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The Great Otzdarva Distortion Debate!



  • Member Posts: 1,815

    He means, your chases won't become better if you gonna avoid them.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited June 2024

    I think people often mix up the cause and effect when it comes to Distortion and its problems. It's usually the playstyle of the player running Distortion that is the problem. You're rarely going to get a team win with an overly stealthy player anyway. The player who crouches in a bush for half the match isn't doing that because they're running Distortion. They're running Distortion because that's how they play DbD. That player is generally not going to carry in a chase or position well regardless.

    Obviously there are exceptions to everything. Not everyone who runs Distortion plays like that. Just speaking from experience. We had players who were detrimentally stealthy before this Distortion buff and debate.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm honestly tired of hearing killers go on meltdown mode because their 1 aura got countered. I don't need to listen to nonsense about how it's in my best interest to have this perk nerfed for my own benefit as a Survivor lol

    Like, OK maybe sometimes I end up with 0 hooks and 3 of my mates have 2. Guess what, same thing happens If you take Scene Partner and Resilience killers just give up on the chase it's the same effect in the end.

  • Member Posts: 254

    I agree with you, but I disagree that nobody has ever brought up why killers run multiple slow downs when talking about nerfing regression.

    They have, it is why BHVR increased gen times, slowdown gets nerfed and buffed constantly, the point just gets dropped pretty quickly because it isn't super impactful to the gen speeds discussion. No matter what, regression and gen slowdown will always be the meta for killer as long as regression and slowdown perks exist. Gens could take 300 seconds each and you would still have people stacking quad slowdown. Gen times are important to the flow of the game in a way that Distortion isn't so they are more likely to get axed under the unfun clause than it is.

    Plus like, if you aren't running an entire aura build the perk does nothing.

    I wish that BHVR would remove everything related to increasing or decreasing gen speeds just to see what would happen, I think if gens took a baseline amount to complete and it couldn't be changed the game would be able to hone in on the more fun aspects of the gameplay loop.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    Whatever they do, they should most DEFINITELY NOT tie it's tokens to whether or not other players are running it. That is the worst competitive idea I have ever heard, right there next to the idea that only one instance of a perk should be allowed in a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 215

    Honestly you're right about how people keep saying they need multiple slowdowns. I suppose I'm just very dismissive of the idea that people need to run multiple slowdowns, personally though I just think if pop and pain res were brought down to the level of surge and eruption stacking 4 eruption esc perks would no longer be the meta but it's never going to happen unfortunately.

    I do think that suggesting that distortion does nothing if the killers not using full aura.

    It just is powerful. The times you won't get pushed off a vital gen and the time you can hide forever when 2 hooked makes it powerful and honestly I think shadow step would be a viable mid-tier perk if distortion didn't exist doing everything a mid tier perk could hope to do and more.

  • Member Posts: 254

    For sure yeah, honestly, I doubt they will leave it as is for much longer. This has been a nice discussion, thank you for being chill

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I went against Distortion in every single match today.

    I even had a team will four Distortions.

    From now on, when I find a survivor with Distortion, I ensure he dies fast.

  • Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2024

    You could do that to any survivor in any game, regardless if they are running a perk you don't like or not, it's your choice

    Just don't blame survivor for being too OP when you lose a game

  • Member Posts: 522

    If anything, Distortion needs more charges to deal with the current permanent map hack of Weave Attunement. And before you say "just have your team move dropped items to the corner of the map", that would necessitate solo queue players actually knowing how that perk works, which is impossible, so I end up having to be an Amazon delivery driver for about 2 minutes every match that Weave Attunement is in so we don't get slaughtered.

  • Member Posts: 808

    wow yall are still goin geuss i gotta add otz more to poke the hive lol

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Blame? Who's blaming? I'm not blaming anybody. Do you blame your opponents for their play style? That would be weird.

    And I didn't lose a single match tonight. I always have Lethal Pursuer so I knew right from start of the trial. It didn't took me more than a couple of seconds to decide what to do : chill off.

    These Distortion survivors were playing pretty immersive. So instead of hooking the team round-robin style, like I always do, I've killed anyone I could see immediately. It was weird to have the first kill at 4 gens but, hey, I'm not in this game for hide-and-seek.

    I suspect this sudden surge of Distortion happened because of that Otzdarva video. It used to be pretty rare so far.

    My point was : survivors can use anything they want : Distortion, four of the biggest toolboxes, an awful map …

    There is always a proper counter.

  • Member Posts: 299

    I think making Distortion more of a team stealth perk is an awesome idea.

    The only glaring problem with stealth is that it makes other survivors get tunneled out early, so making the perk somehow affect everyone mitigates that. It would just be tricky to balance so that it's still good and meaningful without being too overbearing for the killer

  • Member Posts: 187

    I think they should increase the amount of tokens maybe to 5 in exchange for it to only be rechargeable in chase cause it's pretty obvious that this perk isn't healthy.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Its not really a problem because nobody is forcing you to bring aura perks the killer player is choosing to do that and some people will bring distortion in response and there's nothing wrong with that, it's not broken or unhealthy some people just need to take the training wheels off and gain some actual game sense instead of relying on the same build every match, in case nobody knew there are a whole lot of good perks that don't rely on aura people could be running but they're simply choosing not to so I don't feel a bit bad for them

  • Member Posts: 187

    If it's not a problem, why do so many people say it is and have visual proof of it being a problem from the perspective that the game is a 4v1.

    I don't think it's broken but it 100% is unhealthy. It literally makes a decent amount of players choose to hide all game, which, encourages people to give up and hook because they can see a teammate doing nothing, it encourages the killer to camp and (somewhat) tunnel because they can't find other survivors, and for the killer side, you literally are only walking around and checking lockers if the survivor hide.

    What exactly do you consider training wheels? You suggest aura reading as one but what else because under the context that certain perks are training wheels cause they help the killer in a certain way, that could be said for a lot of perks, aura reading or not.

    Game sense, from my experience, doesn't really help in these cases because it doesn't make sense to hide all game and game sense usually requires something to go off on. If they don't touch gens you can really say they are there or not. If they also have calm spirit, then you can't rely on crows (even though crows aren't really the most reliable thing to begin with), and there are a lot of lockers in some maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    That's actually a great suggestion but being honest I've wanted this perk nerfed for a while since it got reworked. At first I thought it was fun but I realized it's way too easy to get tokens now and basically most people using it are just unwilling to take any attention from killer in any way and because of that adds to the tunneling other survivors get. It's not the sole reason survivors get tunneled but it adds to it.

    Either making it a team oriented perk or as you suggested requiring chase time to get tokens back would actually be a great change. Just sitting in TR is stupid and in some cases your suggestion would be a buff against stealth killers but a nerf to immersed players.

    The only time I really felt like it was relevant before the current patch is when Nowhere To Hide was relatively new. Past that I'm just going to say it most people complaining are oblivious regardless and don't punish the killer for running too many information perks. Not going to talk about Nurse / Blight though those are honestly special cases where any perk is overtuned for them.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    People who are gonna hide are gonna do it anyway that comes down to a skill issue in chase for them to not wanna be seen so they have a better survival chance so I would say distortion is also training wheels for survivors who don't feel confident in chase or are flat out just tired of always being found first, as for the killer the aura perks are training wheels because threads like this just outright prove people rely too much on specific perks instead of game sense, I always say if people want to find out how good they are join the ladder discord where you're only limited to 2 perks in a limited selection to begin with, it will show people whether they have game sense or they rely on builds too much

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