My Event is being ruined.

Royval Member Posts: 578

4th game in a row where the survivors just give up on first hook. Can’t even enjoy the event. I shouldn’t have to play “fun” killers in order to play the game.



  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 578

    did you not see what they brought? Are you’re complaining about my perks?

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Do anyone even notice any of those perks when survivors gonna die on first hook anyway, I doubt that

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 283

    To be fair, some antigen is needed. Get steamrolled otherwise. I just don't get too aggressive, I will slug people, give them a chance. Give them a 3-5 spin twist before throwing them at a hook (I love that) and just remain casual.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 197

    If your sweating this mode I question your motive to play. Most of the games is survivors having fun doing random stuff not gen or harass the killer related. I will do some gens but most of the time its collecting Invitations and related to the event doing gens and killer related comes 2nd.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474
    edited June 14

    I do sympathise, since I love the anniversary events. But I also get it, because if everyone has been hooked without a chance to get to do anything (and looking at their bloodpoints, they haven't had a chance to do much of anything) then from their perspective the game is probably over. If they stayed then they'd just be there to give you bp while they walk away with little for their time.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 578

    I’m just playing the game regularly what are you on about?

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 578

    How is this an “ego” offering I don’t understand? They need to implement bans for players who force hook.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited June 14

    They obviously believe that survivors having three lives each is unfair on the killer. Some people just don't believe in second chances, even for themselves.

    You earned over 30k, so it seems you got to do something. I've had multiple matches today where no one escaped and the killer earned around 15k.

  • AlphaYandere
    AlphaYandere Member Posts: 66

    the cake gives all players 108% bp and you dropped pudding wich gives only you 100% so you get 532% while te other side only gets 432%. its an event where you drop 1 cake and get 10 or more so why ego pudding?

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 578

    all survivors did was give up when I had the cake on so why not?

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 425

    Welcome to playing Skull Merchant. Getting an actual game is very rare. 9/10 times someone will either give up on first hook or just DC. Which doesn't even make sense because reworked Merchant isn't even bad to play against, at the very least she's better than Nurse, Blight, Chucky, Plague, Clown, it's just her reputation from before the rework.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Maybe not objectively, but subjectively... She is still super boring to play against...

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 578

    played a game a couple hours ago the entire team dc’d and forced me to play against bots.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited June 14

    That kind of leaves the question if you can increase your MMR when you DC... Like those guys, do they gain mmr if they get out or if you DC? Or are you basically free to DC and gain the win? Because they DC first or how does this work... I mean nobody should be forced to play out a match against bots... But then again you played skull merchant so you cannot really complain when people DC... It is kind of the same thing like with old legion, the survivor input does not matter too much and you will go down after x amount of time... So your gameplay experience should not change too much anyway... If you cared for chase interaction you probably would not play that killer anyway ^^

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Obviously, everyone pointing out that you're playing Skull Merchant is part of the problem.

    Anecdotally, though, this has also been happening to me a ton and I've been playing a variety of killers. There's something about the anniversary queue that makes a lot of players - including one killer, even - just flat out give up super early. Very weird behaviour and I don't know what's up with it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    This is such a fit for the Simpsons meme with the school principle... Is the reason because the vast majority of players absolutely despise this character? No they just unreasonably hate the killer...

    Part of the problem is the killer because people despise her, not the player for playing it and not the community for hating it...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I'm not relitigating why the hate for Skull Merchant is irrational, that explanation is out there if you care to find it.

    I'm pointing out that this isn't a Skull Merchant problem, at least not for me. I'm also seeing a ton of survivors give up on first hook, and I've only played Merchant once this event.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 725

    Well it's skull merchant so it's to be expected even if it's annoying.

    But you're really unlucky, played at least 5 round of blight with a good build and 2 with nurse with adept and didn't get a single dc. Most people seem to be pretty okay with playing the game in the event xD

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Even if it is irrational? So what? That is not an argument when it comes to the subjective preference to dislike something? Preference is always subjective and it is completely irrelevant whether or not you can base it on facts or just on how you feel about it.

