Thoughts on a BP Bonus for lesser played Killers?
I think one thing that would encourage many players (especially newer players) to try some of the lesser seen members of the cast would be to maybe try a scaling blood point slider on how often a killer is seen. Either that or some of the lesser played Killers in the cast could be placed into a pool where each week 3 get swapped in for a bonus and they rotate in and out accordingly.
What are your thoughts on this idea? Do you think it would benefit the gameplay, or just lead to a lot of people throwing matches for the sake of grinding? I think it could result in more killer variety among matches, without being such a massive incentive that everyone hops in.
Also bump up the pitiful default survivor BP per game
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Absolutely, solo Q is already unbearable enough as is, giving them only 7-25k per match is probably one of the reasons why a lot of new players quit.
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i really like that idea. Can add some much needed variety
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While a blood point bonus is definitely helpful to newer players, it does very little for everyone else as the current blood point economy, especially around killers, is very abundant. It's not a good enough incentive. The rift somewhat encourages diversity, but at an extremely small scale with little to no impact.
The devs need to provide an incentive like bloodpoints to encourage newer players to try different characters, but also provide an incentive to veteran players. Whether it be an exp increase or shards or something.
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I am not playing Hag even with +100% bonus, sorry. That killer is zZzzZzzZZzZzz… + gets destroyed againts SWF group who knows what they are doing.
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I like that idea. But I feel it would be kind of unfair, if the all the eligible killers were locked behind dlcs, which could very well happen.
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It tacitly punishes people for playing their favorites. People who enjoy wesker would never get a bonus, for example. That's unfair. And the system only benefits survivors. You're trying to incentivize people to play weak killers that survivors like to go against. A BP bonus isn't worth getting trashed on a bad and unfamiliar killer and I think people will figure that out pretty quickly.
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That will muddy the stats. Is a killer played more because it's popular? Or because it has bonus BP?
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Bro they need to give me 1000% more bp to play twins
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Afwul idea. There is a reason why killer is unpopular. Why bandaid it with BP instead of fixing the problem? I won't play Hag or Twins even with 1000% BP bonus, simply because I better waste my time on killer which I'm enjoying.
And if all killers will have similar pickrate on a paper, what devs should look at to make some decisions? Billy probably still would be miserable to play as, If we had this bandaid in game.
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This isn’t to fix the problem of valance, it’s to add variety to everyone’s gameplay. When I’m survivor I verse the same 5 killers over and over and over again. It’s boring. As killer only time I play different killer is for challenges and dailies to get BP. Plus if more people play a bad killer, the kill rate statistics will change which will give the devs a better idea on how to buff/nerf.
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I think this is a great idea. The game definitely needs variety and people should be pushed to play something other than the meta. Part of the reason I don’t play survivor is because I play the same 5 killers with the same build and strategy. It’s boring and repetitive. As killer I only stick with the ones I’m good at to get more bp. Having a drastic BP bonus would definitely motivate me to play worse killers and learn them better.
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They use these stats to inform balance changes, in conjunction with kill rates, because there's more to it than just kill rates, killers may simply not be enjoyable to play, regardless of their kill rate..
If a killer isn't played much, then that's evidence that the killer isn't fun or effective to play. So it may get buffs or a rework, like they justvtried with Twins.
If a killer is played a lot then that's evidence that the killer is performing well and doesn't need buffs.
If a killers pick rate is inflated due to BP bonuses, but there's feedback that the killer is unfun or underpowered, then BHVR won't know if that's subjective opinions or something they need to action.
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if the killer play rate increases during bonus BP times… they can adjust for that variable. And if it still doesn’t rise then that shows severe problems with that killer. Just because there is a flaw doesn’t mean there isn’t benefits to this.
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It wasn't programmed to harm the crew…
It was in fact programmed to get +100% bonus bloodpoints, though.