sprint burst and lithe are everywhere



  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    No, I'm saying that they're still too strong: you can still actively get two full self heals without dedicating a single perk for item consumption + syringes are still a thing which has no place in a balanced game

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    If you are a ranged killer or have stealth abilities you can severely reduce the effectiveness if not outright ignore the effects of both of these perks though.

    Do I find these perks annoying sometimes? Sure. Do they need to be adjusted? No.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,781

    SB and Lithe aren't that big of a deal, just guarantees they get to one new loop is all or avoid a gen jumpscare if they're fast enough.

    In terms of gen speeds I'd rather they look at toolboxes and addons.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Mindbreaker and Blood Echo exist. Keep in mind that Mindbreaker pauses any active exhaustion timer.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    You act as if the same thing doesn't happen to both sides. Gen regression perks have been in the same boat forever - nerf one, and then the next one that annoys people is complained about until it gets nerfed. The reality is, with the exception of a few edge cases in specific situations, there are no problematic perks on either side right now. They need to be looking at the weakest perks and bringing the levels on those up so there are more options.

    Long story short, people will always complain about something that hinders their objectives in game, regardless of if it's actually a problem.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489
    edited December 2023

    Stop abusing the definiton of "tunneling". And try to getr some gamesinse for killer gameplay. Its not that hard at all, in fact its never been this easy and people always were able to stomp general survivor teams. And by your logic, how about changing all of killers regression too? An eye for an eye as you said.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You don't maybe but more killers will look excuses for why they can't 4K. And it's not hard to guess that: All blame will go to Lithe/SB or Distortion or WoO.

    Probably they will make WoO nerfed next.

    I will be happy to be wrong tho.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Distortion I do think should be CHANGED, but I wouldn't use the term nerfed. I like perk approaches like blastmine that charges based off contribution rather than TR.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 551

    This makes very little sense. If you want survivors to heal stop running sloppy doesn't help and neither does pain res as that puts pressure on survivors to get gens done. I know survivors should not play the last two decent exhaustion perks. I play both killer and survivor and I run sprint burst and when I see survivors running it or lithe I don't blame them. With survivors often going against Pain res and pop and tunnelling and sloppy there is little point in tunnelling and if killers tunnel why can't survivors it is the exact same thing.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited December 2023

    Amazing bait!

    Look at all the 'old hands' you got engagement from!


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    Zero reason whatsoever to wait until the killer is right on top of you to start running. You might have to burn their exhaustion and re-patrol as they're wandering back to the gen. You don't have to leave them entirely if you don't commit initially. Watch what killers at the comp level do to combat pre-running. Going to have to play chess a little. Break LOS like you're breaking off chase and cycle back to them after a few seconds. They're closer and they don't have SB or Lithe.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited December 2023

    How is self-healing still strong? One med-kit has just enough charges for one heal - not withstanding how multiple killer perks can completely negate this anyway (Franklins, Sloppy Butcher, etc). I only talk about med kits as you can no longer self-heal with CoH and Self-Care is one of the worst survivor perks.

    Med-kits are only strong when healing others, which they should be as it rewards altruistic play.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    The "SB is actually way stronger then DH and you will curse the day it got nerfed!!!1"-apocalypse has been teasered so often by now, that I can't wait to see it; it must be some hellscape to percieve and I don't know if I am ready for it, but bring it on!

    WoO is complained a lot about, thats right, but not because it is too strong on itself, but because it leads to extremely boring and uninteractive gameplay: "beeline to the next yellow blob on screen, pre-drop it, beeline to the next yellow blob on screen, rinse, repeat", while the killer player can only run after said survivor and break pallet after pallet like an automaton or break chase. Not every WoO user plays like this, but those that do reduce to game to a flow chart with no interaction by humans needed, and this braindead playstyle is really exhausting.

    Most of us killer players realise pretty well that WoO isn't OP or too strong or even overtuned, but this beeline-predrop playstyle is just the bottom of the barrel play styles. People are suggesting a cooldown after you drop a pallet, so that you can't just turn of your brain completely; it wouldn't prevent anyone from remembering that a pallet was left in that corner over there, but at least they couldn't just go by visials alone; who knows, a CD might actually force newbies to actively remember where pallets are left and develop some gamesense, instead of just follow the bread crumbs? And experienced survivors don't use the perk like this, they just want the info about whats going on around them and which parts of the map have been turned into a dead zone. BUT I understand that this is a touchy subject, especially in the current meta and with both sides feeling that they are targeted by BHVR with the banhammer regularly, so I won't support the "nerf WoO"-movement and wouldn't mind if WoO never changed.

