Don't remove Prestiges from pre-game lobby.

Please don't do it, I know theres complains about this on twitter that P100 being targeted or killers dodge lobby when they see 4 P100's but I personally never had a problem with it and sometimes I want to get tunneled (chased). Just make it an option and it's a Win Win for everyone, please don't force it on everyone, some people want so show off their P100 characters and giving players an option is always a Win for everyone.
UPD: Or at least make it so killer don't see survivors prestige but survivors in lobby can.
It should be an option.
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Making it an option would not fix the issue of lobby dodging - which has a negative effect on matchmaking and match quality, so making it optional would not likely be something we'd implement.
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It’s still visible in after game lobby, no?
So showing off isn’t really taken away.
And if you wanna get the killer to chase you, there is plenty of other options (in-game with taunting, cosmetics, name,…) - these options are also more reliable(-ish) than prestige in pre-lobby
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I appreciate the answer but I've never seen someone complaining about lobby dodging due to prestige, if survivors with P100 have a problem that killers dodging them they can just hide it which comes down to option but sometimes survivors dodge lobbys with low prestige survivors (incuding me) and it comes down to poor quality of matchmaking itself, so if you want to increase match quality of matches better imporve MMR system itself which is working very bad right now (even old rank system with emblems was better) but it's other disscussion.
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It is visible after game but still seeing prestiges in pre-game is better. And IMO prestiges not the main problem of Matchmaking quality right now but MMR itself.
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i dont want it removed either, as a survivor i couldnt care less about other players seeing my prestige because i have nothing to fear of, and as killer i would rather see the surv prestige so i can play accordingly.
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P100 doesn't even mean anything nowadays cuz even new (500h-1000h) players can have up to 2 P100 characters so whatever.
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Why do you care if it's removed if you don't think it means anything?
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I mean skillwise it don't but it's just cool to show off your P100 characters and high prestige in your team feels a little better then P1-3 anyway.
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Optional prestige is bad, killers would know you're hiding it for a reason. Keep it hidden for everyone
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If it was an option, lobby shoppers would just automatically assume that those who have it hidden are p100s, meaning nothing would change at all
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No they woudn't, not everyone wants to hide their p100, otherwise people want to show it off and who doesn't can just swap to other character. The only players who benefit from this a new low prestige players which gonna make matches worse.
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But that's why it was changed. As annoying as it is to have a baby player on your team, people seeing a P0 Meg and going 'oh hell no' was half the problem - and the killer seeing a P100 Meg and doing the same was the other half. Matchmaking gets borked when people leave the initial lobby it puts together, because to prevent longer wait times, it eschews MMR and just grabs whoever it can find to fill in the vacant spot.
I dodged baby teammates because the info was right there and solo queue is hard enough, but I've always held it was super bad for the game and it's for the best that we're removing avenues to lobby shop. That hypothetical baby Meg shouldn't have to wait 5 minutes to load into a match because all her prospective teammates saw she was brand new and walked out, and by the end of it, her lobby is a Frankensteined mess of players entering and leaving because "ew, a noob" or just frustration that this lobby is taking too long, so when the match finally starts, Baby Meg has a mismatched mishmash of teammates up against a sweatlord curveBilly who also shouldn't have been paired with a brand new player. And at that point, after getting her teeth kicked in, Baby Meg is probably thinking this game sucks. I'm not saying that's all that's wrong with the new player experience, it's a lot more than that, but it definitely isn't helping.
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What you're saying it's just how it works to begin with, it will give you "Baby Meg" right from the start and not because someone is lobby dodging. But with this change it will be harder to notice so you will play with baby meg against "sweatlord curveBilly" anyway and that's the long term problem with MMR itself. But now they literally forcing u to play with anon mod 100hrs baby Meg so you won't even be ably to check, another great change by BHVR…
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I didn't consider this, it's good point; what about merging that with the anonymous mode? That could help blur the reason why it's hidden?
I do prefer it wasn't hidden for me, I feel less good about my prestige not being displayed in the pre-lobby, but I appreciate it being an issue.
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The other part of it is, people don't want to be forced to play other Survivors to hide their Prestige. They should be able to play their favorite Survivor without worrying about being lobby dodged or targeted.
