Have BHVR devs ruined DBD for survivors?

Does it seem as a solo survivor, that you're losing almost every game right now?
Honest question, not trying to make a point etc. I'm noticing in every match I play killer, I'm usually able to kill 2-3 people every time. Hardly sweating it just seems to be easy-ish...
When I play survivor, it seems the team mates I'm with are struggling to maintain a single chase for longer than 8-10 seconds. My MMR is in the top level bracket - just shy of 4k hours (but played since DBD inception back in 2016).
With the consistent middle finger to survivors (removing MFT, stopping gen regression, mangled/haemorrhage changes etc) and buffs for killers (5% gen regression, consistent perk increases, STBFL maintaining its impact even after nerf etc), and with even more buffs coming in this current PTB for killers (blight getting extra bounce on his amazing addon etc), how are people finding it?
I'm just seeking numbers/experience of those gamers who play this game frequently since the changes - have you found it harder to play survivor or easier/same - and do killers find it easier to kill people?
Do you miss the old DH/DS combo, like... that was the peak of game enjoyment right? or was it miserable for killers - or do Killers miss that?
No. The game is in a pretty good spot right now. Probably the most balanced it's ever been. Gamers just want to complain.
Solo queue is also fine. I escape more often than not, and they already buffed it with the UI indicators. All they need to do is let us see everyone's build and it'll be perfect.
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Hello fellow survivor mains!
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I hope you are joking.
That experience doesn't align to the majority.
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My escape rate has consistently dropped since update 6.1. I just play for the Rift and events.
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I can't remember the last time I escaped when the killer wasn't a farmer or took pity on us in solo q.
I don't play that much anymore, it just gets old :( survivor is awful atm
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The UI update was a great quality of life addition, but not a buff. The average solo escape rate was 39% before that update and 40% after (per the devs stats)
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I only read the start. Yes solo queue is awfull and half the time i play it someone gives up on hook , dcs or is afk from the start. That being said none of this is the killers fault and bhvr ahouldn't balance the game around this type of play. Solo queue just is and has always been awfull . I don't to say it but the average dbd survivor is just awfull at the game .
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Mine too. I agree that changes were needed, i used to keep stats and i survived about 75% of all my matches, and that was too high.
But now i mostly lose, with teammates not doing anything worthwhile, so i stopped playing survivor and played killer for some time. But now the game gets stall because i am either outmatched or outmatch the survivors, so i stopped playing.
I am not yet at the point where i can let go of this game, thats why i still read the forums, but i hope i can get out soon.
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The new MMR changes have been brutal, I'm going against killer players that will have their family executed IRL if they don't aggressively tunnel but I've also noticed many more good killer players bringing good add-ons than usual and then just steamrolling us. Plague with Black Incense + Seal, Oni with Hull + Crutch, and just a ton of killer thrown map offerings with niche builds that make life miserable like Pig on Midwich. Additionally my teammates are apparently being forced to play this game against their will because I've never seen so many people killing themselves on first hook in totally unassuming matches like a Deathslinger on Temple of Purgation that was playing almost too fair. Yesterday I had a guy that killed himself on first hook against a Legion when we were at 2 generators left (with good spread) when the killer only had 2 hooks. Really sucks when you think you get a break from tough matches and then your teammates just quit in a much easier game.
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I'm actually having the most fun I've had in awhile on survivor today. Escaped a handful of matches and died a handful. Probably 50/50. It could be fun just because I'm not running into Pain Res and UW every game though lol
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Im about little under 2000 hours in and i think survivors gotta slightly easier with the hud. It still very difficult to excape and some days i do find it impossible to excape. They say the win rate 40% but don't include DCs which happen every 5 games on average in my experience (that's being generous). They don't wanna balance off DCs so i understand it not being in the stats but survivors are losing way more than the numbers show because of this.
My win rate with killer is about 75% to 80% on average. ( i play about half of the killers consistently throughout a given week)
my excape rate with survivor around 35% (including DCs)
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As for the balance, I would say that it is currently decent.
One top-level survivor, who was once a professional killer, says on a livestream that he has a 60% chance of survival.
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yes they did
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im at the same spot! i stopped playing but i still didnt let go
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Wow - the survivor main bellyaching and entitlement has been off the charts on this forum the past few days! THE KILL RATE IS LITERALLY RIGHT WHERE THE DEVS WANT IT TO BE - SOLO QUEUE INCLUDED. The only exception is high MMR 4-man SWF which (wow what a shocker) has a significantly higher escape rate than all other groups. The only thing that needs balancing is a nerf to the significant advantage that 4-man SWF's have.
