Remove the Hatch



  • Khastrx
    Khastrx Member Posts: 156

    If you remove the hatch, then perhaps Sole Survivor should be base kit for all survivors. After all you're expecting one of them to do all the objectives by themselves while also attempting to evade the killer. Either way, the remaining survivor is in a losing situation if they are spotted. The Hatch is fine, leave it be.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    I mean yeah I think that anyway, bc it’s a like a middle finger to the side that completed their objectives. If escape rate is too high around a specific killer buff them bc that means they’re suffering to keep pressure during trial. It’s not hard math.

    This whole give the killer free hits bc stuck in animation for unhook just feeds killer gameplay that’s unfortunately viable bc it helps secure kills even if they made bad calls the whole match. I personally if there’s not a group to take hits(which is wild bc you basically just have to stand near the hooked survivor and swing till the next one is down or more with minimum effort) will just leave vs rewarding the possible very high reward very low risk tactic. Can I and should I are two different questions, with differing results depending on situation(the likelihood of a snowball).

    honestly they should take hatch away and remove the ability of the killer being able to “protect the hook/come right back to the area away” and balance gens, killers, and perks, around those stats. Add an EGC to 1 or more gens with only 2 survivors left. There, no more “tunneling”. No more free wins for bad plays, and may the entity favor you. Balance it around the top performers as well. That alone should help solo q while also accounting for swf/killer high performance.

    Rework ds and otr(or don’t meme build) they’ll only be a little more useless than they are now. Nerf buckle up and ftp if you must if escape rates are too high(survivors do scummy things too)or if they’re too low buff survivor perks. Too high too low nerf/buff to whatever side for balance obviously. I feel like that goes without saying though.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    I also really like your idea, should keep the counter though for even the last gen. Bc given the chance survivors will hide and not contribute in a sticky situation. I mean like yeah sign me up, bc it saves grief and drawn out situations. I’ve been in games pre egc where even if it’s still just 1 gen left survivors would choose self bc hatch and expect the other person to complete objective or die so they can get hatch. I expect they’d make the same choice if no other option but do objective.

    probably make it so any time not spent in chase ,working on a gen, or hiding in terror radius will decrease a hard set time to keep from abusing regression to draw out the match. If they can do it, they will.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    Which is why you’d remove the ability to “tunnel” simultaneously, to offset.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253
    edited February 2024

    With those solutions you will create some very BHVR-style problems.

    1. Increasing(??) the slugging timer x5? Won't this make slugging even worse? So instead of crawling around for 4 minutes you will be lying there for 20 minutes? Can't see how thats fun for the survivor. Also the other survivor will have to hide for 20 whole minutes? Surely you meant DEcrease, right?

    2. The aura idea might create some weird problems where people hide in lockers with distortion, hop out and in to avoid crows and recharge distortion in the locker. You'd have to go for killer instinct.

    3. Problem still remains where a killer can stand on top of the hatch and wait (like Wraiths do). You'd have to give your position away by repairing a gen and die anyways.

    4. RNG gates after RNG hatch. After managing to stop survivors from completing their objective you have to walk in circles to find a random hatch. Even if you also manage to reach it first you have to hope for good gates and look left and right for 2 minutes like you're at a tennis match. If you are unlucky and the gates spawns are bad you lose the survivor anyways. Reward for doing your initial objective well I guess...?

    5. Hatch has no interaction between the 2 roles. You're both walking in circles twerking for the hatch to spawn in your favour. Sometimes you don't even see eachother up until you read that "ez noob" in endgame chat.

    6. Hatch fuels toxicity. Survivors can play full solo builds and let their whole team die just so they can get a potential free escape at the end. It feels a bit cheap, thats why I think some survivors say toxic stuff in endgame chat because they know it was cheap and want to rub the escape in your face. Even though you won as killer it still feels cringe to let one go for free.

    - This all because of the hatch btw.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    edited February 2024

    Yeah agreed hatch just has to go for the sake of game health. All gens must be done, and if a singular survivor makes it that far just give them a buff to open the door quicker if they spawn right next to each other(feels like free sitting duck kill against high mobility killers)bc screwed by RNG. Normal door speed if far apart killer goes into BL for movement speed instead.

    Fair enough?

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    They could also rework it all together and make a final endgame chase of some sorts where you both have some influence on the outcome. RNG into RNG is just outdated, hatch has to go

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    Current hatch is fine as it rewards the last player as say if they have 2-3 gens left it is unlikely and will take them ages so it is just to give them a chance and the killer can close it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Rewards the last player for what exactly? Not completing their objective? Letting their team die? Or putting on a hatch build to play solo mode? Or am I missing something

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    Depends on if it encourages survivors to still sabotage their own team in order to get that chase sequence otherwise it’s just a reskin mechanic of hatch.