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Killers don't get to show their prestige off until endgame and no one seems to have an issue with that. It'll be no different for survivors. If the devs have determined that matchmaking can improve by hiding prestige in pre-game then I'm not sure why they wouldn't implement this. Or why people would complain about it tbh. We all know matchmaking is an issue and we potentially have a means of improving it now.
Game quality is, imo, more important than bragging rights.
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Then again just make it optional so people who have a problem with it can hide their prestige.
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The main problem with matchmaking and quality of matches is MMR system which works terribly not prestiges, prestiges is like 5% of the problem if any.
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But lobby dodging is what makes the matchmaking even worse than it already is, so any step to reduce it, even by a small margin, is a good one.
Then again just make it optional so people who have a problem with it can hide their prestige.
As stated above, if it was optional, people would assume that a hidden Prestige level is a P100 and then act accordingly, which would defeat the purpose of hiding Prestiges.
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"assume" this is just stupid to think like that, they can assume whatever they want doesn't actually mean that player who hide prestige is P100. Like I said lots of people don't want to hide their P100, that's just show dedecation to the character and nowadays like literally everyone has P100, even new players.
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yes this is very true, lobby dodging does throw out matchmaking A LOT.
And when we did the AB testing there was less lobby dodging as a result, hence there is a correlation between the two things.
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You're putting a desire to show off how you spend your Bloodpoints over the health of the game and the quality of matches.
We know prestige doesn't show skill. However, because prestige is shown in the lobby, many players give it importance simply because it's there and they can see it. They assume the P100 is a cheater or a god or a bully. They assume the P0 is a baby or a smurf. It doesn't matter that they're wrong when it still causes them to dodge lobbies. There is a lot of lobby dodging, and lobby dodging ruins the matchmaking.
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It was the goal of the devs in the first place to show dedication to the character with high prestiges update. Nobody cares when it's shown in the endgame screen. And yeah like I said before I don't think prestiges affect "health of the game and quality of matches" much but awful matchmaking system itself, fix matchmaking and you woudn't need to remove prestiges from pre-game lobby, but devs doing band aid fixes as always and it's completely unnecessary. Players who lobby dodged before still gonna do it when seeing player with default skin or low amount of hrs, it's not gonna do anything, people still gonna dodge. And people thinking that "P100 is a cheater or a god or a bully" it's their own problem, I swear people trying to make a problem literally out of everything in DBD, complains about prestiges / distortion etc is perfect example.
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From my experience when I not dodging lobbys I still get a new players in my lobby (sometimes even players with 10-100hrs) so it doesn't really matter, it otherwise when you dodge you have a chance sometime to meet decent players in lobby so please fix matchmaking, it's awfully random for quite sometime now and terrible expirience for solo players.
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people thinking that "P100 is a cheater or a god or a bully" it's their own problem
Yes, but they make their problem everyone's problem when they dodge. It's the people who they dodge who get hurt, and the people who come into the lobby after.
It was the goal of the devs in the first place to show dedication to the character with high prestiges update
I don't know about other players, but I have personally never cared about another player's dedication to a character. My own method of spending Bloodpoints is to put the least amount of Bloodpoints into the characters I like most to avoid high prestiges on them. The characters I dislike are the ones with high prestiges. So, I don't know if another person's high prestige means they love that character or hate it, it's meaningless from my point of view.
when I not dodging lobbys I still get a new players in my lobby
1.Matchmaking isn't perfect. 2. New players are put somewhere in the middle in terms of MMR, and then they move up/down accordingly. 3. When you dodge a lobby, you're not hurting your own matchmaking, you're hurting the matchmaking of the people you leave behind in the lobby and the people who fill your spot after you've left.
Edit: I should also point out, when you go into a lobby, you might be replacing someone else who dodged. That means you don't match the MMR of the other people in the lobby, both survivors and killer. That's why so many lobbies have such bad matchmaking, because at some point someone dodged and the people who come in after—which could be you and you wouldn't know it—don't belong.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on3 -
have they said anything about if it hides it from your teammates too in lobby? it’s exciting to me to see my friends progress and i love showing off my prestige to them too so we can cheer each other on so it would be a bummer for that to be taken away :(
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While logically it is wrong to assume anything of P100's, it doesn't change the fact that people do it, and they dodge accordingly. Therefore, hiding prestiges gives people one less reason to dodge.
