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General Discussions

Killer is in the worst state it has ever been



  • Member Posts: 1,994

    This forum isn’t the majority of the playerbase. People who post on here, generally, care more about the game than the average dbd player.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I learned. I didn’t start the game knowing what I was doing, and it took many losses to get good. I don’t think asking a playerbase to learn a game they supposedly like is some huge thing. Balancing around bad players is a slap in the face to people who have played and supported BHVRs game.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Historically, most games have balanced around max potential/high skill and have done just fine. The reason for this is that the cheesy exploitable stuff isn’t useable by the average player. Joe newcomer isn’t chaining together tiles, so doing something like preventing certain spawns would mostly affect tryhards.

    BHVR should be balancing out survivors more, while creating far better tutorials that actually teach people how to play their game.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    You are using a faulty premise to argue with a strawman.

    As much chance as 4 equally matched survivors should have at a 4e. The only thing Hensen's post is missing is saying 'on average'.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    48% and 40% is huge balance discrepancy. how do you balance killers with such discrepancy? Do you balance every killer around 40% or around 48%. If you balance around 40% then when killer player goes against 48% player, He is going feel like there is no chance to win. If you balance around 48% then killer will be deemed as over performing on average.

    Woundcowboy is playing killer's balanced around 40% but is playing against the 48% so in his view, Killer is too weak.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    So everyone is in high MMR but magically only you get the actual high MMR survivors?

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Not at all. I win most of my matches because, as I said, most people aren’t good at the game. Unlike the lower bracket killers though, I run into the sweat/SWF groups more than the average player does. That’s when the game’s imbalance is on display.

  • Member Posts: 498

    “it took many losses to get good” with the way you constantly complain about how killer is impossible, you probably cant take A loss at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Just because it doesn’t happen a majority of the time doesn’t make it ok.

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited February 2024

    This is absolutely false. It is the best for killers, even the DBD data proves it Not only that, the kill rate doesn't bake in the % of hatch escapes , people who disconnect from D-bag camping/tunnelers and the killers who purposely let survivors go.

    It's also a snowball advantage for killers. Just because you have 0 hooks after 2-3 gens are done, does not mean the amount of pallets left available AND the amount of territory you have to defend shrinks significantly - making comebacks sooooo much easier for killers.

    There are no such advantage for survivors.

    Post edited by deifi on
  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I don’t think they’d quit. People complain about killers now and for literally years on end, yet they don’t leave.

    As for your point about Nurse, sure, variety is better. If the game were better balanced, you could use killers like pig and doctor and have better matches.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2024

    This is friendly reminder to you.

    Stop trying to argue with them.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,075

    Ok, let's try to keep the discussion civil and constructive.

    Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited February 2024

    I'm afraid the killer skew in outcome that BHVR has reported doesn't support your opinion. If the game was survivor skewed, you would expect a different outcome being recorded that was opposite to what we are actually seeing.

    That's the problem with pesky empirical measurement, it doesn't really care how we feel or think and won't change to fit our opinion. We have to modify our opinion to fit the data and the data is saying killers kill more than survivors escape.

    That's why I said if you are complaining that there is a loss of variable strategy, and a blander game experience, due to games playing out in a similar fashion... Then you'd have something. Because with the new anti-camp and the new anti 3 gen plus built in BT and a bunch of other changes, we are generally seeing one style of play being favored by the mechanics more than others and frankly that's bland. But as for the game being survivor sided the current kill vs escape numbers BHVR released just don't support that point of view.

    "This forum isn’t the majority of the playerbase. People who post on here, generally, care more about the game than the average dbd player." - I'd be really careful with this one too as it assumes the motivation of forum posters and to apply directly to the topic it has to also assume that regular forum posters are likely higher MMR. There is no evidence, or even measure, of this whatsoever.

    I'd wager a lot of opinions about the game being unbalanced can be boiled down to players overestimating themselves rather than genuine mechanical or balance issues.

  • Member Posts: 334

    I am a killer main all day long. I do play survivor from time to time. I feel that the matches are mostly fair. I play the majority of the killers. Some feel weaker than others.

    I feel that SWF using outside communication is a bit unfair however, I still play the game. My matches are random. Some I do great m, some I lose badly Some are a tie.

    Its still fun for me. The way I have the most fun is I don't care about a win or a loss. It's that simple. The very nature of a game is, you win some and you lose some.

    Just try to do what you can. Play how you want. Just don't cheat. Remember, win and lose with dignity.

  • Member Posts: 885
    edited February 2024

    I don’t necessarily think killer is bad balance-wise, but it’s miserable fun-wise. Too many killers with bad, clunky powers that feel awful to use, too many gigantic maps full of clutter and god windows and dozens of safe pallets, too many perks with little-to-no synergy or reward, too many basekit systems that put guardrails all over killer gameplay.

    It’s just not that fun to play killer. I don’t even feel like I’m playing against the survivors a lot of the time; I’m playing against BHVR, and the survivors are there too.

    Anymore I play maybe 1 or 2 killer games a week, and the rest of the time it’s solo queue survivor. The number of times I pick “Play killer,” look at the killer roster, and then just back out to pick “Play survivor” lately is depressing.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    This is nowhere near as bad as the decisive crutch/unbreakable meta in 2019. People just did gens in my face because they knew they had health insurance and I couldn't productively do anything about them. I either ate a stun or let them get up, either way I lose time.

