Please offer these stats

hooks per gen (even just overall. Better if by killer and comparing general to top MMR)
Average chase time per killer (with a definition of how that is counted. I count from found to hooked)
Most importantly. Average gens. Completed per game for all MMR and at top MMR. Solo, Duo, 3-man and 4-man teams. This is the most insightful stat you could provide. It contextualizes the argument regarding gen speed.
More stats in the game after the match ends would be nice.
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Agreed. More we can look at of the last trial and our own performance the better.
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there's currently no plans to have statistics within the game itself I'm afraid.
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Players use third-party sites for years to view their own statistics and leaderboard. Why can't we just see this information in the game itself? You don't have to spend years thinking about adding simplest things that are in any similar game. I don't understand how Netease makes a bunch of useful changes to mobile game at the click of a finger, but main game has to wait years to see something as simple as teammate's perks in game.
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We need data on how many p100s are out there . Lets see if they are brave enough to show that.
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That’s understandable 😊 one can hope :)
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They need to release the stats showing kill rate and pickrate between console and PC
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ohhh, I’d love that, Rumble. Same with escape rates.
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Maybe we could change the plans a lil bit?
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How many passerby's does Maurice get in a time period.
How long has the Dredge kept the lights out.
How many crows get spooked by killers and survivors alike.
How many pallets have been dropped and/or broken.
How many autographed photos has Ji-Woon given.
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Another stat I’d like to see:
Breakdown of average escapes/kills
What percentage of games do 4 people escape?
I actually have tracked my own individual stats, and I’d love to see how it compares to the community at large.0 -
The mobile version recoded the game from the ground up, and Netease is an entirely separate team. That's why they were able to add in many cool things that the PC/Console version does not, and may never have.
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