Is tunneling killing the game?

I want to share my thoughts, experiences, what I think could be done about tunneling and I would like to know your opinion about that.
Lately, I played during the community tournament, which we couldn't tunnel, camp and only slug once per match, it was so much more fun, balanced than what we have right now, it was rewarding good plays for both side. Everyone actually needed to use a minimum of their brain cells, like using the only slug for the right moment, protect the right gens, make good skill shots, GOOD PLAYS!
If the killers were not respecting these rules, they were loosing a huge amount of points (negative points).
Today I came back to play with some friends and it was NOT fun, we had a Sadako that was purposely tunneling. I am not talking about like "tunneling because the survivor is asking for it" or "tunneling because it was the end game", she was waiting for the survivor to be unhook, she was ignoring us and was chasing the same surviver again until he died.
It happens more than once during the same night, different matches, different killers but same behavior. We could notice that at the end the killer won as much points as us and I felt like...there was no reason to NOT play like that.
I really do think they should work on something to make the game more like a chess and mind game and not a tunneling playground. Don't get me wrong, I know there is survivors who are bullies too, at least there is perks to counter Flashlight/Stun plays, nothing except decisive strike for survivors, that does not really change much because the tunneler just need to continue tunneling after the strike.
I don't know if there is any devs who are reading the forum for real or if what we are writing here is taken in consideration but: If your goto is "fun", I think you are loosing the track of what is "fun" by doing nothing about people who just want to be mean to others because they can and there is no penalty for doing it. Like they could continue to play like that, IF IT'S THEIR KIND OF FUN, but don't encourage that by giving as much points for just tunneling and makes the whole game miserable.
Even if people say: No one is playing for BP. I guarantee you, if the killer have 0 or close to nothing points because he played just to make everyone uninstall the game, at some point he will run out of add-ons, run out of offering, find the games boring and uninstall it or change his mindset.
I love this game, I want it to be more fun :( Please BHVR, do something <3
Thank you for reading me.
Note, this post is not about:
- Winning or loosing
- Changing game mechanic
It's about incentify not tunneling by adjusting points in regards of the amount of gens left and the duration between 1st and 2nd hook of a survivor.
It's either:
- Removing points from tunneling at 5 gens inside x amount of seconds
- Giving more points to not tunnel
- Mix the two previous solutions.
EDIT #2:
After reading everyone here and have some reflexion, I think we just need a "tournament-like" mode, with the same rules as a tournament, so everyone will be happy, I could try a more "define" mode and other people could keep playing as free as they want with the regular mode:
- No duplicate perks
- No items (finders keepers allowed)
- No offerings
- No duplicate survivors
- Green or lower add-ons are allowed
- Tunneling is not allowed (disable during endgame) : which you couldn't down a survivor after he got unhook without hooking a different one before.
- Can only slug 1 survivor max (possibly disable during endgame): after u kept a survivor on the ground for more than 15 seconds, the next one you don't pickup in the 6 seconds after your weapon cooldown animation stop, can not be picked up and can recover real fast with an endurance and running speed of 10%.
- Only allowed a cypress mori.
Every season the devs could pick:
- 7 maps and 28 possible killers that can be played during that season till next 13th where it shuffles again.
- For each game that players start, there will be 4 random killers among the 28 possibles, OR it could simply be 4 random killers among all the killers and throw the 28 idea in the garbage.
- The player who is playing killer would have to pick one among the 4 random, he could have the option to simply pick "random" and let the game pick the killer for him if he wants more challenge.
- The lobby waiting times would be longer than usual, I don't know how much times should be appropriate so the players can negotiate/communicate perks or build for each of them if needed, but if everyone is ready, the game just go as usual.
- If the survivor does not care about his build or want some challenge, he can simply pick the perk "randomizer" that will simply random his 4 perks with what is left available.
IF THAT KIND OF MODE would exist, I'd be very happy, and I'd probably just play this one and the others that want to play more freely can still play as they want.
