What is a hard to swallow DBD pill?

By that I mean a thing that the community doesn't want to acknowledge even if it's true. In my opinion it's the fact that prestige doesn't equal high skill.
I never hear anyone saying that prestige level equals skill.
All it does is demonstrate time investment, which in the average person only demonstrates a degree of competence. Like, a fifth prestige is likely to know what a bleed out timer is.
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It's a common belief that every P100 is a god at the game but I know a lot of ppl in DBD who have P100 and play like your average Sunday casual player.
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Some people do have a belief that P100 players are gods. Although if you hard grind a character to P100 you can still be just okay at the game.
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- Most of players in this game have very low skill level and poor understanding of balance. Instead of actually learning something they want game to be balanced around them, instead of really getting better at their knowledge and skills. It amazes me that people with 3-6k hours can be so unaware of what they're playing at. I met killers who don't know how to mindgame with 5k hours, I met survivors who don't know how to watch at killer at chase with 5k hours and it shouldn't be like that.
It amazes me that some members here with thousands of posts ask to bring most unhealthy things back just because it was "fun" for them. - Survivors are spoiled too much by previous state of the game and want bring back ez mode. Killers are spoiled by current state of the game and want ez mode by leaning game in killer side further. And this, unfortunately, is a consequence of first point.
- Game is in the best place it have ever been. Most stupid things on both sides are gone, both sides have a lot of help (and soloq got a bunch of very useful stuff, no matter how hard you try to turn a blind eye to it) to have enjoyable matches. Skill finally matters something in this game on both sides and i absolutely love it. Yeah, of course there is still a lot of work should be done further.
5 - Most of players in this game have very low skill level and poor understanding of balance. Instead of actually learning something they want game to be balanced around them, instead of really getting better at their knowledge and skills. It amazes me that people with 3-6k hours can be so unaware of what they're playing at. I met killers who don't know how to mindgame with 5k hours, I met survivors who don't know how to watch at killer at chase with 5k hours and it shouldn't be like that.
When they work, 360s work because of lag, not skill.
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P100 does not indicate skill level, time played does not indicate skill level.
I think it's funny how some killers get intimidated by a P100 in the lobby and dodge, or watching Twitch streamers obsessively viewing everyone's profile to check how many hours they have played. Being told I'm bad solely because I'm P3 with Leon or have 300 hours, when I have every other survivor and killer P3 or higher, and I have 1.5k hours across multiple platforms,BUT NOT that it matters, it's just funny.
We've all played with or against P100 players with thousands of hours that were mediocre at best, like.. you've grinded that much and played that much just to be that mediocre, but somehow you think you're good because you simply dumped all your time into DBD. There's a saying about how it takes 10k hours to achieve mastery in any skill. While I believe in this saying, it only applies to those that actively practiced that skill in a proper manner for 10k hours. In other words, your 3k hours of playing DBD does not indicate you actively improved your skill level for 3k hours consecutively.
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demo has no tongue so he cannot give kisses
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not only lag but also auto-aim or whatever it’s called for killer players on controller
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pyramid heads cages are fine as they are (outside of rng spawn adjustments)
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Majority of the maps aren't inherently good or bad. Rather, as a community we state how maps are good or bad when it is really our understanding of our own strategies. it's more that WE don't know how to deal with the map rather than the map being bad.
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100% agree with all of this.