    I for example don't only dislike her because of the gameplay, but also because her lore is generic and uninspired at best, her visual design and her mori are uninteresting and uninspired. She was just overall a big disappointment, her concept had potential, but she just turned out to be another put stuff on floor killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    This is not a thing just happening to people who play Skull Merchant.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Might be, who knows, we are just speculating... But give that people complain about it happening a lot more often compared to how frequent the killer gets played there is probably a bit of a connection at least.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I am not speculating. During the event, I personally have witnessed survivors giving up in roughly half of my games, and I wasn't playing Skull Merchant in any of them. Obviously I'm just one person and so not a good sample size overall, but it's not speculation to say it's happening to me too.

    As an aside, no matter what the killer is, giving up entirely just because you don't like a killer is a dick move and isn't justifiable. I don't know if that is what's happening - I'd assume not, I was playing Nemesis and Clown and this doesn't happen to them as often in my experience - but if it is, it's obviously worth calling out as those players being in the wrong.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    OK? And it has not happened to me at all for all games I played during the event... We are not speculating about personal experience but about there maybe being a connection between playing skull merchant and survivors dcinf because of it...

    Well funny thing, you don't need to justify dcing the game already has a punishment for doing so, if you want to do that you accept the punishment and it is fine. I don't necessarily think dcing is a dick move… there are plenty of good reasons for it, real life issues, not feeling like playing the game in general anymore and many more things, and you even get a bot that helps the team out, unlike when you just die on first hook. You make it sound like dcing in a video game is a federal offense ^^ Sure it sucks for everybody else, but so what? That is something for the game itself to take care of.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    For the record, they weren't DCing, they were giving up. Running to a hook and pointing at it, that kind of thing. That is a dick move, because it ruins the match for everyone else.

    It's not a federal offence, obviously, but you'd still push back against people trying to justify it, especially when their justification is just "I don't like that killer". It's generally a good thing to make sure the overall atmosphere of a community is not receptive to selfish and disruptive behaviour, even if it is just a game at the end of the day.

    This thread has good reason to exist. Ruining up to four other players' ability to enjoy the event because you don't like a killer is, obviously, worth pushing back against. My addition to the thread is that it isn't just happening to the one killer people pretend is an acceptable target for that kind of behaviour, at least not in my experience.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    I think it's Karma bringing puddling instead cakes.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    OK so what? You cannot force people to play a game they don't want to play? Other games detect you as afk and give you an abandon for that... But dbd matches are not really long enough to justify that. Sure it might ruin other people's fun, but you don't really have a right to have people play the game, like I said before. And I do think there are some cases where this is perfectly fine... Endless 3 Gen games, appointments you have to go to... It is fair to say that you need to take into account the amount of time you left, but sometimes games just take way longer than you could have expected.

    Well perhaps if the vast majority of players absolutely despise the killer, change the killer instead of blaming them for not liking it ^^

    I don't know, wasn't it a complaint about having to play VS 3 bots because no one wanted to play the match? So I don't think it fits the theme of that ^^ Might be might not be, we would need stats about DC rates against each killer to be sure... If it happens against every killer it would become problematic if frequent, but because it is about skull merchant in this thread I would just take it as another not very subtle hint that maybe the killer needs a total make over because still nobody wants to play against it, at least from the case the OP mentioned. And as long it is only skull merchant I could not care less, the killer was a train wreck in every aspect since its PTB and I have 0 faith that it will end up being liked by something even close to majority, so I just don't care about that killer anymore. Luckily nobody plays it so I don't have to deal with it often either.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Again, I'm not really here to brainstorm how to fix the problem, I'm just here to mention that my experience points to people giving up for more than just this one killer. I even had a killer give up during my play session yesterday.

    That being said, it's obviously a problem that you can avoid the penalty for DCing, which is there for a reason. So, it'd be a good idea to try and fix it at some point, somehow.

