Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Unknown Feedback



  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Don't see myself playing this killer at all. He is mid in everything, extremely predictable and UVX is easy to dodge in most places. His addons probably even worse than PH has, there are like 4-5 not awful/useless addons. His skill ceiling is very low and his gameplay is insanely boring and clunky. You give direct hit with UVX to survivor and it just bounce off him and don't give weakened, like whaaaat???? I don't even wanna play for adept, tbh, he is just zzzzzzz.

    This killer asks to help him whole match, and he really needs it.

  • Member Posts: 1,145

    Doesn't matter what people choose to play. Strictly speaking from a stat index it's viable. Just because the community doesn't embrace it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Never see any carrier builds either, but it exists and it's pretty brutal to play against. Same with skill check counter builds. Same with obsession swapping builds.

    I'm not basing my analysis on the meta. I'm basing it on the raw interaction of the perk. Just because thwack isn't interesting to you doesn't mean someone playing hillbilly isn't going to see the combination of it and his add-ons. Same as trapper - a 4.6 m/s killer that's already quite easy to play - running autoset and bloody coil with window vaults now granting movement speed killer shack is all but lost if someone gets trapped. Nurses running friends till the end and nemesis are also not common. Doesn't mean it doesn't combo. And there are a lot of combos that don't get utilized. Like locker bunny huntress. I never see people run dredge's perk on her for faster locker interactions, but her and trickster can benefit massively from it.

    But if you think corrupt intervention, pop goes the weasel, pain resonance, and BBQ chili are the only way to play right since that is basically the meta then you do you. I run sole survivor left behind and object of obsession as survivor for players like that. Makes avoiding them very easy.

  • Member Posts: 3,380
  • Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2024

    If a thing barely happens, then it's not a problem and does not need to be addressed. It's a fun outlier otherwise. An interesting blip in sea of meta perks. Let people have fun with their dumb niche haste build that absolutely is not going to win games.

  • Member Posts: 80

    I honestly think the killer is great from a survivor's perspective. I haven't gotten the opportunity to play him because I want to dump a lot of bloodpoints into him but the counterplay feels pretty good, in fact maybe a little too good? A good Unknown can really mess up a team and force a lot of pressure with well-aimed UVX shots. Haven't gotten a chance to check out his perks yet though. Power is cool :D

  • Member Posts: 37

    UVX must not hit through the walls. This particular feature feels unfair. When the killer know survivors check spots, he just slams ricochet into the wall and call it a day. Whole looping and 50/50 tiles concepts cant exist without hugging the walls, but now you can't because his power get you through the walls. Imagine playing vs Unknown with I'm All Ears. You can add lethal.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Hes too strong, what? You clearly haven't played against/as him enough to realize that yet. Its basically impossible to beat him if you dont know how to stare him down and dodge properly.

    What im wondering is why why is his kit so big? His teleporting method is very balanced and i like how you need to go to where u want a hallucination, but the dispel action is very punishing if he teleports to you while dispelling. The UVX blast i'd say has a good radius, but people injured by a blast basically have to restart staring down, and his power cooldown is very forgiving for a large ranged attack.

    A few small fixes could be to: remove weakened when you dispel a hallucination, don't allow tping to the hallucination but give killer instict or a notification when its destroyed. For his weakened being completely recharged after an injure with the blast, just decrease the added time to the stare down timer, or just remove weakened completely when a health state is lost.

  • Member Posts: 488

    Playing as the Unknown was more fun than I thought.

    Visually still not mine

    The steps sound normal for a killer who has twisted legs.

    But it's funny to play as walking mortar. The woods restrict a bit my angles. But huntress and clown have the same issue.

    I can mostly hit onetime but its harder to get the second hit before the first runs out. Need more practice.

    Mori is not my favorite the begin is nice but then it's just the killer pov with tentacles.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The UVX ranged power is too much. It shouldn't be able to down survivors. Chases against this killer are not fun, and usually end fast because of this power. I saw way too many early 4ks on day 1 of this killer being out.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2024

    It's quite entertaining to read how the feedback here is that the new killer is too weak, even from more experienced players.

    Well, in Dead by Daylight it often takes even longer than in other games for the average player to really understand the potential of a character.