Survivor is not supposed to be the power role in the game and you are not supposed to escape every match. You should be escaping about 40% of the time and the devs have proven that you do, unless of course you're playing with your buddies on comms and then you escape closer to 50% of the time. Survivors have gotten free information status indicators, free Borrowed Time and free self-unhooking when killer is camping. No more hand-holding is necessary, and the escape rate stats prove it.
Everyone who is complaining should try playing killer for once (I play about 50/50 each role). You know what? It's actually quite difficult once you get to a level where you're consistently going against competent survivors. Most maps still have a lot of very strong loops and pallets that can allow survivors to extend chases for a long time and make it essentially impossible to win without any camping or tunneling with a vast majority of the killer lineup.
Let's start rallying around what is really broken, and that is the matchmaking. Throw out the awful MMR scoring system and put something in place that actually measures skill - it's not that hard. Quit putting hugely varying MMR scores in the same lobbies.
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Your words are true.
The first reason why SWF is more advantageous than soloQ is in communication, but the second reason is that you are blessed with friends who are not influenced by MMR.
SoloQ isn't all that bad in this game right now.
The bad thing is that you are forced to work with selfish survivors who are holding your friends back and people who are less familiar with the theory.
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yep, the average soloq mostly escape through hatch or lucky gates.
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soloq escapes also counting hatch and lucky gates which increase the chances to survive. if u remove those then soloq escape rate would be around 10-20 %
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4men is not the power role, Comp killers will beat Comp teams on pubs either way, its very balanced there is no power role at the moment. unless u want to subjectively talk about nurse/blight which are the power role.
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Well just yesterday in a span of 3 hours I escaped like 3 matches out of 10. Lol! But idc. I never take this game seriously anyways as a solo q survivor. Now some killers probably take it seriously but that's on them. But when I do play killer, it's fairly easy to 3 to 4k since you depend on yourself so that's not surprising.
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I'm solo queue and I see teammates throwing the game more often than I see killers just outright dominating. They either DC, die on hook, or throw the game by bombing the hook because "I dont wanna pway against this kiwwer".
Honestly, some of y'all just need to grow up and play the game. Or set the game down and touch grass once in a while. Both.
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MFT shouldnt even have be a thing in the First place they never have should make this busted Perk giving Survivor a 3% pernament Speed Boost for just being injured is the worst thing BHVR has ever done it also helped good Survivor more than low Rank Survivors
Mangled Changes is a Survivor Buff the Status effect gets removed in 60 or 90 seconds and dont stay for ever anymore so now Survivors can make a Gens and wait the timer out or they get healed
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Survivors themselfs are ruining the game for other survivors. Stop blaming devs for peoples incapability to save people from hooks or doing gens.
Survivors dcing or killing themselfs on first hook when something doesnt please them in the match is sky high too. Thats just entitlement.
Tunneling sure it happens, but is there any anti tunneling perks in top 10 perks used by survivors? No.. of course there isn't.
Survivors are playing the most selfish way possible lately ignoring other teammates and leaving them on hooks and that is not on the devs.
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I only play solo and while I definitely die more matches than I escape, I still escape fairly often and already hit rank 1 (not that it means much) playing purely solo queue. I think the game is at a good place now after years of being far too survivor sided and I say that as a person who mostly plays survivor when I do play DBD
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6.1 was a disaster. The nerf to anti-tunnel is something that the game just hasn't recovered from, and it was subsequently pushed into sweatier and sweatier territories. Killer issues get happily addressed, but every time the survivors ask for something, it has to be trimmed down so excessively that it ultimately accomplishes nothing. Seeing other survivors' loadouts? 'Probably in a couple of years'.
6.1 also put the final nail in the coffin for hex perks with Ruin getting deleted alongside DS, so now totems are effectively non-existent as a game mechanism. Gameplay just keeps getting flatter and flatter.
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At one stage I was averaging just under a 60% escape rate. Recently, it's moreso down to 45%-50%.
I put this down to me hitting a skill ceiling where the Killer is far stronger. My team mates are varied, certainly. However, no more different than usual in the scope of skillset.
The problem from my perspective is generally the Survivor players who give up. If those players had the resilience to continue, many games could have different results. It's tough to change when much is down to attitude.
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What do you mean. They keep making the maps smaller and smaller but have not reverted the movement speed buffs to help compensate the killers when the maps were much larger so now they just fly across the tiny spaces. Further more they only care about killer agency despite saying they want all players to feel like they have a chance to kill or survive at any moment. Case and point Doors that are within line of sight from each other. I do not believe it would take years for them to code in an exception to map generation to make them spawn away from each other on opposing sides. Yet it happens with high frequency and removes all agency from the survivor and were just suppose to go. ahhh shucks. Complete nonsense, program the game better. Also if survivors lose perks that are deemed unfair in the endgame collapse because it removes killer agency the same should be done for the killer. No way out should 100% be disabled when end game collapse occurs.