    Distortion, likewise, isn't problematic in a big sense, but its rising popularity is mostly punishing those players that it shouldn't target: the killers with a single info/aura reading perk. A killer with 3 aura reading perks and one or two aura reading add-ons can burn through the full stack of Distortion with just flexing once, but a killer who might run BBQ or Nowhere to Hide as part of a balanced loadout will be playing with only 3 perks, as that one aura reading perk will be absolutely gutted by Distortion. Add to this that Distortion never pauses regeneration, even in chase, something thats absolutely unique about all the other perks that regenerate while inside the killers terror radius, and you got a very torn and scicophrenic perk that fights and punishes the wrong demographic.

    So this is all more nuanced then just "OMG I couldn't 4K two matches in a row, please nerf WoO and Distortion ASAP!!!!11". BUT I also think that nerfing and nerfing and nerfing your favorite toys one after the other is the wrong way to tackle stuff. I still think that BHVR should adopt the LOL moba formula: take the 5 most played options for both sides and nerf them numerically, likewise buff the 5 least played options and rinse and repeat every month, while making the newly buffed or nerfed perks immune to changes in the next month. This way you would have a living and evolving meta with players constantly trying out new perks, losing old favorites, while discovering new ones that just became viable.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    This would work if we have had anti-tunnelling and anti-gen base-kits in DbD.

    Some perks are needed and when you nerf them, it just brings unhealthy gameplay.

    Nerfing DS was mistake and tunnelling was never that strong. And OTR is not that helpful like how DS did.

    Nerfing Pop was also mistake, thankfully they buffed it again. It's still not good as before but it's viable at least.

    Some meta perks are here for reasons. They are fixing game issues because devs are just ignoring to do anything about them. Unless we get very healthy game mechanics for both sides, i prefer no nerfs for non perks unless they are busted like Dead Hard, MfT and UW.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591

    No survivor perks are ever 'fun' for the killer.

    But Lithe and SB aren't problematic in the slightest. They are both super strong and should not be any stronger but they are in a good spot. Both can be baited out and played around.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    To be fair, those first three absolutely had it coming. Old DH was easily the most broken thing in the game for years (un unlike SB and Lithe, was actually an extra health state); its death was overdue and well deserved. Old DS needed nerfed, but certainly not to the degree it has been.

    But coming for Lithe and SB is hilarious. Both have a somewhat limited use opportunity. None of the current exhaustion perks are problematic at all as they are restricted in various ways.

    Windows is a baby perk (I'm more that fine with my opponents running that), Distortion is fine. FTP+BU might be a bit much in tandem.

    But this is just one side of the surv/killer entitlement coin; some people just don't want their opponent to have any useful tools at their disposal.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591
    edited December 2023

    @xEa You know, I could create a new account and do the same thing from a survivor's perspective, right?

    See how many people here actually agree with OP. So far there don't seem to be any. Even killer mains defend these 2 perks.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    Personally I think they should buff Balance Landing to add more exhaustion perk diversity. No one really uses it unless they bring a map offering for it.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363
    edited December 2023

    This used to be a question about why I was being quoted. Turns out that was an accident! Now the poost has been amended to not be quoting me. ah well, it happens

    Post edited by ratcoffee on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591
    edited December 2023
  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    they aren't even subtle about it. i'm both baffled and not surprised at all at the same time by the amount of people jumped right into it too. and my comment gets deleted while this post deliberately created to reinforce "us vs them" mentality is here to stay. lmao.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    The Dead Hard meta was horrible. . . For years. The healing meta was miserable if you didn’t run the best killers. SB and Lithe are fine.

    I heard a good VOD about the state of DBD, and I think it summarized it. Survivors doing gens is BORING! Looping the killer is fun. Most of the things have encouraged survivors to hurry up and do the gens and spend less time interacting with the killer. Overall, everyone has less fun. I don’t have a fix. We do have more perk variability (on both sides) than we used to, which is nice. I think the base gameplay needs to change. (#########, they could add a hardcore mode or a random perk mode. . . Something without working too hard).

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Like i said, we had those situations already before multible times. One starts, a few are going to join, many will follow and BHVR will react.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    If you come up with a more realistic task in case that happens (and it will), i would actually quote you on that.😉 Lithe, SB, Distortion, WoO and i also Resilience are most likely going to get nerfed rather sooner then later.

    I add even another one, and you can quote me on that aswell:

    Killer mains will compain very soon about Deja-Vu. "Its the new prove thyself but much stronger" "Now that 3gen is fixed, nerf Deja-Vu"

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Because the ability to self heal is one of the strongest abilities a survivor has available. It removes entirely any pressure a killer if for any reason they decide it's not worth keep chasing, because 24 seconds is literally nothing (unlike some people like to say), sometimes 'forcing' the killer to commit to an unfavorable chase or paying the price of losing all that time. Being able to do it twice just because someone brought an item with some add-ons is just busted.

    Saying medkits are only good to heal others is just plainly wrong, there's not even a debate about it.