    I literally don't care that you hate Skull Merchant. That's not relevant here. Obviously disliking Merchant isn't a good enough reason to give up, but that's as far as the relevance goes.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well it seems to be a good enough reason for people to do so doesn't it? And this post would not exist if it was not a problem when playing Skull Merchant ^^ And when that becomes too frequent there are two possible reasons for it... Either people just give up more in general, against every killer or the issue is the killer that got played because they don't like it.

    Well people DC against every killer, the difference is just how frequently, that much is a given…

    Technically removing the DC penalty would fix that issue, because then there is no reason to waste more time by pointing toward the hook... But that might as well result in overall more dcs...

    Well glad to hear ^^ But why do you think you get to judge what is a good reason and what not? ^^ Or why your judgment of that reasons is any way relevant for the people who play it? If you play the killer obviously you don't want people to use that as the reason to DC against it xD That would be like sheep electing the Wolf as president.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Yes it would?

    I came in here to say that it's happening to me and I WASN'T playing Skull Merchant. If this thread didn't exist, then I would have made it, and I wouldn't have mentioned Skull Merchant at all. Because it didn't happen to me when I played Skull Merchant, it only happened on other killers.

    To that last point, ruining the match of up to four other players because you personally don't like a killer is a bad thing? This isn't a single player game. You're queuing up on the understanding that four other human beings are dependent on your participation to play as well. That's why DC penalties exist, in multiplayer games.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Yes, and then it would be a different topic and skull merchant would maybe not have been brougth up, but since that is not what happend well…

    Well in their mind it is justified for sure don't you think? If they didn't think it is the appropriate thing to do/justified then they would not dc. On top of that, let's say they don't dc… What amount of gameplay do you think is appropriate to force them to participate in? You for sure cannot force people to try to win and as long as they don't go completely afk you don't really have anything to complain/report… So with that in mind playing bad is not a report reason, so if you get a bot instead of the player, is that not a decent equivalent to a real player? ^^

    Yes, that is what dc penalties exist for… You see they are kind of a trade off… In the same way a parking ticket is, if you are rich enough… Just that in this case time is money. If you want to park somewhere and you are fine with the ticket, then you just park there and pay the fine for parking where you are not allowed. And when you dc, you somewhat pay with the time you are not able to play the game, seems all fair to me? Those other players can just go next, and you are excluded from matchmaking for a set amount of time. I don't see any issue with that however… Those players can find a new match after ending the current one and maybe find a match where all players want to play… But if it consistantly happens that for some reason people dc 300% as much against trash can merchant than against every other killer in the game, then maybe it is not the issue that players "just dc sometimes because they don't like something" but that the killer itself is the issue, because nobody enjoys it. This argument goes two ways, while you cannot ensure that you get a killer that you enjoy all the time, ideally a killer should not be that unenjoyable, that people regularly dc against it, because they hat it that much.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 715

    Well….From this post-game screen, many things might be increasing the chances of DC/going next on 1st hook.

    1: Playing Skull Merchant. This is not event-related, Skull Merchant will be "dodged" more often than any other Killer even in normal queue, it is (in small part) the reason why she has such a high killrate.

    2: Judging by the offerings brought, the Survivors (and most players during those kinds of BP-intense event) were rather expecting a lobby-full BP bonus. Not only was the Killer the most hated, but they are also the only one that brought a solo offering.

    3: Judging by the BP gained, Survivors didn't have the time to do much before getting killed, I wouldn't be surprised if Renato & Dwight got found within the first few seconds. Even in normal queue, a Survivor getting hooked too quickly massively increases the chance of DC/going next on 1st hook in order to avoid a very-likely tunnel (as getting tunneled at 5-4 gens is more expected than feared at that point) and get to play the game again faster.

    4: Except for Nick who brought a gen-speed build, the others brought builds that were mostly centered around survival (anti-slug, a bit of anti-camp, anti-tunnel, stealth, minor chase, half of Ash's build is worthless if he doesn't get slugged) and likely saw that they were going against one of the (since Pop got neutered) strongest slowdown build (which usually says that the Killer is there to win rather than play). In fact I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were in a team.

