DC penalties

I’ve probably put thousands of hours into this game and not once has the dc penalty ever been of benefit nor have I seen it actually be useful. Of anything the dc penalty has only stopped me from playing the game whether it was issues with servers, hackers or the occasional rage ( it happens lol). Them can clearly remove the penalties they did it for the Chinese new year event last year if I’m not mistaken and I saw no issue with that. People complained of mass dcing but you can’t control that in anyway if people want to leave they will and if people are leaving cause somethings unfair or unfun that’s on behaviour to fix if anything.
I mainly say this cause my internet has been playing up recently and I’ve now just realising how long these penalties can go I just got hit with a two day one. Bit even if I wasn’t having issues on my own end I still see no point for there inclusion. They are currently automated so you can’t appeal, or have them removed and the automation itself won’t take into account the reason of the dc and will just slap you with a ban. It’s gotten to the point I’ll have to take a break from the game as I legitimately can’t play it.
If anything the dc penalty has only stopped me from playing the game ... the occasional rage ( it happens lol)
That's the point. If you're tilted enough to ragequit, you need a timeout to stop you ruining other peoples games.
Them can clearly remove the penalties they did it for the Chinese new year event last year if I’m not mistaken and I saw no issue with that
Maybe you didn't, but everyone else did.
They have disabled DC penalties on multiple occasions, and every time the game became unplayable because there would be DCs virtually every single game. When players are given the option to quit for free instead of losing, why would they ever stick around to lose?
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You’d have to be deliberately disingenuous to believe that nobody rages from games every now and then. Considering DBD has no competitive or rank system that affects gameplay it’s won’t affect the other players as they can easily search for another and the person who leaves already gets punished in de pips and loss of any items or offerings. In fact since they are removing de pips according to the latest patch notes there’s even less being lost. If there are generally aspects of the game as I stated that are unfun or unfair then that’s not the players fault that’s and issue that the devs need to address. The main reason skill merchants kill rate is so high is purely due to player dissatisfaction and dcing.
the system has been changed since that event and now bots replace players. Sure the bots aren’t perfect but players can still just kill themselves on hook to stop the team getting a bot it still happens often even without dc penalties. You can’t control the player base from leaving if they want to you really can’t. The best way to stop this would be to actually incentivise people to stay in matches or fix the copious issues the game faces. Players lose there own time, blood points, items, offerings, pips etc not that any of this really matters either as the only useful things stated above is blood points for leveling.1 -
or the occasional rage
And that is the point where you should have a little brake. The penalty force you to take a brake. It is not good for you if you keep playing, and it is not good for the others who got left alone in the match.
if people want to leave they will and if people are leaving cause somethings unfair or unfun that’s on behaviour to fix if anything
People not only dc when it is unfair or it is unfun. Many people just DC because the enemy is better. They dc because they cannot bully them with flashlight. They DC because they cannot see anybody with lethal and such.
Since this is a 4v1 game if anybody throw the game on the survivor side, it is not fun for the others. Not even for the killer. If the killer drops it then the whole game is over (at least in this case it is fast).
And those, who do this should take a brake because it is not healthy for them to play on. Or they should be penalized for ruining the game for others over some hissy.
Honestly I would even punish those, who kill themself on the hook at 5 gens. And many times just because they was bad, they went down really fast, so they just leave. And many times even in these matches people can get to 2-1 gens. So if that one do not give up, they could actually win.
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The best way to stop this would be to actually incentivise people to stay in matches or fix the copious issues the game faces.
People in this game rage and cry for literally everything. You cannot fix all of them, because they most offen opposite of each other.
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But if it only punished people who purely ragequit for petty reasons then fair enough but it doesn’t. The systems automated dbd staff don’t care to look into or address anyone’s specific dc penalty cases even if it was something out of your control or just some one time rage thing then you’ll still get punished. If anything I’d be more frustrated that I physically can’t play for several days because as I said my internet has been playing up which at times is out of our control. The match would end if it’s the killer dcing so you can easily and quickly search again and survivors now get bots which aren’t perfect sure but it’s a much better improvement than what we had.
People play games for their own enjoyment at the end of the day. I get the player base is weirdly toxic and petty at times but quite literally why would you deliberately subject yourself to something unfun like that? Cause you guys are often picky when it comes to this issue as it’s seemingly ok to dc against a skull merchant for instance but it wouldn’t be for one of the reasons you stated yourself. You’d be making assumptions on what others seem fun, honestly I’ve seen the community as having copious amount of sore winners who relish and enjoy people dcing, quite literally bully squads goals are to normally get some sort of reaction from the killer which could be argued isn’t healthy necessarily either. Not to mention a lot of the changes, bugs and legitimate server issues dbd has every patch make it really hard to enjoy the game at times and honestly gives me more sympathy seeing someone dc from something legitimately unfair.0 -
yes this happens in a lot of games, but those games normally have better systems in place to address the issues. DBD just smacks anyone and everyone with a dc penalty and calls it a day and you can’t appeal it cause they can’t be bothered since it’s automated. They can’t even be bothered to sort this issue out even when it is purely on their own end. During the blood moon event the servers problems and memory lag legitimately made it impossible for some people to play the game not because it was unplayable per se but because of the penalties you’d get. I’m not sitting here complaining because I raged and got a penalty, I’m comparing cause I got a several day penalty for something out of my control and have no means to rectify this other than to just accept it.