Tunneling is the main reason people give up on solo queue. Some could argue it's camping, but why would you camp if you don't want to tunnel? Tunneling in itself is a viable strategy but it comes to a point where tunneling at five gens, unprovoked, is getting normalized. It kills any motivation to play the game. Tunneling is so common that if it doesn't happen I get surprised that I'm literally experiencing a once normal game of DBD.
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It's better to just honestly let it go and just "take it." Because devs will not do anything to change tunneling in this game, even if it ruins the experience of that one person getting tunneled and sacrificed at 5 gens. All they can do is give us perks and basekit BT to help, that's it.
Personally, I do bring antitunnel perks, but even then it's sad that I have to rely on them for myself. Because it doesn't stop the killer to tunnel someone else and ruin their experience.
So what I do is, if someone is tunneling me without antitunnel perks, I just give up. Because I can choose to not play with someone that ruins the experience of other people. We can't report them, and they can't report us for it. Or if someone else is tunneled out at 5 gens. They playing boring, I respond by playing boring and hide which prolongs the match even further. But overall, they won't do anything. It's better to just handle it on your own terms that doesn't require harassment, threats etc in the endgame. Move on and hope for a better match.
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until they actually give a basekit incentive to play nice then that's going to continue to happen
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Something that has always bothered me about tunneling is this idea that, "Yes, it sucks for that singular survivor but just do gens and you can get out." Because in most of my experience in Solo Q, (I have approx 1,152 hrs) when someone is tunneled out of the game it almost always leads to a 3k or 4k. Tunneling doesn't just suck for that one person, it sucks for the entire team, which is why so many killers do it- because it's the easiest way to win.
I understand it's the most efficent way to play the game right now, so I won't be angry at you for taking advantage of it, but don't hide behind this sentiment of, "It's just sucky for 1 person" when it literally effects the entire team and overall state of the match, and you know it does which is why you do it. I personally think tunneling should impact gen repair speeds.
Tunneling a singular survivor that has been hooked consecutively gives gens a repair buff, taking less time to complete them. And spreading hooks, give gens a slowdown, rewarding killers for actually taking the time to chase and getting various hooks. Tunneling can still be done if a killer really wants to do it, but it is no longer the most opitmal way to play as it doesn't give you the pressure that it used to, while rewarding you with slowing gens down for going after others, helping put a stop to "gen rushing".
Hooking multiple survivors multiple times should be REWARDED and right now it's just not, and you can't expect every killer to knowingly make the game harder for themselves by going out of their way not to play as optimally as possible. They are still making a conscious decision to play that way, it's still a choice, I've had plenty of killers that didn't need to tunnel to get a 4k at 5 gens- but it IS the most effective way to play the game right now as there are no downsides (unfortunately). It's little risk and high reward.
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MMR is. You try to play the game normally as killer and more often then not by the time you get first hook 3 gens are done leading you to tunneling on the next match.
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As a solo survivor, I feel like nothing I do has any impact on the outcome of a trial. That for me kills the game.
I don't want to be handed free wins. I don't want to be some sadist's plaything. I want to make meaningful decisions that have a noticeable impact on the trial, even if they don't always provide the desired result.
As a killer, I feel like my opponents are seldom evenly matched. That for me kills the game.
I don't want to pub stomp some strangers who are looking to have a good time. I don't want to camp and/or tunnel because the survivors came prepared for full meta when I'm not even running gen slowdown.
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Realistically the answer to dbd's current problems is to nullify tunneling entirely some how and make mmr work correctly or at least add a check mark to wait longer for an evenly matched game.
Then you balance the bad killers around that although that in itself is hard because majority of the bad killers lack room to get buffed without making them awful to play against.
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Even if it was, I wouldnt want it gone, removing one of playstyles from players is never good.
