I Love LIGHTS OUT But There Is An Issue

(It starts with) One thing...
I personally, dont like to tunnel or camp, I try my best to avoid doing it, but the lack of a hook counter overall just really throws me off and I find it really difficult to tell if Im hooking the same players over and over.
As a result, I sometimes tunnel accidentally and it normally results in me being insulted in the postgame chat when Im just trying my best to have fun. :(
The new gamemode is fun, but it might be a good idea to bring back some HUD elements.
Another thing...
I also already had a difficult time tracking Survivors, with Red-Green Colorblindness, I tried the accessibility settings and they helped a bit but not too much, when a Survivor is injured in Lights Out, I have a really really hard time tracking their blood and it's almost impossible to track a Survivor if they take unconventional pathing.
I know this is an intended thing for the gamemode but it can feel a bit frustrating at times.
It's certainly confusing why they removed most of the HUD elements when the HUD update gave survivors tools to lower the difference between solo and swf.
However, people insulting you for playing the game is not the fault of you or the lack of HUD information.
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Im half deaf some removing scratch marks really nerfs me as i got very good at following them but now i have to try and follow blood....something im not very good at
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I'm trying to look at the game mode itself, and seperating the playerbase's worst aspects from it for now since a lot of these issues are in base game as well. And despite 2 tunnelers because I had TTV in my name, I had so much fun today.
Perhaps I'm insane, but I love barebone game modes.
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The only problem I have with Lights Out is the fact that I cannot play my favorite killer.
Other than that, I'm having a lot of fun.
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I'm not sure HOW ppl can really tunnel since it's kind of a pain to find survivors at all. If I find the same survivor 3 times in a row... that's just a matter of luck more than anything. I'm just trying to HEAR a survivor.
Maybe it's a case of downing the injured guy because he was easier to find due to grunts of pain?
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Linkin’ Park reference🤔
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Yes. Yes it is.
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also, you’ve completely got In The End stuck in my head😄 …which isn’t bad at all, either
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I was getting tunneled out bc the killer would just come back to the hook notif and boom im back on a hook lmao I just wish there would be more precautions to be less tunneling
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I feel like the best thing you could do would be leave the hook, THEN heal. You don't even leave scratch marks and pools of blood don't last long. With killers struggling to track anything, it makes sense for them to check out any loud noise notification.
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It wouldn’t be bad if you know they didn’t hit my rescuer and then follow my blood and to down me and hook me again I was assuming he was chasing Leon bc I got some distance but nope he was back on my ass for some reason or another idk
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Did you leave the hook before trying to get the Leon to heal you?
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Idr the exacts but he hit Leon after we split and then ignored him and followed me lmao after I got unhooked again I know we left the hook and he was up my ass again for no reason
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The first time could simply be because you're closer. After hitting Leon, he gets a speed boost and was likely then further away than you as well as outside the killers view circle. As for following blood... while that blows, it's also the only tracking left besides sound. If your teammate who unhooked wasn't injured, the killer can't track them. If they ARE injured, bloodpools look pretty universal and the killer wouldn't be able to tell who is leaving them until he got close.
I feel like there's things the devs could've done better for this, but with the lack of tracking... it makes sense for killers to chase injured survivors since they are easier to find. Unfortunately recently unhooked survivors tend to be the injured survivors in question.
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I get that but we split ways we didn’t run the same directions lol he v much could have followed Leon’s blood over mine but I mean it is what it is it just sucks bc there is nothing to counter tunnelling
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So with this lights out I'm loving it. Almost done with getting all the rewards. I find myself only hooking the survivors once, Then leaving them at the foot of the hooks to ensure they still have fun in this new event. So if I do tunnel someone trying to get that one uncooked survivor it's all in due fun. They still enjoy the game.