Does Sadako do Anything?



  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    I played a match against One Pump Willie a few weeks ago, and he demolished my SQ team.

    He started quite tame, but the pressure on us was real after a few minutes of constant teleporting and impeccable macro-management. I was frustrated, thinking that despite doing my best I had little time to work on gens between carrying tapes and unhooking. Honestly, I played poorly. I had to re-read her power to know that once holding a tape, I could just turn off TVs to relieve the pressure on my teammates who had locked up stacks.

    Sadako's kit is in a healthy place. She is suffering from Skull Merchant syndrome. The community just needs time to learn her latest iteration.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Im all for your changes. I proposed them months ago for the first and second rewoork. They never got implemented.

    Additionally i proposed an addon pass and even created a post where many dedicated players posted their ides. All ended in nothing.

    This and the recent Pig changes are the sole reason why I distanced myself from being too ionvested in the forums and dbd in general. Its not worth it one bit and leads to nothing but a feeling of worthlessness.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    A killer that:

    • is downright busted on one map
    • can kill survivors without hooking them
    • has one of the best map mobilities in the game
    • has weak but sometimes effective anti-loop
    • can ignore body blocks
    • has slowdown build in
    • is one of the best m1 killers (small, dark and quiet)
    • can negate her red stain in chase
    • has amazing synergy with good perks in the game

    Is not trash for me. I win most of my taches as her. I play her since she came out and fought for a second rework after the defeat that Sadako 2.0 was.

    I think this comes down to what your strandarts and expectations are when playing a killer. If your standart is something at the strenght like Wesker, surely Sadako is a little underwhelming.

    Im a Pig main. I love Sadako for her unique gameplay and the strategic character of her power. I absolutely that learning her is not for everyone, because it involves less mechanical and more strategic skill. But calling her unplayably bad is downright wrong.

    I would love to share footage of how I play her, but since some people here on the forum have gotten downright nasty towards me doing this, i will not do it again. Its not worth it just to be jelled at or insulted.

    Either you take my word for it as someone that has played her since release and was 4th on public leaderboards on steam (right now 20th spot because I refused to play Sadako 2.0). Or you dont.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    But it will! I play her on a daily basis. There is a small indivator that shows that they get condemned. I even play with a friend sometimes and see that I get stacks through spamming.

    She has an anti loop ability. Its weak but there.

    Yes, she has a lullaby. But this lullaby is, as you said sometimes overshadowed by other sounds. On top of this, you can hide your apporach behind line of sight blockers (if possible) to make survivors guess from which direction you are coming from. This is basics and I dont know if I even have to explain this.

    Sadako is a decent killer. I think many just play her wrong and overcommit to chases that take way too much time.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    You can though. Hiding your approach with surroundings makes survivors guess the direction. Sound occlusion is not something that only punishes the killer. This can help a lot with the directional aspect of the lullaby.

    I also know that many people dont use the visual terror radius. I personally dont use it, first: because I dont have problems with hearing, second because I like to deduce information from hearing in DBD (its part of a skill expression) and third because I think it looks extremely ugly. The visual radius also only says that she is approaching. Not from where she is approaching.

    Dont get me wrong, the stealth could be improved a lot. But its by no means useless.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    I never called her unplayable bad. As far as comparing to Wesker yeah than we agree she is underwhelming. Most people would put Wesker in A tier. In dbd anything below A tier is generally bad as even B tier requires the survivors to make many mistakes for you to win, regardless of how well you play. Anything that relies on survivors making mistakes I view as underwhelming. To me if a killer doesn’t have an equally “fair” chance of winning against a 4 man sweat squad on coms I view them as bad. Sadako does have some pluses to her, I just feel like you make them sound better than they are. Her “anti loop” in most cases does not work against good players for example. Quietest is also a large stretch as her being around is extremely telegraphed by sound. “Can kill survivors without hooking them”, yeah if they ignore your mechanics. Pigs party hats are gonna kill them too if they just sit on a gen with it ticking down because they don’t know what’s going on. I just feel like a lot of this is making something sound way better on paper than it is in reality. I can tell I’m not going to change your mind though and that’s okay.

