BHVR expect us to wait for years for QoL changes



  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    When I say 2 more 100s, those were bolded, to indicate they are the total regressed value, and the bold to show still higher than 15 per hook. The 6 more 100s are unbolded, so they are less than the 105+. I was trying to be space efficient instead of typing

    '25/50/75/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100' - The number is the total regression the perk granted compared to

    '15/30/45/60 /75 /90 /105/120/135/150/165/180' - Being old PR's total regression numbers.

    Essentially what I am saying regarding PR is that you get regression during the point where Killer is weakest and in most need of regression, the start. The fewer Survivors, the lower the chance of anyone getting out.

    3v1 in general means Surv 4 is dead. If Surv 1 gets hooked, then Surv 2 has to attempt a rescue while Surv 3 is in chase. That leaves no Survivors to repair gens, which makes it a death spiral for Surv team. If Survs 1&2 attempt to pump gens instead of heal post-hook, then they also risk going down all the quicker if the Killer drops chase on Surv 3. Also they likely will have ~2-3 gens remaining at that time, which means they need a hefty chunk of time to not be forced to rescue Surv 3 when they inevitably go down in chase (assuming the Killer didn't swap to chase Surv 1 or 2).

    As far as DMS custom lobby, I don't care enough to test. If I'm wrong so be it, and we can drop it in this thread under the assumption you are correct. I am fairly certain PR can DMS combo, but I won't bring it up again, as it isn't the focal point of my posts.

    The point of my original post was that most of the listed 'nerfed' Killer perks had their strength shifted, and when playing into the new strengths they are (imo) stronger than before. I would easily take Ruin/DS/Calm Spirit/Thana to all be their pre-6.1 forms, although I personally prefer Pop and PR's current iterations. I have been consistent in saying (most of) the perk nerfs in 6.1 were mostly bad/misguided, especially since they all encouraged healthier gameplay.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723
    edited December 2023

    Hey Mandy,

    I understand what you mean with the dodging problem, but don’t you think that maybe such selfish perks should be looked into to begin with? These players don’t plan on going team oriented, so why punish people that want to play as a team just because you want to reward selfish people with no team mentality? The amount of players that would get a more team oriented playstyle and would synchronise their perks with each other outweights those who just want to play with themselves in a corner or from locker to locker. And about this issue aw well… There are already perks that counter each other withing the same team (Inner Strength Vs Boon totem perks), and in the future there will probably be more of these and will push back ideas for new perks or reworked perks that could be amazing and fun. Can the dev team really not see the enormous problem that limiting this kind of information is causing to the game and playerbase (solo Q one in this case mainly)?

    Please… Really reconsider a lot of things and try to get a new approach in regards of solo Q mainly and how to push it the closest to Swf level with in-game tools such as the loadout being shown to team mates. I am very concerned and worried for the direction and effect this game is getting (especially after the last unfortunate AMA)… Feels like the priorities are twisted in order, at least we as players feel that way.

    I hope I was respectful with this comment, and my point was well understood, and if it was not I really apologise beforehand.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    The people in this thread and on social media that we are sharing the same point of view. Don’t worry, next time I will add “not Dead by Daylight forum user Smoe tho” at the end.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    exactly! Punishing team oriented people because they want to protect selfish players is an awful look and perspective to give to a team based game. Just rework these hated perks into something that feels better to play with within a team.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited December 2023

    Except i ain't the only person who don't want it, mainly because it exactly is going to lead to more dodging or dcing depending on where you put the information, you already have people who dodge others based on their prestige, uses anon mode or if they get a map or killer they don't like, not to mention you already have people who have vocally expressed that they're going to dodge others who runs any meme builds or any perks that aren't meta.

    Also the only people who's going to benefit from it is SWF, as most solo players will most likely not bother synchronizing their perks with others or just utilizing the feature in general.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    … how are swf going to benefit from it? They already know each other’s loadout LMAO. It’s a solo Q QOL improvement to know each other’s loadout. This feature will change nothing about swf.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited December 2023

    Most solo q players will not care about it because team play comes as 2nd or no priority to them, the people that focuses on team play are for the most part are swf and sweaty tryhards.

    and again, since people already dodges others because of the other reasons i mentioned before, people are also going to start dodging others over the perks they run just as much, which in return is just gonna cause more backfill lobbies to occur and thus worse games for more people, to pretend otherwise is naive.

