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Plaything Bugged (don't see the aura of it)

So I've encountered this bug both today and a week or so ago.
Killer brings plaything, and it procks. However whenever trying to find it, you can't see the aura of it. I've spend about 10 minutes with my friend running around the map, trying to find them. We eventually cleansed them, however we never saw the aura of them.
It's bugged.
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I've also got a recording of this bug in game, bugged in customs too.
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Bugged for us too
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This happens to me also
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yea I feel like a lot of killers are use it because of this.
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watch them not even killswitch plaything and noed. they're both bugged in the same way and don't work as intended. "deal with it until next patch"
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Yup, I just encountered this bug. I wonder if the dev can kill switch things while they are in their Winter Break. 🤔
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I knew Plaything but NOED too? No wonder I felt like a bot every time I tried to find it, I just figured I was blind as a bat when my teammates found it.
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I've noticed the problem about Plaything's Aura too. I've also spent a lot of time searching for plaything in one match.
This aura bug is so annoying, so devs, please Kill Switch all problematic perks immediately.
I've added some pictures for you, too, you can see this problem is currently occurring. This Bug happened for players on Steam and Epic Games Store, so I think it's not a platform problem. In this test match, the Meg was the only hocked survivor and couldn't see the totem's aura.
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Was just about to report this. It's driven me mad over the course of several rounds... Here's hoping for a quick fix! ;-;
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Happened to me also.
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This is the reason they should killswitch the perks.
It is so funny when there is a survivor sided bug, they can killswitch it immediately, but never a killer sided bug.
When there was the merciless storm bug (they abused it with the doctor and it was not killswitched).
When there was the lethal bug they could see you in lockers, no killswitch.
When there was a flashlight bug, they killswitched the flashlights, the dramaturgy, and the residual manifest immediately.
But it is still a survivor sided game, right?
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yea but let not forget they kill switched the knight and the perk no where to hide, so let not say they only kill switched survivor stuff btw the flashlight bug was messed up.
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The same bug occurs with NOED; you can't see the aura of it.
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I made a thread about this and didn't realize one was already made. If they kill switched the bug that allowed you to get inner healing in a locker everytime, then I feel like they should kill switch NOED and plaything. It makes both perks OP like how the inner healing perk bug was.
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I can confirm it is bugged. Just had a match where I couldn't see the aura. Accidentally bumped into it but it was too late.
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glad i wasn’t the only one who was having this issue
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Here is a video I made of the bug. I really hope BHVR fixes this soon or at the very least kill switch both perks. It's too OP and killers are using these perks knowing it's bugged (exploits).
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Love how Plaything and NOED is still bugged. (Playstation 5)
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Yup. Still bugged and no kill switch. Killers are brining these perks now knowing full well there is a bug (exploit) and nothing is being done about it. I use to hardly get NOED and Plaything games. Now it's 90 percent of matches. Any update devs?
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This is my experience as well.
Please kill switch it, this is ridiculous.
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I used to rarely see this perk, usually on Pinheads or Weskers. I get it in the majority of my games now. This is NOT coincidence. This should've been killswitched when it was first discovered, not left for weeks for people to exploit! BHVR, please killswitch it ASAP!! :'(
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The Kill Switch is there for issues which are game breaking - such as characters going invisible. We are monitoring the usage of the perks (they've actually dropped below their normal usage rates), so we do not feel this issue is being abused. The survivor is still able to find and cleanse the totems the regular way (without the auras being highlighted), so this is not something we feel is absolutely game breaking and therefore doesn't meet the requirements of the kill switch.
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Do you know if there's anywhere that's already explained how you count the perk usage/average (i.e., a forum post, video, etc.), because I swear I have never seen Plaything get used so much, and I'd love to learn more about how the game works, numbers-wise. It's also be cool to see what the least-used perks are, cause I like trying to brainstorm builds! (I'm still trying to figure out how exactly matchmaking works, too.. always afraid to queue up with people who have less hours, in case I accidentally bring them into higher-ranking matches.. ;-; )
It used to be once every dozen rounds, maybe, if I was unlucky. Now I'm seeing it multiple times a day, every single day in the weeks since the perk became bugged. I don't want to assume negatively, but considering everyone seems to be in agreement that they're experiencing this, too.. I think people are definitely taking advantage of it right now, and it's just sad. 😥
Lastly, the forum now says 'acknowledged,' but I'm guessing since the PTB for the next big chapter is already out, that there probably isn't enough time for a fix by the time it hits Live. Can we hope for a fix in the patch after, maybe?