    You can do well on her in most games, I’m not saying otherwise. What I am saying is that it’s usually because most people are just playing bad on average or don’t understand her mechanics still. Like even though I went on 100 win streak with Pig I’m not under the delusion that Pig is “good”. Wins don’t tell the whole story.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    "To me if a killer doesn’t have an equally “fair” chance of winning against a 4 man sweat squad on coms I view them as bad."

    Ok, then most killers in this game are bad at your standarts. Your absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I personally disagree heavily.

    I know that wins dont tell a story, but then lets take a look at singularity. A killer that is considered to be pretty strong overall. Public matches however tell an entirely different story. According to the majority of players, singularity is pretty bad and needs buffs and quality of life improvements.

    In regards to Sadako, the only thing I can provide is my experience playing her for literally thousands of hours. Thats what I base my opinions on.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Depending on how well you play her, she can be either pretty weak or pretty good. She scales a lot with your game sense and M1 killer gameplay. So if one of them isn't good, then you won't be able to use her power effectively. But she's definitely not among the weakest killers.

    Not when we have Trapper, Freddy and Myers.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Yes I would say most killers are bad. I don’t care about winning against bad players, I care about having a fair chance against equally good people on coms since that’s what you run into much more common at higher mmr.
    I disagree about Singularity. Most people think he is very strong, which he is. What most people want is heavy QoL because of his clunkyness, not necessarily buffs.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Yeah I tested it and found out they put it back in :)

    Anti-loop is a classification given to Killers that shut down the Survivors ability to utilise a tile to its full strength. Killers like Clown and Doctor are anti-loop. Onryö does not have anything that stops Survivors doing what they want in every tile. Please explain why you insist that Onryö is an anti-loop killer.

    Of course you're gonna get a stealth hit here and there. But the majority of players, especially at a higher MMR very rarely give you those opportunities. So that's where the argument comes from, it's a pseudo-stealth, just like Chucky. If it were consistent then I'd agree with you that it's good, but it isn't. When your stealth ability can be accurately compared to Chucky's, that's when you know it's bad lol You keep saying stuff like "this is the basics so I don't need to explain this" or "there is so much to go into that I won't go into it". It's a cop out, especially if you've got solid ground to stand on. If I'm wrong about Onryö, which I doubt I am, I'd love to hear an Onryö main tell me why she is slept on. So I can play her and see if she actually is. I'm planning on doing experiments with her anyway, but please explain in detail why Onryö is slept on and underestimated.

    The problem with Onryö is this: eventually you have to commit to a chase to get a down. Whether that's to get a hook, slug them or kill them with the Inexorable Stare. However, as I've argued, she hasn't got the tools in her kit to consistently get hits on Survivors to put herself in a situation where you can judge whether a chase is worth committing to. You can play hit and run, try to catch them out when they're taking a Tape to their TV, but you're not gonna 100% know when that is happening, it's all down to predicting and game sense at that point. Staying injured has no real negative to Survivors outside of making unhooks unsafe, but like I just said, Onryö can't consistently get hooks. She is very close to her original design in this 3.0 version, and the way she was played in 1.0 was a slugging TV spammer that ignored hooks altogether to get Condemned kills and then hook people when the match was over. I can imagine people trying to play a weaker version of that play style once again, but with Mangled being nerfed and there being more anti-slug perks that are available (FTP+Buckle Up) would just hard counter that play style. On top of that, you're gonna be tempted to hook someone to lock in their Condemned progress. But 3 stacks is too low of a number. I personally think it should lock in at a maximum of 6 on the first hook.

