Map Check-in: Disturbed Ward



  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited December 2023

    I find it funny a lot of killers seem to think this map is Survivor sided, as a survivor I actually loathe it. It's in my bottom two with only Pale Rose ahead of it.

    To me the problem, and a massive problem with a lot of the new and realm beyond maps, is the lack of variation. You always get the same one or two variations with the same gen placements, same pallets, same vaults etc. so even though the downstairs has some potentially strong areas they never are because the killers know about them and can very easily preempt what survivors are going to do.

    A good example is the greenhouse window vault. Technically it should be a strong way to break chase but killers know where it is on every map and just head you off. Many times by the time I've vaulted and tried to run away theyve made it to the hole in the wall and head out in front of you. I think we need to bare in mind that good chases are supposed to discourage the killer from continuing and going to chase someone else.

    Honestly I think with the current ideology seeming to be that BHVR want to make maps smaller they really need to compensate by having a lot more variation.

    Badham has about 8 variations so it's always quite a fresh experience. Compare that to the likes of this map, Garden of Joy, Dead Dawg etc and its just a chore sometimes.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    You need to ask this question to THE ENTIRE DEAD BY DAYLIGHT COMMUNITY and not limit results to this forum and it’s limited number of members/ participants biased proclivities.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Pretty sure I have seen a Twitter thread for it as well and i guess whatever social network they are on is the same?

    the community that actually wants to socially engage with the devs will probably be on any of these platforms anyways.. how would you try to reach the whole community otherwise? Keep in mind in-game news get often ignored anyways.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    I had a game just 2 days ago as survivor where 3 generators spawned at the main building (upstairs, sunroom, and back stairs). Generator locations must be looked at.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    The main building has too many god pallets and the map itself tends to be a bit big. 2 gens can spawn in main building which can set up for absolutely devastating 3gens.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    While I think main is a bit too strong, and the outskirts are maybe a bit too big and unprotected, I thoroughly enjoy the variety the map provides. Not every map needs to be a carbon copy of one another, and the risk of a basement in main heavily disincentivizes going down there at main.

    If it has to be adjusted, maybe squish in the outskirts to be a bit closer, but keep the same window/tile/pallet counts (strengthening the outskirts). Then instead of the 2 strong windows at main, have it RNG pick 1 of the windows to be open, and the other boarded up. Alternatively, have an opening in the wall next to the window that weakens 1 of them (RNG again). The greenhouse main window could have the breakable wall slightly closer to the window with a ramp still alongside the building. The opposite stairwell window might need the side wall removed to weaken it, but I'm not sure how to not accidentally make it easier to run from the opposite side instead.

    Also like others have mentioned, 2 gens in main make it a 3-gen nightmare. Make those 2 gens in main mutually exclusive and its fine.

    Overall I love the map for variety sake, but I can see the deadzones and main being a problem for both sides. That's the fun of it! Both sides have a potential advantage unlike other maps like Badham where only Killers groan, or Midwich where only Survivors groan. I can still turn the size of the map to a Survivor disadvantage as Killer, and I can run the Killer at main with an easier than average time as Survivor. When I play both sides I can win or at least have fun.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited December 2023

    Would love for the main building to be redesigned a little to be a bit more fair on both sides - it's far too safe for survivors. Although outside of the building is a lot more fair - it just naturally makes survivors hover around main.

    Compared to a lot of other maps it's not a really problematic map though - Would prefer swamp get looked at if given the choice but I just feel Asylum plays out the same each time I get it due to the design of the map.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    As many said before, the map is a bit too big, the main building is easily accessable from basically everywhere around the map and it is also a really strong structure, safe pallets really good windows and so on.

  • Too drab. Could use an aesthetic update.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    Really? thats absolutely absurd why is that not physically impossible bhvr ;-;

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,217

    Theme-wise I love this map. The feeling it gives me is one of desperation and futility. In almost every single trial that I play I try to imagine a story based off of the map, Killer, and Survivors. Every time I spawn into this map I imagine that we were wrongly imprisoned in the ward and we need to escape from the maniacal Killer. Depending on the Killer they can take on the role as warden, fellow patient, or even supernatural terror/ creature that killed everyone and that the Survivors are these punk people exploring the legends surrounding the building.

    What is especially creepy are the gates that surround the map. It gives an almost fight for your life trapped kind of feeling.

    The ceiling in the main building is also super sad. So many dead bodies. Add that with the dark swirls and it almost feels like you are losing your mind. It’s a really nice map and fun to play on. It’s one of the maps that usually packs a lot of suspense.

    PS: I LOVE the ornate metal work throughout the map. It’s a nice touch.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 519

    The amp does feel a bit large at time's, however it's more the amount of set's between everything that make it feel like this.

