets the beartrap as her power because it's the most significant test to her as it was originally the test she had pass which led her to become one of the apprentices.

  • Member Posts: 218

    If the killer is in stealth, she's too slow to keep up with a survivor, and in order to get a hit in she has to either get up (currently takes a lot of time, will then start chase and pause the timer) or go for an ambush (a dash that is much easier to avoid, you get an audio cue that it's going to happen as soon as Pig starts charging it)

    Her crouching speed and Ambush attack in general need some buffs; I think it would be cool if they made her faster while crouched + found a way to make the timer pause when she's X meters close to a trapped survivor (but I believe this should take into account the presence of other survivors in that radius; a SWF with comms could direct chases next to trapped survivors to give them more time to take the trap off).

    But yeah, in her current state she absolutely cannot keep up with a survivor while crouched

  • Member Posts: 3,937
    edited December 2023

    I have to concur with Radiant, the issue really is your team screwing you over more than the Pig herself. Once you timer is on, your team should be leaving you on hook or downed for as long as possible until they are sure she is committing elsewhere.

    If a Pig is tunnelling you once you are hatted and unhooked, especially crouch tunneling, she is wasting a lot of time that your teammates should be capitalising on. Run to the furthest box you can.

    If she is hard committing to keep you off of boxes, there is an argument for just letting her tunnel you and forcing her to down/hook you at boxes. By doing so she disables your timer, and smart teammates should know to crank gens and unhook you as late as they possibly can. By doing this you are wasting huge swathes of time that the team should be capitalising on.

    Of it is causing you a lot of grief, consider taking plot twist, and disabling your bear trap yourself.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    If piggy chases you with a trap, the others can do gens and the killer gets 0 value out of the trap. The timer is 2:30, so plenty gens should get done.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited December 2023


    I want you to understand the following:

    • These scenarios always happen in SoloQ so I want you to understand that there is zero communication when going for a trap removal box in any given area
    • I also do not generally fail skill checks
    • Just because you did not understand my reasoning behind how I explained something, that does not instantly make something factually wrong. I assumed the majority on the forums would be experienced players with hundreds, if not thousands of hours, so at times I do not feel the need to paraphrase

    A pig can see:

    • 5 Trap boxes
    • When a survivors trap is active because of the survivors banner Aura turning RED from white

    Now as a killer what would you do next? you'd keep a mental time memory of the trap activating it for later. The killer would then play the game like normal.

    The survivor on the other hand has the following constraints:

    • Has to remove the trap in a very tight timeframe and reach all 5 boxes if RNG is not on their side
    • Usually by this point a gen is almost done and will be popped just as a trap is placed on your head after prolonging a chase as long as you can, depending on how bad the loops in an area are, so you haven't got any trap boxes done yet but your trap timer has instantly become active
    • Experienced Pig killer mains clearly understand the trap is oppressive so they'd add major delay addons to trap removal (can be up to 16s per box)
    • Has to traverse the map in general, avoiding the killer as best as they can

    I said:

    ""Pig speed does not make a difference when in stealth because your timer is still continuing" and then follow it with "She can let the timer continue by following you in stealth while still chasing you". "

    In other words:

    • Your destination is known because the pig can see box trap auras
    • A pig in stealth can still follow you without pausing the trap timer cooldown, you have no choice but to go to that trap removal box in that area because of bad RNG, both trap removal locations being so close together on some maps (for reference, yes I know there are 5 trap removal boxes), as well as lack of trap time and a heavily increased delay in general from trap box addons, and the obvious killers' memory from earlier knowing your trap has been active for a while now
    • The killer usually switches to you when she see's you, again the oppressive trap timer forces you to act hastily and go directly to the trap removal box (if you delay this she will purposely just stalk you in stealth regardless of slowdown speed because she knows where the trap removal auras are and if you're in that area with an active trap it's obvious you're heading there)
    • She can wait at the box and count down the trap removal timer (with her addon extensions and lets use the 16s as an example) while you're trying to remove it and knock you off it before the 16s have elapsed, you have no time to delay and if you're still in the trap removal animation it will still blow your head off
    • I'm also not talking about crouch following you around the entire map obviously, she can walk at a certain range before it becomes a chase and then she enters stealth when within chase distance

    This can be seen as tunnelling but it can also be seen as a design exploit.