    Right now, I just don't see a play style or loadout that gives Onryö that power she once had. Like I said, I'm gonna be experimenting with her soon to try and see if she can be salvaged.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited April 2024

    Personally I currently side with @radiantHero23.

    I believe Sadako is not far away from the Pig currently, and only edged out really by the nastiness that Pig exerts with scream builds for head pops. As such Sadako maaaaybe is a little on the weaker side comparatively, but it wouldn't take much to push her into overpowered/obnoxious territory, so one has to be very careful suggesting buffs for her.

    I'm not 100% sure she needs a buff, but if she does, she doens't need a big one.

    If we're looking at addding back a passive condemn build up on her tapes, this would porbably help a lot of players… but I wouldn't have add it and leave it as strong as it used to be (1 condemn every 25s) in conjunction with the global TV condemn. Some buffs I would support on her:

    • Tape retrieve/insert time upped from 1s to 1.5-2s.
    • Passive condemn brought back onto tapes at 1 condemn every 30s (originally 1 condemn on pickup and 1 condemn every 25s).
    • Buffs to several add-ons, notably Welstone, VCR, Tape Editing Deck, but a genereal add-on tune up wouldn't be a bad move.

    With additions of passive condemn back to video tapes, when combined with global condemn it becomes too strong. As such I would introduce these additional changes: -

    • Teleports to a TV will afflict any survivor within 16m range of that TV with 0.5 condemn directly.
    • Teleports to a TV will afflict any survivor within 16m range of any powered TV with 0.5 condemn globally. This is in addition to the condemn granted by the direct teleport.
    • Survivors on different elevations to the powered TV will not be affected by the global TV 0.5 condemn.

    This would make her condemn a little less punishing vs. newbies not grabbing tapes, but more rewarding for good Sadako teleports, while also introducing a risk vs. reward element to grabbing tapes. If you grab a tape you must be sure to deal with it… when combined with the lock in condemn effect, this would all be quite potently rewarding for good Sadako play.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I’d rather not passive condemn as that’s being given for free. I’d rather something that rewards skillful play. So destruction of tape on hit again. This only gives me value if I’m able to play well and land a hit. A condemn stack on successful tape destruction to give some danger of just sitting on a tape. Currently there’s no down side.

    Also to keep incentivizing hooking instead of slugging I feel Ring Drawing should be base kit. Given the above change just make it on hooks period since they wouldn’t have a tape now.

  • YayC
    YayC Member Posts: 134

    She's not. It does not matter how good you are as a Sadako, if you understand her power as a survivor you can deny it entirely and there is literally nothing the Sadako can do about it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    The TVs being shown to survivors is kind of a double edged sword too. I like that it helps new players find TVs, but it ruins surprise teleports completely where you would’ve caught them off guard.

    Most the addons that apply a status effect in a range are too short. Bump them up to 12 meters.

    Her purples are all bad.

    Iri tape is just awful.

    Her passive effects of manifested/demanifested are also so insignificant that you could almost bake all those addons into it at base and give something new to them. This would make the disappearing/reappearing a little more reliable as anti loop.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    I completely understand your feelings. It sucks when it feels like devs don't listen to ppl. I hate to see what going to happen with Twin since their rework has been a complete disaster. At least I can live with where Sadoko is right now. I do have fun playing her even when I'm losing as her which I cant say about a lot of other killers who feel outright bad when Im losing as them.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I think the auras are straight up not necessary. There is a visual effect that shows the radius of the TVs. The auras are just on top of it. They should not be there.

    In terms of addons:

    I proposed an addon pass months ago. Two times to be exact. The addons, where the TVs give oblivious and blindness (seasoaked cloth and rickety pinwheel) should just be reworked. Sadako is demanifested 90% of a match. Oblivious is completely useless on her.