The most recent changes to Billy and upcoming changes to Huntress also are emphasizing a worrisome trend that they don't want killers to be punished for making mistakes. Instead no lets let them have a million hatchets and move at high speeds with them. Or let them almost instantly start revving their chainsaw if they miss. And oh they were brought to a bad loop don't worry were making it so you cant just bypass it entirely with absurd movement. Its laughable at their design ideology.
Lets also look at their solutions to problems within the game anti camping tech is basically worthless, the anti 3 gen system was also a nerf to gens because regardless if the game goes long or not. every kick has 2.5% more regress on it so despite them saying it only impacts 3 gen situation it doesn't its a reward to killers the entire time if they kick. And while I get the design idea of you should buff things up rather then nerf. You have to at some point nerf things down to remove incentive. Because no matter how many times you buff things to promote roaming and kicking and regression. Until you actively nerf the tunneling scene. It wont go away you only give them even more tools to use after they tunnel someone out.
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It's literally only gen defence perks and genrush perks, proxy camping and tunneling
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Hook grabbing was removed, we got the anti face camp mechanic, 3 genning was removed, HUD, inbuild BT, etc.
And yet, i see a lot of these threads. Complaining about the devs not caring for survivors, since the newest PTB doesn´t have anything for survivors...
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Given that the solo escape rate is at the spot that devs wants it to be and their tendency to rely on stats to make their game balance decisions, perhaps they're just treating the solo queue complaints as the loud minority?
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the game is super unfun for survivors as it is, and the killer playerbase keeps putting pressure on BHVR and gaslighting survivors into make the game easier and easier for killers white survivor gets more unfun and unfair. they want survivors to start the game already on the hook and to not have any perks
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I for one have an absolute blast playing SoloQ and shall therefore disregard this problem entirely, for that's how it works.
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Don’t forget they literally just had a Survivor Mid Chapter with Alan Wake and a very strong perk. But I guess they won’t be happy until they get a new broken perk like MFT that rewards them for getting injured or a new CoH that lets them reset as much as they want.
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Absolutely. And i´m sure the upcoming survivor will have a strong meta perk. So i don´t understand all the complaints. When survivor is in a great spot.
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Are you referring to CoL? A week after release literally noone is playing that perk anymore. But sure its a strong perk. Sigh.
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It is a strong perk. People don’t use it because most survivors are bad and don’t know how to time flashlights.
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No, for sure.
The devs don't hold any responsibility for the state of their own game.
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that's definitely not the higher MMR solo surv experience :D
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Game is in a much better state than few years ago when Survivors had stupid strong stuff (insta bnp, insta heal, old DS, old DH, infinite loops, saboing all hooks on the map without respawning, being able to deny one killer from his power by perma saboing traps, instablinds etc.). Not to mention old vault "speed" of killers, old pick up and old pallet break animations for killers. It took years and a rapid decline in killer population to flatten things out. Game is in a much healthier state now that Survivors lost their god-like state. They are still pretty strong in a coordinated group or even as 4 decent solos. Solo can be frustrating at times, but it's not as bad as people portray it (39% or whatever the escape rate was is still fine). I think the overall problem with DBD is that the game just gets dull after some time. Which is normal, considering it is almost 8 years old. New chapters don't create any sort of hype for me since several years now. There is no real innovation in Killer powers anymore (okay, maybe Singularity) and the playstyle overall gets repetitive. This is why I stopped playing the game. Oh, and the new Killer looks like #########. Cheers Bhvr!
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It's not balanced tho you're always fighting an uphill battle, in solo q I already know before game start I have 80% chance of not escaping, for us who played solo years ago before 6.1 and before DS gutting it's night and day, tunneling has never been so easy/effective
balance isn't everything anyway, the fun is gone, to answer thread yes it's ruined and devs are doubling down with every patch, I check patchnotes just in case and it's always more disappointment, silly things like massive huntress buffs
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Just because the kill rate is "LITERALLY RIGHT WHERE THE DEVS WANT IT TO BE", doesn't mean it isn't absolutely miserable to play. Also, the fact people talk about the "power role" says a lot. It's a party game, not a game people should come home from and "feel powerful". Furthermore, you say that playing killer is difficult. It has never been easier as killer. You can consistently get a 2k for doing nothing. Killer mains want 4k5gens every match but don't realise that's not balance. A 2k every match is a draw, which means the matchmaking is working as intended.