Let people sweat if they want, but maybe make it less boring for the survivor being tunneled, not to mention depip and almost no bp gain due to it
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I'm trying my best to not tunnel under any circumstances, same with camping. I know how terrible it is for the survivors.
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It's not. People have been complaining about tunneling for years. Even before MMR, there was the whole "survivor rulebook" meme going around.
The game is still around 7 years later despite tunneling always being possible.
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You sometimes want to camp to get the first hit for free in a chase. Spreading pressure you know? Tunneling off hook = not spreading pressure.
If I want to find someone, I know that at least 2 people are at the hook.
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Tunneling is only efficient with unefficient survivors. A bad team or the weak link isn't supposed to win.
Also tunneling happens on both sides. Gens don't have feelings, but they're the killers 5 little babies.
And there's a big difference in mindless tunneling (which can lead in just 2 kills = draw) and stratetic tunneling, so just tunneling isn't always the best strategy. Snowballing the same 2 survivors back to back will waste more time of the survivors. And no, that's not tunneling.
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10-12 hooks without tunneling is definitely viable if the Killer is much more skilled than the Survivors. The question is whether there are enough Killers and Survivors to fit into this matchmaking criteria.
The answer is no currently so this utopian dream of a tunnel free dbd won’t come to fruition.
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I'm wondering why people keep bringing up MMR when the discussion of tunneling comes up. Tunneling is a choice that Killers make at any skill level.
Otherwise, yeah, I'm in agreement that there's no real solution for tunneling. If I get hardcore tunneled, I just let myself die on second hook and go next. I have no hope of surviving at that point, and therefore no incentive to try to stick around. It gets even more annoying when the teammates go out of their way to try to save me, because again, it's futile.
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This is a bad take and I always see it in Threads like this. We know from the past that incentives just dont work.
We had an incentive where people claimed it would reduce tunneling and camping - BBQ-Stacks. However, an incentive does not work when the person can still get the incentive despite not playing like it was intended to get it. BBQ obviously was intended to motive the Killer to go for different Survivors. Yet, they still could get full Stacks when tunneling. Which nullifies the incentive.
Tunneling is the best way to win the game as Killer. Reducing it to a 3v1 early is a guaranteed win. And it is also easier than going for new targets all the time. And once the game is an early 3v1, the Killer can basically just farm points for themselves, because they won.
An incentive to remove tunneling would need to be stupid strong so that Killers will basically win every game with ease without tunneling. This is simply not realistic. An incentive would only work if the problem for it (in this case - tunneling) is also nerfed heavily. And this is probably not going to happen.
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No, it's not. Tunneling is a big flaw in this game's balancing but it's not going to kill the game.
Unfortunately, tunneling is the meta play style. Spreading hooks takes forever. It's simply not efficient enough. A M1 killer will be happy to end their chases in less than 60 seconds. Even killers with good chase powers often struggle to do that. After that, you still need to pick up that survivor and hook them. Even if you were to do that in 5 seconds every time, it would still cost you 30 seconds for 6 hooks.
On top of that, you play against 16 perks, if you don't tunnel someone out. Do it though and the chances of that 1 survivor using them all drop significantly. There are a million reasons to tunnel and only 1 not to. And that is the fact that tunneling is pretty awful to go against.
Wrong. People give up in solo queue as soon as the match doesn't look like an easy escape. 2 people down? Well, it's over. 2 hooks at 5 gens? Let's kill ourselves. Nevermind that we got GoJ and have 3 gens at 99% with only 2 pallets gone. In solo queue people give up on a whim. That's the issue. And it's why I think that the penalties for griefing (hook suicides, going afk, running into the killer) should be severely increased.
If you can't take a loss / difficult match, then why do you even queue up in a multiplayer game? There are enough single player games out there where you can ensure that nothing will even mildly annoy you.
