Weave Attunement + Franklin's Demise = 0 Fun

I'm not going to sugarcoat it: this combination needs a nerf. Franklin's in and of itself is already such an unfun perk to play against, but Weave Attunement takes it 100 steps too far.
Please stop giving killers aura read for almost 0 effort. The aura range needs to be cut in half at least. It provides too much coverage at loops. Oblivious needs to go. Either that or have there be a cooldown on the perk. Better yet, make Weave Attunement only activate within the killer's terror radius AND have a cooldown.
This game is balanced around killers using addons and survivors using items. I would much rather play against 4 slowdown with an item of my choice over 2 slowdown and no item because of this awful combination. Too much information for free. Unnecessary status effect. Zero cooldown. Terrible design.
All this does is make you chose between your items or your lives.
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And what exactly is fun to you?
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I have no idea what you mean by that. So either I have to choose not to bring an item into a trial, when the game is balanced around me doing so, in fear of this combination? What kind of logic is that? The better idea would be to just nerf the combination.
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not running an item sounds like perfect counter to me
and he is using 2 slots of perks so less gen regression/block. u survivor mains wont stop until every perk gets taken away from killers.
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I'm not going to list everything, but being able to use the stuff I bring into a trial that the game is balanced around me bringing would be a start.
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It's an aura reading perk that you, the survivor, have full control over once you know it's there. The game tells you your aura is being revealed by the perk. If you want, pick up the item and once you're done with it just go dump it in some corner where no one will ever go and it won't give any more aura reading value.
Either way, this combo really isn't an issue.
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enjoy your four slowdown matches if this gets nerfed
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No. "Not running something" should never be considered a counter. Nobody has the clairvoyance to GUESS when someone is going to run something to change their build. Counters should always be in game, never out of game. And like I've said: the game is designed around items being brought, so "not running something" should not be the "perfect counter."
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I've had killers tell me that a 12 meter radius was an extreme amount of space to check when picking up a survivor in fear of a flashbang + background player save. Now it's "no big deal" when it's a 12 meter aura read for survivors. The fact that there's almost 1,812 square meters with four items (add about 453 square meters per item in the trial) that have CONSTANT aura read at all times is ridiculous. For reference, undying has a radius of 4 meters on its aura read. Either way, this combo really is an issue.
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And I find flashlights incredibly unfun to play against. So we can remove what you want if we also remove what I want! 😀
FR tho, complaining about a super niche and barely used combo is strange. I’m guessing you would rather go against 4 slowdowns?
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Is this a joke? A two perk combo that just gives the killer vision in a limited area? And we're crying already?
How long did we have to suffer FtP+BU? Y'all can cope and at least give it a week.
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bro I think the killer is just having fun running a thief jumpscare anti item meme build
I saw someone run this before
They’re just having fun
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We are in a world were people are complaining about Franklin's? Really?
As many said, its a very niche combo - doesn't work on the strongest killer of the game which uses their powers to down survivors - and requires two perk slots.
I think its a completely fine combo although a not strong one.
Sorry, but background player covers much more than 12 meters of distance, specially considering the killer takes like 5s to pickup a survivor from the ground. In 5s a survivor can run 20m without any perks. The issue with background player was that a survivor from up to 40m was able to get where you are and this had almost no counterplay.
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Your scapegoat of flashlights really doesn't matter when half the maps are just walls and all you have to do is turn your camera into them 😀
FR tho, I've seen it 5 out of the 9 games I've played today. I also take it you didn't read my post considering I said I'd rather go against 4 slowdown. Try reading the whole thing next time!
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Given BHVRs bias when it comes to balance, I doubt it will take long. Meanwhile it took them like a year or two to finally nerf the overpowered Buckle-Up + For the People combo that Killers couldn't counter.
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Why should the killer's fun be at the expense of the survivor's fun?
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Background Player coverage was a lot more than 12 meters. Checking a 12 meter radius before picking up is reasonable.
But also you are comparing 2 completely different and unrelated things.
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Your point about walls is irrelevant lmao. I never said they were uncounterable I said it was unfun. Just like you said Franklins and Weave is unfun. Because you and I both know the Franklins and Weave combo is obviously very counterable. It’s called W key! If you leave the radius it doesn’t show your aura anymore!😅
And I’m sure you’re fine going against 4 slowdowns now after they got gutted but I’m sure you still complain about them! If I had to guess I would easily make the assumption that you thought the Adrenaline nerf was unfair and unneeded and you though Buckle Up + FTP was a fair combo and you think that 200% BGP was completely fair and balanced! So…. am I right or am I right? 😂
PS: Flashbang says hello because it can’t be countered by looking at walls😀13 -
Background player for a flashbang save, which is what I was talking about, was 12 meters before the update. It had an 8 m/s move speed and the flashbang had to be dropped at 1.5 seconds of the pickup animation starting. That's a 12 meter radius for flashbang + background player. So no, it was not a lot more than 12 meters. Some tiles are 16m by 16m. You're saying the killer should have almost full aura read on that entire tile because of one perk?
Also, for your "solution," how is having to check a 12 meter radius for the item in question, to then go and waste more time moving it to the edge of the map any different than the killer checking a 12 meter radius for a survivor?
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it was much more than 12 meters
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You can keep making assumptions all you'd like 😀
In regards to flashbang, let's keep moving those goalposts!!! Another 100 meters to go, keep it up!
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No. Next time show your math and I'd be inclined to believe you.
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Im wasting two of my perks for okayisch aura reading that only works if people dont have distortion, OTR or dont use an item.
I have too say, this is a bit hilarious. What do you want killers to use? Info is literally game health. Give killers something else to be and to chase rather than the survivor fresh off the hook. Aura perks enable this.