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thanks mandy <3.
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I hate the “Us vs Them” arguments to this game but I have to agree with the bug issue. This is a pretty major bug that killers have already caught onto and are exploiting such as NOED and it is driving me crazy not being able to find these totems. These perks provide aura reading from a certain distance for a reason, to balance them out. When that isn’t available these perks become pretty OP. And this has been going on for over a month and I haven’t seen anything said or even acknowledged by the devs for this. Meanwhile, when the flashlight bug came out a second time, they were killswitched the same day before 99% of the dbd player base even knew about it. This is only effecting two perks, NOED, and plaything. I don’t see why they can’t temporarily killswitch these perks and look into this issue.
Post edited by Lilly00900 on6 -
Hi Mandy,
Thank you for the clarification of The Kill Switch. Speaking of “game breaking”, after this bug occurred, I’ve seen some survivors who are doing nothing until their Plaything totems are removed by someone during the match, and I feel this is game breaking.
How do you feel? Thanks!
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I'm still getting half a dozen plus Plaything users per day... I'm even getting people in endgame chats telling me, "Yeah, I know it's bugged, I'm going to keep using it." I warn them that that's exploiting, but they don't care. One even called me a clown and said, "go on and report me, it does nothing."
People are blatantly abusing this bug. It's not questionable or deniable anymore.. honestly, I don't think it ever was.
As Survivors we have no workaround. The aura-reading is in place to make the perk fair. It is not fair right now, because that one little thing that tips the scales for Survivors is completely non-functional 99% of rounds.
Are we sure this isn't 'gamebreaking enough' to call for a killswitch? Especially if there are rounds where Survivors completely ditch normal gameplay and throw because of it? When Killers are deliberately using the perk BECAUSE it's bugged? 😥
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I'm sorry but I find this highly unacceptable. Majority of games I'm getting NOED and/or Plaything. (I don't care about what your statics see because it doesn't reflect what I'm seeing in games). I have over 3K hours in this game and I refuse to play survivor right now because of this bug. How is that acceptable?? People are admitting to bringing this perk because of the bug.
When the inner heal bug happened which wasn't game breaking - you could still down survivors and hook them, you guys rightfully kill switched that right away. Some totems are impossible to find and people just waste their time looking for one instead of objectives that push the game forward to ending.
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Same. This is unacceptable. People I've played with openly admit it's a bug and take advantage of it. I'm not playing anymore until this is fixed. No skin off my back as I've plenty of other things to do.
Not being able to see the aura of something like this makes you waste way more time trying to find it, or just not cleanse it which results in no terror radius and not being able to find NOED.
Now each match my friend wastes a perk slot on counterforce to get rid of every totem.
Maybe if all the killer aura reading perks will break and it won't be "a big deal" too because they can still find us and chase us eventually. 🤷
That's some logic there, tells me everything I need to know. I thought dealing with FFXIVs logic was something else, welp, back I go to that game :)
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Did you seriously put a majorly bugged perk in the Shrine this week?
Is this not going to cause an uptick in its usage and therefore by the stated logic, mean that it needs to be killswitched? You could save yourself the next week of closing duplicate reports about this after... over a month of doing it... by just killswitching the perk already.
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Using a perk that isn't working as intended to your advantage is an exploit. Exploit is an exploit. Period.
People are using it to gain unfair competetive advantage and the dysfunction of these perks affect the outcome of the games. It's been more than a month for god's sake.
Why does it need to be a matter of life and death for you to utilize the simple tools you have created? Why are the standards so low regarding this matter?
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It's been like this for a while, and it's already being used by most killers, on purpose. How many posts do we have to make, this is not just a handful of people complaining or raging for no reason, it's completely game changing.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
If they kill switch Inner Healing (Inner Strength at the time) for being bugged even thought it didn't break the game, then they need to do the same for Plaything. I'm so annoyed they are not going to kill switch it and being inconsistent with deactivating perks. There have been a lot of changes, hackers, and bugs in this game that it's making me want to finally abandon it even though I have spent so much money on it with rifts and buying cosmetics and every DLC. I'm so close to just cutting my loss with this game and focus on other games I enjoy that don't have constant bugs that don't get fix/kill switched when they need to be.
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Have seen several Plaything exploiters already this morning. Good to know the devs won't do anything about it!
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Plaything needs to be killswitched. It is busted right now since no one can see where there totem is.