Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Bleed out surrender option

slugging has been an issue in this game for awhile and all too common. Even the devs know it’s an issue.

So my proposal is. Once a survivor reaches the halfway point of the bleed out timer, they should be given the option to give up or at least bleed out faster. It is NOT fun for anyone having a player lay on the ground for 4 minutes. If killers can open exit gates as a surrender survivors need a way out, at least this will help someone get hatch.

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  • Member Posts: 1,480

    At that point just sacrifice everyone at once and call it the end, obviously only when everyone is downed

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Someone a long time ago made the proposal to have the option to have a base-kit tenacity but at the cost of depleting your timer 2x

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    It's really not common, sorry to say. I've been bled out fully maybe a dozen times since I started playing at the release of blight.

  • Member Posts: 404

    that wouldn’t be the same as this. As this would allow the bleeding survivors to get out of a match early and let the others get the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 404

    It’s not so much fully bleeding out fully. But being slugged. Slugging for the 4k is extremely common. Hell I’ve been slugged almost every match this week

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    Then it shouldn't exist, there is no reason survivors should be granted a hatch

    There is nothing wrong in slugging for 4k, in fact, as long as there is things that require 4k killer must have something to get 4k, relying on pure RNG is stupid

    Post edited by Neaxolotl on
  • Member Posts: 2,257

    This doesn't fix the problem OP is seeking to fix, because the most common case is the Killer needlessly bleeding out for the 4k when they have 0 idea where the 4th is hiding.

    They aren't given Hatch, they still need to find it, just like normal. Slugging for the 4k (when you know where the 4th is) is fine, annoying, but fine. Bleeding out for the 4k is just being a jerk for no reason except to go on an ego trip. They've already won, and they are needlessly rubbing salt in the wound. This is against the spirit of the rules, even if it isn't against the letter. This 100% is Unsportsmanlike Conduct, even if slugging in and of itself isn't bannable.

  • Member Posts: 404

    they aren’t granted hatch though. They’ll need to find it, just like the killer would need to find it. It’s not a free win for a survivor. It just allows a survivor to choose their fate rather than laying on the ground for four minutes because the killer feels like the 4k is absolutely necessary. If you a survivor is slugged to reach the halfway point I’m proposing, that’s two minutes of doing nothing. The 4k is not that serious, improving the QOL and enjoyment of BOTH sides is.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    4k is serious because literally every aspect of this game ask for 4k to qualify, fix that first

    There is nothing fair about hatches when killer managed to almost win a game but robbed it away by pure RNG, there is no QOL or enjoyment for killer in this change

    Also, if you can wait 2 minutes there is no reason you can't wait for another 2 minutes

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    I think they should make this a cool little ability. When you are downed, you can press a button to bleed out faster and you crawl faster.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    The waiting math is hilariously wrong. It isn't 4 minutes, it is 4 minutes per player waiting, so that is 8-16 minutes, dependent on if people are waiting to check out builds.

    But lets look at the extreme claim. Literally every aspect needs 4ks huh? Lets take a look at the latest Killer capable Chapter Tome challenges.

    19-1 0/11

    20 Crows, 40k BP, 6 Weapon hits, Carry 50m, Destroy 5 Pallets, Get 3 hooks, Get 2 downs, Damage 2 gens as Artist, Swarm distant Survs 6 times, Red Glyph, Core Memory. 0 4ks

    Huh none that's weird… maybe the next?

    19-2 0/13

    3 Hooks, 4 Downs, 2 Silver Chaser Emblems, Mori 1 Surv, Chase for 60s, Hook 3 Different Survs, Hit Survs after Aura reveal 3 times, Hit Survs while Undetectable 3 times, Break 6 times (gen/pallet), Mori 2 Survs, Damage with Birds mid chase 2 times, Purple Glyph, Core Memory. 0 4ks.

    Nope, zip nada nothing. I mean this is only level 2, surely level 3?

    19-3 0/9

    Damage 10 gens, 100k BP, Chase 8 Survs, Kill OBS, Break 15 times (gen/pallet/wall), Down 2 Survs in 60s twice, Zap >48m away Survs 4 times, Down people as Artist after crow injury 2 times, Orange Glyph (6 hooks). 0 4ks.

    Huh, no 4k challenge… weird, I thought it was 'literally every aspect', but instead it has been literally no aspect thus far.

    19-4 2.5/9

    6 Kills (2 3s+Hatch, but I'll give you this one and pretend you 'need' one 4k), Hook Different Survs on Scourge Hooks 4 times, Hit Exposed Survs 4 times, Iri Gatekeeper (Hatch escape still gives the +10 points biggest boost), Close Hatch (We'll pretend you 'need' to kill the Surv because you want to not let someone through), Get 2 Iri Emblems (Gatekeeper is a gimme, Sac/Mal are essentially 4ks, and Chaser is a gimme, I can give at most half a point since Chaser and Gatekeeper are freebies, but you might want to ensure it takes 1 match), Hit Survs near a pallet after zapping, 2 Red Glyphs, 5 Green Glyphs. 2.5 4ks.

    There we go! 2 (and a half) matches where you (might) need a 4k! Wait, out of ~40… huh. 2.5/42, or ~6%.

    I must be missing something, lets check dailies! Hmm Mori 1, use Killer power, Chase, and a 2k. Nope, not a single daily requires a 4k.