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100% IMO. I can't prove it but I can give my own anecdotal experience. I have personally know multiple IRL friends who dropped the game entirely because they would get tunneled every game. They were casual players which is the group that is affected the most by tunneling. I really feel like Behavior has to address tunneling in a meaningful way if they want to retain casual players. The larger problem with all of this is matchmaking. Behavior tries to make the system more strict and then killer mains cry about having to actually play against good survivors on a consistent basis. Then we get stuck with the horrible system that we have now where casual players are the ones who suffer the most. Mismatches are what make tunneling as effective as it is. An ordinary match isn't comp where the survivors are good enough to play around it. When tunneling happens in a real solo queue game it's some guy with 500 hours and meme perks being hard tunneled out at four gens by a high tier killer with 3000 hours. For the record I don't have an issue with strategically tunneling someone out in most scenarios. Like there are two gens left and the killer needs to get rid of someone. It's killers zeroing in on someone with five gens left and deleting them from the game that is a problem. Usually while running four slowdown perks and playing a high tier killer.
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Wrong. You can't just stereotype solo queue like that as a justification for tunneling. Sure, it happens, but most play until the end for no reason when they are better off just killing themselves and going next because the killer is steamrolling them thanks to tunneling. You can't just exclaim wrong and then give that as an answer because we both know that it's only a small population of survivors that do it, no matter the skill level or MMR. People giving up on a whim isn't the issue and I would NEVER want to be forced to stay in a game against a killer that's making my game as miserable as possible for their entertainment because one survivor out of six games DC'd for no reason. I don't see what you're trying to get at stereotyping just to implement a system that doesn't tackle the core issue.
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Tunneling off hook creates immense pressure on the survivor, making them prone to silly mistakes that gets them downed faster, especially due to the fact they are missing a health state. A 3v1 creates more pressure than not tunneling and that's why tunneling is so common, especially because it requires little skill. Why would they do it if it didn't create pressure? You tunnel the weak link out and it's ggs.
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They never fail to do that lmao
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That situation is rarely the case, and you're trying to paint them as the problem requiring changes is such a joke. Camping is way too easy with little to no downside to the point it happens in nearly every game I've played since the patch dropped while on Survivor.
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Listen guys, I don't think the solution is complicated, simply: DO NOT make that behavior REWARDING.
If the killer hook a survivor, twice in a row inside x minutes (I don't know the amount, I'd the say 90 seconds, the time of an entire gen, we can argue all day on the amount of times) give him negative points or none depending the amount of gens left, it needs to be punishing but still available. So people who ONLY do that, will suffer from it in regards of BP, of buying offering, buying add-ons, buying perks.
You can give MORE points to unhook a different survivor inside x minutes
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I don't agree with that.
Because it will continue and become worst. Peope will leave the game, Q will be longer than ever to simply play a ######### game :/
it's like saying let yourself abuse, it will be end faster. no.
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Was just curious, how does punishing a killer for slugging NOT result in 4 flashlights? If the killer has to pick up immediately or face penalties, wouldn't this just mean it's 100% safe for survivors to openly wait for flashlight saves? Chasing any of them after a down=slugging...
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People also keep saying that "tunneling is worse than ever" every year. Whether or not it is actually worse, it's never caused the game to die.
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I don't do it. If I camp, I go for the unhooker. It's mostly the instances where I get bodyblocked by the u hooked survivor, that I decide to tunnel.
Defencive measures should not be used offencively.
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I am not sure I understand your question.
Here I am more talking about tunneling at 5 gens.
If survivors are bullying you by using flashlights, at some point the game does not progress and they will loose.
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This, I hate tunneling or being tunneled but it's hard to reward or punish it. You can't punish a killer for a survivor being unhooked and running towards the killer to take a hit for someone else. Which makes it hard to punish at all because there's always going to be a loophole.
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I am not sure I understand, you are saying that I survivor could intentionnally make the killer loose points by getting down and hook?
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That's not true. Look at the statistic, it's a slow death. It does not mean there is not radically 0 that it's not happening. I can tell by my surrounding, my friends, that they are not playing as much or either not playing anymore because of TUNNELING at 5 gens.
