The Skull merchant to overpowered

The Skull merchant is too overpowered


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,941
    edited February 2024

    That's always the issue though isn't it? Sadako, Pig, Pinhead, Xeno, even Freddy have above average kill rates cause your average rando just doesn't know what they're doing.

    It's impossible to balance something where one side just completely ignores the counters available to them.

    I certainly don't find Skull Merchant as obnoxious as a number of other things in the game... but regardless of how well or poorly she is designed, her kill rate would always remains high because only nerds like us bother to learn how to play against her.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Tell me about it as a 3.0 Sadako main 😥

    And honestly some of my best matches have been against SM, matches I was quite proud of getting 4 escapes because I knew which drones to disable and which to ignore to do gens. I just wish there was more information in-game for players to learn how to go up against killers they dislike.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 279

    Maybe if they make it so patch notes pop up readily available so players actually have to read it. A lot of people don't even know SM was changed from release it's actually insane how out of tune some players are.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    On the other hand, she does not need haste AND hindered in her kit

    How so?

    She has nothing for chase otherwise. Stealth is highly map / survivor skill dependant.

    Everything except stealth got nerfed about her and people still complain... Most of her addons are complete garbage.

    If anything needs fix for her is to have better tutorials in DBD. Is it so hard to have some manual with tips how to play as and against specific killers?

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952

    Can you say why skull merchant are overpowered?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845
    edited February 2024

    She could have one or the other by itself and still be viable, is what I'm saying.

    She's also a very good stealth killer and can set up ambushes easily. Not to mention she also has good chase builds and addons.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Not to mention she also has good chase builds and addons.

    Her chase builds are not better than any other M1 killer anymore.

    She used to have way better chase builds, when she was best killer for totems. Your chase is way better with Blood Favor, or Devour Hope. Well, that's gone.

    And her addons are way worse than before, except like 4-5, they are useless. Most of her addons are around claw traps, but claw traps are mainly used only on survivor in chase, unless survivors screwed it.

    She's also a very good stealth killer and can set up ambushes easily

    That's highly map dependent and mostly noob stomper. It's not that good on open maps against survivors who can move their camera while working on gens. Otherwise ghostface would be S tier killer.

    She could have one or the other by itself and still be viable

    I will gladly get rid of Hindered, if they bring back pallet breaking.

    Thing is you need to have something there, otherwise drones are completely useless against injured survivors.

    And without haste she will feel way worse, most of your chases you don't even get to Hindered and play only with haste. Hindered / claw trap is kinda based on survivors how much value I get. Haste is only thing I can reliably get value from.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Not necessarily op, but she has issues. She is all reward for no investment. Anyone can play her pretty close to optimally after one game because 95% of her power is passive effects, so there is no need for the killer player to do anything as she essentially plays herself.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501


    Just, No.

    The Nurse is overpowered, the Blight is REALLY strong, the Spirit is non intuitive for people who have ears problems.


    But, the Skull Merchant have an COMPLEX kit, not " overpowered ".

    The old skull merchant could be considered at " overpowered " because of the near impossible 3 gens.

    But it's not the fact right now.

    If you keep dc when facing the skull merchant and saying that she is " op " that's mean there is just no effort.

    In the loop it's strong, okay.

    But what now ? Do you even read the patch note ? this killer was reworked like 5 months ago.

    Don't move, crouch, there is even an visual indicator when the drone can't scan you.

    Remove them, the killer have to travel the entire map for replace drone.

    YES, This killer is annoying, but not " overpowered ".

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited March 2024

    She definetly needs haste.

    Hindered is not really needed, but there should be something so drones can't be simply ignored when injured.

    EDIT: lol, didn't notice it's old post. It makes sense why I was having a Déjà vu moment :D

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I mean, I do say it a lot to be fair lmao.

    But I agree, she should have one or the other, but both feels a bit much even when I play her. I also do think deep wounds is a good enough threat, but I'd also need to test that more by itself. Perhaps resetting the time a clawtrap is on you would be good?

