Survivors giving up against Skull Merchant is a huge problem, it's time to revert the rework.

I mained Skull Merchant before her rework and it wasn't this bad then. 4/5 games have someone who either DCs, leading to everyone else DCing, or gives up on first hook, or doesn't even give a chase and instantly runs to a hook and points at it. It is genuinely impossible to play Skull Merchant because of how much people hate her, please revert this rework, it's obviously a failure, people hate her more now than they did before. I actually got a ton of compliments from people pre rework saying they actually had a decent time against me, they always said they hated the Killer but could respect someone who actually chased, that obviously doesn't happen anymore. Her rework has clearly made Survivors hate her even more than before, and playing her is nearly impossible.
With the new gen kick changes coming her 3 genning won't really exist anymore anyway.
Even with the new changes to kicking gens I don't think it's a good idea to bring old SM back, she had huge issues and those issues would still exist now.
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no, her old version was so bad, worse than freddy
ok lemme explain, she had a really bad stealth, bad mobility, her drones was just, you know, almost useless, it only worked for 3gen literally, only afk survivors get the exposed status effect, like, at least freddy works
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Skull merchant dcs aren't a problem with her playstyle. It's the fact the community hates her too much. They hated her 3 gen playstyle (and rightly so) but the dcs stay no matter the playstyle. I have become a sm main since the rework and I play her with full chase and drones for stealth for first hit. I don't camp gens or hooks unless the game state calls for it but I still get dcs all the time. Every other game isn't that uncommon. The other day I had 4 games in a row with dcs. The problem isn't her playstyle it's her perception.
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no. survivor finally can stop whining about skull merchant 3 gen's. survivor don't have excuse now to d/c. it is pure entitlement if they d/c after 3 gen changes go through.
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i dont think old sm should come back, BUT i wouldnt be mad if they deleted her from the game or completely reworked her from the ground up and gave her a new power thats less annoying.
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Why is it always the Skull Merchant players who want to force the Survivors to play with them?🤔
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Um, because I want to play the game with the Killer I enjoy? Why do Survivors who use Bully squads want to force the Killer to play with them?
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Blame the game not the gamer. The devs have failed her power design so many times and the survivors are the ones that have to deal with that flawed design so I don't blame anyone for not wanting to play against SM.
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Okay, but Survivors also have things some Killer players hate playing against and find unfun, doesn't mean they should just afk or DC the second someone Head-Ons them or Flashlight saves
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Tell me you never faced 10 skull merchants in a row before her rework without telling me you never faced 10 skull merchants in a row.
I'm talking ultimate 3 genning. I'm talking about killers power tripping, slugging, tunneling no matter what. Every. Single. Match.
Every match against a skull merchant played out the exact same and survivors DC'd FOR A REASON.
I made 2 posts because that's how hard you are tripping.
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Earlier you started talking about "bully" squads and now you're talking about head-on and flashlights... Pick a topic. Is this about SM or "toxic" survivors?
Your answer to everything I've said this far has been "but survivors do this"... I don't think it's productive or related to the topic at all and it's only giving us vs. them energy.
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I'm not saying "But Survivors do this" my point was that just because you find something unfun doesn't mean you should just stop playing or instantly give up, that's my point. The only time I think this is actually okay to do is if the Killer is holding the game hostage or just mega slugging everyone and not hooking.
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Right but they're fixing 3 genning effectively so this playstyle wouldn't be a thing anymore. I feel like if they pushed through the gen kick changes they never would have had to rework Skull Merchant in the first place.
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
I think it's the reputation that SM has obtained which makes people DC because even though this "3 gen solution" is changing the game, the players who played SM that way did not change. They were willing to do whatever it took to win, even if it meant just camping a 3 gen and slugging. I don't think it's great to put certain killers or survivors in boxes per say, but there are common playstyles associated with each. And some people don't want to play with someone that would draw the game out like that and make it as unfun as possible for a 4k. I'm not justifying just giving up instantly cause it's bad for game health, but just cause one aspect people hated about SM might possibly be changed doesn't mean that the player base who used that method has changed. I do wish you luck in the fog though.
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People are giving up left right an centre to pretty much any an every killer sadly i don't understand it
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"The only time I think this is actually okay to do is if the Killer is holding the game hostage or just mega slugging everyone and not hooking."
And this was exactly how majority of Skull Merchants were playing LOL? Understandably people didn't have the time to wait and see if you were a normal Killer or a 3-Gen Merchant after some time and started giving up.
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"people hate her more now than they did before" is pure fiction. Old Skull Merchant was one of the worst killers ever designed and with all the flaws of current Skull Merchant, she's still an improvement by comparison.
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As someone who wasn't around long enough/experienced enough to develop hatred for Skull Merchant at her time of release, and thus have no bias towards/for her, I do find the hate she gets laughable at times. It's like I've listened to the talking points around her, and I understand why the bias is there, but I find people's inability to acknowledge their bias quite unbelievable at times.
There are other killers/set ups/strategies/things in general that I've found waaaaaaaaaay more annoying to face than modern Skull Merchant: -
- Agitation, Iron Grasp, Insidious Bubba in basement before AFC.
- Sloppy Butcher, Nurse's Calling hit and run/tunnel Wraith.
- Thanataphobia hit and run/tunnel Legion.
- Face the Darkness guaranteed head pop Pig.
- Pinhead with your average SoloQ team where no one understands how the damned box works.
- Impossible Skill check Doctor.
- Anyone cracked and going maximum sweat on Spirit, Nurse or Blight.
Like on the list of stuff that frustrates me, Skull Merchant largely seems kinda small potatoes tbh. I think her kit has a little too much in it, it's unclear what is in effect when and how to compensate, but other than that, I'm still waiting to have 1 of these horror games that everyone is talking about... honestly I get way more annoyed at all the survivors giving up immediately over anything any Skull Merchant has done.
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The entire controversy started because of how bad the old version was to both sides. This version is only slightly better. I don't give up against a skull merchant because i like her. But so many of them tunnel right off the hook that ive come to think wesker/skull merchant = tunneler. And I don't see a point in playing with tunnelers.
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I hope they do with Skull Merchant the same thing they're doing with Sadako: revert the rework, but fine tune certain elements. Current Skull Merchant sucks to go against, because you can go from healthy to broken very fast, if you had been scanned by drones 2 times previously. It's not really about skill.
The old Skull Merchant was more interesting. You had to strategize to get that exposed status effect.
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The main thing I don't want back is the AOE auto detect zone on an active drone personally, the dodging beams approach is far more interesting to play around, use, and navigate against.
Other areas of her kit are fine to be on the table, but an unavoidable AOE that you must disarm while guaranteed detected has nothing interesting about it.
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I REALLY loved the aesthetics of the AOE. It was really cool.
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They're both awfully designed and miserable to play against, don't delude yourself.