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You can't just stereotype solo queue like that [...]
I can and I do. Because it's exactly what keeps happening and it's pretty much the main issue with solo queue. You could have a pretty good match but then the Feng that teabagged the killer 20 seconds earlier kills herself on first hook. This is what ruins solo queue and it has little to do with the killer and everything with that person's attitude.
However, I did not justify tunneling by doing that. I said that spreading hooks is ineffective. Does that make the situation any better? No. But it's the reason why tunneling is so prevalent. To fix that, they'd need to make some pretty massive changes. Overall, this could improve the solo queue experience as well. Mostly because tunneling is even more effective in solo queue than it is against a SWF.
However, the problem with people giving up will never be solved. Some players give up as soon as something doesn't go their way. That can be the killer, their play style, their skill, their loadout, the map, the team mates, their loadouts and skill. Pretty much anything. If someone is in the mood to give up, they will find a reason to give up. Meanwhile, the players that don't, will play the match until the end even when they know it's not looking good.
That situation is ALWAYS the case. People that don't give up, don't give up. It's that simple. It only depends on your attitude and the sooner we stop justifying griefing, we can focus on the actual issue. Nerfing tunneling, camping, slugging or even bringing back the old school DBD bullying simulator would not stop people from giving up.
The game is over when there is someone dead at 5 gens, so I don't really consider this giving up but ending the match instead of wasting everyone's time. This is not what ruins solo queue and it's not what happens in your average game.
It's the games that aren't one sided until someone decides they've had enough. I covered this before so I won't go into every reason I've seen people give up for but let's just say, no matter what happens or how the game goes, someone will find a reason to give up.
I'm also not sure what camping has to do with this. Is it too easy for how effective it is? Yes. Is there any reason for a killer not to camp? No. Can you win against a camping killer? You certainly can. Will people give up against that? Yes. Will people give up against the a killer that gets their first down after 4 gens have been completed? Yes. It does not matter how you play. If I were to go into a game kill myself on first hook, I guarantee I could come up with a reason for that. This however would not excuse my behavior. Test me, I'd always find a "justification" for why I basically had no choice and that is the same with many players.
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The original post brought up that killers were not allowed to slug, otherwise they'd get negative points. As long as 1 survivor was in the general area of any chase, they could just get the easiest flashlight saves while knowing the killer would get dinged for points if they did anything besides instantly pick up. I KNOW you wanna talk about tunneling, but for some reason you decided to include these rules that just seem very exploitable. I'm just imagining a 4k at 5 gens resulting in the killer losing because they had -5 points for breaking the rules.
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I have been purposefully not tunneling and seen immense boosts to both bp and progression in tiers. That being said I think a change that could help is depreciating returns on same survivor hooks. This way if they tunnel they would not gain as much in bp or tier progression. It is not a perfect answer, but at least a suggestion.
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Then your MMR is too high, and you shouldn't be tunneling, so your MMR can have a chance to decrease.
MMR exists to help ensure everyone has a roughly 50% chance to 'win'. (The game is asymmetrical so it actually works out to be about 45/55 but that's another topic) It's a pvp game, one side wins, the other side loses, that's how pvp works.
But dbd players aren't content with a 50% win rate and have to win all the time whatever the cost. So they employ cheap/crutch tactics, inflate their MMR, and get stuck in a spiral of suffering.
For anyone who doesn't tunnel, tunneling isn't necessary, because they don't have sky-high MMR.
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I think a couple of things should happen.
Firstly, since they increased to BP caps, reaching 10k in the Sacrifice category has been unreasonably tricky. They could fix this by reintroducing a similar mechanism to old BBQ. Each time a survivor is hooked for the first time, the killer scores a bonus 500 BP.
That's not massive, but if you are aiming for max BP, you're better off ensuring everyone is hooked at least once before endgame.