    In terms of purples, the tape editing deck is incredibly strong in the right hands and combined with ring drawing. With all the others, I absolutely agree. They are horrible and should have been reworked months ago.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Someone that remembers my suggestion with the Gideon meat plant. I feel hugged!♥️🐽♥️

    I would however go a different route:

    Just rework this horrendous map. Its unfun for almost all players.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    it’s a nod of approval, I normally disagree with your opinions but you’re cooking in this thread

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I consider the Pigs ambush a form of anti loop. Sadako has the post - manifestation invisibility that i consider a form of anti loop. It can situationally lead to hits if executed well. Just like the Pigs ambush. I dont say that she is an anti loop killer, just that she has a form of anti loop, just like most other killers. Sadako is a strategic stealth killer with a secondary ability (condemned).

    I cannot tell you that you should or should not play her. Its up to you to play her and find out if you like to play as her or not. For me, she, just like the Pig, is the perfect killer design. Mostly m1 - mindgame - focussed, strategic element, stealth. As you said, you should not commit to chases much as her as her ability to down survivors is pretty weak. Pre dropping or shift w is sadly very effective against her. You mention something funny:

    "you're not gonna 100% know when that is happening, it's all down to predicting and game sense at that point."

    This is what I do. I know where survivors take tapes and have to deliver them. I know what pathing they usually do and catch them off guard. I know where boxes as Pig are and what pathing survivors will take. I know how long it takes to search a box and can predict their location based on that information. This is why I play these killers. This is her skill cieling. If executed perfectly, you can condemn people really fast. All you need is to know where they are. If you can develop a high level of gamesense, which is admittedly linked to experience and playtime, she can become a force to be reckoned with. I understand that this type of gameplay is not for everyone, but for me its why I still play DBD.

    I usually play with ring drawing and bloody fingernails.

    Ring drawing rewards me for hooking survivors that I downed when I correctly estimated their location and downed them.

    Bloody fingernails helps me in chase to get hits or even downs and gives me more distance back when using projection mid chase to condemn people.

    Slugging is by far not the best playstyle on her. Its a mixture of hit and run, strategic hooking and spreading condemn agressively.

    I can recommend this build for learners, because it focusses on all the important parts of her kit:

    • Stbfl
    • Surge
    • Hex: face the darkness
    • Discordance

    I used this build back on OG Sadako and used it now on 3.0 Sadako until it became unecessary and boring.

    She can propably not reach the power level of Sadako 2.0 in normal matches, but if you want to literally stomp people, regardless of skill level or swf, with her, send yourself to the gideon meat plant and use my build / strategy. I have not lost a game on that map with her since the rework and not with OG Sadako as well. She is straight up unfair on that map and I already told this to the devs multiple times. The gideon meat plant should just be reworked.

    Shes doesnt need to be "salvaged" shes decent but in need of some tweaks. I am glad that I can play her again after the hot mess that was Sadako 2.0. I refused to play her during that time.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Facts. It’s really sad and pittyful. I’ve been trying for months and months for behavior to see this. Sadako is easier than ever to counter.

    Directional lullabies from her, auras on all TVs, static visuals for survivors, no punishment for cursed tapes or slowdowns.

    It’s awful. You said it perfectly my friend

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    I would take faithful to lore and weak over this version :(

    Sincerely would take 1.0 again with Todays QOL adjustments.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Agreed 💯 survivors hold her for sure.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Me too my friend! I’ll take weak sadako with lore accurate over this. Maybe with today’s QOL buffs.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    See, this is why I wanted you to explain in detail. Hearing the passion of someone who mains a particular Killer enlighten others and impart wisdom on them is good to see. I get this way when I hear people talk ######### on Clown lol

    I'm definitely gonna go ahead with my experiment with her, Onryö is one of my favourite Killers in the game, I just haven't liked all these changes and touch ups they've given her in this desperation to find a common ground between Killers having a fun time playing her and Survivors not moaning about her common play style.

