The Unknown Feedback



  • Kmiccc
    Kmiccc Member Posts: 5

    yeah, if you consider hitting those shots "skill" fine, have it your way haha

  • Kmiccc
    Kmiccc Member Posts: 5

    yeah i did, if you consider making those shots as "skill" okay, have it your way bro

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177
    edited March 16

    The bounce mechanic is fun. I also play Meet your Maker, so I am used to bounce shots (there is a weapon that acts the same way)

    It would be helpful if UVX projectile was a bit more visually discernible from the explosion. Sometimes it's hard to learn what/why certain shots worked (ie see where it bounced off and what it exploded on).

    I enjoy everything about Unknown's teleport system!

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    The teleport is easily the strongest part in his kit and destroys solos. The hallucinations are much more than slowdown. They are map control. If left unchecked he can lock down an area and ambush on the other side of the map. Managing and using these is his skill ceiling though the way the hallucinations drop seems kind of clunky and opaque to be fair. This killer can play really dirty.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 254

    After playing well over 150 Matches as this killer....

    I am very frustrated.

    The amount of effort I have put into learning him with over 5k hours just isn't working. Which is shocking since even singularity felt better than this.

    His power is just SUPER unrewarding and easy to get rid of, but only specifically against good survivors.

    Nearly every chase I play goes like this. I get them weakened, try to align the next shot, they dodge, I wait out the dodge, then I shoot and their weakened goes away right before I hit them. There just simply isn't enough time, and the fact that they keep removing the weakened around walls after looking away, and the fact that it goes away in just 10 seconds is insane.

    It's suffering the same fate as release rework trickster with the 10 second laceration timer. There just simply isn't enough time to follow up another shot.

    I think the best fix without making him overpowered would be to make it take 15 seconds to remove weakened. Just like how trickster had the laceration increase to 15 seconds from 10, and it really helped a lot!

    Other than this, he is really fun to play as the trick shots are nice! Survivors are just mostly not hugging walls anymore though so those are becoming pretty rare. He may suffer the same fate as pig where they think he will be too strong and not get the buffs he deserves.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,493

    So I tried to get Undone to work. Doctor, Distressing, Coulphobia, Merciless Storm on Midwich. Even being able to cover the map with the TR to try to force skillcheck saves getting to 30 stacks just isn't going to happen.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    Eh, I just disagree. I've also been playing a lot of matches as the new killer. And I've been finding the power super rewarding, especially since you refresh the weakened on an injure now and are rewarded with more time for landing your shots and not taking the free m1 when it is offered. Sure some players have been good at juking the power, especially mid range, but having to earn your downs is where the fun is at. Usually the juke costs them distance anyhow. It is super satisfying landing the UVX in the short window as it feels fast paced and like your skill matters. There's enough time for one shot, which is somewhat similar to artist, missing it does deserve the weakness removal as punishment.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 136

    Can’t agree with players that his power is dodgable and thus- weak. It doesn’t matter if you dodge it because using it strategically pushes player to unsafe place - easy m1.

    I find problematic his proxycamping/back to hook/tunneling potential which by not much surprise manifests vehemently during matches. His hallucinations can spawn too close to the hook however taking them out before unhooking in case of proxy camp can cost survivor dearly- killer teleports to it- weakened+m1 is a guarantee. But if not removed…well, we know how that goes.

    His blast going through walls and ceilings is just too much.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 17

    So why is my idea bad? Literally everything is rougher on solos. Yes the hallucinations are more than just slow down, that sounds good to me. While yes there is a tiny/very clunky bit of control you can use to their placement, they are generally speaking going to be placed randomly. My change isn't hurting his skill ceiling, it's raising it, as it's also giving him more opportunity for plays.

