Windows of Opportunity

This perk is a problem. I can't be the only one to think that WoO is a problem in dbd. I use this perk and all I do during chase is bee line directly from one loop to another, with pallets or windows. I stack pallets to pallets, predrop them or not, the loop is continuously ongoing. I can't stop but to think that this perk is auto-pilot and make my survivor plays ez mode for me. This perk seriously need adjusting.
Just out of curiosity: Have you noticed in your matches where you play like that, that your teamies chases are significantly shorter than your own?
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Nobody would play it if there were perks that were good and would help. Now that the only thing is looping or dieing, it‘s the only perk that tells you where you can loop.
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Immediately after MFT gets a re-work, here come the killers pretending to be survivors asking that Windows gets a re-work.
What survivor who loves using Windows would make a post asking that the devs adjust it to make it weaker?
If you really are a survivor asking for a perk you use to be made worse (which I doubt) because you find the game "ez" and want a challenge - why don't you just stop using it.
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Us VS them is strong in this one. I dislike using it as survivor as well. But I have my own reasoning for that.
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If you dislike using it that is fine, I never use it myself.
But we aren't posting on the forum volunteering that the most used survivor perk in the game be nerfed because we don't like it. We just don't use it.
I do not buy that a survivor would ask for a perk they use to be made weaker. I just don't, it makes no sense. If they think Windows makes the game too easy, they can just stop using it. I think it more likely a killer would post something like this.
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Windows is more in the group of "annoying to face" than strong or broken. There were many debates here and i think the consensus is that windows is fine the way it is - the problem is map design not this perk. WoO on Garden Joy is something, on Wreckers Yard it's just another thing.
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It sounds like you are using it in a way that is detrimental to your team. Burning through resources is pretty poor game sense. It's handy in helping to avoid dead zones, not to just waste resources.
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It's not OP by any means, but extends far beyond training wheels perk. If a person knows tiles, he can just run to yellow, predrop/vault and run another yellow. It's dumb.
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Speculating. Irrelevant.
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WoO isnt OP, you are just a killer main crying for survivor nerfs because you arent/wont be good enough at killer until the survivor role is so barebones you win 98% of games with little to no effort. The game is already nearing that point, so why not nerf survivor even further into oblivion.
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Please stop with the us vs them. We are all players. It doesnt matter what side we play. If a survivor finds this perk to be unhealthy for the survivor role, they have the right to say that. Its like if i say, while playing killer, that noed rewards you for stuff you didnt do. I have the right to that opinion. We try to be open minded. OP is a great example of someone that thinks outside of their bubble while playing survivor. We should support that.
WoO is a great survivor perk. I dont use it, because i genuinely want to learn maps and pathing. I feel like this perk makes me learn less about map layout and tile structure but how i can be an effective bee-line-drone. This automizes gameplay. Something nobody likes. I want to play against a player when playing killer. Not against a perk that tells them where to go. I know that this argument can be taken and adapted to many situations in the game, which is true. Multible things can be problematic at the same time.
OP also finds this perk problematic, therefore requesting a nerf.
Not every player likes to see the game burn while using the best stuff. Some people genuinely care about the games gameplay and balance.
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Some maps are so problematic, that a lot of killers literally cant keep up with the amount of recourses. Loop one round, pre drop, go to yellow. Repeat. All while your team is doing 3 gens in the distance. This is how the killer loses 3 gens in 90 seconds. They can just leave chase, sure. But what if all survivors play like that?
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Hard to ignore such a bad take though, WoO is far from problematic. Mostly a skill issue if killers think they are losing games because of WoO. There are actual problematic perks that should be nerfed, so instead of wasting thought on WoO we should be focusing the perks that are actually problematic.
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There are a lot of perks to counter WoO, just use any of them mr killer in disguise
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In todays news of what should killers decide to come together to nerf today: Woo.
Jokes aside, there's nothing wrong with the perk, if the survivor is trash then they'll always be trash, perks wont change this.
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If autopilot is the argument being made here then you could say the same with tracking perks for killer. Why should killer see auras of survivors or make them scream and reveal location constantly to know where they are at all times? That's a little too ez mode to me.
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I thought we are more logical these days and try to look at the whole picture. Not just our little bubble.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
What is this argument. Have you even read what I wrote down?
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I stand by what I said. A survivor player who doesn't like Windows, because it makes the game too "ez", should stop using Windows if they want a challenge.
OP is basically saying: "A large number of survivors like something how it is, but I don't like it... so can you change it in a way that most survivors would like it less, but I would like it more?"
I think it is fair to call that out.