Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Generator System Feedback



  • Member Posts: 133

    Good overall, healthy.

    The problem is that the perk "Surge"sometimes make some gens hit the regression cap without actually "3-genning".

    This cap should only applies after 1 gen left to repair OR should have a bigger number of events to trigger.

    Healthiest suggestion : 12 events before generator is blocked would be better.

  • Member Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2024

    I'd be completely okay with it going to 6 if it reset per hook. There's only a finite amount of hooks possible, so this would essentially punish people who just sit on the gens and refuse to actually chase and hook, while letting killers who play as intended and chase\hook people to be unaffected.

  • Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2024

    While I'm happy gen tapping got nerfed because it was time consuming for killer and easy for survivors to counter the kick, there is still a major problem :

    When a survivor leaves a generator, if a skill check event starts, it makes you automatically fail and you got a 10 % penalty.

    Edit : Suggestion : when you stop repairing a generator, the skill check event appears on your screen (like overcharge).

    This would be a great QoL for all survivors. They shouldn't get a huge penalty like this just because of RNG.

    Post edited by Adrien on
  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Having the 8 regression events per gen be reset with every hook would go a long way in having the 3 gen system not affect normal gameplay.

    I really like the idea of reseting on hooking a survivor...

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    I think it's in a good spot. - Only issue may be Jolt/Surge depending on the map and where you end up in chase. - But making Jolt only affect gens with 10% progress or more seems like an easy fix for that one.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    not really, range is already limiting aspect for this perk. Making it so gens with less than 10% progress won't explode at all is still quite a big nerf in my opinion and this 3-gen feature will be another nerf staying.

    Jolt and Eruption are just gone with this update in my opinion. Same for most gen kicking perks, except for pop probably.

  • Member Posts: 2,112

    Pop has essentially been removed from the game until they fix survivors constantly 4% then restarting so that its never in a kickable state.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    True, thing is same can be said about other gen kick perks, but in those instances where you can use those perks, pop has way bigger impact than any other gen kicking perk. That's why it is only I would consider valid, but I would probably avoid any gen kicking perk now and just go for blocking gens / pain res.

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    I am literally getting jump scared by the animation and sound FX as Killer.

    Please consider lowering or altogether removing that awful sound when the spikes appear.

    I play with headphones on as Killer and need the volume up to listen for Survivors, crows, repairs, ect. This is becoming a huge distraction.

    For clarity: I have no objection to the system itself, just the completely unnecessary animation and sound FX.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Just a quick question. Wouldn't it just be easier to set Tile Generation algo. to prevent "3 gen" grouping. But buff Control perks for killers? by an additional 5-8% so 3-gen lock meta strat doesn't have to be a thing?


  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Spreading out generators enough that 3-genning can't happen is impossible without making maps larger. It's a good thought, but it wouldn't work.

  • Member Posts: 13

    8 kicks is bs. Only like 30% of the matches get drawn out. The other 70% the survivors will have various totems a medic and multiple loopers cruising to a easy victory, all 4 alive with 1 gen left while you get ran in circles by body blockers. Literally if you're a fair killer or run hex devour hope this change would definitely screw you. Which I am both. I hook and kick a gen Everytime most of the time I just hit and kick a gen. Just imagine being fair with divvying up the killing just for the 4 remaining survivors to all heal and jump on the last 2 gens.... And you can't even slow down the gens :||||||||||||||| now you gotta chase and catch a healthy person twice meanwhile your backdoors getting blown off because they finish the other gens and head for the exit gate before you could even catch the 1 WHOSE OBJECTIVE IT WAS TO BUY TIME IN THE FIRST PLACE! sure, seems like a great idea except for the fact that survs still curb-stomp killers just because it takes forever to catch skilled survivors. Literally 1 really good guy and a bunch of gen-focused noobs can cook any killer. Horrible idea, I see this game as a movie. The killers and survivors battle the whole movie so the whole match of dbd should be a constant tug of war.

  • Member Posts: 163

    I'm liking the new changes. I haven't really encountered people 4s repairing gens to keep regression on them, or if I have it's made them easy targets.

    Devs could make gen kicking perks allow regressing generators to be kicked without causing additional damage, but just activating kick perks. Even better would be that survivors lose repair progress if they stop repairing before fixing regression. <- take away the added kick regression and represent it here.