  • lukeneves
    lukeneves Member Posts: 50

    You mean it's OP of course...Ranged AND Teleport? C'mon be serious now.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,429

    Just commenting on the perks

    Unbound is a cool idea for an effect, but it's quite underwhelming. Killer vaults are 1.2 seconds longer than a fast vault. The distance covered by a survivor in that time is 4.8 meters. The extra distance given by a 10 second, 5% speed boost is 2 meters. You're still losing distance simply by choosing to vault; the only way in which this is at all useful is if you're making a build around vaulting (in which case you're losing out on a lot of other stuff) or you're in a situation where you're forced to vault regardless (incredibly situational, bordering on useless in some maps). Basically the speed boost ends up running out once you get to the next loop. I'd look at either increasing the bonus or extending the duration so you lose less distance on the vault.

    Unforseen is pretty good, no notes

    Undone is another cool idea for an effect, but tying it to missed skill checks makes it very weak. Against survivors who are gonna miss skill checks regularly slowdown ends up being unnecessary, and in games where you need slowdown the survivors aren't gonna be missing skill checks. The perk should get charges for all types of skill checks (maybe 2 for good ones and 1 for great ones? that way it still gets value while giving counterplay to surviors)

  • CarlAlc7
    CarlAlc7 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 90

    His ultra rare add-on that makes survivors start the match Weakened shouldn't have a downside, it only makes your first chase with a survivor potentially faster but survivors can still remove the Weakened status before you start a chase with them/damage them with the UVX and afterwards the only active part of the add-on is the downside. The green add-on that makes survivors weakened after they complete a generator is much stronger than this one simply cause it doesn't have any downside.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    Give him too many opportunities and he becomes impossible to deal with.

  • TheResidentEvil
    TheResidentEvil Member Posts: 26

    I think the Unknown is in a great spot! I appreciate the feedback being taken into account from the PTB, as the hindered feels more impactful and makes the yellow addon a fun option. This chapter is one of my favorites in a while, lovely work!

  • lukeneves
    lukeneves Member Posts: 50

    Give huntress a teleport ability then or Slinger. You can dodge some shots too. Why not then?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That doesn’t seem like too many opportunities if the survivors control the hallucinations.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Lol it's just the design of it's power, get over it. It's a really good power. Not OP, but really good nonetheless.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    I disagree that survivors do control them if The Unknown hits his shots and protects them unless survivors are on comms. Depends on the map and where the chase went, sure, but as soon as the snowball starts rolling there is little time to remove them. Though maybe I'm the only one in my games who cares to deal with hallucinations, that's a possibilty. You asked about unlimited hallucinations. How do you feel about getting ambushed as soon as BBQ triggers or even randomly and then cut off wherever you go without knowing he even was there to drop one or four hallucination in the first place? Or better yet you even spent 20s to look around and dispelled one or two hallucinations but there was a third one in an obscure location.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    First, you see hallucination, so you aren’t getting surprised. You know exactly where they are. There is no “randomly” getting surprised. How are they in an obscure location if you see where they’re at? If it’s far enough you aren’t seeing their auras then you realistically have so much heads up that you aren’t getting jumped.

    Second, I wouldn’t be getting jumped after a bbq because I would realize not to clear one right as someone’s being hooked. That’s a survivor misplay if that’s happening.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    The range of aura read on hallucinations is quite limited and if they are behind an object you see them late at best. If they are in the open, sure, you see them, but saying you see them everywhere all the time is disingenuous especially in chase when you have few options and may be getting zoned, too.

    When you are chased into an area of the map you have not been to before and you are not aware that he chased anyone else there then every hallucination would be 'random' to you or when he abandons a chase and you happen to be there either just arriving or attempting to dispel. Tell me neither of these are not random.

    I include getting sniped at a gen immediately after teleport in getting jumped not just taking his axe to the face - this could be just at the edge of this terror radius. I agree being in melee range of a hallucination after a hook is a misplay especially when injured but if you still think this is the extent of possibilities with unlimited hallucinations and survivors have unlimited time to deal with unlimited hallucinations, let us assume they are not interrupted else this gets much worse, then I don't see a point in continuing this argument.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Dude you can see the auras way, way easier than you are making it sound like. You are never being surprised. I don't see how you could ever not see them. We're just not going to see eye to eye if you think the hallucinations are that hard to see.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    It is not about them being literally hard to see but them being everywhere if you give him an unlimited amount. Hard to see ones as in unexpected so you do not check during the approach or even if you do check there is neither time nor another location to go to.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    Isn't it maximum 4, 3 with the iri addon? Seems pretty limited to me.