    Every other self healing way has, justifiably, stricter conditions: self-care needs at least botany to be worth it, inner healing requires cleansing a totem and getting inside a locker for 12 seconds, so we have a base time of 26 seconds + all the time to find the totem and to get in a locker, which are heavily rng but in the end require 30+ seconds.

    Medkits can give you two free health states in 24 each, and that's not ok. Even with add-ons they shouldn't be able to give so much value without at least spending a perk for it, so the only solution I see is nerfing those add-ons that give multiple charges

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I would be so disappointed and lose all hope in DBD's decision-making if that ever becomes true...

    You know I would be watching as always.🍺

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    We can talk about butchering medkits even more after every killer addon is nerfed aswell.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Well then feel free to make a thread about unfair killer add-ons, and I'll comment on it as well

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 112

    Just tell the devs to start survivors on the ground and on death hook. Survivor players will figure it out and then killers will have to be buffed even more. Are killer players lazy or bad? How many survivor nerfs before killer players are satisfied?

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited December 2023
  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Sprint burst is pretty much just another health state. Lithe too if you have a window nearby.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    I really should be streaming again. There was so much work to do, that I didnt feel like it, but yeah! I will stream today :) And I hope that I will never have to eat that mouse and keyboard :D Or some carolina reaper or something like that, to make it a bit more reasonable.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    it's so funny to read these stupid messages from dbd players ngl

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 269
    edited December 2023

    oh, look at these people comments, this is a troll post, history of post 3, come on! hahahah

    Look at the OP name hahaha.

    and people take his troll comment seriously.

    stroking people anger is fun not gonna lie! reading these comments ahahah!

  • plattenpanzer
    plattenpanzer Member Posts: 69

    Nerf these dumb autopilot perks already

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    With how nerfed healing has become over the years people have gone back to gen rushing like when Plague dropped. It's easier to rush gens and force you to patrol them harder or lose gen's. It's one of the biggest tactics vs Plague and Legion. Over the year's a lot of more experienced player's actually do not care if they are healed or not. They will either heal under the hook and go to a gen or if the killer returns to hook a lot just immediately jump back on a gen.

    Also Tunneling refer's to a killer actively chasing and downing the same survivor off hook and throughout the game until they are dead. It's a terrible experience as a survivor and honestly boring as killer. Yes there are times that tunneling can be beneficial, but the few time's it's actually worth it vs how often it happens is excessive. A survivor can not tunnel a generator though they can hard aggro it and become the easiest person in the world to beat. Most people go blind to logic when they have a need to hard focus a single gen like this. You could not imagine how many people i have seen die or killed in DBD because of this. This is one of the biggest free hook's you'll ever get.

    As for the exhaustion perk's with how many are nerfed and how many requires specific conditions outside a normal chase. Yes Lithe and Sprint Burst have become dominant perk's for exhaustion. THEY DO NOT GIVE A FREE HEALTH STATE. That perk is called Adrenaline. Sprint Burst will usually only activate once maybe twice in chase if people know how to loop properly and can function it to 99%. Lithe is the same, but the fast vault condition along with someone who has the ability to 99% the perk can be extremely back breaking if they can loop properly. If you are aware of these perks on people and still attempting to take the swing and not holding the attack than that's not a perk issue it's an you issue. The reason exhaustion perks are so strong is the distance gained either because of a stun or a missed attacking. They give people the ability to get to a safe area where you now have to chase them. If you know about the perk's they are much much more manageable and less hurtful.

    Survivors have had some of the most powerful perks nerfed over the last few year's. Flashlights, Toolboxes, Medkits, Gen Times, Addons have all be worked on to reduce how effective they can be and in what situations. With some of the most powerful perks nerfed it's actually created more perk and build variety than i saw maybe 2 years ago. Killers have also received Buff's and nerf's over the year's. Some i would say are justified some i still raise an eyebrow at and have a "#########" look too. They have had perk, addon, power, blood lust, simple QoL change's. Some major some not so much. I don't feel that every single update they need to 1 for 1 a survivor or killer buff or nerf for each side.

    People want to win and therefore will always run some of the best perk's FOR BOTH SIDES. Some will be straight up strong perk's like Lithe and Sprint Burst, Some will run synergistic builds that are powerful via synergies that work well together, Some will run perk combos that are mid to low end alone that are extremely back breaking and strong together, Some will run meme builds, and some will run comfort perk's. That's what makes the game fun.

    If as a killer people are not healing than give them a reason to heal, give them a reason to waste time doing stuff that are not just gen's. The game has perk's that are made for this. Take advantage of the resources the game gives you to pull out a win. Use the information the survivors give you to learn the perk build they are most likely running. Because survivors do that to killer's trust me.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    OP might have been a troll, but this sparked some valid points and discussions along the line ... amazing! A forum, where people exchange ideas and different point of views.