If you want more slowdown instead, have fun with it. Im fine with aura over slowdown.
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That's why with our current roster of aura reading perks like BBQ and Friend's til the end, killers aren't still proxy camping and running immediately back to hook right? "Okayish" = 1/8th coverage of most map with 4 items on the ground.
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Killer runs build that isn't just 4 slowdown perks, gets complained about.
Build eventually gets nerfed and killers return to running 4 slowdown perks
Survivors complain about 4 slowdown build.
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Because that's the way the game is designed to be. Given its assymetrical nature, a lot of what one side finds fun, the other side will not. Especially when it comes to things like perks, add-ons, items, offerings, and anything outside of the standard gameplay loop that's prone to change every match.
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Oversimplification of the post is an oversimplification.
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The game shouldn't be designed that when one side is having fun the other is not. Asymmetrical or not, you can still have fun if you lose. The trick is to having fun and meaningful gameplay for both sides, and the devs appear to have long since abandoned that philosophy.
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It seems pretty fair to me, survivors lose their items and in return the killer has two perks for the rest of the game.
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Not really. I've seen this happen many times.
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Just pick the item back up? And if you're currently in chase around it, you know they have wallhacks on you, don't try anything fancy, play safe and use checkspots, leave the loop, pick the item up once you aren't being chased anymore (or call for your friend(s) to pick it up).
You can even deposit the item at the edge of the map where it won't give the killer much of any value. You can drop your item at the beginning of a match and pick it back up to check whether Attunement is in play, and then already place it down at the edge of the map, only going there if you need a heal. If it's a toolbox just deplete it before dropping it.
The killer player is spending two perk slots on this, it's dependent on survivors having items, it has basic counterplay, it is far from reliable since the places items end up at even if survivors don't intentionally drop them may not be very beneficial, and even if it comes into effect it's not like it's impossible for survivors to play around being seen, especially considering that this combo is really only at all worthwhile on M1 killers because Franklin's needs you to want to hit people with basic attacks. Things like Distortion and Object Of Obsession can also directly counter the perk.
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The devs never seemingly had that philosophy.
There are/have been countless things on both sides that are not fun for the other side. Flashlight saves, BU+FTP, Eruption and the gen-kick meta, insta-moris, tunneling, gen-rushing, sabotage, slugging, keys. Even the chaos shuffle is a good example. If you got stuck with #########-all while your opponent(s) got synergistic or useful builds, then the match was miserable. Again, most of this falls on stuff that changes outside of the standard gameplay loop.
And then, once X is nerfed or changed, you're decreasing the fun of one side while giving more fun to the other. So at a certain point, especially with perks being factored into this, one side is inevitably going to have more fun than the other, and not everyone's going to be happy. It is to be expected at this point.
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I just drop my item before I get hit, sure Weave Attunement will still activate on me, but Franklins is none existent if you just drop it and grab it later.
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you wonder why so many games is killer stacking at minimum 2 slowdowns then something comes out as NOT slowdown and then suddenly that need a nerf.
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How is it 1/8 map coverage?
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It means if that combination in play, you can choose either to keep your item (when hit or it's depleted) or risk the killer killing you by giving away your aura, aka lives.
When did the trial suddenly become balanced around items? Hells when did trials become balanced period? Items are a factor, but they don't make or break a match.
That's your opinion that Nerfing is the better option. Nerfing the combination would be the worse idea, atleast by our opinion.
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Why would you think Killers that proxy camp and run back to the hook would ever use BBQ and Friends? Those become two dead perk slots with that strategy.
They're better off with four gen slowdowns which is ironically what you're saying is preferable to having to play without an item.
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I actually do agree it's quite strong. I remember the outroar to Wire Tap giving aura reads at loops but that's easily countered by kicking the gen and is on a timer too. It still got nerfed with a longer activation requirement.
If you get hit with Franklin's then assume this perk is in play too and first chance you get cop the Obliviousness and take that item to a corner. Or take a perk that gives you the item you want or what you want to achieve - killers won't bring Franklin's or WA if none of the survivors have items in hand.
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you don't need to assume anything. This perk warns survivors, that they are revealed by it
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Too much information for free.
They spent half their build on it. If you're struggling against a niche info perk that directly informs you it's active and is easily countered, I don't think that's a problem with the game, that's just you.
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This can be solved by simply not bringing the item...
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In moments like these, sometimes you just gotta say "womp womp" and move on.
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Survivors no more use Toolbox on Gen but Sabo plus 1 survivor away from Gen. Also get complained about.
Things happen.
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You don't need an item. I almost never take items into trials.
A better solution would be to just put empty items in places that don't matter.
One survivor being away from gens doesn't matter if the killer gets all their chases invalidated with no hooks.
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So does my 90% Gen get hits by quad slowdowns.
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Just admit that you want to go back to a time when it was easy to bully the killer. Killers, especially M1 killers, are at a bit of a disadvantage right now due to the toolbox changes and the gen regression nerfs.
If you don't want to lose your items or have your aura read, just don't bring an item, simple. Killers are allowed to counter items, just as survivors are allowed to combat killer perks.
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You can also play without a fourth perk, but I don't see the gameplay benefit of that. Of course you don't technically need an item, that doesn't mean the game isn't designed and balanced around them being in use.
Suggesting to play without an item to counter this perk combo is silly. It's like saying the best way to counter totem finding perks is to not bring hexes, like yeah sure, why don't I read into the future to predict exactly what I'm going up against and adjust my build accordingly?
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Tell that to all the times I have picked up a survivor facing a wall or tall obstacle and a survivor managed to blind me at what felt like a 90 degree angle to my left or right when the light wasn't even shining into my killers eyes.
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So you want killer to run more gen perks?