    Anyone running anything that isn't considered meta are gonna have a harder time finding any games.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Fair enough I guess, even though with the current status of the game making selfish playstyles as rewarding as they are is harming the situation of solo queue and more and more frustrations are rising. Isn’t the argument of the existence of perks countering each other within a team good enough of an argument still though and enough reason to reconsider adding this at a closer time period? It will also affect creativity for design of new perks. Nobody wants to play survivor if they possibility of your own team mates countering your perks is there (happens already with Inner Strength and Boons). I see it very counter productive, imo.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023
    • Auras of survivors rendered on top of anything else / different color so they don't get occluded by other things like gens.
    • Hook counter on HUD so we don't have to memorize who we hooked and how many times.
    • AFC bar when on range of a hook, so we don't have to wonder if we are granting a free unhook unintentionally (also for survivors, so they don't have to wonder if their teammates is getting face camped or they should go for a save).
    • Visual status effects both on gens and survivors so we don't have to guess if that survivor that supposedly was exposed still is or survivors having to wonder if that gen lost so much progress because it was affected by CoB (seriously, you guys made a whole effect for someone carrying snowballs and not for buffs / debuffs?).
    • Seeing if survivors are in SWF on lobby and how many (e.g. if two teams of two) to know what to expect in the game.
    • Toggleable Aim Assist (or Aim Dressing, or however you want to call it) so we can decide if it benefit us or we just want to not be forced to miss hits.
    • Crosshairs / 3D space prediction arcs / landing marks (a la Singularity) for ranged killers so we don't have to build muscle memory to know where our hatchets / knifes go.
    • Smaller and less intrusive loud notifications, specially when gens get done and on unhook so we can see where survivors go next without them being hided by the icon.
    • Offerings shared between killers (also for survivors) so we can use our puddings with whatever killer we want and not who RNGesus decide to give them to.
    • Some way to interchange addons for others even if it requires enormous quantities, so we don't pile up hundreds or thousands of that addon we will never use (also for survivor's item addons).
    • Louder survivor's steps, so they doesn't get silenced by chase music or ambient sounds (or vice versa, quieter chase music and ambient sounds) so we can use them to locate survivors just like the in game tip told us.
    • Change some SFX so they don't sound exactly like survivors steps (from memory, fire barrels and Freddy's own steps) for the exact same reason.
    • Allow us to disconnect at the EGC without penalty, so we are not forced to wait 2 minutes because survivors want to tbag in our faces.
    • Other things that can be consider more balance than QoL, like less perks telling survivors exactly what and how (Dissolution not showing in their HUD the moment it gets activated, for example), a blind cooldown so we can't get double blinded or a rework of the Hex mechanic so they doesn't get cleaned 14 seconds after starting the match.
    Post edited by Batusalen on
  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited December 2023

    When I use no mither, I literally just want to have a good time and feel more pressure in a horror game. Besides, when I play no mither I'm not selfish at all. When it comes down to it, I'll literally take a down for a tunneled person on death hook always. Now of course, there are some ppl that will not do the same for me because of that mindset that I'm throwing for having no mither and they hate me for having it on. Which is tragic and also a reason I don't want ppl to see my load out at times in the lobby to dodge me.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,173
    edited December 2023

    We aren't asking for players to be forced into a specific playstyle, like "super altruistic and must help others whenever possible". We're just asking for BHVR to do something about the specific selfish playstyle that is frustrating for both sides of the game. There should be a difference here.

    For example, discouraging killers from facecamping didn't force them into a specific playstyle, and instead just discouraged a specific playstyle that was a problem. Similarly, adding a 3 gen solution to the game won't force killers into a specific playstyle.

    (Editing this post to add the next part…)

    Also, if overly selfish behavior can’t be fixed because it’s a core game element, then maybe the core game element is outdated and needs to be fixed. Solo q will never feel like a team, as long as BHVR encourages survivors to be as selfish as possible, especially when their selfish behavior can arguably be considered sandbagging their team.

    And I think there should be a difference between survivors that think a game is going poorly, so they want to prioritize themselves….. and survivors that are literally planning to be super selfish before the game starts.

    Post edited by Coffeecrashing on
  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723
    edited December 2023

    Exactly this. Also selfish and hidey playstyle could not be a problem before when there was arguably not even a winning condition, mmr wasn’t a thing, and yada yada yada… Like how is the idea of good team oriented players dying and losing mmr (therefore eventually meeting killers that won’t be ready for that) and survivors who choose to hide with builds that completely validate that and allow it effectively to raise their mmr? It feels like a joke. The game has changed a lot in numbers, winning condition and viable strategies with the addition of perks that defeat playstyles, others that reinforces them, etc, new killers, new maps… Just add the hide and seek mode for players who want to play like that, but trying to push selfish me-do-nothing-me-hide-me-takes-hatch-and-win style is… disappointing to say the least.

    I am so disappointed with the recent takes and information shared by devs about the game on Reddit. Like some content creators said it feels like there is no ambition to make the game smoother and it takes years to make the smallest move and more years to tweak said move because they got the wrong approach… So stale and slow. Like how are permanent broken hooks after a sacrifice a thing to make it so a survivor could not be hooked still a thing 2 weeks away from 2024? How is it that you can’t see your team’s builds to synergise well all be on the same page (add queue up restriction like Overwatch just did if you leave too many lobbies in a row. Every pvp game has this, DbD needs it too)? Why is the chance of cornering a survivor as killer and holding them hostage until the server closes still a thing? 6 years to change Dead Hard and 4 to change Blight addons? Lack of ambition to make the game better and poor order of priorities, and as a player it’s so sad to see.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I thikn the whole purpose of the chase music is to cover up survivor noises, being steps, grunts of pain or whatever, so that would be a lot more than quality of life... ^^

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    You are right, that would be being able to play the game without it taking away one of my senses artificially so I can locate my targets better, which would be super premium quality of life!...

    Now seriously, I don't think it would make that much of a difference except cases when many sounds overlap each other (like reworked Red Forest on launch... my entity, I couldn't even hear my own thoughts in that map) where is virtually impossible to distinguish a burning barrel from a survivor running. You also have to take in count killers should many times lost line of sight with a survivor to mindgame thanks to that red light we unwantingly have attached to our heads, so it would be nice if you can rely on sound in those cases.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    It took them almost 8 years to think of adding emblems and banners. Big meaningful updates will probably take decades.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I’m happy my future sons and daughters will get to see their team mates perks in the lobby. So excited for them!

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean yeah sure, but I guess it won't happen since they created the chase themes basically just for that goal ^^ And it would be quite the big buff to spirit tbh, even bad players could perform a lot better with her.

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    If lobby-dodging dodging is seen as an issue, then can we get a feature that punishes players who do it excessively? It would allow for this feature to exist and be a great improvement for lobby times, especially for new players who get dodged frequently anyways.