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Anonymous mode vulnerability

Member Posts: 73

I just had a player call out my exact hours despite the fact I played on anonymous, there seems to be a vulnerability in the anonymous mode system that lets players know exactly who they're facing, and goes as far as to let them view their steam profile.

When they said this, I at first figured they were just a cheater, but they then went on to say there's a bypass, so this seems worth looking into.

Steps to reproduce: Unsure - they were playing on Epic Games but they were premade with a Steam player, so the vulnerability could be on either side.

Platform: PC

Here's screenshots of what happened (also a screenshot of my settings just to confirm that I'm not stupid and didn't just turn 'Hide your Name' on without Anonymous Mode.

(Hid their name just incase)

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.

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