    The new killer will rank in the A+ range after people have learned to play.

    A 115% ms range (aoe) killer that has both slowdown and map control built in. Top Tier. People have to learn it first.

    Edit: The visual design of the killer is fantastic. The sounds and animations and chase music are also great. I'm impressed.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Weakness should be cleansed once a survivor is damaged from a blast and the blast shouldn't be able to clip through walls

  • Member Posts: 18

    My feedback;

    He's an interesting killer. But I feel like his pick rate will drop off pretty heavily soon. His power is too punishing. Being that it takes 3 hits of uvx to down, AND it's very easy for survivors to remove .. he would feel so much better to play with less of a cool down on his uvx. If they functioned more like blights rush tokens, that would go a long way.

    For instance, if the uvx could be used several times With something closer to a basic attack cooldown, and then a longer cool down when that's exhausted.. that would be so much better. And still give ample room for survivor counterplay

  • Member Posts: 121
  • Member Posts: 74

    There needs to be a reward for hitting people directly with his power. Its actually silly, that it literally does nothing. Other than that he is super fun to play with and I love his teleport ability. Also, i would suggest there only being a teleport cooldown for the husk he teleports to instead of all of them being on cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2024

    While using The Unknown, I noticed some specs and techniques that weren't mentioned in the in-game instructions.

    Among these, there is one thing that seems to be still "the unknown" to many players, even though it is super extremely important.

    It is, while a survivor performs the dispel action to hallucinations, that hallucinations will shake.

    The Unknown can tell by watching carefully hallucinations' auras, that they are in the middle of being dispelled from the survivors.

    If The Unknown immediately teleports towards the hallucinations began to shake, The Unknown can interrupt survivor's dispel action, and inflicts Weakened State to that survivor.

    Moreover, The Unknown will be able to easily inflict double consecutive damage from "UVX blast -> melee attack" on that survivors, which will be a very advantageous.

    This technique will become known to many players sooner or later, also I don't think it's impossible for survivors to counter The Unknown's this technique.

    However, I am concerned that survivors without knowledge of this technique from The Unknown, will be at a huge disadvantage, and the gap between players will become too large.

    I think it would be fairer to many players of the game properly explained important points like this.

    * I'm not good speaking English. Thank you for reading.

    Post edited by JDecker on
  • Member Posts: 1,382

    It's funny because he already has the fourth highest kill rate in the game according to nightlight. People will say "well survivors don't know how to counter him yet". To which I say killers haven't had time to master him yet either. I personally don't think he's weak at all. There's a huge difference between a skilled Unknown and a guy who can't aim to save his life. I've run into quite a bit of both and I can definitely say he isn't weak when the person playing him is actually good.

  • Member Posts: 566
    edited March 2024

    The Unkwnon is not so weak, although i would suggest some small tweaks to make him more acessible:

    Make his time to charge his power 0,5s -> having to wait 1,0s just to charge his power is too much.

    Make his cooldown 5 seconds (instead of 6s) -> the window to hit a survivor would be bigger without being too much oppresive.

    Direct hits with power could apply Weakened if the survivor is not Weakened, BUT NEVER HARM. Would make direct hits more rewarding, since the 6% slowdown for 3s is hard to get value.

    I would sugest some changes to counter his power, but i think its fine since cleasing the infection is quite easy i would say (specially considering it still go down even after you turn a corner) and his hallucinations can be erased easily as well.

    Post edited by Rickprado on
  • Member Posts: 4,142

    The counterplay to The Unknown is too obnxious.

    It's a tradeoff, I get it. Either let the killer have good map control or give the killer free passive game slowdown trying to dispel.

    Here's the thing. It's not just good map control, it's stupidly strong and oppressive map control. Dispelling is often a MUST. Now add on top of that minutes of blindness and/or exhaustion every time you dispel (thanks to addons). Now get interrupted and immediately lose a health state because the killer pushed a button. (How does the killer know WHEN I'm dispelling and WHICH hallucination I'm interacting with??)

    If hallucinations are going to remain such a strong mechanic, then remove the Unknown's ability to teleport to hallucinations that are being actively dispelled. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • Member Posts: 337

    Imagine a Nurse 2.0 release today.