Secondly, we have some niche perks that lose their effect once a survivor is sacrificed. I believe the majority of meta slowdown perks should have this effect. Once a survivor has been sacrificed, slowdown is not strictly as necessary. You've either reduced the survivors to 3 with multiple gens left to repair, which is it's own slowdown, or you're near endgame and the slowdown has depreciating returns. But the knowledge that killing a survivor will essentially remove one of your perks can be a powerful incentive, and give the remaining survivors an actual chance. With the remaining survivors more likely to escape, tunneling becomes less rewarding.
This would be fitting for perks like Pain Res, DMS, or Grim Embrace which proc on hooks anyway.
Ruin had this, but wasn't meta, and Thanatophobia has this indirectly by having it's greatest value tied to having four survivors in game.
Pentimento could also do this, or have a backup effect once survivors get eliminated. Perhaps each eliminated survivor knocks the effects down one by one, so one survivor sacrificed makes one Penti totem inert but two still slow healing, and so on.
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More likely saving it.If they fix tunneling ohh hell tgey will need to use the nerf hammer on survs if they dont wanna lose 70% killer base
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This brings more positive thoughts for change. If perks were made with different stages based on remaining survivors, or even hitting/hooking different survivors(repeat hooks could take from the gain). This could be great incentives. The bp gain or loss you reference is right on track towards what I was thinking as well.
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It's an asymmetrical pvp game, so me winning doesn't necessarily mean my opponent lost. If I manage to open the exit gates and escape, I won... If the killer got my 3 teammates, he won too. The game is going to adjust both of our MMRs to reflect that.
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"killing the game" wouldn't be the right term since tunneling has been present for a long time, what is killing the game is the current meta turning everyone bitter and jaded where nobody wants to try anymore.
Post edited by Yatol on0 -
I brought up that rule, because that rule was part of the reason it was making the tournament more fun than the actual game, even for killers, because they had to think twice before slugging, they were keeping that option at the end or for the right opportunity to make that kind of pressure a really significant move, instead of doing it at 5 gens and just gg. They were allowed to slug, but just once.
You could look around, make sure to position yourself to not get flashlight before picking up. Just not letting the survivor there and start another chase more than once, it was also fine to hit a survivor in between if one was around waiting for the save.
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Oh yeah that's perfectly fine, my bad. Seeing the killer go for the unhooker provides the biggest sigh of relief lmao.
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It could be mitigated by restricting tunneling power in the current landscape. Many people DC because they get tunnelled. That's the overall observation many people would provide you with because it's what happens most often. I haven't had a teammate throw a game like you described in a while, they might be bad at looping, but they don't purposefully throw the game. Removing tunneling wouldn't stop DC's, but there would be a significant decrease and I would literally bet on it. You can't change people's attitudes, but you can steer them away from doing stuff like that without punishing people by not allowing them to DC or die on hook. I don't want to be a killer's punching bag.
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This wont change unless BHVR acknowledge that killer games should be more about hooks and not kills. If the game gives you 30-40k BP for tunnelling and doing 4-5 hooks and gives you 15-25k BP for doing 12hooks, then of course killers will choose the easy way, because the game rewards you for doing that. But its not the same for survivors, survivors that only do gens, sneak the killer, and almost dont do altruistic actions, but they do escape, then you will get 10-18k BP tops and maybe 1 pip.
So the game its unbalanced from the get go. This even happens with tomes, survivor challenges can throw a game, but for killer its the opposite, the objective is always do something that is already an objective in a common game. So this also incentives horrible teammates
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At the end I think the simpliest solutions are:
1) Making tunneling less rewarding
2) Making not tunneling more rewarding
3) Mix of option 1 and 2
by adjusting points in regards of:
- The amount of gens left;
- The time duration between 1st and 2nd hook of the survivor.
So you still can play like that, but there is something trying to encourage you to not do that. So it keeps the "you play like you want" but there is something telling you, it's not the optimum way.