  • Member Posts: 761

    The "anti tri gen system" wouldnt need exist if the Skull Merchant got a decent rework. She is the real problem about long matches or tri gen, and, STILL DEFENDING TRI GEN AFTER THIS SYSTEM.

  • Member Posts: 868

    Honestly, please keep posting those matches (especially those while playing weaker Killers to really drive the point home) because eventually they'll come across it somehow anyway (maybe a repost in another thread by someone else that sees the issue or simply through sheer luck) and maybe they'll consider making the system only trigger at 3-gens (or maybe at 4 gens at the very least since someone pointed out that it's not that rare to get some nasty map generation and get some rough setups).

  • Member Posts: 74

    The changes are good, but they are useless when the gens spawn so bad. On nearly every map the game starts with either two 3 gen or a 4 gen nowqadays. I also saw a 5 Gen as killer or with deja vu on survivor. The spawns are broken. That should be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Personally, I would've preferred just adding another generator, or tweaking the gen spawn points to be farther apart, or having a default minimum distance radius between each. Unfortunately with the maps getting smaller, I know that may not be an option.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Just FYI, the “repair for less than 5% and let go to prevent the killer from kicking the gen again” thing doesn't work anymore. It wasn't in the patch notes but that was fixed in the 7.5.1 hotfix the other day.

    If survivors try to do that now, the repair threshold to stop regression doesn’t continuously keep going up anymore. It can move down with regression, but it doesn’t go up, so they can’t make more than 5% of repairs without stopping the regression. So that is no longer an issue.

  • Member Posts: 622
    edited February 2024

    This is doing absolutely nothing to stop 3 gen. I am in a match with a Skull Merchant who is holding it down with her drones without kickg a gen amd chasing us off. Move the gens around. If a 3 gen happens like the Cage of Attonmemt at 1 gen left. She is forcing us to wait til the server kicks us out.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    How exactly she keep regressing gens without kicking them?

    So far seems like you just don't know how to deal with 3-gen at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Trying to break a 3 gen in solo queue is still awful.

    There's no guarantee you will get 4 survivors who can loop well. So survivors that go down in about 20 seconds provide very little value to their team. Likely costing you more gen progress than you can gain whilst they are looping.

    Eventually gens will be in dead zones, meaning even good survivors will go down fast.

    There's always a chance that nobody on the team will have gen perks or good toolboxes.

    Information killers like Doctor make it almost impossible to stealth. Combine that with dead zones and players go down even faster.

    Beating a 3 gen requires coordination and in solo you don't have that.

    Killers can still drag a match out well over 30 minutes and still not reach the 8 regression event limit.

    This solution really only addressed the 1 hour gen stalemate. Solo queue still needs help to counter this strategy. Maybe giving us something like Alert, but for generators could help. So survivors who can't coordinate can still see where the killer is patrolling the gens. Maybe show the last 3 generators' auras after a while? I don't know. But we need something.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Just held a 3 gen on Dead Dawg as Trapper. The map spawned 4 gens near the gallows with basement in shack. The Survivors tried to finish the gallows gen initially but a few Pain Reso and Pop kicks convinced them to do the other gens.

    11 hooks + 4k at 1 gen left. Only my gallows gen got entity blocked.

    I guess the 3 gen system is working perfectly well huh

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I would just give the chance to still hit the skillcheck. Similar if you tap a Gen with Overcharge, the skillcheck remains visible so you can hit it.

  • Member Posts: 81


    The whole point of the RNG is that it can screw Survivors if a Killer forces them off. It should not be removed just because Survivors think nothing in the game should ever be a threat to them.

  • Member Posts: 133

    You are cherry picking the situation when this can occur. This mechanic gives free 10% regression for the killer, even if they don't do anything for it. It's literally because when you stop repairing to heal a teammate/go for the unhook that the prompt will consider this a failed skill check. This is a stupid mechanic that punishes survivor for being unlucky. Yes if we address the problem we will remove the failed skill check due to the direct pressure applied by the killer. With the recent changes on the gen kicking I think it's not a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Ok thank you, a lot of people suggested this to me also on Reddit, I will update my original post to make it the main feature.