    5: When the first guy gave up, it likely utterly demoralized the others and they followed suit. Quite frankly, losing a teammate at 4-5 gens is basically ending the game since too much gen-pressure is lost and, especially against a Killer which is basically guaranteed to eventually win the chase unless it's a day 1 player with a malfunctioning M2 button going against a comp Survivor, no amount of chase will give enough time to come back. The only "hope" is hoping the Killer kills the other 3 and doesn't slug for the 4k (which is basically a pipe dream) in order to have a chance at Hatch. When one guy gives up early, the others are almost bound to follow since they don't see the point in playing out a (likely drawn-out) game that is already lost and won't even yield much BP.

    6: While that's not event-exclusive, the rate of giving up on 1st hook if found/hooked too early is at an all-time high (partly due to the great rise in tunnelling, which is partly due to every other sources of slowdown being slowly withered away) and honestly shouldn't be surprising anyone on either side. There is not enough incentive to not tunnel (in fact weakening every other sources of slowdown indirectly encourages tunneling to compensate) and not enough incentive to see a doomed/thrown game to the end.

    It's really a shame that it's a rather common situation, even outside of the event, and that certain Killers are tough to get a full game with (although this proves that the option to avoid certain Killers should never be added and that there should be incentives, probably through additional BP, to not tunnel and to play a full game). It's not a good state for the game to be in and, while understandable to some extent, it's something to look at.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    You're responding to me, not the OP, so what I'm saying is just as important as what OP is saying. I'm saying that it isn't just happening against Merchant.

    I don't want to force anyone into participating in any gameplay. If they want to quit, either for silly reasons like the killer they're facing or legitimate ones like needing to step away to take care of IRL responsibilities, that's fine. They just need to face the DC penalty for it, because that's what the DC penalty exists for, and they also need to give their teammates the DC Bot to make sure their game isn't ruined by it.

    There are currently no killers (or even really situations) in the game where giving up is universally acceptable just on the basis of what's happening in the match, so there's absolutely no argument for people being able to leave matches without incurring a penalty. Obviously they should give up their bloodpoints and incur the matchmaking lock, because they are just leaving a viable game partway through.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited June 16

    Sure. Ppl give up for a variety of reasons when it's not SM. But we definitely don't have to figure out why a survivor dc or give up immediately when a SM is present. And u know what, good for them. Cause even I chosen to not participate in any matches with a SM during this anniversary if I get one. But hey, at least you get easy bloodpoints. Both sides win in a way.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited June 16

    I get people dislike skull merchant but people really are petty about it.

    I despise Spirit with a burning passion but I never gave up against her even when she was at her peak because there's 4 other people in the game. Skull merchant isn't even strong, just annoying.

    Unfortunately there's many entitled survivors and either killers play the characters they approve in the way they approve or they'll refuse to participate in the match.

    As for all the people saying "you brought a pudding" that's also immature imo. Sometimes players don't have an event offering available to use for one reason or another. There's 4 and yall are really mad because "no 5th?" so you just throw all 4 away. The killer/survivor could be on their first event game, switching characters , or using a character they don't want to spend BP on at that time.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Oh puhlease. We just had grade reset day of anniversary starting. And this person already has more than enough based on their current bloodpoints to get a couple of cakes very quickly. In fact, killers can only get cakes on their bloodwebs in every level. That's the only offering they get. So if a survivor leaves if they see a pudding, I don't blame them if they leave the match b4 it starts tbh

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I gotta say, I can kinda see why people dodge based on the killer being played, but the idea of dodging because there were only four BP offerings instead of five seems extremely petty to me.

    You're still getting a ton of BP off a game with four event offerings, and you're getting way less if you give up immediately. None if you outright DC.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 757

    seems like the killer who goes full tryhard mode instead of enjoying the event... only missing the mori offering

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited June 16

    "switching characters, or using a character they don't want to spend BP on at that time."

    Having BP from reset doesn't solve those issues. I might be playing a character I want to play but I have others I'm spending BP on to get their perks, to get them to a state where I have the stuff I want to play them, or I might just be switching to a new character and didn't get the offering.

    Also I mentioned both sides. It's not just killers, I've seen survivors throw up an envelope instead of a cobbler plenty.