    To be fair we know adepts need a 4k, but we also know you have to run the 3 Killer unique perks, so every match that doesn't have 3 perks isn't an adept attempt.

    So to end, we have nearly 1/20 matches 'needing' a 4k. That is far far far far far far far far from the 100% 'literally every aspect' as claimed before, so that has been concluded beyond all reason to be a bold face lie. Maybe if you said something like 'it feels like half the stuff needs a 4k', weighing much too heavily on 'feels', but you said 'literally every aspect'. To be charitable, the only way it wouldn't be a bold faced lie is if a player was hypothetically so bad at the game it takes them 1000 tries before they get each 4k challenge. Then it would change the numbers to ~2500/2540, which would actually feel like literally every match. So all I ask of you is to either admit you were lying in bad faith, or admit it takes you ~1000 matches to get a single 4k. Either way that makes your post make sense.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Hatch is fine, its just RNG as you mention, im sorry that your ego gets destroyed for doing a 3k instead of a 4k, buts rng also gives killers 2 doors right next to each other sometimes, and that also sucks for a survivor when the hatch is already closed. So… On every scenario killer has the advantage, I promise you buddy you are no better nor worse for doing 3k instead of a 4k.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Ego huh, It's not the ego, but literally emblems, tomes, achievements, bloodpoints, literally every single aspect of game is asking for 4k

    I don't give single ######### if there was functionally no difference in 3k and 4k, but there is, and it is absolutely big one, if you don't know anything about game system please go play the killer for once

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    You must not play survivor very much. I've been bled out 3-4 times in a single session without doing anything to provoke it. I won't claim it happens every time I play but it has happened to me multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    It's more like how you play. Let's say there are things to get you bleed out more often.

    I am the killer main and I rarely get blood out whenever I play survivor, because I refuse to do things I would personally bleed out someone else for. I may be petty, but not a hypocrite.

  • Member Posts: 404

    please list the parts of the game that require a 4k. A guy already did the math and mention the two challenges that could require it. So what is the “every aspect” you are talking about?

    I have every achievement and 3k hours in the game. I primarily play killer. And your claim is absolutely outlandish. I cannot remember the last time, outside of an adept achievement, that a 4k was required. Even then…I don’t slug for the 4k.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited July 2024

    I like that idea, I severely doubt I was the first to suggest it, but I had a variant of that I suggested a while back here:

    Sadly that idea was largely ignored 🙁

    I probably tweak some numbers/things about it now, but the core idea still seems promising to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited July 2024

    That doesn't sound right, I can think of like 5 challenges off the top of my head that require 4k:

    • Sacrifice 4 survivors in basement in a single trial.
    • Get 4 kills in a single trial using killers Perks. (Without looking it up I seem to recall Wraith, Spirit, and Doctor so far).
    • Sacrifice all 4 survivors in a single trial 1 time.
    • Iridescent Devout 3 times, which while not explicitly a 4k, it basically needs a 12 hook 4k to ensure you get it. (I've legit got 10 hooks and an escape through hatch and still not got it, which made no sense but here we are).

    Alot of these have multiple entries too... Not to mention all the ones likes "sacrifice survivors 20 times" or "kill the obsession 12 times" and alike, which while you can do them over multiple games, if you want them done efficiently, you need appropriate builds and at least a few 4ks... otherwise its even more of slog...

    There are way more than 2 challenges that require 4ks in DBD... then there are a number of achievements for it as well…

    Then the simple matter of the 4k bloodpoint score which is something like 2.5k points as wellI think (again without looking it up).

    But yeah there are a lot of things that push the killer for a 4k man.

  • Member Posts: 189

    As a killer, I will agree to this only when each and every survivor agrees to exit the gate when the game is done instead of wasting time standing there to give you the final flashlight click or to bag you.

    This might not be you so please ignore if not like you OP, but if you are a survivor who complains about bleeding out, but wastes time at the gate just to get one more dig in on the killer, you are a hypocrite.

  • Member Posts: 404

    that is hella annoying when I play killer. Like just leave lmao. But the difference is, the killer can open the gate if the survivors refuse to peave. If they’re sitting at the gate the killer can force them out. There are things the killer can do to make that less annoying. A survivor is left to the mercy of the bleed out timer and killer. Like all they can do is hope the killer hooks them, the remaining survivor attempts to get them, or they die. It’s a miserable experience

  • Member Posts: 404

    We were referring to the most recent tomes and challenges. Yeah the game as a whole has a bunch of challenges that require a 4k. But the ratio of 4k challenges to not 4k is significant. To the point where it makes no sense that a survivor should be slugged almost every match, so the killer can get that 4k. Even when accounting for the adept achievements. Virtually everytime I or someone else has been slugged, they do not have the adept required perks equipped.

    And the 4k bp bonus is a joke. 2.5k? That’s like getting excited over a dollar. The time spent having a survivor slugged and running around looking for the final one, could be spent in other matches. You will absolutely get more BP per hour, by just finishing a match and moving on, rather than spending ages looking for a guy for the bp equivalent of a singular yellow add on.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    To be perfectly honest: I do not believe you. You're suffering negativity bias and conflating several matches. I play whatever the incentive is, so about 40% survivor then switching to killer when queue times start going up.

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