    It seems like a much better idea to discourage baby survivors to let go on the gen when a skill check event occur.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Or, instead of taking away a mechanic because Survivors are unhappy they can fail; You learn to hit a skillcheck before leaving a gen? 😁

    Because they never happen back-to-back without a Killer perk being involved.

    You're basically saying 'Bad luck is bad for Survivors. Who cares how it affects Killers.'

  • I think the system is working fine. If you're still struggling with getting 3genned as a survivor, I'd say you're doing something wrong:

    • Try running deja vu. Try to knock out the gens that are closer to the middle of the map, or the middle one of the highlighted. As you keep doing this, risk of 3gen decreases.
    • Otherwise, experience with the maps and map sense can help you determine which gens you should probably try focusing on.
    • Save your toolboxes for the LAST GENS, don't waste them on the first gen you see.
    • If in a 3gen scenario, just aim for making the gen stop regressing. Killer will have to waste another kick on it after that.
    • Do other gens. The killer will probably start getting in the mindset of everyone focusing on one particular generator if they see survivor hovering around it and trying to repair it all the time. However, this can be faked simply by making it not regress anymore, and you could start working on other generators.

    I know the 3gen scenario still isn't easy to deal with, but it's one of those problems that's far easier to prevent than it is to cure.

  • Member Posts: 868

    While the advices themselves are sound and effective (Survivors should try to focus on center gens early), one of them also show the flaw in the system itself;

    The mindset of "everyone focusing on one particular generator" comes from somewhere. It comes from the fact that, like a few people already showed and lots of people say, it's not rare to end up in a situation where one of the gens is almost out of regression events by the end because Survivors tried to do specific gens (like they should do as it's part of Survivor gameplay, it's the reason Déjà Vu exists, to make this part easier) and they need to prioritize that gen, making the endgame harder and more stressful for the Killer even if they never intended to 3-gen. This is especially hard on slower/weaker/M1 Killers that can't zip around the map and/or end chases in 10 seconds. S-tier Killers don't really care about the system in the first place since gen-regression outside of Pop/Pain Res was never really needed outside of extreme situations against insane squads.

    When a Killer seemingly refuses to kick a gen despite it having high progress, I've seen teammates purposefully leaving that gen for the end knowing it's a free W at the end. That shouldn't be a thing.

    Honestly, a 3-gen situation should be difficult to deal with but not impossible (the system does actually accomplish that) but the system should only be active at the end to only deal with endless games (the real issue) instead of punishing gen-defense during the whole game and deleting many perks.

  • Member Posts: 163

    They should make the end game collapse slowly shorten anytime no one is working on a gen when only 1 is left to go. If it gets down to 1/8 max collapse time, survivor auras are revealed to the killer anytime they have not worked on a gen in the last 40 seconds and everyone is broken.

    It's not killers that drag out 3 gens. If survivors can't get a 3 gen done in 5 minutes, they've already lost.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Or if we want to be more reasonable, they could just remove the regress event cap on the gold gens. They're usually central and important to defend.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    After some time playing with Sadako, my gens got blocked a lot of times. It’s normal for a killer to kick the gens you teleported to, when no one is there. I also play with jolt, which makes reaching the limit easy. The system is absolutely impacting normal gameplay and does not target hard 3 geners. At least make jolt count as a half regression event and that kicking a gen under 15% doesn‘t takes your regression events away.

  • Member Posts: 2,112

    That's a good suggestion - removing regression charges from gens under a certain precentage of repair progress.

  • Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2024

    Does this system only work with nearby generators or is it independent of your location?

    I asked why yesterday an killer regress a generator more than 10x. Yes, I did. Pain Resonance 2x,Pop Goes the Weasel 3x, Kicks 6x times.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Pain Resonance 2x,Pop Goes the Weasel 3x, Kicks 6x times.

    and all of that was into a single generator?

  • Member Posts: 622

    8 isn't enough. I wad basically manipulated into kicking it 8 times amd they got the last gen done. I want a clear indication of when I'm close to blocking it not the spikes. It either needs to be more or reset the counter for each gen popped or something.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.

  • Member Posts: 868
    edited February 2024

    Well, it's getting unpinned....

    Foolish of me as it sounds, I'll try to keep hoping enough people make enough sound to make the system only activate during the last gen. Keeping hope that only endless 3-gen games are affected and not gen defense in general.

    Post edited by Skillfulstone on

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