    Though with decisive on the road map, I'm worried that type of survivor is gonna come back.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    uhh—that hurts survivors’ ability to cheese killers by making them fall into holes or off ledges without landing a hit. lol. Survivors were the ones who could easily exploit that. Not killers…

  • Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2024

    Really? This state is worse than Survivors having Four meta perks of the apocalypse? The busted toolbox/medkit add ons? When Survivor could just tap a generator and undo the kick you just invested? When the sprint burst from getting hit is much more potent? When Healing wasn't nerfed and everyone and their grandmother heals within a few seconds then come back to mess with you? When maps had more safe pallets in general? When maps were much more larger in favor of survivors? When dead hard is in the game and was essentially a third health state? Really the current state is worse than that?


    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Yes, it’s well known that most people aren’t good at the game. When people who don’t know how to play are against each other, it favors killer. When each side knows the game, killer is at a massive disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    What everyone wants to know is what indicates the majority of players. For example, the average chase time, the average number of hooks rather than the number of kills, and the statistics that are not "intentionally avoiding the MFT era and the 3 generator system period and receiving a kill rate buff from Lights Out" is.

  • Member Posts: 1,026
    edited February 2024

    Just ask dbd Japan's official That fact and the kill rate indicate that the median MMR is filled with beginners.

    All of the skilled players here will be able to break into the top tier of MMR.

    I find it very strange that there is a disconnect between their ability and the attitude that calls for killers to be nerfed.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited February 2024

    Again we would see a heavy skew in outcome when survivors are coordinated, which would probably be represented by a much larger survival rate between SWF and Solo as SWF tend to be the most coordinated. But the most recent numbers didn't have that big of a skew, it was like less than 10% if I recall.

    So if killer is only disadvantaged in the rare circumstance that they face a highly coordinated, highly experienced team and by the numbers highly coordinated, highly experienced teams are not representative of the majority of games.

    Then you are looking at a very tiny number of games were you are disadvantaged from game start purely due to match up. Intrinsically killer has the mechanical advantage because the survivor advantage is reliant on team coordination something outside of BHVR's control.

    This again is represented by the kill vs escape ratio favoring killer overall.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    ugh... then why comment at all, just reading the headline is like a breeding ground for uninformed opinion.

    "I didn't even engage or understand the topic but I'll comment on it anyway" Why?

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    You have to consider game balance based around high level play, in which everyone knows how to play. Saying that the balance is fine because a lot of people don’t know the game is a cop out. It doesn’t matter if it’s rare (and in my experience it isn’t as rare as people like to claim): the killer should never be out of a match before it begins. People can learn to play the game and get to a high level, which makes the hand holding mechanics BHVR has added (like base BT) incredibly overpowered. It’s lazy thinking to say that the majority should dictate how we play and think about the game.

    It’s only logical that people who know the game and have put in time are going to stomp less experienced players. The worrying trend I am seeing with this game is that BHVR is trying to make it easier for inexperienced players to beat experienced players, and I don’t think that’s how it should be. I also think that this community has a lot of dishonest people who advocate around “casual” balance even though they know the game because they want to keep their advantage as survivors.

  • Member Posts: 82

    To begin with, what is a high MMR?

    What is the point of a discussion that does not reveal numerical values?

  • Member Posts: 4,187
    edited April 2024

    Please check the dates of the last comment of threads you comment in.

    Both of your posts on this forum are in threads that have been left dead for 1,5 months and the other for 10 months!

    Many of this old discussions aren't fully relevant anymore due to the changes to the game in the meantime. (Not necessarily true for the 6-7 weeks old one but definitely for the 10 months.)

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    When was Freddy changed? I've lost track.

    Also, it would probably mean Omega Nurse is back too. 😁

  • Member Posts: 745

    If the Killer side is in it's worst state right now, then why is there always BP incentives on for survivors every time I play? (EU servers) Wouldn't that mean people are playing more killer than survivors?

  • Member Posts: 376

    To answer OP, and maybe put this thread to rest:
    No, the game is not survivor-sided at all. You are almost certainly guaranteed to get two kills at the minimum, unless you play extremely fair on the survivors, which most killers tends not to do.

    Killers are at the strongest they have ever been, and as someone who often plays survivor solo or duo, I can say that the experience on this side is miserable. If you want to torment yourself: play survivor. If you want to have fun: play killer

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Killer has never been easier

    People need to understand that they are bad at a game, just that simple

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    You’re calling people bad at the game when you are the same person who dodges Nurse. Look in the mirror.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    there no bad or good at the game some people going have a lot of bad games and goods games but the game is a buggy mess with Messed up MMR when you add what map or item perks add on used the game becomes a coin flip

    on top of all the there what killer is used on map ( like some maps are good for some killers and bad for others or vice versa)or these all solo or some swf if not all swf.

    still gos like this


    so yea killer is a little easier but if you get a swf group 2/2.2/3.solo/4 or 4 Solo that work like there swf group then a lot of killers are in trouble in that match.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Wrong person

    Pay attention to the names not the profile picture

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