    The vast majority would not understand the potential or would not give it the time.

    As a nurse, you won't only do 4k's after the first 5 games. It will take you longer. But that's no longer in today. You want the regular 4k's after 3 games at the latest, ideally straight away.

    As I said, I'm looking forward to the first Unknown mains being created and streaming on Twitch.

    This killer is anything but weak, especially if it stays like this (explosion radius through walls etc.). For those who are having a very difficult time here, compare it directly to singularity. If the stronger answer still tends towards the singularity, unfortunately there is really nothing that can be done to help.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    This killer is garbage to play against.

    Sable is perfect and the art of the killer is cool but the abilities are garbage.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    Some preliminary feedback and suggestions ("preliminary" meaning I entertain the possibility that my impressions are overly premature and that more practice as and against the killer can change them):

    For the good stuff: Visual and audio design are great. I like the voice, the terror and chase music, and while I thought the killer would mostly feel and look silly in trials, it does actually make for a fairly unsettling design. It strikes that midpoint between goofy and eerie, which is a sweet spot for an alien creature. It is reminiscent to me of Killer Klowns from Outer Space, where the combination of silly antics and gratuitous violence seems similarly unsettling. I would actually not be surprised if that movie specifically was some sort of inspiration in the designing process - we know from Dredge for instance that BHVR likes to reference/pay homage to/copy from more obscure horror movies (1985's House, in that case), and the UVX being a pink projectile with those silly sound effects that also leaves survivors pink (like the cotton candy in Killer Klowns) seems just a bit too uncanny of a resemblance. That is on top of course of the Unknown itself already being reminiscent of the Killer Klowns - an alien in a distorted, grotesque humanoid housing, big sinister smile and all. Anyway, while the in-trial animations don't make it appear merely silly (like Demo for example), it is a bit disappointing that none of the weird, twitchy, jerky, bendy animations we can see in the lobby really made it into the trial animation loop. Or the crawling, for that matter. Would make it more pointedly "alien".

    The ranged projectile hit and teleportation abilities are nothing at all groundbreaking and don't add anything really new or uniquely engaging to the game. The bouncing of the projectile could be something novel but mechanically it really doesn't change much, it would have to be more pronounced and controlled to really constitute part of the power's mechanics. As it is, it's basically just a normal projectile "with an extra step", that is also generally more of a hindrance than it enables the killer to make interesting shots work. The instant teleportation definitely feels great, although we have plenty teleporting killers in the game already, and with Dredge and Hag (and I suppose Spirit's and Nurse's "return to original position" add-ons) even some that do so instantly as well. The "look at the killer" counterplay does add something uniquely engaging however, and it's something I've been wanting in the game for a long time. Obviously there's Ghostface, but apart from its implementation in that case being very clunky (sometimes you can't break him out of Shroud even when you're both right out in the open, sometimes you break him out while not being able to see him at all), it isn't really something that happens fluidly and continually in chases. With the Unknown, we now have that interesting and engaging dynamic of needing to look at the killer as much as possible while in a chase, and it seems fairly consistent to me so far.

    There is however a bit too large a disparity in my opinion between the time it generally takes a survivor to lose Weakened and the time it takes UVX to recharge. On paper, it is 10 seconds for the former and 7 for the latter, but since line-of-sight is regularly broken and since UVX can hit through walls, it is much more typical that it takes upwards of twice the base time to lose Weakened, allowing for around 3 attempts to hit the survivor after applying Weakened. If they get hit, the Weakened state is even prolonged by another 6 seconds (although I'm not sure whether this is added on top of any remaining Weakened amount or simply sets it to 6 seconds). In either case, I feel this (along with the large hitzone and object-penetrating aspect) makes the ability a tad too oppressive, and the 6 seconds of Weakened incurred by consecutive hits if anything shows that it is plenty to still be able to follow up with a shot on. This leads me to multiple possible adjustments that could alleviate the oppressiveness of the UVX, any or a mix of which could be adequate.