    Even Pig, her Ambush is anti-loop for sure, but they played it too safe with these recent buffs to that aspect of her kit. I would love to see Pig be able to Ambush to get hits against Survivors trying to get distance. I tested this a lot recently with add-ons and perks, and you only save yourself about 2/3 seconds worth of chase time by trying to get max distance Ambush hits in the open. I would like to see that chase time reduced by about 7/10 seconds with buffs to her crouch and ambush. She shouldn't be restricted to only using it in loops, because even then, pre dropping or peeling away just removes all interaction with her power. Other Killers are still able to attempt their powers when Survivors do this because of their strength, Pig unfortunately can't use it whenever she wants to and thus, the reason why I want her buffed even more generously.

    It's funny you mention her intermittent visibility. Against good Survivors, in the majority of tiles, you definitely need both duration add-ons to get the most out of these loop mind games.

    What's your expert build that you use the most? Coz I've played a lot of Onryö 1.0 and a little of 2.0, before I got bored of how easy it was to get a kill early in the match (it was borderline on par with Tombstone Piece Myers). It's how I see the similarities between 3.0 and 1.0. The glaring difference being the avoiding hooks play style not working now. I do think this is the closest she's been to being in that "perfect" state of play though.

    If they didn't want to do a complete change of her, and liked the idea of how she is now, then my suggestions would be for them to lean more into the Condemned being a valid play style, but merge it with hooks for maximum efficiency. Example, if they made it so Condemned stacks could be locked in at a maximum of 5 or 6 from the first hook. That would allow Onryö to be a Killer that can be a very powerful early game killer that slowly burns out towards the middle and end if the strategy doesn't work. While also giving Survivors more options when it comes to playing around her TVs. I'll likely post my Onryö 4.0 idea on the forums at some point soon. You are more than welcome to ######### on it if it's awful lol but I definitely think the Devs are so close to Sadako being perfect. They just need to figure out that Condemned isn't a mechanic that should play second fiddle to everything else, but they should encourage it as well as the generic killer gameplay loop at the same time.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    I agree with 98% of your takes as you know on Sadako but I strongly disagree respectfully on your take with Tape Editing Deck. You and I have nearly close amount of played hours in Sadako. Go us! 😍

    However, tape editing deck in 1.0 and 2.0 were more viable. In its current form it doesn’t preform well. I primarily use this Addon. I’ve tried every angle to get value out of it and unfortunately it’s really hit or miss because it’s outdated.

    I would like once again to make it viable again. The best combo I feel personally that I can use it with is ring drawing. Anywho, just my thoughts my friend. 🥰

    (These conclusion were made by me and One Pump Willie in a call on discord) Just our opinion though.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Sadako keeps popping up on the forums over and over again by many players including myself all saying she needs help. I hope behavior sees this and will at least write ✍️ us to let us know. I’ve been trying really hard to show them everything I am seeing. 🥺

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    What makes you like Tape Editing Deck?

    To me it’s just making the survivors take less time to remove stacks since you’ve saved them an extra step. So you’re essentially taking a negative, just to see auras for a little on tape drop off. Just sounds meh to me. I’d rather just run remote control for better info with no negative.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited April 2024

    Also not against that too much. The only issue I percieve there is that does encourage a more goalie video tapes play style and disregarding hooks by trying to rush for condemn, after all you can only lock in half. Why lock in and reset to half when you can slug tapes out of people's hands and go all the way?

    I personally would prefer the passive condemn, because it makes the decision to grab a tape a little more meaningful on the survivors part, and it enhances Sadakos slowdown by virtue of the fact it is less profitable to split up and do gens, because 4 separate survivors grabbing tapes is 4 lots of passive condemn build up where as sticking in duos, means it's 2. This naturally means it is easier for Sadako to pressure multiple survivors at once.