  • drwilburdaffodil
    drwilburdaffodil Member Posts: 99

    With something like 45s between placing them...entirely managable on the survivor end imo.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    With the change I’m talking about that would be entirely the point. The survivors would need to manage them from being everywhere.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    I suppose you have not yet played against an Unknown player that was even half decent.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Couldn’t I also just say I suppose your teams been playing badly and making you think he’s stronger than he is? I wouldn’t make that point.

    These types of statements don’t really say anything. We have to focus on actual points.

  • gatkins121
    gatkins121 Member Posts: 17

    needs a nerf either

    leaving the clones to teleport to last too long.

    there's too many of them.

    feel like the teleport to clone the transfer is too quick. if it had some audio queue like freddys teleport to a gen and subtle pause before moving makes sense.

    audio is like a really bad washing machine, needs re-work.

    if you're not going to tweak any of that the MS alone feels fast atleast via the animation it does... i've not successfully been able to loop one yet.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 350

    Some teams playing badly is a given as soon as solo survivors are mentioned. Beyond writing an essay with detailed situations I have nothing left to add to explain how utterly oppressive a territorial Unknown with more/unlimited hallucinations would be which I will not do. Bhvr likely tested that and came to the same conclusion.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    What do you mean by there's too many hallucinations? There's only maximum of 4 and it can be 3 if you run one of the iri addon.

  • gatkins121
    gatkins121 Member Posts: 17

    just had a game.... guys dropped clones by both exit gates as im looking for hatch and then closed it. ok tell me more about how these clone placements aren't OP. leave them by hooked survivors. instant tele. it's bull

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,493

    Unknown isn't even the only killer who can guard exit gates effectively. Also you're describing a situation that already doesn't favor the last survivor remaining.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Buff his projectile, increase the weakened time, remove edging his power to drop clone.

  • lukeneves
    lukeneves Member Posts: 50

    Agreed, it's too much. Worry about projectiles, worry about his clones, gens, unhooking. It's too much stuff. At least removing his projections needs to be a lot faster and he absolutely cannot be able to sense we're near them.

  • CarlAlc7
    CarlAlc7 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 90
    edited March 22

    Dispelling his hallucinations literally only takes 4 seconds (5 if you remove them while Weakened), how much faster than that do you want them to be ? Also Unknown doesn't get any tell for when his hallucinations are being removed, you'd know that if you would just played him.

    Post edited by CarlAlc7 on
  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 641

    There still are people who want to make already a mediocre M1 killer even weaker. How about trying to play as this joke of a killer first and see what he is capable of?

  • JDecker
    JDecker Member Posts: 22

    I will give my opinion about decoys.

    The fundamental problem with the decoys, is that when the Unknown teleports, survivors can hear the sound it makes at the point before and after the teleport. Therefore, survivors who understand the Unknown mechanism will hardly perceive the decoys remain in the spot where the Unknown was earlier as a threat, and the decoys will have little influence. I don't think this problem will be much improved even if use Ultra Rare Add-on "Iridescent OSS Report".

    Below are some suggestions.

    - If the base time for decoys to disappear was made longer, more survivors might mistake decoys for hallucinations and become confused.

    - It might be interesting to have a new ability where if press the ability button without targeting a hallucinations, the Unknown can create a decoy with red stain on the spot for a certain period of time. This ability shares a cooldown with teleport.

    - Iridescent OSS Report might be a good to add more effect "the teleporting sound becomes silent".