    THe main sore spot about this map is the Ward building itself:

    *Easily Accessible during any Chase

    *2 extra generator's can spawn on it, creating a very nasty 3 gen

    *The pallet's and window's of the ward are incredibly safe for survivors, there's no correct play for killer's whne it come's to the windows. There proximity make's it rather easy to chain and reset chases against killer's before running back into the many pallet only or wall set's outside.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 261

    Locker distribution must also be looked at. Basically a big clump in the middle then a wide semi circle around it. Dredge will struggle.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    Very volatile. I feel like 90% of the time it's basically unwinnable for killer unless survivors throw (which, to be fair, they love to do) and the other 10% of the time a powerful 3 gen spawns center map and it's basically unlosable. I'd think about making it smaller and working on the gen spawn logic so gens spawn more consistently in the outer tile areas (which would be closer and fairer to patrol)

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Best Never to limit space for consensus

    66 posts to a discussion in 2 days, including non-insightful replies to posts, doesn’t achieve optimal results; even after a week or 2 when numbers increase, it’s still just majority of back-n-forth’ing.

    Twitter as an additional option is good (though it’s often a plethora of off topic spam or troll posting about “add this skin” “nerf this” “nerf that”) as is the in-game News flash headlining topic forcibly visible before the menu, also a good feature.

    Regardless, always Post everything, everywhere and as close to all at once as possible, making certain everyone socially engageable or not, has the opportunity to respond should they so choose

    …and run it as a quick ‘choose A B C D E’ poll similar to those included in the Official DBD Surveys that w the option to type additional response.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    But isn’t that what the surveys are here for?

    maybe you are giving this way too much weight.

    As far as we know this thread is just for community engagement on the specific platforms and nothing more, maybe to catch some general trends but as far as I can see it’s not supposed to be info gathering for actual direct changes whatsoever. They obviously haven’t done it like that before and there is no reason to believe they will do now.

    They still have their internal statistics, level designers/gameplay balancers, and all the sources for feedback anyways..

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    rework swamp bhvr, thats all we care about.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    there is a graphical update planned for early 2024 and those come usually with at least minor balance changes as well.

    Swamp is the only realm left that didn’t get a rework yet so it’s very likely this is already planned.. and not too far off…

    (though they didn’t mention it in the newest roadmap I think?? But I guess neither did they mention a new surv which is also confirmed..)

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    How do you know about the graphic update and does that mean we get a more scary/darker and more beautiful atmosphere?

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,130
    edited December 2023

    For m1 killers, the middle gen is difficult to defend since it takes so much time to get there, and by the time you do, the survivors have plenty of easy exits to be nowhere near by the time you get there. Since it's the middle of the map, losing that generator usually means losing the map since all of the other gens are so spread out from each other with the middle one missing. The ONLY saving grace the killer gets is if there is a 3 gen at the circus area. If not, it's game over for the killer the moment that middle gen upstairs us completed.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    And when that happens, I'll have officially lost every single map that I like.

    The situation is definitely not looking good for me, old friend.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    Not my favorite or least favorite map(on killer or survivor), it sits solidly in the middle.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893
    edited December 2023

    To be fair and sure very subjective, but gameplay wise swamp has always been lacking. Corners/edges are weird, main can on both be annoying especially for killer side. And i think graphically it’s the one of the map from back then that was the least aesthetically pleasing (or it already suffered from lighting/fog adjustments? Maybe i should look at swamp maps videos back on release)

    edit: just did exactly that and yeah i loved the aesthetics back then. Still don’t like the colored tints especially for Macmillan but for Coldwind, Crotus and Swamp they were decent and the fog, lighting, Depth of Field etc was so good… sad that was changed this drastically.

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    One of the most survivor sided maps. The map has strong loops every where you go.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Now you know a bit of how I feel, friend.

    I am desperately hoping BHVR will release a classic mode or classic pack eventually, otherwise I'm doomed. There won't be a single map in the game that I enjoy.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    Only real problem is that when basement is in shack boil over can abuse the main building.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    is it really that hard for you peeps to get 4ks on this map? -not tryin to be mean just askin

    personally i do agree with a slight nerf to the main but also a few (like 1-2) more loops on the edges of the map

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    It's not as bad as some other maps but it's pretty bad.

    I agree they could add another loop or two on the edges, sometimes there is a huge deadzone there. Personally if they nerfed the main building, cleaned up the deadzones, fixed the 3 gen issue around the main building, and made the map a little smaller and/or removed one of the cul de sacs (the two long areas on the edges of the map that are dead ends and often have generators at the end), I'd be happy.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    For survivors - it has some very strong pallets/tiles. Even in areas you'd normally consider dead zones running from tile to tile, there can be pallet spawns.

    For killers - gen placement should be looked at. There shouldn't be 2-3 gens in the center of the map (2 inside, 1 right outside towards shack).

  • Fools_gold
    Fools_gold Member Posts: 8

    I think Gideon deserves more attention because there are a lot of dishonest pallets on him, and I'm honestly tired of this map, the survivors constantly take a "piece of the puzzle". I don't mind more pallets (this is compensation for the lack of windows), but it needs to be balanced somehow because the current variation of this map is too strong for the survivors ,and simply unfair for the killer.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    The main problem with Gideon meat plant is the time required to break pallets. After you broke them, which takes a while the map is completely killer sided and with some experience it is easy for killers. If the map gets reworked in the favor of killers the map is unplayable on survivor.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    To me it feels very boring, uninspired and forgettable in every way.

