I Love LIGHTS OUT But There Is An Issue

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
edited February 8 in Feedback and Suggestions

(It starts with) One thing...

I personally, dont like to tunnel or camp, I try my best to avoid doing it, but the lack of a hook counter overall just really throws me off and I find it really difficult to tell if Im hooking the same players over and over.

As a result, I sometimes tunnel accidentally and it normally results in me being insulted in the postgame chat when Im just trying my best to have fun. :(

The new gamemode is fun, but it might be a good idea to bring back some HUD elements.

Another thing...

I also already had a difficult time tracking Survivors, with Red-Green Colorblindness, I tried the accessibility settings and they helped a bit but not too much, when a Survivor is injured in Lights Out, I have a really really hard time tracking their blood and it's almost impossible to track a Survivor if they take unconventional pathing.

I know this is an intended thing for the gamemode but it can feel a bit frustrating at times.

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