Weave Attunement + Franklin's Demise = 0 Fun
Noo. Currently people stack slowdown perks and dont know where to find people. Therefore they proxi camp and tunnel. Its the same reason why distrotion is not a healthy perk. The killer can only go for people that they know their location of. They definitely know where two people have to be when they camp.
Aura incentivizes killers to go somoewhere else. Thats good.
They also drop two of their four perks to do this so half of their loadout is already no slowdown.
If you dislike the aura reading that much, you can also pick up your item. Oblivious is not that strong withh the exception of some killers like Bubba. As far as I know, there should be an indicator on the bottom, notifying you that your aura is being read.
On top of this, you can use object of obsession to always see the killer in return.
Its really not as good as you tell us. Its not bad, but by far not worth of nerfing either of the perks.
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Not sure if it's been mentioned, but run Object Of Obsession.
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Suggesting to play without an item to counter this perk combo is silly.
Good thing I wasn't the one suggesting that, and instead suggested something completely different and more reasonable.
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When killer mains let survivors mains have their way.
They complained about totems. Got nerfed.
They complained about gen regression. Got nerfed.
What they’re complaining about consumes two perk slots to achieve. Distortion, a single perk, counters all aura reading. That’s why as killer I use Bloodhound because whenever I use aura reading the survivors run Distortion.
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I disagree, I've been having loads of fun with this combo. I've seen some gamers go all the way by also bringing Hoarder and Overwhelming Presence (yes, that one Doctor perk that nobody ever uses and for good reason).
Personally I do like a bit of slowdown still (currently I'm running Ruin and Call of Brine), but I am contemplating some other perks/builds around this whole aura read thing. I think it can be useful on other killers such as Artist.4 -
Oh no, how awful, killers have a new combo that isn't a combination of slowdown perks, this is terrible, clearly the combo that gets countered by you not bringing a item needs to be nerfed
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Franklins on hag before this patch already kind of showed how greedy Survivors could get for their items.
Weave literally exposes it.
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Cool, the entire point of the comment you replied to was to say that suggested counter was silly, so uh, thanks for the info I already knew.
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Tell us you don't play killer without saying you don't play killer.
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Looks like I found my new build with silent bell wraith. Thank you for brining this to my attention the build sounds like a ton of fun an I will no doubt really enjoy running it. Thanks again.
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Non in my lobbies. It's all aura. Literally 4. I Don't even want to play because it's so annoying.
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I don’t think this perk combo is horribly oppressive it’s just boring to keep going against when everyone is running it. Yesterday out of 10 matches, 9 killers ran this combo. I just logged off and played something else cuz I was tired of loading into a match and automatically getting hit, losing my item and then having the killer know everywhere I’m at on the map if I don’t touch the item, then being oblivious if I do touch the item to move it… which by then the killer already knows where I am and I’m oblivious.
Maybe it needs a nerf, I think it’s too early to tell. But it’s definitely not fun to go against every single match.
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just stack depleted items in a corner to counter weave attunement then it's just a franklin's issue, it's nothing new.
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Cant have slowdown
Cant have aura perks
Cant have chase perks
Cant even use 2 perk slots that'll do nothing if the survivor doesn't have an item
I miss anything regarding perks?
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Ok, for flashbang specifically yeah it was 12 meters. For flashlights and pallets it was more. Either way, it has nothing to do with Weave Attunement’s strength.
Regarding finding the item to pick it up - if you were the one who dropped the item you should know where it is, if not, you can use the perk icon showing up as a gauge for where it is - at the moment it appears, you know the item is exactly 12m away from your position.
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Not running an item - Exactly
u survivor mains - Oh no, they are tribal in the opposite direction. Horseshoe theory rears its head again.
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The irony of the clairvoyance comment. Literally no one knows what anyone is running unless is it's a SWF. like all the Killer knows is you have an item. Whether it's good or bad item is completely only known to you.
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Rember when boons were considered balanced granting everyone free self care and Botany and the counter play as snuff it. Yeah this is way less problematic than that
AND I feel like you'd complain about mirror myers
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No, you bring the item anyway, but when it becomes apparent the killer has franklins and this perk, you pick up your item, put it in a corner of the map, and now you have no item, and the killer only has 2 perks.
