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Feedback and Suggestions

Delete this pain res grim dms pop meta



  • Member Posts: 213

    I will die on this hill out of bias or not but Pop’s current state is simply fine. It rewards you for playing well and on its own it’s perfect balanced. It doesn’t do much if multiple people work on different gens, or if people commit to a gen, and yet when it works, it works well. There are many ways to go against pop, but the main point is this. Pop isn’t the problem, not by itself, it’s part of a larger issue of balancing. That issue being balancing around solo queue games, and SWFs

  • Member Posts: 120

    Wonder if you’d think the same for regression perks and make it so the game is more chase oriented 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 213

    I would love a chase oriented game, however so much of the game would need to be fully redesigned to keep it fresh and interesting, as well as maintaining balance.

    also, exhaustion perks are balanced (excluding adrenaline) some may be stronger than others both they act as chase extenders, and are also a necessity. Also not to being slowdown perks as I am absolutely for slowdown perks, but exhaustion perks are already balanced in the fact you only can use one exhaustion perk. Running multiple is just pointless.

  • Member Posts: 120

    How is adren not balanced that’s like the one thing I don’t get it’s a one time use for endgame. Sure you can get a health state and sprint burst but it’s something that only happens when you make it to endgame. Realistically speaking if you get a small reward from a perk for making it to endgame survivor side who would want to run the perk it’s why you see more adren over something like hope it rewards them better for making it endgame and up until that point they’ve basically been playing with just 3 perks

  • Member Posts: 213

    I was talking about adrenaline overriding current exhaustion in that discussion. It is the strongest most oppressive exhaustion perk, but balanced cause it activates one time, and only at the end. It’s a “win-more” perk at times, but it can clutch up games no other perk can

    strong? Very, do I love it? Absolutely

  • Member Posts: 133

    I play the vast majority of my games as a survivor main in solo Q, tunneling is not as common as people tell. Around 1 game out of 4 or 5. Then if you hard tunnel with pain res/grim embrace, you litteraly delay the value of the perks in the game.

    Then the problem is the hard tunneling, not the gen slowdown/regression perks. But that is off topic.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    What are we supposed to run instead? Everything else has been gutted. I’d love to run other more fun perks but most are bad. Those perks are also only giving value if the killer is playing well and getting constant downs and playing fairly spreading hooks for that matter.

    Losing a game that I played perfectly but only because I brought the wrong perks is a bad feeling.

  • Member Posts: 120

    How do you think losing a game because pop and pain res feels. Those two perks carry killers alone and that’s only half of the killers perk slots. For those two perks to be as strong as they are and paired together is already bad enough but there is a meta making them that much more unbearable. Individually I don’t mind perk pain res but when paired together they are problematic especially considering that there’s two more perk slots which are more than likely going to be something that slowdown progress or drags on the game

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I don’t think anyone is losing just because of pop and pain res because if they are constantly getting those that often then it means the killer is not only playing fairly but also playing better than the survivors since he’s getting so many downs. A bad killer isn’t getting value out of those.

    Also to my point, what are we supposed to be running instead?

  • Member Posts: 120

    even best top survivors will go down it’s unavoidable and personally I like that a game where you’re just not to go down is a bad one in my personal opinion. Killers could tunnel out a weak link early and get value out of pop and a pain res and also have pressure by having someone out of the match. Going down in dbd like I said is something that meant to happen it wouldn’t be fun otherwise imo I’ll want to be chased and I’ll win some and lose some I don’t mind that I’m fine with being outplayed and outplaying someone but if the game implies that I just need to not go down to win or I played poorly just wouldn’t be fun. It won’t be fun if a killer can’t get a down and personally I don’t think the game would be fun if I never went down as survivor but losing a game because of something that’s meant to happen for people to even want to play seems so silly

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    Better solutions for anti-camping than giving free slowdown upon moving away from the hook for all of 3 seconds before returning to camp:

    Increasing hook state timers so it wasn't more effective for killers to stare at a hook than it is to go actually chase and pressure gens.

    Not creating perks that synergize with camping and tunneling someone out of the match asap.

    Buffing anti-camp / anti-tunnel perks so they aren't laughably bad.

    Removing basement or add more entrances as its a boring relic of an era when sabo'd hooks didn't respawn.

  • Member Posts: 120

    It isn’t killers are only focused on defending gens and survivors rushing them it’s not chase oriented in fact survivors are the main ones running perks for chase while killers are running regression

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