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If anything I’d be more frustrated that I physically can’t play for several days because as I said my internet has been playing up which at times is out of our control
Then you shouldn't que up. With all respect if you have technical issues then you shouldn't que to ruin the fun for others. Sure, the problem is out of your control. But even the devs said, if you have that serious technical problems that you get minutes or even more penalty because of it then you should stop playing before you fix it. (Or your ISP fix it)
Cause you guys are often picky when it comes to this issue as it’s seemingly ok to dc against a skull merchant for instance but it wouldn’t be for one of the reasons you stated yourself.
"You guys"? You are one of us. Also I didn't mentioned that it is ok to DC against any killer. Also I am a killer main so I rarely have to face with a skullmerchant :) But in 7 years I dc-ed maybe 3 times (because of rage) and a few times because of technical issues.
The problem is that BHVR have to make a line. Maybe it is not perfect, but at least something. It was horrible and disgusting when everyone instantly DC against a certain killer, or for a situation, or just to give hatch for the last one unfairly in an SWF.
And of course, people still can kill themself on hook. That is the bigger issue I think, because they ruin the game for others, and not even get punished (because loosing a pip until now, and some offerings/addons is basicly nothing)
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Sure. But honeslty I think it is rare. I really rarely see random DC people in my games, they usually obviously do it because of rage. Especially when they even stay to shittalk at the endgame.
And sure, it is bad. But imagine that they have too few people to handle that playerbase (and even more couldn't get it work) to investigate every single DC penalty that it maybe a technical issue. It is the smaller loss for the mass. But of course I would be angry too if I got penalized for a week or something over something, which is not my fault.
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so then I should never queue up ever? My providers service going down at random intervals is quite literally the definition of out of my control. So I should never queue up cause there’s the slim chance my provider decides to be bad? Heaven forbid one single match is ruined even though you lose nothing and can queue up and be in another in less than 5 minutes. I don’t know if you have something for behaviour but I see no defence for creating and flawed automation system and then just not monitor it ever. Staff when asked about the automation never elaborate on it and don’t seem to care about it honestly. It works in tandem with Xbox’s flawed automation system in which you can get people banned from dbd and Xbox live through abusing it. It needs adjusting and no defence is justifiable especially not essentially telling people to go stuff themselves.
the problem with that is the line is blurred, reasons and circumstances aren’t taken into account. It’s apparently much easier to just throw out penalties than actually address why or how people are getting them. Nobody can deny that some things are just flat out unfair, flawed or legitimately broken in this game, it’s spaghetti code held together with duct tape and glue and when something is added something else breaks. It just seems we are never consistent on dc’s as a whole as some things are deemed fine to dc to and others aren’t. It don’t really see it being a solution to bolt people off the game and essentially tell them to get stuffed. Cause I assure you being banned for two days ain’t exactly filling me with positive vibes about the game lol.
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I’m going to the frank the playebase is nowhere big enough to where this would be an issue. I get it’s what an 8 year old game at this point so maybe the staff team isn’t as large anymore but just deciding to ignore it entirely in favour of a system that doesn’t work and works blindfolded giving penalties to everyone isn’t it either. Considering bots are a thing I see it as a much less problem especially cause we often joke that the bots are often better than the player that left lol. And if the killer leaves which is rare honestly cause you’d already have to have some patience to play that mess of a role then the game just ends and you search for another, nothing of value being lost in the slightest as dbd is currently stagnant and you don’t really gain anything from matches outside bloodpoints.
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so then I should never queue up ever?
It is on you. If you know that your provider is that bad, then you can try. But if you get DC then you ruined the game for others. Maybe they did a challenge, or a streak, or an adept which is now ruined. It is not cheer them up that it is your provider when you knew that it could happen…
The problem is that you try to blur many things there. You are obviously angry for BHVR. I am too. Yes there is spaghetti code. Yes there are many broken things. Yes, there are many things what they should make for us.
Yet. You have to think out of the box. A game with thousands of players cannot work without automation. I do not say it couldn't be better. But it is at least something, and at least some of those who deserve the penalty will get some.
And honestly - if you get 2 days, then it is not something what happens rarely. You should then get another ISP or some other games.
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there you go again with the whole just don’t bother playing routine. Sorry but I don’t work for my ISP so I can’t exactly control when they decide to go down but I guess I’ll have to get a job working with them so I can 100% make sure they have no issues in the future otherwise why should I have the right to play the game I payed for right? We all realistically know our providers could just have issues randomly and we can’t plan around that in the slightest. If you were going for an adept then you’ll just get it in another match, there is nothing being lost in a match closing you can easily queue again if you aren’t the one on the receiving end of the penalty.