    I guess it depends how much skill you percieve in the macro of Sadako I suppose. I see her style of play as more of a killer that constantly harasses survivors and keeps constantly asking them questions of how they're gonna spend their time. As I said previously you don't tend to want to commit to downs on Sadako, you want yo keep porting around and making it hard for survivors to stick to gens, to get heals off, to get rid of tapes and condemn. She is similar to Pig in terms of generating slowdown, but unlike Pig who is playing to try and attain slowdown by making the game a permanent 3vs1, Sadako is trying to keep bouncing across the map and engaging as many survivors as possible.

    This ofc naturally doesn't perform as well against coordinated swf teams, as you have 4 brains vs.1... but if you're sowing enough chaos, you only need to catch one survivor at a bad time and you can really crank up the pressure.

    Either way, I do feel the half global stack route to bring back her original skill expression is a good move.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited April 2024
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Compared to most killers she’s one of the weaker ones for early game with all pallets still up. You’d also get faster condemn stacking spending that time differently. Also running ring drawing means you’re giving up bloody fingernail which is an unreasonable drop to me. Also allowing them to cleanse that extra condemn even faster than normal at the start since they’ve already got the tapes in hand counteracting the extra spread you got from ring drawing, even if you do get those early downs. Just so much more negative here with so much more risk for probably not more return and definitely less return when we realize the addon slot given up for all this.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    in my opinion, radianthero is one of the reasons why Sadako got this rework. that is why i am not seeing any changes on her because he is saying the character is good. virtually only aspect I agree with him is Gideon's meat packing plant and Midwich Elementary school being strong/unfair maps for Sadako to win on. She's like scratch mirror mori myer's where she works well on two maps and under-perform on every other map. In my opinion, this is not healthy position for her. a killer being free win on every other map and killer dominates on 2 maps is opposite of well-balanced.

    Compared to most killers she’s one of the weaker ones for early game with all pallets still up.

    Tape editing deck improves her early game because it gives survivor a secondary objective to scatter around the map to put tape in. It is only part of her kit that i consider to be good slowdown. It is something a lot of player have said that survivor should have secondary objective at the start of the game, so they cannot just rush gens as soon as they spawn. that is what radianthero is talking about. from my personal experience, ring drawing is lackluster condemn build-up. I find more value from running Video-tape editing copy because +2 extra meters gives more opportunity to TP mid-chase to build condemn stacks if you min-max radius. Bloody finger nails and Iri remote control provide more value as secondary add-on choices over tape editing+ring drawing combination.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Y’all are making it sound like Tape Editing Deck is adding extra early game slow down when it’s not. At the start without this addon they are picking up a tape immediately anyway and having the tape at start not only doesn’t slow them down extra, it’s actually slowing them down less because they aren’t looking for a tape pick up at start. Just because they start with a tape doesn’t mean now they have to go drop it off at the start of the game. This addon is literally doing the opposite effect of what y’all are saying it’s good for. It’s giving you a worse early game, not better. Starting them with tapes is a bad thing, not a good thing.

    I agree with you on most your other points in general. Except I just think those are good maps for her where she’s actually solid, no where near OP on them.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 433

    Sadako's biggest flaw is that there's no downside whatsoever to grabbing a tape. In fact, if your not actuvely holding a tape as a survivor, its like your throwing that game intentionally

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    if you don't drop tape, you get 2 free stacks of condemn on entire team for hooking. the reward and punishment for playing poorly vs add-on is just too irrelevant to matter.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Those 2 free stacks are ignoring a lot.

    The literal only difference between running Tape Editing Deck and not for early game, is that running the addon saves the survivors the time of having to pick up the tape first. IE helping them.

    The bonus of hooking them with a tape is hoping for a very, very risky play with all pallets up and even if we assume your best case scenario of them messing up and you get that early down with them having a tape to get Ring Drawing value, this is negated by the fact that they are clearing their Condemn stacks faster than if you weren't running the addon since they already had the tape in their hand saving them depositing. So by running that addon over not, even in the better case scenario, you will lose more Condemn stacks on them than you're gaining.