    It has a very forgettable look, it's a very survivor sided map, it has a pretty terrible main building with very uninteresting gameplay (no mind games involved), the tiles aren't that great either, the abundance of maze tiles always makes me want to ignore half the map when I play killer and look for more interactive spots when I play survivor and it's so big that you better have some mobility as a killer or pick a corner of the map that you actually want to play around (which is not fun for either side).

    If it at least looked like in @GeneralV's screenshot, I could find something positive about it. But as it is, it's one of my least favorite maps.

  • MakeThemScream
    MakeThemScream Member Posts: 74

    Its one of my favorite maps as killer and survivor, because it has some good spots for survivor but also some good spots for killers. Please dont destroy this map.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    It was beautiful, wasn't it?

    Easily one of the best maps they've ever designed, in terms of aesthetics and atmosphere.

    But it is ruined now. BHVR really, really should release a classic mode for us.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Old DBD really had a distinct look to it. It was beautiful and you would recognise these maps despite some of the textures having an objectively low quality. If it wasn't for the vaults and pallets though, I wouldn't be surprised to find many of our current maps in a FPS game. They don't scream DBD in the same way that they used to. Which is pretty sad because it makes these maps very forgettable.

    If they ever released a classic mode, I doubt I would play normal mode again.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    If they ever released a classic mode, I doubt I would play normal mode again.

    Same, friend. Same.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I agree fully. The old lightening and fog of DBD use to look so much better than the current one we got with each realm beyond update. The graphics might be better, but the ambiance is lost...

    I don't know wich one is worst : disturbed ward or Coldwind ¿ They are so bright and dull now, it's a real shame. We can't even see the moon anymore, when it was supposed to be the only light source... I don't get why they didn't stick with their original art direction.

    As you said, if only they would release an optional pack to have old lightening and fog... I would even pay for it, and I wouldn't mind if it gives me a disavantage over people having the current lightening.

    Anyway. Back to the topic I guess : map is okay gameplay wise. Not perfect, but not problematic either. I don't think it really favor killers nor survivors more.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited December 2023

    As you said, if only they would release an optional pack to have old lightening and fog... I would even pay for it, and I wouldn't mind if it gives me a disavantage over people having the current lightening.

    My thoughts exactly, my friend! I'm glad to see people who share my love for the Old DBD and its atmosphere.

    We need this classic pack. There is no reason for BHVR to not add it.

    Post edited by GeneralV on
  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    The main problems I have with the map is the fact that the main building is extremely boring to play against as a killer due to it being a lap around in a circle with multiple god pallets that you 100% have to break. Also the fact that Boil Over makes that map unbearable should be taken into consideration by putting a hook in the upstairs of main building.

  • Fools_gold
    Fools_gold Member Posts: 8

    I was referring to the design change as a whole. Add a couple of windows and remove a couple of sturdy pallets. The current version of Gideon looks very strong for survivors due to the presence of a "Unique Opportunity", you are unlikely to be able to catch such a survivor. I would also like to point out that there are a lot of pallets on the map (really a lot), and until the killer breaks at least half of the generators, there won't be any more left.Or just change the strength of some pallets (add a couple of workarounds or something similar)

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 235

    Balanced Map. Please do not update.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    They wanted to nerf stealth, so they turned it into a wasteland.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,590

    Every map doesn't need to be the size of a postage stamp. It's causing massive issues with gens spawning right next to each other. And as others have stated, this map already has some bad 3 gen issues. Shrinking every map to dead dog size makes them all feel repetitive and boring. Are you ever going to go back and fix some of the disastrous reworks like Rancid that are nearly unplayable for survivors?

    Also agree with others that the lighting, lack of fog, and general morder-ness could be improved.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    This is one of the biggest maps left in the entire game.

    I think it could be good to just remove the 2nd maze tiles (i.e. the ones on the edges of the map) from those 2 areas that have 2 maze tile spawns right next to each other, and just move the border of the map inward to the first of the 2 maze tile spawns. At the same time, increasing the filler pallet "spawn range" would be good to make up for the loss of the maze tiles.

    As for the Main Building, the collision along the debris ramp entrances are atrocious and don't look like how they should be able to be walked on. There should only be one gen spawn in main; either the greenhouse or the upper floor. Finally, the basement spawn in main is extremely campable; saving versus a camping killer (especially in solo queue) is nearly impossible.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Why would a map feel repetitive just because of its smaller size? Big maps are a huge issue for killers without mobility and the map size does not necessarily provide for problems with 3 gens, since they basically appear on all maps regardless of size.

    Maps don't need to be super small, but they should also not be as big as mothers dwelling...

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 348

    I miss this so much. The graphics updates were a mistake