MFT shouldn't have been a thing...yet killers get consistent speed increases. All the while making maps smaller, although this can have issues with making pallet density higher, it is usually a buff. The mangled change is a double edged sword. Survivors may choose to wait it out, but then they are 1 shot.
You talk about the decline of killer population, and yet don't see the same thing happening to survivor. Is it any wonder why in most areas survivor is consistently at +100% bloodpoint bonus? How can this be that the game is in a much better state?
My take as a player since 2016:
What I would ask from the audience is "are you enjoying playing the game currently?". For me it is no longer enjoyable to play the game in solo queue as intended. I am purely completing tomes, and then just going on chases and annoying the killer. After 3k hours I'm sick of holding M1 on gens, and with all the current regression perks it is even more miserable. The hope of escape is gone, and knowing that I will get killed realistically 7/10 games, doesn't interest me anymore. I'd rather just make my own fun, and die on my own terms.
On the other hand, killer has never been easier. I can meme all game, eat all the pallets, and still camp/tunnel to a 2k (balanced) if I REALLY need to. It is actually beyond a joke that one side feels so horrible to play, while the other side is so simple.
6.1 was the vertex of survivor fun, and it has only been downhill from there. In the end, I just want a game that is challenging, and fun, but survivor DBD is missing the fun aspect. 🤔
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No, not really in my experience. For reasons others have already stated.
BHVR can't fix bad players (teammates) and selfish players.
"Got a killer I don't like? I got downed quickly? Well I'm gonna self sacrifice, good luck everybody else!" happens way too often.
Survivors are messing it up for other survivors. Those asking for BHVR to "fix it" are basically asking "change everything the killer players have that survivors find as an inconvenience because otherwise they're gonna refuse to play the match normally."
It's a player mindset problem not a balance one, and the only people who can fix that is survivors themselves. Idk about others but I don't think that's happening.
They can maybe do some QOL but that's not going to change the core of the problem.
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I’ve been playing since about 2018, always solo survivor and it’s definitely the least fun I’ve had as a survivor. It usually depends on who I’m paired with, which is usually three complete morons.
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No I'm doing fine. Still escaping the majority of my games.
Also it's kind of disingenuous to exclude half the other sides of your points.
Yes Blight's addon got buffed, but the rest of them all got nerfed.
Yes Mangled got buffed (ages ago), but it's been nerfed again on the PTB
Yes gen kicks are 5%, but they are limited now
Yes killers got some perk changes, but so did survivors (Deja Vu in particular)
STBFL is barely even run anymore. Saying it maintained its impact when it's now only useful on a few killers, and killers that are already low tier mind you, is kind of silly.
If you need the DH/DS combo or MFT to have fun then it doesn't seem like you care about balance and just want easy wins. It's like a killer saying Eruption was peak DBD. DH/DS was miserable for killers. (DS should be buffed back to 5 seconds, or at the least 4 seconds though)
No matter how much they buff survivor, it will never fix the mentality of the player base. Survivors could only have to stand still next to each other for 10 seconds to instantly win and yet people would still find some way to mess that up.
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killer-wise, my matches are mostly fair and I don't feel like I'm being mismatched. I don't expect to get out every match or to be able to loop every killer, some players are just better.
however, I don't escape much and it's usually related to my solo queue team being as inefficient as possible and playing in a manner that's flat out detrimental to the macro of the match
so for me, solo queue sucks
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I am a survivor main that consistently ends up in Iri rank, I have quite a few hours in the (2k ish) and I've had to take a step back from the game. I normally play by myself and I am tired of being beaten into the ground. I currently play more Overwatch than DBD, seriously.
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Not sure if you're aware but rank/grade doesn't really indicate anything besides you played a lot that month.
For matchmaking purposes you could be with the baby players while iri or be with the top while ash or brown because you didn't play much that particular month.
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I wouldn't go as far as to say the survivor experience is ruined, but the role has suffered a bit in recent updates.
MMR has a really negative impact on your trials, some maps have far too many deadzones, perks that didn't require nerfs but got nerfed anyway, and the list goes on.
Not terrible, but survivor isn't the best it has ever been.
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I 100% agree with you
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Anti face camping is a worthless system as it hardly resolved anything. The 3 genning tech is rarely used yet the killers got a 2.5% increase to kicks regardless so in the end it buffed them more in every other instance that isnt 3 genning. I could list a ton of things killers have gotten over the many patches as well. The issue people have it that the yare removing risks from everything yet leaving rewards. And other issues that have been long standing just get ignored entirely or they get such below average compensation IE the anti face camp and 3 gens tech that it is a slap in the face to the players.