    The first suggestion is simple: Reduce the time to lose Weakened to 7 seconds. This means the killer will generally get 1 guaranteed follow-up shot, but only more if they can keep out of the survivor's sight enough, with the survivor having the opportunity to prevent further follow-ups with good camera control and movement and risky pathing. You will have stats on this, but I suspect it will still on average result in the possibility of two follow-up shots on a Weakened survivor, which seems fine as opposed to the average of 3 I suspect it is currently.

    Another suggestion is that looking at and/or dispelling Hallucinations also drains Weakened from survivors.

    Something else could be the possibility that the amount of Weakened a survivor has determines within which radius of the blast zone they suffer damage, outside of which they merely suffer Hindered (the strength and/or duration of which could also scale with the amount of Weakened at the time of impact).

    Or simply removing the part where a survivor injured by an UVX suffers another 6 seconds of Weakened.

    A more ambitious adjustment would be to the mechanics of the projectile itself. Instead of being able to ready and hold the shot, pressing M2 would automatically charge and shoot the projectile wherever the killer is aiming after it has finished charging. This would make it more difficult to hit survivors/enable survivors to dodge more proactively and it would also remove the - likewise fairly oppressive - ability of the Unknown to zone survivors with the threat of the shot, not least due the possibility of simply cancelling it. It would also remedy another thing that may be considered an issue, namely the ability to hold and then cancel the shot in order to place Hallucinations in locations of one's choosing. In turn, you should then add a trajectory indicator for the UVX projectile, that shows both the point of impact and the bounce trajectory. You could even make it so that the killer can manually detonate the projectile at will at any point within its flight. This would add unique and engaging mechanics that are also fun to use, while balancing the UVX a bit.

    For the teleportation part of the power, the only adjustment I would like to see (apart maybe from automatically dispelling any priorly-placed Hallucination upon hooking a survivor within 12m of that hook) is that the killer cannot teleport to a Hallucination that is currently being dispelled, if the dispelling survivor is in chase state. This would add a semblance of counterplay to teleports in chase. I also think survivors should be able to look around while dispelling, but that is a secondary concern.

    Alternatively, the animations and sound cues for teleporting could give more of a warning that it is about to happen, enabling survivors to react a bit better without having to essentially gamble on a coinflip.

    There are also other things that can be tinkered with to try and tone down the oppressiveness of Unknown's chase of course, such as movement speeds while readying a shot, shooting, and after having done so or having cancelled the shot.

    There could also be buffs in other respects to compensate, such as the ability to break pallets and walls with the UVX. Direct hits on survivors could also be a little more impactful, interrupting interactions, afflicting a greater Hindered effect, reducing the UVX recharge time for the next shot, or the like.

    Unbound and Unforeseen are pretty decent perks, but Undone needs to have a different activation stipulation than survivors missing skill checks, over which the killer has next to no agency. I think it gaining tokens whenever an Exhaustion perk is triggered would make for an interesting condition.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    My feedback is the spray or "UVX" has a AOE that can feel a bit unfair at times.

    It has the ability to hit you through walls which while I accept this with a killer such as say Pyramid Head where there is at least some precision and prediction required, the very generous feeling AOE makes it feel very spray and pray and it doesn't feel very good getting downed by this.

  • Member Posts: 448

    idk that I find him weak as others mention nor is he strong but I find the play style of zoning someone while your power recharges just to get the down or weakened to be pretty bland. If I'm at an unsafe loop I'm dead cause he'll hold me, if I leave to another loop I'm likely still dead before I make it cause he'll just hit me with generous splash guy in my last match just stood there and waited til he could use power...

    between SM, knight and now this guy this play style is becoming so common and feels awful when you go down cause it's like ######### am I supposed to do at some of these tiles?

  • Member Posts: 385

    Does the UVX AOE shot have a lingering hitbox? I ask because I dodged one once and then ran back into it as the purple visual effect was almost completely dissipated. If so I feel like this is a bit unnecessary since it is already an AoE shot. It doesn't really need a extra short period of area of denial on top of it.

    Also I think that if a survivors is weakened and they get hit by a UVX shot, it shouldn't reset their progress towards removing weakened.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    It happens often enough for me to question it.