It’s not that automation is always a bad thing it’s just they’ve never touched it since, it’s not monitored, it’s not looked into or checked it’s essentially been left to its own devices. Giving penalties to anyone based on some flimsy criteria. It shouldn’t give a penalty for disconnects that weren’t deliberate, only the deliberate leaving of a match via game input would be classified as a legitimate rage or purposefully leaving. There is very rarely going to be an instance of someone with absolute garbage internet trying to constantly get into matches and dc constantly it just doesn’t happen. Let’s say I play 20 matches one night and I suddenly get booted from just one because of some out of control issue then the penalty is still applied
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It's actively monitored and checked.
Unfortunately there's no way for a system to tell a genuine DC from a player just manipulating their internet connection, they can just pull out the ethernet for example. So we have to treat disconnects with a blanket approach.
There are no plans to remove the DC penalty, when someone DC's it's still ruining the match for the 4 other players, a bot is not a full substitute, the bot is there to make it feel a little less bad for the players left in the match.
As harsh as it might sound, a stable internet connection is required to play online games.
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I never see point in DC penalty when hook suicide is a thing tho
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Each time the DC penalty system is off for whatever reason evil things happen. Every time.
Players in both roles proceed to DC at the slightest inconvenience, and games quickly get out of control. Don't like the map? Yeet. Don't like the killer? Yeet. First one found/hooked? Yeet. Head-on'd? Yeet. And the trials become unplayable, bots or no bots.
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I was informed by staff that it was not, that it was fully automated and you wouldn’t look into or review anything in regard to anything dc related. It does come off bad when you aren’t willing to even remotely look into stuff of this matter. It happened with the mass Cheater period and the several times the servers were legitimately playing up as well. You’ve removed the penalty system before and especially with the newer changes it would be fine.
I get you can’t control the player base as a whole but players can still get past the bots by dying on hook and the game just ends if the killer leaves. Nothing is lost to those who aren’t hit with a penalty and can easily queue up again. In fact you are planning to remove the de pip feature which would honestly if anything give more incentive for dcing if anything and less incentive to play. Not that ranks mean anything at the moment either since it only provides blood points.
At the very least an appeal system should be warranted. Stacking penalties to such a degree is harsher than any other online game I’ve played. DBD is the only game I at times legitimately can’t play for no fault of my own. I could have 30 completely fine matches but then I get one internet hiccup and booted out of a match and I’m banned for sometimes days. I’m not deliberately doing it and my internet isn’t so bad that it’s ruining tons of matches but you would never know this cause you don’t allow players to actually appeal even though it’s fully something you could do and implement as you have previously removed these penalties before.
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I feel you’re over exaggerating on this point. I also played during this period and it was not happening anywhere near as much as you imply it was. If anything people would only do it for nurses and stuff which is partially because nurse is unbalanced and unfair which is out of player control. And people would already do this sorta thing with dc penalties on anyway
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unfortunately, JPLongstreet is completely correct, the DC'ing was that bad…it was the whole reason we implemented the penalty in the first place.
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even if this was correct it was poorly implemented. The criteria for the automation is far too strict. And the lack of any flexibility will always rub me the wrong way. you actively acknowledge the system will screw over people who aren’t abusing it but just don’t care cause if you did it would’ve already been adjusted. I’m locked out of this thing I’ve put soo much time and money into because the creators don’t want to adjust a flawed system. So I’ll probably just have to quit the game, not like I can play it anyway.
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It'd be nice if we had a minute or two of "reconnect" period
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Realistically they have all the pieces to make this a thing. A bot could take over the killer or survivor until the person could reconnect. And then maybe the penalty would only apply if they didn’t rejoin before the match ended.
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This I wish was a thing as well. Save tons of frustration, especially with the things we cannot control. Players having iffy Internet is on us, as is manually leaving a trial. But issues with the servers and/or the game's coding acting up, well.....
Sadly I think it's not coming anytime soon.
Post edited by JPLongstreet on1 -
My internet cuts out quite a bit and I’ve never seen a penalty over 5 minutes. If you are being banned for days then you’ve DCed a lot more than just once in 24 hours.
From what I can find, the DC penalty increases 1 level every time you DC and goes down 1 level every 24 hours. To get day long bans, you have to have DCed a lot in that time. I think a 24 hour ban is like 5-7 times or something, so if it is multiple days then you are DCing a LOT.
Just don’t play for a couple days and your penalty will reset back to zero and a single internet cut out will only be a minute long ban.
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the issue is everyday for about a week I’d have sometimes upwards of 20 games a day which are completely fine but then one single match where my internet cuts out and will forcibly disconnect me from the host. So I’d get the penalty and try again the next day, have a ton of fine matches then one single match breaks again and the penalty gets higher and repeat. I know it probably comes off that I’ve been purposefully doing a lot to stack that but really it’s just cause I normally play the game daily and have had at least one match that breaks
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What about removing the penalty for those who leave after the first DC? Because as you said the bit does not fully compensate... It is hard to abuse that, considering if the people play together their one friend that dced cannot play for a while or you could make it so they are not excluded from the penalty when they were in a group?