Please buff Dissolution


I'm one of these three killers who run this awful perk. Why? Because i love this concept and trying really hard to get value from it from release. But with 20 seconds of action it's almost impossible.

You close the distance between you and survivor for about 12-15 seconds after the hit and you have 5-8 seconds to make it work. And even if all stars come together, action of this perk will end right before survivor jumps into the pallet. EACH. FREAKING. TIME.

Only once i had a lot of value from this perk on old Eyrie Pallet City. This perk helped 4 times in this match, but it seems there were new survivors, who didn't even know how this perk works. But usually it's one, maximum two uses per match even on its best users like Slinger, Clown or Spirit. I mean, if this perk worked once, it's already a victory, because quite often it just lies dead weight.

I'll probably put this perk on the shelf for today, because it's fun to use, but its inconstancy just doesn't allow me to occupy a slot with it, even if I just bring a meme build, let alone if I want to win. Will be glad to bring it back in my builds if devs will decide to make its action 30 seconds.