  • DerpedByDave
    DerpedByDave Member Posts: 53

    He's honestly seems hard to balanced good players are going to land every shot systematicly taking out survivors giving them no real or fun counterplay (but it seems like the devs don't want any interesting counter play with removing light burn n all)

    on the other hand players who are learning or not playing very well are going to get severely penalized for missing shots as the survivor will stair you down remove the effect making you reset all your progress and land another 2 uvx hits.

    I'd maybe give unknown a shorter cool down & smaller blast radius, that way he can use his powers more often but survivors can also juke and counter little easier with the smaller radius.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 22

    That sounds fair. Honestly I hate looking behind me all the time in chase, it makes bump into things.

    They should bring back lightburn it was a cool mechanic and gave a small counterplay.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 254

    First off, clones can't be within 16 meters of a hooked survivor, you are fine. Secondly being able to patrol exit gates isn't OP XD, you can literally remove them in a 3 second animation. You can't even do that verse Singularity and he's not OP. he can replace them instantly and have multiple there near hooks and near gens and near gates.

    Honestly not to be that guy but I've had no issues looping him, weakened goes away really quickly and the projectile is easy to dodge. Just remove his clones while he's carrying someone, it's pretty easy.

  • DerpedByDave
    DerpedByDave Member Posts: 53

    Ya navigation can get tricky alot of people don't know the stare down has a slight lingering effect so you can quickly transition the camera forward to see where your going with no penalty.

    It was Little things like light burn that made old Dbd so fun to play or disabling hag traps w the light, I'd be cool if they rolled with it and we got something like shing a flashlight on a survivor removes UVX.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Give Survivors their own projectile in exchange. Then, you might be able to begin to balance this Killer. You can't have splash damage range attacks in a game without at least giving your opponent (1) a weapon in exchange (2) use of environment for protection (3) a build mode like Fortnite and/or (4) dynamic movement, such as tactical sprint, mantling, jumping, etc. Unknown's opponents, they have none of these things.

    DBD doesn't get ranged Killers right. Unknown's just the worst example. I played him once for a daily-- without perks/add-ons -- and just using his power, on PS4. There's little skill involved. That's the story for ranged Killers in this game, with the possible exception of Deathslinger that doesn't just try to zone Survivors.

  • xCALLxMExJJx
    xCALLxMExJJx Member Posts: 13

    The perks you guys added are great. 70% healing speed is too fast. As a killer main I will never check the basement. Even if I'm playing 4 sable wards. Can we have Jeepers creepers now?? Long overdue. He doesn't have to fly but maybe him teleporting to his scarecrows has a flying animation with the wings flapping sounds since demogorgon has an underground animation. Funnest killers to play against would be clown, legion, demogorgon and trickster because of the visuals and extended chases. Teleporting killers are the Funnest to play as because you don't have to scale the whole map to traverse it. Give us Jeepers creepers with scarecrow set-up but make it where he can lunge off the scarecrows and attack you too. Theres just so much you could do with him and everyone knows him. The unknown is soooo mid I'm only getting him for his perks. So mid. We deserve Jeepers creepers then you guys can get some flowers for the game and you wouldn't have to keep making people

  • JDecker
    JDecker Member Posts: 22
    edited March 25

    I would like to express my opinion about add-ons.

    Personally, I would like a killer add-ons basically to be something that not only strengthens the killer, also expand the range of play.

    Ultra Rare "Captured by the Dark":

    Current effect is not worthy of a Ultra Rare.

    Suggestion: Add more effect. "When survivors become weakened, that survivor's aura will be displayed for a certain period of time."

    * Survivors' aura will be displayed for at least 7-8 seconds, because to match UVX cooldown time of 7 seconds.

    Very Rare "Discarded Milk Carton":

    In the first place "situations where the Unknown wants to bounce UVX with wall etc." are limited to some scenes. In addition, I don't think it's necessarily lead to more better results to use this add-on in that situations.

    Suggestion: Rework. "UVX if after flying for more than 0.2 seconds after bouncing, will causes a more powerful explosion than normal."