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I think the right change to do is just it periodically has aura similar to hex ftd and maybe right as the item is picked up. So it gives you the chance to escape the read and can also pick up the item to stop it.
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As a killer main i don't want to do this but im going to give you the counter to this combo. It comes in the form of a perk that a survivor can run…Object Of Obsession. As it stands object allows you to see the killers aura whenever he is reading yours. One would argue that its more powerful when used with the killer combo because if you are carrying an item you can simply drop it, find the killer, pick it up and carry on.
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This is ridiculous, it's literally just an aura perk, you will never get real disadvantage over this one
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"1/8th" coverage of most maps if they don't drop more than one item in the same place or pick them up after. That is, assuming they have an item in the first place.
The perk is fine like it is.
Maybe the fact that they buffed sabotage and in every single match right now you see any combination of 2-3 flashlights, 2-3 toolboxes and / or 2-3 medkits with insta heal / Endurance has something to do with that. Including the Sabo - No Mither bully squad strat survivors are doing now.
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Franklin's demise has always been an unfun perk to play against. White wards don't even protect against it. It should only disable the use of your item for a few seconds. It shouldn't make you drop the item and deplete its charges. Its one of those perks that makes you instantly hate the game the moment it hits you.
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Few seconds is literally nothing due to the way this game works, you are proposing a perk that does nothing
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Franklins is just… not strong if you simply press R on your keyboard when you hear a terror radius.
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This proposal would make it more useless than beast of prey lmao.
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I mean you say too much information for free but its half their perk slots, thats not exactly free
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Can't run lightborn
Can't run map offerings
Can't run irry addons17 -
Tried it on hag yesterday, it was pretty fun
But hey, don't you dare have fun with killers bois
Dont run slowdowns, its not fun
Dont run lethal pursuer, its not fun
Dont run franklin, its not fun
Dont run lightborn, its not fun
The only perk a killer should bring is shadowborn
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nuh uh, haste isn't fun either. perkless it is 👌
i'm really sorry for jumping on the train but seriously, hooking is made as undesirable as possible and people complaining about knock out now, people complained slowdowns until they are GONE and now we are also complaining about some mid ahh info perk too. like make it make sense.
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People just love to complain about something
Its the same as league of legends, its an endless cycle of "this is op this is op this is unfun"
Thats the way it is unfortunately
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Yeah, one of my former teammates was like that. No matter what he went against in jungle or even worse on toplane, as soon as he lost to it it was "totally broken/op".
Meanwhile he mained teemo and master Yi 😑
(Or played shaco uselessly)
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Franklin's is fine. The game has done fine with it for years. Sounds like you depend to much on your flashlight/medkit. It is a perk slot the killer can't use for a slowdown or NOED or a chase perk. And it requires a m1 attack. I don't mean to sound unimpressed but this sounds like more of a skill thing than a real problem.
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I personally do not think items, as a whole, should be near as strong as perks. Toolboxes in general can already be strong with the right addons and the sabotage buff just made them the obvious Survivor "I wish to win" tool, especially in a SWF. I've seen people bringing more of them than ever before. My SWFs I run in are just stacking Commodious with BNP+Spool than ever before since the generator regression perk nerfs. That's if they don't just bring a sabo box and send us all to Badham or something. It's an issue, and one I think could be addressed by simply giving toolboxes the medkit treatment - make them all have equal charges, if you want more put addons on or run Built to Last, and have some ONLY do Sabo as an option and some ONLY repair as an option. Not both.
And Perks should not be used to cover up or cover for a lack of player skill, they should be used to facilitate a playstyle as Survivor and Killer power as Killer. For example an M1 might need chase perks, an M2 probably doesn't need them as much. Ghostface doesn't need as much aura reading as someone like Huntress might. Trapper and Artist can use Zanshin better than someone like Myers who doesn't need it. It's okay for some perks to be better on some Killers and fit some playstyles better.