I personnaly would prefer making tunneling less rewarding: not making points, making less points, loosing points is a greater incentive in my opinion than giving more points to not tunnel, because you still reward the frustrating behavior just less. The solution should not be black or white neither, it should depends on the amount of gens left and the amount of times the player have been hook.
For example, keep in mind, I didn't think deeply about the amount of times, points, but I want you to understand the big picture of my idea:
- 5 gens, tunnel twice during 60 seconds after the unhook: negative points.
- 5 gens, tunnel twice during 90 seconds after the unhook: no points.
- 5 gens, two different hook during 90 seconds: hook points + 1000 BP
If they prefer the 2nd options, I will still be happy because something would have been done to motivate an alternative playstyle.
Don't get me wrong, it's not about winning or loosing here, it's about fun. Being tunnel at 5 gens, is not fun, it's making people quit the game cause there is NO REASON to NOT do that.
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Nah tunneling has always been around and how strong it's been has varied but people have always done it. We also know what happens when you make tunneling weak and that's just as bad because survivors will absolutely abuse it.
The DS/Unbreakable meta was terrible to play with because of you tunneled you ate a 5 second stun, if you slugged they got up for free, and if you just left them alone they did gens and everyone had this so it created a scenario where if you were good enough 3/4 survivors were basically untouchable at the same time because you hooked them too rapidly. It was so bad that that actually did almost kill the game because nobody wanted to play killer because it was too frustrating I don't remember the exact numbers but it was something like 3 killers for every 100 survivors when you need 25 to maintain decent queue times. This is what lead to the giant perk and killer update right after Dredge released.
Has there been an overcorrection since then? Maybe but I don't think survivor is anywhere near as bad as killer was back then. But I don't think you could ever kill tunneling without making killer stupid strong or stupid weak. You can bring 5 second DS back and I think even that would do barely anything atp. At least for soloQ in SWF one good teammate with a flashlight legit makes tunneling a nightmare so at least there's that.
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Also, another problem I see with the tunneling gameplay style is that it makes you think you are good at the game, then you get one match where you think you choosed the "weak link" and in reality its the best survivor and you get stomped, and then you come here and make a post about how unfair killer gameplay is, you ask for survivor nerfs, and bla bla. Tunnelling doesnt make you better at the game, its just an illusion, it just make more miserable other people games. Picking always the easiest way to get an small dose of dopamine just because you killed a 4 survis solo q team, wont make you a better player.
And Im only refering to killer that tunnels at 5 gens, like robots, npcs, of course strategic tunelling is a valid strategy. But tunelling at 5 gens is not strategic, its just bully, and sorry but bullies just deserve the worst.
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Yeah it's about the reward for good plays. It's not there, it's missing incentives to make the game fun.
You reminds me of a challenge that was there during the christmas event, it was like "kill the obsession" something like that and I was like c'mon, this encourage tunneling the obsession to get your christmas reward. XD
I hope a dev will read that post so much and maybe even participate in the conversation.
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Well for one, it's just a video game. So I will never let my mental health be in jeopardy because someone plays in a poor sport way. And we all tried to explain how tunneling is causing people to not enjoy the game to the devs as a whole. But they won't apply any new mechanics to punish them for it, so we have no choice but to just adapt to it or just gg go next.
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So... they could take a moment to look around, nod at the guy with a flashlight and he was limited to chasing that guy away 1 time? That doesn't change anything really. I fail to see how restricting any kind of counterplay would make it more fun for the killer.
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I watched this tournament and it was hilarious how nobody could defined what was tunneling.
There was a killer who got injures and downs too fast and was accused of not letting the survivors unhook each others (which was against the rules). He was penalized for being too efficient.
Also at 1 gen left the anti tunneling / slugging / camping rule was removed and you could do whatever, proving once again that even in a pro-nice anti tunneling tournament, you can’t balanced around 12 hooks.