    The Pig is weak at the moment when compared to other killers so that would naturally assume only experienced killers would play as the pig. This would also assume that they know exact trap removal timers with their chosen addons like the back of their hand. I am also not talking about a scenario of them finding you randomly on a box and waiting it out to hit you, I am talking about a scenario of you being forced onto the trap removal box while they are still stealth chasing you and you're unable to lose them because of time constraints, trap removal auras being shown to the killer (this is what I mean by they know your location) and they are behind you in stealth with no punishment while your timer still ticks away.

    Now you would ask:

    • So why wouldn't you lose them first?

    My reply would be, "How? Time constraints". With addons trap removal timers can take up to 16 seconds as someone stated in this post, more than enough time for a pig to run/stealth to you on a trap removal box, hook you once and then come back a second time once you've been unhooked and knock you once for a guaranteed kill. And thus the reoccurring, repeating dilemma we have in this post.

    @UndeddJester Usually SoloQ teammates unhook you asap, finish gens without caring about inactive traps. The killer tunnelling me would just destroy me even faster due to it as he's not even left the area or purposely proxy camping in general. I haven't used plot twist much but I'll give it a go. In a SWF this wouldn't have been as much of an oppressive issue but in SoloQ it's so bad.

    @LapisInfernalis 240s sounds good in theory but practically, the last 60 seconds is what screws you over when there's screaming perks, extension addons that purposely interrupt you and then the killer coming to you at least once and forcing you away from that trap removal location. That is usually more than enough to delay the trap on your head to blow up. The killer is usually happy to throw the game to get that TTV kill.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I see, the thing is

    • My previous comments didn't mention SWF scenarios or communication tactics, so whether it's SoloQ or not is unrelated to them; the one time I brought up SWFs was in relation to the suggestion of a mechanic that is not in the game (at least not yet), and in that part I was simply saying that an eventual timer-pausing-next-to-crouched-Pig should account for other survivors being around, just like the anti-facecamp mechanic currently does

    • I mean that's cool, I just said that failing a box skill check is one of the things that can alert Pig of your presence. I never implied you're failing all your skill checks - just that, if it's true that the Pig you played against always knew where you were, it was either because of one of those 3 reasons, or pure luck or cheats. You could have gone against a full aura-reading build Pig for all I know.

    • I didn't call your reasoning factually wrong, what I called factually wrong was "she can see your timer" (which is factually wrong, she doesn't see the clock progressing, aka the timer) and taking for granted that she always knows your location (she can't, and even with a good guess she can still screw up). I understand if you meant "she can see that the trap is active", but that is an entirely different sentence, so obviously people will take what you said literally and assume you think she can really see the timer.

    "The survivor on the other hand has the following constraints:

    Has to remove the trap in a very tight timeframe and reach all 5 boxes if RNG is not on their side"

    That cannot happen; even in the worst case scenario of bad RNG, your trap automatically gets removed after your 4th box search, so you'll never have to do more than 4 box searches.

    "Usually by this point a gen is almost done and will be popped just as a trap is placed on your head after prolonging a chase as long as you can, depending on how bad the loops in an area are, so you haven't got any trap boxes done yet but your trap timer has instantly become active"