    * Compared to a normal explosion, the "explosion range" and "the duration of the explosion remains before the hit detection disappears" are strengthened.

    Very Rare "Homemade Mask":

    Current effect is not worthy of a Very Rare.

    Suggestion: Rework. Survivors who start a Dispel action on a hallucinations are immediately Weakened and Oblivious state for a period of time.

    * This effect can also be expected to have synergy with the above "Ultra Rare: Captured by the Dark".

    Very Rare "Serum Vial":

    Current effect is not worthy of a Very Rare.

    Suggestion: Rework. "Right after the Unknown teleports, the survivors who witness that Unknown or are seen by the Unknown, will scream and become Exhausted state and Hindered state for a certain period of time."

    * The same can be said for other teleporting killers, it would likely be more fun as horror entertainment if it were possible to make nearby survivors scream immediately after teleporting, so I think there should be more opportunities for that.

    Rare "Hypnotist's Watch":

    I think that very few people will use this add-on, because it is too difficult to directly hit survivors with UVX projectile, and it is questionable that it will be effective enough.

    Suggestion: Rework. When the next hallucination can be spawned (the visual effects on both the left and right edges of the screen are yellow), if you hold UVX, and press the ability button instead of the attack button to launch UVX, a hallucination will be remotely spawned at the place where the UVX blasted (or the ground beneath it). When this hallucination is created, it immediately stands up and it becomes a teleport point.

    * I think it would be more fun to be able to remotely create hallucinations by using UVX (I imagine UVX blobs dripping onto the ground and becoming hallucination).

    Uncommon "Notebook of Theories":

    As mentioned above, it is too difficult for UVX projectile to directly hit survivors. Also, "-6% Hindered state as 3 to 5 seconds" is hard to feel beneficial personally.

    Suggestion: Rework. "UVX projectile speed increases."

    * I think this not only makes it easier for UVX projectiles to hit survivors directly, also makes it easier to hit UVX blast. In addition, it may be better if the trajectory of the projectile does not change depending on whether this effect is present or not. In addition, I think the benefits of directly hitting survivors with UVX projectiles could be increased a little more on the base kit (such as the UVX cooldown time is shortened).

    Uncommon "Last Known Recording":

    I think very few people will actively use this add-on because the effect is too modest.

    Suggestion: Rework. "Survivors entering the Aura range of a Hallucination suffer from the Blindness status effect certain period of time."

    * This means also survivors will never be able to see the hallucinations' aura (although they can still hear the sounds it makes).

    Uncommon "Slashed Backpack":

    I think it's good to be able to quickly clean-up the one hallucination and quickly respawn in a better spot personally, but I'd like a more mechanism to make it feel that what players clean-up hallucinations is worth it. In addition, I think the effect "hallucination exploding when hit by UVX" is almost worthless.

    Suggestion: Rework. If you attack a hallucination with melee-attack or UVX, instead that hallucination will disappear, you will gain the following effects. Granted a Haste status effect for a certain period of time, and significantly reduces the cooldown time of teleport, and reduces the spawn timer of your next hallucination.

    * This will makes it expand the range of use for this add-on. Depending on how you use it, you may be able to get benefits such as being able to chase more advantageously, but I think these effects will be just right, not too strong.

    Uncommon "Victim's Map":

    Current effect is too little impact on rituals.

    Suggestion: Add more effect. "When a Weakened state survivor is looking at Unknown, that survivor's aura is displayed. This effect lasts for a certain period of time even after the survivor is no longer looking at the Unknown."

    Common "Blurry Photo":

    This explanation of the effect is not correct and gives rise to misunderstandings. Not only is "full movement speed is recovered 50% faster", it's actually "also 50% faster time to be able to initiate actions other than movement and perspective changes".

    Suggestion: Revise the description please. I hope clearly explain that "the Unknown will be able to attack immediately after teleporting".

    Thank you for reading.

    Post edited by JDecker on