    Killer wants no more free escapes, survivors wanting a non thrown game on their own side where we’re forced to work together. If you’re like yes last gen was done and this is how we solve the door/hatch issue for both sides then yeah why not.

    either way with the game being killer favored, selfish survivor gameplay shouldn’t be encouraged with possibility of free escape for failing bc there’s too much working against survivor, including other survivors outside of swf sweat squads(bc they’re working together).

    so I agree make them work together to start helping to fix solo. Which is wild to say as survivor.

    if in mass they don’t want that, their calls to nerf killer stuff is unjustified bc they don’t even want to start with fixing their own issues(bad plays and being selfish) causing some of our own losses as solo. Anytime matches are being thrown is going to screw with kill rates, just as much as killers letting people go bc “they played good/ or didn’t grief”

    forcing survivor to work together and play less selfishly for higher chance at getting out will give more accurate data for balancing issues. Are killers actually op or is the team throwing? I would wait a few months before thinking about changes after hatch removal as far as buff/nerf on killer side in any serious measure for numbers to stabilize, bc ppl can be dramatic, respectfully.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    How should I put this... Uhmmm

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    So you think that if someone had bad teamates and did their objectives and were altruistic they should be punished? You may belive in punishing people for no reason but I don't. DBD doesn't have an automatic 2x modifier if it is the last 1-2 players left like some other games.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    1. Increasing(??) the slugging timer x5? 

    Opposite direction. Increasing the speed of the meter. So hypothetically the longest a person would be down in this situation is 48 seconds.

    2. The aura idea might create some weird problems where people hide in lockers with distortion, hop out and in to avoid crows and recharge distortion in the locker. You'd have to go for killer instinct.

    We're talking permanent aura reveal, so I think that clearly means it overrides perks, but yeah make it killer instinct if you want.

    3. Problem still remains where a killer can stand on top of the hatch and wait (like Wraiths do)

    My scenario was the situation where two players are left alive. Once we're back down to one player we're in the same boat we are now. Which could have some adjustments, but that's a different question.

    4 / 5: I think the random elements of the game are critical to its success. I think without things liking hoping / dreading the hatch spawn location the game would get stale really fast.

    6: Survivors can play full solo builds and let their whole team die just so they can get a potential free escape at the end

    Adding in aura reading or something at the two player level would highly discourage such styles of play.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352

    If you don't work on a gen a certain amount in x amount of seconds you're revealed in some way. Punishes people who afk in a locker and if you're actually trying to progress the game some you will be fine.

  • bruhbba101
    bruhbba101 Member Posts: 23

    hatch should never be removed, in fact the idea that one survivor has a chance for a free escape should remain in the game.

    When the game goes south for the survs, it provides them with an objective that everyone can try for but only 1 receives the benefits of

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    "Working with the Killer" is against the rules, but Survivors arbitrarily deciding to hide and wait for hatch because "it's their only way to escape" is supported by the devs and members of the community.

    Make it make sense.

    Wolf in sheep's clothing. People need to stop justifying hatch on account of other design flaws.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Hatch should be reworked not removed, honestly racing the killer to hatch is one of the most exciting things in this game as is trying your luck to find a key has egc ticks down.

    I don't know why we want to remove interesting gameplay elements when we just need to fix the boring hostage situation that usually preludes it. As for hatch being "cheap" my answer is I honestly don't care if it is or if it isn't, it's fun.

    Maybe if more people cared about fun over everything being perfectly balanced the community wouldn't be so miserable. It's honestly hypocrisy to me that so many people like to say having a comp scene in DBD is dumb while also playing sweaty AF and thinking the game should be balanced like it should have a comp scene.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    How you will be fine lmao? Killer will find you easily. You are just asking for free kill.

  • North85
    North85 Member Posts: 111

    No. I'd rather the last survivor got hatch than spend 20mins looking for them.

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278

    How about no, it gives survivors an opportunity to escape and get more bloodpoints and/or rift challenges or achievements completed that require escaping. It's nice to have an opportunity to escape when a match goes horribly whether it's because the killer is really good, teammates suck or everyone just was doing poorly. Why take it away? It doesn't affect the killer to have 1 survivor go through hatch except MaYbE getting adept but you can just do the slug for the 4k method

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Killers argue to remove a mechanic to guarantee 4k. Surprise.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    None of that is required for hatch so it's not really a reward for any of that. That's not really an answer to the question.

    Hatch doesn't reward anything besides maybe being the last alive. How you got there doesn't matter.

  • SpaceCakes420
    SpaceCakes420 Member Posts: 1

    You sound very entitled. You don't even have an alternative way or a solution to removing the hatch. It's absurd thinking the way you are. You're trying to ruin the game. I've been playing way before you even started playing, and getting rid of the hatch would peeve a lot of people off.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    You are right it isn't a reward but it still should not be taken out for the other reasons I stated in my opinion feel free to disagree.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    edited February 2024

    I completely agree with you, don’t listen to these people being incredibly negative. I was called entitled and sweaty for a 4k by a number of people, and I don’t think I could have been any clearer that this is written from a survivor gameplay perspective of someone that’s been playing for years, meaning I’ve seen it all and understand the game on deep levels other than survive/kill rates. Not everything is about survive kill rates. Sometimes it’s like is this engaging for both sides? A lot of killers hate this scenario, I as a survivor hate this scenario, and it seems whether it’s pre egc, or post the scenario still happens when there’s 2 ppl left. Ppl can feel how they want, but I personally as a survivor would not mourn the removal of hatch if people tried harder to finish gens to progress OUR sides objectives. That’s just my opinion.

    Post edited by HeroLives on
  • I_Tunnel
    I_Tunnel Member Posts: 81

    Hatch exists to prevent the final Survivor from just hiding & wasting the Killer's time. It's basic risk vs reward gameplay:

    • Risk: If the Survivor is moving around & hatch hunting; His chances of being seen go up.
    • Reward: He has a chance of getting out of a match, even if he was losing.

    Hatch has to, and should, stay.