Mandy herself confirmed that during the testing period (where a fraction of the playerbase had the prestiges hidden in the pre-game lobby), there was less lobby dodging as a result. Are you really going to argue against someone who knows what's going on behind the scenes?3 -
If it is optional, it needs to be opt-in for showing it and not opt-out at the very least. That way killers would not suspect every person with prestige hidden as the majority would keep it as is.
I agree with BHVR though. Just keep it hidden until the endgame. Or add a p100 cosmetic recolour reward to show off with to make up for it; many have been asking for a p100 reward anyways.
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I was thinking making it like public names. Have the option to hide yours and have everyone else's hidden if you don't want to see them or be effected by them. Or I like the 'hide it from the killers' at least so the survivors can still see them, the killer has to figure out what level they are themselves, as us survivors just have to naturally figure out who the killer is.
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Most people don't care anyway. Like cool, you have a p100 character, good for you. Seriously, most people don't really care for your character's prestige, so them only not caring in the post game lobby is honestly all the same for you.
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Killers dodge when they see 4 same items flaslight/toolboxes. Also they dodge if they see sweaty cosmetics. Many killers check survivors profiles before match and dodge if they have lot of hours.
Survivors also dodge if they see someone without cosmetic and some specific survivors are not often great so they get dodged. Even simple reason killer being ready makes people dodge. Only way to truly solve dodging is to hide everything in pregame lobby.
I suggest you give P100 players shirt with P100 logo that gives people opportunity show it during match. The grind is so big to P100 that small reward is justified. Now that opportunity show it before match is taken away. That allows those P100 stay hidden who don't want to show it.
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They did mention in the questionaire they inted to finally make prestige 100 rewards so there might be something like that in the future
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People say "It don't mean anything".
Of course it does!
It means that the player have sufficient xp in the game to avoid basics mistakes.
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Wouldn't help everyone as those on Xbox cannot even use their Anonymous Mode.
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So maybe the best solution to give their matchmaking system it's best shot to work is to eliminate the lobby entirely? Seems extreme, but would likely help.
If the devs are trying to help reduce lobby shopping & dodging, seeing how not having Prestiges shown for everyone is the next logical test. Anything to help the matchmaking out is worth trying imo.
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Even then, it does negatively impact matchmaking. The same with showing profiles tbh (which I think should be removed pre-lobby too).
The only thing I think should be somewhat preferential, is if ANY survivors are premade or not. Since any pre-made does affect whether you should leave hook or not. A premade definitely is more pressured if you leave hook, while non-premades are more pressured if you proxy the hook in your patrol.0 -
Changing the backfill logic of throwing out any mmr and just pulling a baby Meg / Trapper when someone leaves a lobby would have a far better impact on matchmaking than hiding prestige. Killers that want to lobby shop will just use other perceived proxies for "skill" like cosmetics, items, full lobby of the same character or all playing on the same platform. You're not solving the problem.
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Wow, finally someone who understands…
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That backfill logic is due to the community itself. Each and every time we're asked if we prefer quality matches or faster queues, the resounding answer is always for queue times. The division of the playerbase due to the uniqueness of 2v8 and l also the regular mode confirms this, with the supreme outcry for killer wait times.
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Then if killers will still be free to lobby shop as much as they want, and BHVR won't make any effort to fix backfill logic, what is the point of this change?
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Your logic is that something purely cosmetic and unimportant shouldn't be shown only on the post-game screen because it doesn't completely and totally solve an issue that hurts gameplay.
Removing prestige from the lobby doesn't hurt the prestige-haver when it's still shown on the post-game screen. There's nothing important about showing off prestige, anyway. And it helps lessen a problem that hurts matches and hurts gameplay. Think how awful everything in the world would be if we only implemented solutions that completely solve a problem. Taking steps to lessen a problem is a good thing. When BHVR tested hiding prestige, there was less lobby dodging.
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I think they're slowly and cautiously looking into the lobby dodging effect, and are being super careful not to toss a lot of lobby changes all in at once. So I imagine tweaking how backfilling works is being looked at too, but not ready yet at all.
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All i can say is i want to hide my 100 prestige till the score screen. Im sick of feeling like im pressured into playing better than everyone else in the lobby or targeted just because of the number. Even if i bring nothing but an empty brown medkit they will bring franklins thinking its purple. P100ing my killer felt 10x more rewarding and stress free because they cant judge u by ur number till the score screen. Lots of people dont care and dont feel that pressure but lots of others do and itl be a relief to jist casually play my favorite survivor any time now.