    On the subject of clawtraps I also agree there should be an easier way to have them removed or some kind cooldown on the marks. Though I don't agree with what others think that disabling drones gets rid of them, since survivors could just facetank a mark and then remove the drone to remove the mark it gave them.

    Really SM is in such a weird spot right now.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 123

    Why does she “need” haste though? Most killers don’t have haste and do just fine. Never understood why this killer has both haste AND hinder in her kit at the same time if anything the fact her scans injure and track and give stealth should be good enough if not then her whole kit needs a overhaul cause how it works currently is just not good if she relies on haste to even be remotely good in chase (which she doesn’t she just doesn’t have any chase potential so they slapped on haste to give her chase potential)

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    She needs to be even remotely viable and fun. She would have nothing for chase without it.

    Hindered is not that good, but there needs to be something in my opinion.

    When I try to make nerfs, I try to make it easier for survivors, or nerf other aspects of killer. It's bad to get nerfs that will impact how that killer feels to play, if it makes sense.

    Without haste she has nothing for chase and hold W would become ultimate counter, which I find rather boring for both sides.

  • DrHyk
    DrHyk Member Posts: 101

    No, nurse, Billy, Blight and Wesker are overpowered, not the m1 killer with drones.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 123

    With that logic why doesn’t ghostface, legion, or dredge have haste? All 3 of those killers don’t have anything significant for chase but they don’t need haste?

    trapper has haste but his requires you to use a trap and has a fundamental and strategic reason to help him

    Skull merchant doesn’t, theres no skill in it no depth to it, someone gets scanned and now she moves 3% faster all the time since the scan doesn’t go away untill you’re completely scanned.

    There’s something fundamentally wrong with that wouldn’t you think? It’s similar to a certain survivor perk that everyone hated what was it again? Oh yeah Made for this.

    she doesn’t need haste, it’s quite literally unfair that she just gets haste just cause you walked into her unavoidable scanners, it’s unnecessary especially when you become broken after being scanned 3x she’s similar to legion and Plague in the sense that she can injure survivors very quickly and almost passively and that should be her power but the fact you say she “needs” haste tells me there’s a fundamental problem with her power if most of the strength comes from unfair status effects.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 419

    Maybe by the end of 2027 they'll finally try to do something about SM again.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited March 2024

    With that logic why doesn’t ghostface, legion, or dredge have haste?

    Legion is quite speedy, which is why he is one of my mains.

    I hate ghostface, exactly for this. It's so annoying to get into situation when there is nothing you can do other than slowly walk behind a survivor, it's annoying.

    Dredge has mobility... Teleport is best haste you can have.

    You are also talking about adding something not removing. How would Legion feel without any haste? Answer is garbage.

    trapper has haste but his requires you to use a trap and has a fundamental and strategic reason to help him

    Here is example of haste. You had underpowering killer and haste was easiest and probably best fix.

    Skull merchant doesn’t, theres no skill in it no depth to it

    Just because you don't know any depth, it doesn't mean it's not there. You don't seem to understand difference between skill floor and skill ceiling.

    Skill floor is not high for sure, like many other M1 killers, but skill ceiling is definitely higher than most M1 killers.

    someone gets scanned and now she moves 3% faster all the time since the scan doesn’t go away untill you’re completely scanned.

    You don't even know how she works.... When you get scanned, she is faster for 12 seconds. How do you want to argue without any knowledge?

    It’s similar to a certain survivor perk that everyone hated what was it again?

    So now comparing power with perk? That's not how it works. Killer power > perk

    she doesn’t need haste

    she does

    it’s quite literally unfair that she just gets haste just cause you walked into her unavoidable scanners

    unavoidable? Crouch, stand still, or just hold W away.... Doesn't seem unavoidable

    she’s similar to legion and Plague

    Legion is faster (if you are healthy), can easily injure multiple survivors and there is very little you can do about it. That's not true for Skull merchant, you can quite easily deny it for a long time and it doesn't have to get active at all.

    Plague? I will take ranged projectile that can hit multiple survivors over 3% haste... just saying

    Btw in changes I suggested in other thread, I would remove broken from her... That's not needed unlike haste.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,388

    She’s not overpowered by any means.