    I still don't think it should be able to teleport during the dispel process if dispelling them is such a crucial requirement from the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    The only thing I donโ€™t agree with on this comment respectfully is โ€œit shouldnโ€™t reset their progress towards removing weakenedโ€

    I feel it and because youโ€™re being exposed the UVX once more. You made contact with it.

    (I donโ€™t know how to quote people so I had to make my own quotes lol. If someone could teach me how to do that on hereโ€

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    I disagree. By this logic, this should apply to Onyro. Shutting off her TVโ€™s I would debate are more important than dispelling an illusion thus saying

    โ€œSadako shouldnโ€™t be able to teleport while the survivor is interacting with a TVโ€

    1) TVs are a threat to generators

    2) Tv builds condemn. Which can kill you.

    3) tv transports sadako around the map.

    Hallucinations are just a means of the unknown getting around. Potentially cutting off survivors if theyโ€™re not paying attention.

    I do believe he should be able to.

  • Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2024

    That's how BHVR designs killers nowadays.

    Knight, SM, Chucky, Alien, and now this Unknown.

    This one seems to be more like an Artist 2.0 which is another killer with the same characteristics as those above, where you feel you have no chances at loops because it doesn't matter what are you do, you'll keep going down for "free".


  • Member Posts: 385

    I thought about it a bit more and I think you are probably correct that it should reset. Otherwise it would be kind of pointless for the killer to bother with using their power on an injured survivors unless they are at a very strong tile. Though I do think there are concerns about how limited survivors options are in countering him right now.

    Perhaps making the Unknowns recovery time longer or reduced movement speed duration after a shot longer could be a good way to address this. This would reward survivors for managing to successfully dodge his AoE attacks. Though too much of a nerf would make him less smooth and fun to play so there needs to be a bit of a delicate balance there.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2024

    And if Sadako teleports to a TV that a survivor is interacting with, she has to spend time crawling out and has no camera control.

    There is no time to react to Unknown teleporting right to you during a dispel and it has instant control over its body and camera. The survivor is getting hit if the hallucination is not next to a window, pallet, or another survivor willing to tank a hit.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I came here and make an account just to tell you guys that the Unknown is broken with an easy playstyle. I just need to shoot a jumping bomb twice to hit someone, and if surv try to loop me, just teleport backwards. Its broken

  • Member Posts: 479
    edited March 2024

    Generally, The Unknown's gameplay loop is fun and interesting! There are areas of gameplay where Unknown can be very strong, especially if the power is used well and wisely. But playing poorly feels very punishing, between the long M2 cooldown.

    I think missing shots as Unknown is incredibly punishing, and it's a relatively easy-to-dodge projectile at long distance; at short distance, it can be difficult to get good angles to shoot over things. Weakened feels like it wears off pretty fast, but if The Unknown is really accurate and clever, and is good at breaking line of sight rather than gunning down the survivor in open sightlines, buffing the duration could feel incredibly oppressive. Especially for indoor maps!

    The power is best for medium range. The best hits are good trick shots with bouncing, which are just coming with time.

    Reducing the shot cooldown time can make good players incredibly oppressive, enabling the Killer to walk down with an M2 and immediately follow up with an M1 whether or not the Survivor dodges the power.

    If I come upon an injured Survivor, I often don't even try to use UVX because the risk of the time sink that it takes to get two whole UVX hits in and potentially missing is way too great - despite the fact that UVX hits and more simultaneously Weakened survivors increases Hallucination spawn rates. I think it may be an issue when there are more instances where it can feel like it's not worth the risk of using the projectile.

    This is a very similar problem that plagues Twins in their current state: often, the risk of lost time that can come with missing an attack with your power is so punishing that some players can feel like it's better not to use the power at all. Unknown's power is definitely worth using if you play well and are accurate, though.

    The best proposal I can think of is what if Direct UVX Hits could weaken but not injure? That way it can make the two-part hit feel less risky and encourage more M2 shots, on top of the bonus Weakened duration for landing a successful M2 injury. (Enabling direct hits to injure while also having to worry about the blast zones may be too oppressive, so that's why I think excluding direct hit injuries could be a good idea.)

  • Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2024

    Perfect and I absolutely love the Unknown in everyway as both sides. Juking the power is rewarding. Landing bouncing trickshots, snipes, through-wall shots are incredibly satisfying. The weakened status so far feels like it is in a good spot with time it times to remove, the refresh on injure, and ability to hide to maximise your time to shoot. Maybe things will change as survivors learn the counterplay and get good with jukes and weakness removal, but for now it feels fun and balanced. Since release, I have not been able to put the Unknown down and return to my main, they're just that fun and there's so much potential with them to be discovered.

    I really don't understand the obsession with direct hits, the power is the explosion and you should be aiming for that, not a direct hit. If you get a direct hit, consider where you could've aimed instead to have landed the explosion. Sure, that's going to be a learning curve if you try to play them like huntress, but they're not huntress, nor would I want them to be.

    Post edited by drwilburdaffodil on
  • Member Posts: 438

    The thing is, it's like Dredge or Demo teleport. Making it so when a survivor gets caught out trying to remove their traversal (Dredge locks and Demo Seal) they stop the ability fully, it would be too strong on the survivors side.

    I know the Unknown's tp is instant, but if he rolls the dice and happens to stop a survivor, it be what it be.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I've played a couple of games and I believe this killer is quite overwhelming against newer players... as your games go on and you get better players, he feels kinda sad to play... the window to injure survivors with your ability is quite small and it signals you to use your M1 instead... The Weakness is going down quite easily, therefore, better Players will destroy this killer in the lobbys and he won't get any good Results... the Halluzinations are still too close to the hook and it allows to teleport back instantly with tunneling the unhooked survivor out of the game... It's quite boring to play as him as he is not really good in injuring survivors within the small window When they dodge every little UVX Projectile.. killer Seems to have the Problem as noob Stopper and being boring and not fun to play as when playing against better survivors... you won't get any great results in medium and high mmr lobbys...

    I feel sorry to say that but I am quite disappointed now since I saw his potential or to be honest his not-potential

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2024

    "I know the Unknown's tp is instant, but if he rolls the dice and happens to stop a survivor, it be what it be."

    ...Too strong on the killer side.

    Demogorgon takes time to exit, giving the survivor a chance to react. Locking Dredge's lockers has a very small window for him to interrupt, so it's balanced.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    False. Unknown teleports to hallucination and does not have immediate control or camera control. There are addons he has to use to help him get 50% of his control back though.

  • Member Posts: 41

    On the survivor side of things, on console, if a hallucination is near a pallet, even if I don't have the hallucination in view it seems to prioritize getting rid of the hallucination than drop/vault - which in chase is a death sentence.

    Twice today I've had it where I was healthy and in chase, tried to drop a pallet and got sucked into the hallucination action instead, which allowed the unknown to hit me and also interrupt the action automatically giving me the blob - which is easy to down with because he'd be able to use his purple blobby attack immediately. I had to get off early after that happened 2 games in a row ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    This is an issue with controller mapping. On keyboard/mouse the buttons to throw pallets and dispel are different.

  • Member Posts: 614

    I'm not sure if this is a skill issue or not but I'd really like to be able to look all the way down as The Unknown.

    If a survivor body checks me while I'm holding my power there's nothing I can do about it.

    If I shoot at the surv's feet

    1. Direct hit (Does nothing)
    2. Projectile bounces of the floor away from survivor
    3. Can't swing my axe while recovering from power

    If I cancel my power

    1. Can't swing my axe for 2ish seconds
    2. MS decreases while the survivor gains distance and/ or uses resources

    If the survivor is in a dead zone all of this doesn't matter that much, but if somebody bumps into you while looping it feels awful.

    Being within chest bump range of the killer is supposed to be the worst place to be

  • Member Posts: 5

    yeah, if you consider hitting those shots "skill" fine, have it your way haha

  • Member Posts: 5

    yeah i did, if you consider making those shots as "skill" okay, have it your way bro

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2024

    The bounce mechanic is fun. I also play Meet your Maker, so I am used to bounce shots (there is a weapon that acts the same way)

    It would be helpful if UVX projectile was a bit more visually discernible from the explosion. Sometimes it's hard to learn what/why certain shots worked (ie see where it bounced off and what it exploded on).

    I enjoy everything about Unknown's teleport system!

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