    I hate to be that guy, but what other people in the thread are saying is true - that is a bit of a "your teammates are screwing you over" scenario; the HUD already communicates everything the other survivors need to know (a teammate just went down during a Pig match; a trap might be put on them) so it's less a problem of communication and more a problem of them not knowing how the killer works (which could be partially solved with more detailed and frequent loading screen tips btw, I unironically believe the abysmal "amount of complicated killer powers" / "quantity and quality of tutorial and info" ratio of the game is one of its worst problems and the main cause of the so-called "lobby stomper" killers being a thing) or carelessness from your teammates' side - and it sucks when you have to pay for their mistakes (just like when you get that default Meg that goes to cleanse every time she touches Plague's vomit, constantly gifting her free power and dooming the entire team) but ultimately it's the risk of playing in a team game where effort from the entire team is needed to win. And even though this definitely happens (happened to me a bunch too!), getting a trap put on and a gen getting completed right after you is still very situational, definitely not that common to happen every time, and it solely depends on the people working on the gen, not the Pig. Preventing it requires the same method you'd use to prevent Pain Resonance from making you scream (leave the gen for like, 5 seconds and look at the HUD), except you don't always know whether Pain Res is at play or not, but you always know a Pig is most likely going to use a trap after a down.

    "Experienced Pig killer mains clearly understand the trap is oppressive so they'd add major delay addons to trap removal (can be up to 16s per box)"

    The traps are the most oppressive part of her entire kit, but I'd say it's more out of Crouch and Ambush ranging from useless to very situational rather than traps being OP. Buffing the other parts of her kit and nerfing bullshit synergies (scream perks resetting boxes) would definitely popularize new Pig playstyles and thus new add-on combinations and remove unfun plays.

    "Has to traverse the map in general, avoiding the killer as best as they can"

    I mean yeah, but the killer (who has no mobility) also has to do the same, also assuming she's going to completely ignore all of the other survivors and gens in general that she might see during her patrol (which would put it under the case of hard tunneling, again). Complaining about Box spawns is totally valid by the way, but that is something that would be better solved by improving the spawns rather than nerfing the traps themselves.

    "trap removal auras being shown to the killer (this is what I mean by they know your location)"

    ? That doesn't happen unless they're just using an unrelated aura-reading perk like BBQ or Floods of Rage. Are you talking about the Amanda's Secret add-on? If that's the case, the aura-reading happens after a trap is successfully removed, not during box searches in general (unless the add-on is currently bugged?) so you wouldn't experience getting targeted while having a trap on. But in either case, a Pig with that add-on can't see Jigsaw Boxes' auras, so either hard tunneling or lucky guesses are still needed to be close enough to a survivor to get value out of the aura-reading.

    The thing about Pig knowing your position because of you having to do boxes still depends on them either using info perks, being lucky or doing a good job guessing - Pig players can't see how many boxes you've currently tried (so even if mentally they know, let's say, the timer is about halfway through, they have no way of knowing whether you already tried 3 boxes or you didn't try yet. Unless they've seen you, they've been following you around ignoring everybody else thus tunneling etc. etc. they can't know where you've been so far and where you are now.

    As I said earlier, I'm all for BHVR taking a look at killer object spawns (so including Sadako's TVs, Plague's fountains etc.) because if I recall correctly they all share same or similar spawn points and they all have similar problems, whether it's some of them being too close to each other or, in the case of TVs and fountains, Chest offerings affecting their spawns in certain maps like Swamp. But this problem would be better solved by fixing these spawn points, not just nerfing her traps as a whole.

    That aside, I can't help but notice we're always talking about the worst case scenario possible during this conversation. We're assuming the survivor will need to do 4 searches to free themselves (and that can't happen more than once per trial if I recall correctly), that Pig has a full on headpop build, that teammates are not paying attention to it at all and that the killer has enough awareness and luck to intercept the trapped survivor often. In that case, then I'm sorry but there's nothing wrong with the headpop death happening. Traps are based on (fixed) RNG, which means sometimes they might still end up activating. It would be a problem if it were to happen too often and with little to no counterplay, but I'd argue that us being here and discussing the worst possible scenario where the killer side is doing everything to make it happen and is lucky and the survivor side (your teammates) are not paying attention to it at all is already a sign that it's mostly balanced. It'd be a big problem if headpops happened all the time, to most survivors and ignoring every possible counterplay from the team. But this doesn't happen, the majority of traps still get removed after 1-2 searches and the conversations we're having are based on the premise the the survivor side is making a bunch of mistakes mixed with constant bad luck (epic bad luck, to stay on the topic of Saw)

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