    And as I mentioned before this isn't even going into the negative of giving up addon slots for all this, so there's opportunity cost here.

    So Tape Editing Deck might as well read by how it plays out, "You will have weaker Condemn build up early game and give up 2 addon slots for this in order to see the survivors auras for 6 seconds on tape delivery".

    Also something to note. There's a current bug listed in the Bug Reports section that's pending referencing Ring Drawing applying both its current effect and its old effect. Which if this is accurate, it means people are seeing an artificial value with it currently that isn't intended.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the bonus of hooking them with a tape is hoping for a very, very risky play with all pallets up and even if we assume your best case scenario of them messing up and you get that early down with them having a tape to get Ring Drawing value

    is it? most survivor when spawn into a trial are automatically glued to gens if they're good. the investment to walk around the map to put tape into the TV is often not worth the time investment. the add-on gains value through ignorance. at 0 stacks, the survivor is less willing to cleanse condemn. when you hook someone, they gain 1 stack of condemn so next survivor you begin chase, they will have 1 stack of condemn to lock-in and survivor after that, they will have 2 stacks. that is how those add-on gain value.

    the proper way to play vs add-on is to just put tape into the TV at start of the game but that gives sadako an artificial corrupt intervention. it is a win/win. you get early game delay for no drawback or free condemn stacks. the add-on is something Wesker's Iri vial or Singularity Denied requisition form. you get free power value by survivor ignoring but dealing with said add-on makes your early game worse as survivor. This by all means does not make her good. I would not use these add-on for her but It would be good if these add-on were just base-kit. Maybe every killer gets special version of early game collapse where their power is stronger.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    "the proper way to play vs add-on is to just put tape into the TV at start of the game "

    Disagree. You ignore it and do gens, except you saved them the time of having to grab a tape first. There's no downside not to holding a tape other than them running Ring Drawing and even then you made it even faster for them to go clear those stacks you give with Ring Drawing. The extra condemn you're gaining at the start from running Editing Deck/Ring Drawing is negated by the quicker rate at which you've allowed them to deliver a tape. You're also even giving up running Remote Control/Fingernail..which is a ton of value lost.

    If they ran to drop tapes instantly at start, that would be great. But that's not what happens it reality. The only time you're getting everyone going to drop tapes immediately is against bad players. I care about winning against good players, not bad ones.

    Let me put it this way. If you gave me the option of everyone starts with a tape base kit or no one starts with a tape base kit, I would take no one starts with a tape..and you're wasting an addon slot for it. It's a negative. This addon is bait.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited April 2024

    that is where lock-in condemn mechanic does work. you can lock in few stacks from hooking survivors. specifically hook #2 or #3. It is not much but it does something. you prevent survivor from removing the condemn stacks which is why i said it mainly boosts her early game.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Tape editing deck is poor beginner slow down. Even One Pump Willie just said this. It makes no difference at the end of the day. I made a video where just myself shut off 3 TVs alone.

    3….out of 7….what can the other 3 survivors do.

    RadiantHero could’ve been 1 of the reasons that initiated the rework, but ultimately I feel like that was a team-effort from a lot of people and Onyro mains respectfully in the community.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    I heard ring drawing is bugged to have both old and new effect btw

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    That I can get behind. Its a really risky addon and ring drawing + bloody fingernails is propably a lot better. I do think however, that it is better than a lot of other addons she has currently.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Of course it was all of us. I tried to help with constructive feedback when I could because I genuinely enjoyed the first version, just like many of us, and wanted it to return.

    I definitely think this was a group effort. I think I just pushed people a bit.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I really hope you dont get burned out friend. The recent changes to Pig just made me so mad and sad about the direction and lack of understanding of the devs. It feels like they just dont WANT to understand.

    Dont burn yourself out. I know shes very close to all of us, but too much investment isnt worth it. One just gets disappointed over and over again.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    I am feeling this my friend :(

    I need to breathe 😌❤️