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After playing against this combo this morning, I have to agree it's pretty annoying, even with Distortion. There should be some kind of duration limit or cooldown or something…
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I don’t know what MMR you think you’re playing at but I’m mid level and I have yet to see any lobbies full of toolboxes or sabo squads and me and my friends certainly aren’t running them. We’ve all been running the bard perk to do full on meme matches every time. 🤣🤣
I was actually telling someone that I’m surprised I haven’t been seeing hardly any toolboxes since the buff and if I do, they’re being used on gens, not sabos.
Once again I think this his simply a case of freak out propaganda. Everyone saw the patch notes, starting screaming about the toolboxes and now everyone is taking this combo because they’re being told HERE COME THE SABO BULLY SQUADS GETS READY!” rather than them actually facing any of these so-called sabo bully squads.
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3 times in the last few days I have faced No Mither Sabo squads, but I would love for you to point out where I said anything close to "Every single game is 4 toolboxes sabo bully squads".
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theee times in a few days is not much of anything. Unless you o ly played 2-3 games in the last few days I’d say that’s not a bad percentage. I also never said that you said every game is 4 toolbox sabo built squads” but you definitely got close if you read your comment again.
Maybe the fact that they buffed sabotage and in every single match right now you see any combination of 2-3 flashlights, 2-3 toolboxes and / or 2-3 medkits with insta heal / Endurance has something to do with that. Including the Sabo - No Mither bully squad strat survivors are doing now.”
You directly mentioned the sabo buff, 2-3 toolboxes (not 4, never said you said that)
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Do you know what it means to spend two of the four available park slots just for aura visualization? Fewer slots for perks that can be involved in the gen means that a mistake can end the game in modern DbD (I don't know of any survivors on North American servers who are taking their time).
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Yeah, 2-3 toolboxes along with flashlights and medkits. Like you said, read my comment again, because what I meant is that multiple factors (one of them being that every match now has 3-4 items, basically) have a lot to do with Wave Attunement being so used right now (+ new perk, so everybody is trying it).
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Back to Pain Res + Pop I guess.
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The combo is interesting and only punishes those who wanna treasure their items; Those who drop them during the trial by getting hit, for example, do get punished in the beginning, but then adapt without using those items, effectivelly countering two perks by only doing one thing, no?
Also, fun is a subjective term; What's fun to you isn't or may not be fun to other people, and vice-versa. You can't argue with subjective terms in mind.
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It’s super fun as killer, probably not so much as survivor although that’s more down to Franklin’s, I imagine during the anniversary it’ll be extra obnoxious to play against with the limited time items.
But on a m1 killer those two perks pair great with Surge (And Knock Out if you don’t mind survivors really hating you), on Huxley those two, Surge and Rapid Brutality works well.
Hope it doesn’t get nerfed but I can see why anything that encourages the use of Franklin’s isn’t popular with survivors.
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I saw a vid on Twitter that. You put your item at your Gen tile, using Object of Obsession, you get free loops around the tile unlimited.
The problem with the perk combo is that you as a survivor dont know if killer has WA and being watched. Only your teammate dropped their item knows about it.
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Weave Attunement shows the auras of any survivor around a dropped item, and every survivor in its radius gets the icon in the bottom-right corner, which tells them they're being watched. Right now it appears as a blue buff icon which is a bug, it should be the red debuff icon instead.
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You literally get told that your aura is visible, go find the item and pick it up, drop it in a corner. Perk countered. Survivors really never want to learn or do anything in this game do they.
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I really do think aura perks should go like this. Not necessary that to show the perk all the time as long as being affected, simply with an eye icon like appear for 3sec to show "Im being watched" and let the players guess the aura perk. Go for both side (so if killers get the eye icon near a Gen, they know Wiretap in play and prefer to kick Gen before chase)
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No matter how overpowered something is, killers will defend it. I got a lot of push back for saying Vecna might be too strong, and here we are, getting nerfed already.
I have so far (luckily) only played against one person doing this so far, and boy was it a blood bath.
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I feel like aura perks are the last thing that should be nerfed right now. We don’t need to encourage stacking slowdown and second chances anymore than we already do.